4 Meeting the Nicholson Challenge
to 2015 and beyond
53. The Government's view has consistently been
that the Nicholson Challenge should be addressed in three ways:
- Nationally-driven changes (reductions
in Departmental central budgets, pay restraint, reductions in
administrative costs of departmental arms-length bodies, clustering
and abolition of primary care trusts and strategic health authorities)
- to account for approximately 40% of total savings (up to £8bn)
- Provider-driven changes (greater efficiency and
productivity in NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts) - to account
for a further 40% of total savings (up to £8bn)
- Transformational changes (redesign of services
to reduce costs and improve the quality of care) - to account
for the remaining 20% of total savings (up to £4bn by 2014-15).[44]
54. The Committee has already referred at paragraphs
23 and 24 to its reservations about this approach.
While nationally driven initiatives have certainly produced some
short term cost savings and may have produced some sustainable
efficiency gains, the response to the Nicholson Challenge necessarily
involves large scale transformational change. The Committee believes
that the case for this transformational change needs to be better
made and better understood.
Our findings in 2012
55. In our previous inquiry into public expenditure,
which reported in January 2012, we noted a number of recurring
concerns, many of which shared a common theme: a disconnect between
the views of those responsible for delivering services and the
relative optimism expressed by the Government.
56. In particular we were concerned to receive
evidence which suggested that NHS organisations were according
the highest priority to achieving short-term savings which allowed
them to meet in-year financial objectives at the expense of planning
service changes which would allow them to meet the financial and
quality objectives to be required of them later in the Spending
Review period.[45] We
warned NHS bodies against making savings through 'salami-slicing'
existing processes rather than rethinking and redesigning the
way services are delivered, and we were sceptical about the degree
to which reductions in the Payment by Results tariff for NHS provider
services could properly drive service change of the scale required.[46]
Progress in meeting the Nicholson
57. 2011-12 was the first year in which NHS bodies
were required to deliver outcomes from their plans made under
the QIPP (Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention) programme,
the programme designed by the Department of Health to meet the
Nicholson Challenge by "making savings while driving up or
maintaining quality".[47]
The Department reported to us that efficiencies and savings
equivalent to £5.8bn had been made through QIPP in 2011-12.
Its breakdown of QIPP savings by QIPP category and strategic health
authority cluster is set out in Table 1.Table
1: QIPP data for 2011-12
QIPP category
| SHA Cluster |
| London
| Midlands & East
| North of England
| South of England
Acute services | 556
| 818 | 801
| 668 | 2,843
Ambulance services |
8 | 27
| 23 | 16
| 74
Community services |
112 | 122
| 88 | 141
| 463
Continuing healthcare |
23 | 50
| 43 | 43
| 159
Mental health and learning disabilities services
| 133 | 130
| 101 | 76
| 440
Non-NHS healthcare (including reablement)
| 37 | 29
| 50 | 41
| 157
Prescribing | 214
| 142 | 229
| 115 | 700
Primary care, dental, pharmacy, ophthalmic
| 59 | 126
| 117 | 115
| 417
Specialised commissioning
| 56 | 57
| 72 | 70
| 255
Other | 32
| 122 | 107
| 46 | 307
Total (£m)
Source: Department of Health (Ev 60, Table 1)
58. The Department also reported that the NHS
had maintained or improved quality and access standards in a number
of categories: for instance, infection rates were at their lowest
since the introduction of mandatory surveillance and NHS performance
measures for accident and emergency treatment, cancer care, dentistry
and waiting times had all been met.[48]
59. Sir David Nicholson, NHS Chief Executive,
characterised the reported achievements of QIPP in 2011-12, and
their valuation, as "a reasonable assessment of both the
demand savings we [the NHS] made and the real cash savings that
we made [in 2011-12]."[49]
60. Following our evidence session with the NHS
Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive on 13 November 2012
the Department provided a breakdown of the means whereby the reported
savings had been achieved. These are summarised in Table 2, together
with information subsequently supplied by the Department on estimated
savings for 2012-13 under the same headings.
