5 Education programme
64. Amendment 25A to the Pakistan Constitution
makes universal education to the age of 16 a right of every Pakistani
child, but there are 12 million of out-of-school children, the
second highest population in the world. In 2011, only 56% of children
were enrolled in primary school and the primary completion rate
was just 54.6%.[82]
65. Pakistan state spending on education
remains low. It is estimated to be around 2.4% of GDP[83]
compared to the UN's recommended norm of 4-6%[84]
in developing countries. Dr Ahmad, highlighted that the Pakistan
Government can only estimate spend because its accounting systems
are so poor.[85] Of the
children in school in Pakistan about 60% of are in government
schools, 40% are in low cost private schools and 1% are in madrasa.[86]
Dr Nelson told us, the divide was not quite as simple as that:
Children routinely spend half of
their day in a Government school, and then spend some time in
a madrasa in the afternoon, or go to a madrasa in the morning,
or call a mullah from the madrasa to their home and then attend
another school later in the day. [87]
66. We were told that Pakistan spends
so little on education because the people who make the expenditure
decisions do not use the government education system and are not
properly accountable to the people who do. James Fennell said
that as a result the political leadership did not have any incentive
to put money into social services, which did not buy them votes,
and which they did not use themselves.[88]
67. Education was seen to bring a range
of benefits. It was claimed that education reduced extremism.
Sir Michael Barber told us that the Chief Minister of Punjab
believed that until people were educated, particularly in rural
areas, the terrorist and security problem would never be solved.[89]
The Secretary of State said
If you look at some of the research,
for example by the Brookings Institute, it shows that extremism
can be correlated with low educational achievement. [...]it is
more complicated than that, but certainly we know that well educated
people will be less likely, perhaps, to rely on what they have
been told by others, and they will form their own views. They
are also more likely, frankly, to want to have the sorts of opportunities
that we all want: to be successful, to have a family, to have
a good job, and to feel that that is possible.
We also know, in terms of education,
that lack of access to education by low income people and minorities
has been one of the things that have fuelled grievances.[90]
68. On the other hand, others saw little
relationship between education and extremism. A recent article
by a correspondent with Pakistan's Dawn newspaper stated
the link between poverty and militancy
is not as straightforward as commonly supposedmany militants
actually come from relatively wealthy and educated backgrounds[91]
And Dr Matt Nelson from SOAS, who has
been working extensively on the relations between education and
extremism, told us:
It is unhelpful to think that "extremists"
are associated with a particular level of education. There is
no correlation. We can find extremists with very sophisticated
education here in London; we can find students with very little
education, so again it is very difficult to draw a direct link
between level of education and level of extremism, and we should
avoid doing that. [92]
69. Nevertheless, regardless of the
arguments about the links between education and religious extremism,
there was widespread belief in the importance of education. Professor
Lieven saw education as crucial for the future of Pakistan:
education, especially women's education,
is critical to the long-term development of the country. [It]
is critical to building up a middle class that is not only capable
of articulating its interests, but also has some feeling of responsibility
to the masses.[93]
The Secretary of State said that education
was a priority for DFID because of the young demographic profile
of Pakistan.[94]
DFID's education projects
70. DFID has many on-going education
projects within its overall Education Programme:
Table 5
Project title
| Description
| Budget
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Education Sector Programme
| Improve access to, retention and the quality of education for all children in primary and secondary schools of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province in Pakistan
| £203,500,000
Punjab School Education Programme I
| Improve access to, retention and the quality of education for all children in primary and secondary schools of Punjab Province in Pakistan
| £80,000,000
Education Fund for Sindh
| To provide children in Sindh Province, Pakistan, with a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy through innovative and cost effective way to provide quality education at scale
| £39,800,000
Transforming Education in Pakistan
| Parents mobilised to demand and political leaders galvanised to deliver, better education for children in Pakistan.
| £8,112,267
Education Sector Voice and Accountability Project
| The purpose of the project is that education system is more accountable to the population
| £5,000,000
Innovation Fund for Education
| Increase in the number of innovative solutions, which are proven to increase access to quality education and are taken to scale
| £3,000,000
The Punjab Education Sector Reform Roadmap
| Sustained political will for the implementation of education sector reforms to improve access, retention and the quality of education for primary school children in Punjab Province, Pakistan
| £2,100,000
Pakistan Education Task Force
| Increased capacity of Federal and Provincial governments to implement education reforms set out in the National Education Policy
| £2,817,404
Punjab Education Support Programme II
| Improve access to, retention and the quality of education for all children in primary and secondary schools of Punjab Province in Pakistan
| £200,000
Box 3
DFID Pakistan's 2015 targets for education are:
? support 4 million children in school;
? help build 20,000 new classrooms; and
? recruit and train 45,000 new teachers.
