Terms of Reference
Documents for debate
1 DECC (34290) Risks and safety assessments
on nuclear power plants
2 HO (34264) (34265) EU co-financing for
actions in the field of asylum and immigration
3 DWP (34211) European Globalisation Adjustment
Documents not cleared
4 BIS (34097) Regulating collecting societies
5 CO/MOJ (33544) Open data - re-use of public
sector information
6 FCO (34319) (34321) (34322) (34323) (34324)
(34325) (34326) (34327) (34328) Enlargement Strategy and
Main Challenges 2012-13
7 DH (34128) Regulating clinical trials
8 HO (34258) (34257) Readmission Agreement
with Cape Verde
9 HO (34286) Extending controls on the trade
in drug precursors
10 DFT (34131) (34138) (34139) Roadworthiness
of vehicles
11 HMT (32715) Taxation
12 HMT (34086) Financial services: undertakings
for collective investments in transferable securities
13 HMT (34087) Financial services: key information
for retail investors
14 HMT (34089) Financial services: insurance
15 HMT (34237) Financial services: central
securities depositories and securities settlement
Documents cleared
16 BIS (33481) (33482) Alternative dispute
resolution for consumer disputes
17 DEFRA (34282) Publication of information
on CAP beneficiaries
18 FSA (34298) Surface contamination of bovine
19 FCO (34311) EU restrictive measures against
the Republic of Guinea
20 HO (32837) Reception conditions for asylum
21 DFT (33794) (33795) The Maritime Labour
Convention, 2006
Documents not raising questions of sufficient legal
or political importance to warrant a substantive report to the
22 List of documents
Formal minutes
Standing Order and membership