Sir David qualified the Department's overall methodology
in assessing the breakdown of savings achieved. He was confident
of the accuracy of figures where the NHS had been able to assess
performance from the top down, but conceded that the NHS had not
sought to plan for and monitor QIPP savings in each NHS organisation:
"that would be the wrong thing to do in terms of the way
they save [ . . . ] but we can give you an assessment of what
we think happened locally."[50]Table
2: QIPP savings by method, 2011-12 and 2012-13
QIPP saving method | Y1, 2011-12 (actual)
| Y2, 2012-13 (projected)
| Overall Y1 and Y2
| Total value (£m)
| % of QIPP savings | Total value (£m)
| % of QIPP savings | Total value (£m)
| % of QIPP savings |
Tariff efficiency | 2,400
| 41.3 | 2,400
| 47.7 | 4,800
| 44.2 |
Demand management | 675
| 11.6 | 200
| 4.0 | 875
| 8.1 |
Administration costs |
717 | 12.3
| 163 | 3.2
| 880 | 8.1
Pay freeze | 850
| 14.6 | 850
| 16.9 | 1,700
| 15.7 |
Prescribing | 417
| 7.2 | 472
| 9.4 | 889
| 8.2 |
Primary care, dental and ophthalmic costs
| 255 | 4.4
| 194 | 3.9
| 449 | 4.1
Other savings | 501
| 8.6 | 757
| 15.0 | 1,258
| 11.6 |
| 5,815
| | 5,036
| | 10,851
| |
Source: Department of Health (Ev 71, Table 1 and
Ev 119)
61. The National Audit Office has since issued
a report on progress made by the NHS in meeting the Nicholson
Challenge.[51] Many of
its key findings cover areas which we examined in the course of
our inquiry:
- Almost all the forecast savings
for 2011-12 were achieved (£5.8bn against a forecast of £5.9bn)
- Most reported savings were generated through
contractual levers applied by the Department of Health, such as
reductions in tariff payments and freezes in pay
- It will be increasingly difficult for the NHS
to generate new efficiency savings in future years
- Only limited action has been taken to date to
achieve service transformation in a way which will enable future
62. We are also concerned to note the following
findings of the NAO report:
- There is limited assurance
that all the reported savings were actually achieved
- The Department of Health cannot be certain that
its demand management is not inappropriately restricting access
to care
63. The NHS Confederation told us that in its
2012 survey of 252 chairs and chief executives of NHS organisations,
87% "felt confident that they would meet their QIPP or cost
improvement targets in the coming year" (i.e. 2012-13).[52]
The Confederation nevertheless reported "a general feeling
in the NHS that to date the efficiency savings which have been
delivered are predominantly the 'quick wins' or 'low hanging fruit'":
in its survey, the most commonly cited actions reported to achieve
QIPP savings were:
- rationalising estates and use
of assets (34%)
- reducing management and administrative costs
(33%) and
- making changes to clinical staffing or skill
mix (13%)
64. Mike Farrar, Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation,
expanded on this in oral evidence:
[ . . .] we have made what I describe as quite a
lot of level 1 savings. Level 1 savings are those that you can
make within an individual organisation that have no impact on
others around you. Internal efficiencies, thinking about using
lean methodology to try to take out waste in the system, and land
sales would be good examples of things that have happened to try
to support individual organisations.[53]
In essence, what we have done is good but it tends
to be short term, to rely heavily on the national pay settlement
and on shortterm local actions by local organisations.[54]
65. We note that David Flory recently told the
Public Accounts Committee that by the end of Year 2 of the Nicholson
Challenge - that is, by March 2013 - £12.4 billion in savings,
representing 66% of the current savings target of £18.9 million,
would have been achieved.[55]
The estimated savings are set out in Table 2 above.
66. The Department has since supplied a breakdown
of the figures on which this estimate was based, indicating that
on a like-for-like basis the NHS expects to make £5.04bn
in efficiency savings in 2012-13, to add to the £5.82bn achieved
in 2011-12. By the end of Year 2 of the Nicholson Challenge, therefore,
the NHS expects to have made £10.85bn in efficiency savings,
or 57.4% of the target. The discrepancy between this figure and
the £12.4bn figure quoted by David Flory is accounted for
by taking account of £1.5bn of savings which the Department
tells us were delivered centrally by the Department and its arms-length
bodies in 2010-11 and 2011-12.[56]
Pay restraint
67. While the NHS Confederation estimated that
up to £2.4 billion of the £5.8 billion savings made
in 2011-12 were attributable to pay restraint in the NHS, Sir
David Nicholson and David Flory were more sanguine, telling us
that £850 million of the savings were directly related to
restraint in pay increases, or, as David Flory put it, "the
avoidance of what we had assumed would otherwise have been a 2%
pay award".[57]
A further £650 million was saved from pay costs ancillary
to other savings measures: £240 million saved in expenditure
on agency staff, £160 million saved through reduced levels
of sickness, and the remainder (£450 million) assumed to
have been saved through reduced increases in pay drift in local
NHS organisations.[58]
68. While savings on this scale may be repeatable
in 2012-13 because of the continued freeze in the level of public
sector pay, it cannot be assumed that they will be available in
2013-14 or future years: rates of public sector pay are set to
increase by 1% in 2013-14. David Flory conceded that from 2013-14
"the level of saving on pay will be less than we have seen
in the previous two years but still a level of saving below what
the [ . . . ] previous level of pay award would have been."[59]
The NHS will not be able
to rely on the present rate of paybill savings once the present
restraints on public sector pay are relaxed in April 2013. Furthermore,
although pay restraint is undoubtedly key in the short term, it
is neither prudent nor just to plan for sustainable efficiency
on the basis that NHS pay continues to fall relative to pay elsewhere
in the economy. Short term pay settlements will always reflect
prevailing circumstances, but in the longer term NHS employees
will share the same aspirations as employees elsewhere in the
economy to participate in economic success.
