Documents considered by the Committee on 7 November - European Scrutiny Committee Contents


Numbering of documents

Three separate numbering systems are used in this Report for European Union documents:

Numbers in brackets are the Committee's own reference numbers.

Numbers in the form "5467/05" are Council of Ministers reference numbers. This system is also used by UK Government Departments, by the House of Commons Vote Office and for proceedings in the House.

Numbers preceded by the letters COM or SEC or JOIN are Commission reference numbers.

Where only a Committee number is given, this usually indicates that no official text is available and the Government has submitted an "unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum" discussing what is likely to be included in the document or covering an unofficial text.

Abbreviations used in the headnotes and footnotes

EC  (in "Legal base") Treaty establishing the European Community

EM  Explanatory Memorandum (submitted by the Government to the Committee)*

EP  European Parliament

EU  (in "Legal base") Treaty on European Union

GAERC  General Affairs and External Relations Council

JHA  Justice and Home Affairs

OJ  Official Journal of the European Communities

QMV  Qualified majority voting

RIA  Regulatory Impact Assessment

SEM  Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum

TEU  Treaty on European Union

TFEU  Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union


Where figures in euros have been converted to pounds sterling, this is normally at the market rate for the last working day of the previous month.

Further information

Documents recommended by the Committee for debate, together with the times of forthcoming debates (where known), are listed in the European Union Documents list, which is published in the House of Commons Vote Bundle each Monday, and is also available on the parliamentary website. Documents awaiting consideration by the Committee are listed in "Remaining Business": The website also contains the Committee's Reports.

*Explanatory Memoranda (EMs) can be downloaded from the Cabinet Office website:

Letters sent by Ministers to the Committee relating to European documents are available for the public to inspect; anyone wishing to do so should contact the staff of the Committee ("Contacts" below).


The staff of the Committee are Sarah Davies (Clerk), David Griffiths (Clerk Adviser), Terry Byrne (Clerk Adviser), Leigh Gibson (Clerk Adviser), Peter Harborne (Clerk Adviser), Paul Hardy (Legal Adviser) (Counsel for European Legislation), Joanne Dee (Assistant Legal Adviser) (Assistant Counsel for European Legislation), Lis Partridge (Assistant to the Clerk), Julie Evans (Senior Committee Assistant), Jane Lauder (Committee Assistant), Jim Camp (Committee Assistant), Becci Burton (Committee Assistant) and Paula Saunderson (Office Support Assistant).


All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the European Scrutiny Committee, House of Commons, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. The telephone number for general enquiries is (020) 7219 3292/5465. The Committee's email address is

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© Parliamentary copyright 2012
Prepared 16 November 2012