Government's Alcohol Strategy - Health Committee Contents

4  Conclusion

118.  In the course of this Inquiry the Committee has been mindful of several, considerations, some of which are sometimes in conflict with each other:

a)  The great majority of citizens enjoy alcoholic products without significant evidence of harm to their health;

b)  Against that background, the business of supplying alcoholic products is an entirely legitimate business;

c)  Alcohol is, however, a product which has the capacity directly to cause serious damage to individual health, and indirectly to cause to significant social problems primarily though law-breaking and family breakdown;

d)  Proper understanding of the rights and responsibilities which underpin a free society therefore require a particular framework of responsibility around the supply and consumption of alcohol;

e)  This framework of responsibility should be the subject of constant review in the light of changing evidence and attitudes;

f)  The Committee welcomes the Government's Alcohol Strategy as a timely attempt to provide such a review and development of the framework;

g)  The Committee offers this Report as a contribution to that process.

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Prepared 19 July 2012