Other non-repeatable savings
69. David Flory told us that "over 90%"
of the £5.8 billion savings made in the first year of QIPP
were recurrent savings: "they are changes to the system".[60]
However, he confirmed that there had been a number of savings
credited to QIPP in the first year of operation which would not
be repeatable in future years, such as land sales, from which
"there is a one-off cash benefit and in most [ . . . ]cases
there is a profit on sale that would be credited to the accounts
of the organisation in that one year only. But once it has gone,
it has gone." Mr Flory estimated that between 7 and 8% of
the total QIPP savings in 2011-12 - between £0.41 and £0.46
billion - was attributable to non-repeatable measures.
70. We note the fact that some NHS organisations
have reviewed their balance sheets and disposed of assets such
as land or property which are deemed surplus and we recognise
that such disposals may relieve short term resource pressures.
Sale of capital assets should however be regarded as a movement
of reserves, rather than a response to the Nicholson Challenge.
The QIPP programme should be focussed on the need for sustainable
redesign of services; as we have noted elsewhere in this report,
Provider reserves (including capital receipts) should be available
to support service change - but they not a substitute for it.
The primary response of the
NHS to the Nicholson Challenge should be to prioritise fundamental
service redesign which will lead to better quality care for more
NHS patients. Counting cuts to the NHS asset base as Nicholson
Challenge savings risks distorting the programme's priorities.
71. The Department told us that in 2011-12 the
NHS was required to make net efficiencies of 4% through the Payment
by Results tariff structure, which it achieved by "setting
prices below the mean, adjusting long stay payments, expanding
best practice tariffs and applying a net price reduction to both
tariff and non-tariff services". Taken together, the Department
estimates that tariff reduction measures contributed efficiency
savings of £2.4 billion in 2011-12, or 41% of the total estimated
efficiency savings.[61]
72. Tariff efficiencies entail a reduction in
the sums paid to NHS providers by NHS commissioners, consequently
requiring the providers to find corresponding savings in their
operations. While tariff reductions can be tailored to achieve
policy objectives, they must, as we said in 2012, be regarded
as a tool to achieve service reconfiguration, not as a policy
objective in itself. The Government, in its response to our 2010
report, conceded that changes to tariff prices did not in themselves
deliver efficiency improvements: NHS organisations needed to identify
underlying efficiencies to enable them to live within tariff prices.[62]
73. Closer examination of the savings achieved
through tariff efficiencies reveal that £1.6 billion of the
£2.4 billion of savings attributed to the tariff in 2011-12
were made through reductions in staff costs: compared to historical
pay trends, £240 million was saved through reduced expenditure
on agency services, £160 million through reduced sickness
absence costs and £250 million through reduced pay drift.
The Department also estimates that the net productivity increase
from a 1.2% increase in activity and a 1.2% decrease in staff
numbers is equivalent to 2.4% of the overall NHS paybill of £43
billion, or just over £1 billion in savings.
74. The Department suggests that a further £217
million of savings was attributable to lower than expected expenditure
on drugs in the hospital and community health sector: the growth
trend in drug prices was estimated to be 10.4% (or £422 million)
in 2011-12, while actual expenditure rose by 5.3% or £225
75. The remaining £533 million of tariff
efficiencies are attributed to undifferentiated "broad operating
efficiency measures" - reductions in the cost of service
provision to deliver financially sustainable services.
76. While the former Secretary of State, Rt Hon
Andrew Lansley MP, conceded to us in 2011 that the tariff could
be described as a "crude mechanism", he argued then
that the tariff could be structured to develop best practice.[63]
On the evidence of the first year of QIPP tariff efficiencies,
we are not persuaded that the bludgeon has given way to the scalpel:
efficiencies have been achieved through bearing down on pay, sickness
absence and numbers of regular and agency staff, driving up activity,
cutting down on drug expenditure and reducing operating costs.