Source: DFID, UK aid: Changing lives,
delivering results in Pakistan, Summer 2012
71. The Punjab Road Map is DFID's flagship
project in Pakistan. The roadmap was launched in March 2011 with
the aim of getting all primary aged children into school and significantly
raising levels of achievement within two years. The programme
is headed by DFID's Chief Education Representative in Pakistan,
Sir Michael Barber.
Box 4
The Punjab Road Map
The main elements of the reform programme are included in the table of DFID programmes above and consist of:
? a nationwide media campaign targeted at parents to increase demand for education
? an expansion of low cost-private schooling through 3 programmes
i. education vouchers for out of school children to be redeemed at approved schools
ii. new schools program through funding for entrepreneurs to establish low cost private schools
iii. foundation assisted schools, providing government funding to high performing low cost private schools.
? An innovation fund to identify education entrepreneurs to help them develop and scale their institutions
Source: Whole system revolution:
The Punjab School Reform Roadmap
72. We were informed that the roadmap
was based on a series of clear targets for each district which
were carefully assessed with monthly data on key indicators and
fed back to the districts. The project is monitored by an independent
team who observe progress and mediate disputes.[95]
There are also high level progress reviews chaired by Shabaz
Sharif, the Chief Minister of Punjab, and Sir Michael Barber.[96]
73. Moazzam Malik, explained that the
road map was about leveraging Pakistani Government resources:
We are leveraging an improvement
in the quality of their spend, and we are leveraging their policy
choices, so with relatively small amounts of money we are shaping
what they are doing. For example, in Punjab in education, for
roughly £60 million to £70 million a year we are influencing
a £1 billion a year budget.[97]
The Secretary of State told us that
DFID was looking to support the programme over the next five years
at least, in theory, until the next election in Pakistan.[98]
Moazzam Malik confirmed that a five to seven year timeframe was
usual for DFID's large change programmes.[99]
Box 5
Progress to date on the roadmap:
In the first 18 months since the programme started DFID said that:
? 1.5 million additional children enrolled in schools
? 80,000 new teachers recruited on merit
? Teacher absenteeism is down from 19% to 12%
? Teacher guides have been created and distributed to 60,000 schools although usage remains low
? 180,000 teachers have been trained to use their guides
? 10,000 teachers have received individual coaching
? Number of schools visited by monitoring officers each month has increased from 54% to 88%
? New education officials have been appointed based on merit
? 140,000 additional children from poor families have enrolled in voucher scheme
Source: Whole system revolution:
The Punjab School Reform Roadmap
74. Sir Michael Barber was clear that
the Punjab Road Map involved risks. These included: losing key
officials during the election period; the political results of
the election and whether new politicians and officials would be
committed to the programme; the fast pace of the change programme;
and external risks such as terrorism and natural disasters.[100]
However, he concluded that these risks were far smaller than
the risks of doing nothing or going too slowly.[101]
75. The programme is heavily reliant
on the political support of Punjab's Chief Minister, Shabhaz Sharif;
there is considerable concern about the programme should he no
longer be Chief Minister after the next election. The Secretary
of State informed us that to mitigate this risk, DFID had held
talks with "with other politicians who are not necessarily
in power at the moment to help them understand why this programme
has been effective, and how it works" in order "to get
political buy in from political leaders today as well as look
ahead and get broader political buy in, not just from current
political leaders but perhaps those people who might be taking
those decisions in the future."[102]
76. We also questioned witnesses about
the risks of running such a large programme and the scaling up
of DFID resources to an unprecedented level. Michael Green was
concerned that there was no Plan B if the programme showed signs
of failing:
The danger is, when you make a very
big bet like this, that even if it starts going wrong you carry
on betting on it because you cannot admit it is failing. That
is a big danger to the DFID programme. A clear plan B, knowing
what to do as an alternativenot just turning off the tapsand
responding to reality will all be crucial.[103]
ICAI concluded that "the conditions
of scaling up needed to be clearly articulated with the flexibility
to reallocate funds and a better balance across government and
non-government delivery channels."[104]
77. Several witnesses were concerned
about the sustainably of the programme specifically whether it
would continue once DFID withdrew its support. We were told by
Dr Matt Nelson from SOAS about a $100 million USAID education
sector reform project which worked with the Chief Minister of
Sindh on a management information system to capture education
data. He said that despite one of the key achievements was seen
to be the USAID relationship with the Chief Minister the management
information system only lasted while the US was involved and funding
78. The Secretary of State told us that
if the DFID programme were to be sustainable, "it had to
sit alongside a broader strategy around education in Punjab."[106]
She explained that this was being done by investing in teachers,
schools and text books but also, on the demand side, by encouraging
parents to send their children to school and closely monitoring
the programme to prove to politicians the strategy was working.[107]
If you have those different elements
in place, you do start to get sustainability. At that stage you
have parents starting to understand why schooling is so important,
and seeing good quality schooling happening, and you then start
to see politicians realising that, if they want to get elected
again, continuing these sorts of really effective programmes,
which are really making a difference on the ground and which are
very valued, is probably one of the best ways to achieve that.
