Olympics Security - Home Affairs Committee Contents


I am writing to bring to your attention the poor accommodation provided to troops during the Olympics.

During late July it was brought to my attention that members of the Royal Hampshire Regiment, also known as the Hampshire Tigers, were sleeping in an underground car park while carrying out their duties during the Olympic Games in London.

I am confident that the shambolic way the existing security agreement with G4S was undertaken will be well-scrutinised by your Committee. Nonetheless I firmly believe it is unacceptable for our troops to be brought in at the last minute, only to be given poor sleeping conditions in our own capital city during the largest sporting event the UK has ever held.

At the time, the deployment of an additional 3,500 troops was announced it was said this was the implementation of a contingency plan. If this is the case, then the obvious question is why did the contingency plan not cover accommodation for the troops?

Having attended the Olympic Games myself as a visitor, I saw the excellent work of all the security teams. I know that the Hampshire Tigers did a great job, particularly as their leave had been cancelled.

I would like to request that you question the relevant witnesses during your inquiry on this issue, so that our serviceman, their families and the public can get the answers they deserve on this appalling situation.

The Tigers have served bravely in Afghanistan and never once have I heard any complaint about the exceptionally difficult condition under which they have served. But when our troops are asked to protect the public in the centre of one of the greatest and richest cities in the world it does seem extraordinary that they could have not have been given better accommodation.

September 2012

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Prepared 25 October 2012