Pollinators and Pesticides - Environmental Audit Committee Contents

List of printed written evidence

1  Prof Dave Goulson, University of Stirling  Ev 115

2  Soil Association  Ev 115

3  Dr Christopher Connolly, University of Dundee  Ev 121

4  Bayer CropScience Ltd  Ev 123, Ev 236

5  Pesticide Action Network UK  Ev 125

6  Dr Nigel Raine  Ev 133

7  National Farmers Union  Ev 135

8  Buglife  Ev 139

9  Dr James Cresswell, University of Exeter  Ev 149, Ev 241

10  Syngenta  Ev 153

11  Dr Lynn Dicks, University of Cambridge  Ev 159

12  Royal Society for the Protection of Birds  Ev 163

13  Georgina Downs, UK Pesticides Campaign  Ev 166, Ev 241

14  Professor Graham Stone, University of Edinburgh  Ev 192

15  Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs  Ev 194

16  Advisory Committee on Pesticides  Ev 216

17  Professor Simon Potts  Ev 233

18  Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (supplementary)  Ev 237, Ev 250, Ev 251

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Prepared 5 April 2013