77. The Foundation Trust Network reported that
changes to the tariff designed to incentivise NHS Trusts and Foundation
Trusts to reduce overall numbers of emergency admissions - a 30%
marginal payment on emergency admissions and non-payment for readmission
of recently discharged patients - was, on top of the overall tariff
squeeze, placing additional financial risk on providers, who in
many cases were earning less from commissioners for the same work
as they did before. The FTN believed that the emergency admissions
tariff changes did not properly encourage the primary care system
to take its share of responsibility for reducing rates of emergency
admissions. Moreover, savings to commissioners from tariff reductions
were not passed on to providers: "providers need to be engaged
in how to spend the savings from readmissions and marginal tariff
policies, otherwise this simply represents a fine on acute trusts
with no way for them to support the goals of integration and care
in the community."[64]
78. We have highlighted in previous
reports our concerns about the use of tariff reduction as an overall
policy to drive efficiencies on the provider side. Tariff reduction
does not encourage efficient behaviour on the commissioner side,
and we have received little evidence to suggest that the tariff
is being used intelligently to drive service transformation and
greater integration. We fear that further turns of the tariff
ratchet will lead to further salami-slicing of NHS Provider services
in ways which prioritise expenditure reductions over imaginative
service redesign.
79. The Department has indicated a number of
instances of service redesign in the NHS driven by the QIPP programme,
and told us that a database had been established with over one
hundred case studies of service change which could increase NHS
quality and productivity. Examples given included the establishment
of multidisciplinary alcohol care teams in district hospitals,
multidisciplinary teams improving approaches to local stroke services,
and the reconfiguration of stroke services across London, as well
as the development nationally of urgent clinical care dashboards
for GPs and the implementation of a year-of-care approach for
the management of long-term conditions.
80. These examples of greater service integration
are all welcome: without such imaginative approaches to fundamental
service redesign which delivers more and better quality services
for the same or less money, we fear that the NHS will fail to
achieve the transformational change it requires to provide the
services the population demands in the uncertain financial climate
beyond the end of QIPP in 2014-15.
81. As we have noted above, transformational
change is expected to deliver only £875 million of QIPP savings
at the half-way point of the Nicholson Challenge in March 2013,
against an overall target of £3.78 billion, or 20% of the
overall Nicholson Challenge target. While the Department has consistently
said that the bulk of the expected transformational change will
occur in the latter half of the Nicholson Challenge period, we
consider that the NHS is leaving it late to prepare for these
changes. Moreover, the pace of savings delivered through transformational
change has slowed markedly: £675 million of savings were
achieved through what the Department calls 'demand management'
measures in 2011-12, but only £200 million in savings are
expected to be delivered under the equivalent category in 2012-13.
82. Our principal concern is,
however, the implication that there is a distinction to be drawn
between "provider-driven change" and "transformational
change". A successful response to the Nicholson Challenge
would involve sustained, year on year efficiency gain in the health
and care system at twice the long term average rate which prevails
in the rest of the UK economy. The Committee believes that it
is simply inconceivable that this performance can be delivered
- together with the quality improvement that is also required
- if planning proceeds within traditional silos. The commitment
to "transformational change" needs, therefore, to embrace
every aspect of the QIPP Programme including - in particular -
the major existing providers.
83. At the current rate of progress,
we doubt that the predicted savings through transforming and integrating
NHS services will be fully realised by the end of the Nicholson
Challenge period. Unless significant steps are taken to plan now
for service redesign and integration, a significant opportunity
to improve the effectiveness and quality of NHS healthcare will
have been missed.
44 National Audit Office,
Progress in making NHS efficiency savings, HC 686, paragraph
1.11 Back
Health Committee, Public expenditure, HC 1499, paragraph
40 Back
Ibid., paragraphs 57 and 58 Back
Ev 60, paragraph 1.1.2 Back
Ibid., paragraph 5 Back
Q 124 Back
Q 129 Back
National Audit Office, Progress in making NHS efficiency savings,
HC 686, 13 December 2012 Back
Ev 101, paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3, and 4.3 Back
Q 2 Back
Ibid. Back
Oral evidence taken before the Public Accounts Committee, 14 January
2013, HC 865-i, Q 49 Back
Ev 119 Back
Q 127 Back
Ibid. Back
Q 139 Back
Q 136 Back
Ev 71, Table 1 Back
Department of Health, Government Response to the Second Report
of the Health Committee, Session 2010-11, Cm 8007, p 14, cited
in Health Committee, Public Expenditure, HC 1499, paragraph
49 Back
Health Committee, Public Expenditure, HC 1499, Q 121 Back
Ev 79, paragraphs 26-28 Back