You try to create a virtuous circle[108]
Moazzam Malik said that the key to sustainability
of the programme was "building strong public private partnerships"
and that one of the mistakes of the past was " to work just
with the very dynamic private sector and to lose sight of the
fact that the public sector had to provide the bulk of the finance."[109]
He added that in Punjab DFID was looking at how Pakistani public
resources could be used to finance low-cost private schools where
they were more efficient and more effective. He emphasised that
since its contribution was relatively small - less than a 10%
share of Government resourcesif DFID needed to scale down
or withdraw from the programme, it should be possible for the
public authorities to continue it. [110]
Next step
79. Up until now the programme's priority
has been to increase the numbers of children and teachers in schools
rather than improve the quality of education. In our visits to
schools in Pakistan, we observed that that although there were
many children in the schools their level of learning was often
poorfor example in one school we visited children were
learning 'parrot fashion' the English names for parts of a plant
but when we flicked through their exercise books all other pages
were empty.
80. Teacher quality was something that
Sir Michael Barber was very aware of. He told us that there would
be a focus on teacher quality in 2013.[111]
A project was being piloted in some districts of Punjab with District
Teacher Educators becoming coaches and mentors to teachers.[112]
81. Other improvements were suggested.
Dr Nelson told us that the quality of the teaching could be improved
through examinations:
it would be helpful to see from
DFID is a very astute assessment of how the existing exam system
is politicised and undermined, so that if a new exam system is
introduced, it can address some of those problems. The question
is not, "What questions are on the exam?" The question
is, "How do people manipulate the results of said exam?"[113]
Sir Michael agreed that the exam board
should be looked at, but had not been a focus up until now because
there was "so much they were already working on already".[114]
82. The content of the curriculum and
text books were seen as a problem in Pakistan. James Fennell told
us that since the 1970s Pakistan's education system had become
narrow-minded, strictly Sunni and non-inclusive.[115]
This is an extremely culturally sensitive issue. Anwar Akhtar
suggested it should be left to civil society groups and Pakistani
diaspora organisations as opposed to someone such as Sir Michael
Barber who, as he said himself, could be seen as potentially having
a white, colonial, Christian agenda. He said the UK could help
by empowering the civil society and diaspora organisations to
"have the arguments on their terms, and within their value
systems and their narratives".[116]
83. The connections between education
and extremism are unclear. The UK Government believes that education
will counter extremism, but others are sceptical. Nevertheless,
recruitment into a jihadist movement would seem likely to be easier
where there is hardship, poverty and unemployment.
84. All are agreed that it is vital
that the quality and coverage of education is dramatically improved
in Pakistan. The Punjab Road Map looks to be a good project, but
DFID will need to be able to adapt it should there be a change
in Chief Minister with a successor less enthusiastic about the
programme. A similar US programme in Sindh failed once the US
withdrew funding. To help ensure this does not happen in Punjab
and that the programme is sustainable, DFID should continue to
help the Government of Punjab build widespread public support
for an improved education policy and programme. The aim is to
build informed demand from parents and an accountable response
from education managers and the teaching profession that continues
from one political administration to the next.
85. We are concerned by the quality
of education provided by the schools we visited in Punjab, but
are pleased that DFID's Punjab education programme has planned
improvements to teacher quality and action against corruption
of the examination system. DFID should report regularly on progress
in improving the quality of education.
82 Ev 53 Back
2.4% of GDP,http://hdrstats.undp.org/en/indicators/38006.html
UNESCO states that Governments are encouraged to invest 4-6 per
cent of GNP and 15-20 per cent of public expenditure in education,
depending on the country's demographic and economic status, http://www.unescobkk.org/education/learning-throughout-life/efa/efanews/news-details/article/20-years-jomtien-education-for-all/ Back
Q88 Back
Q64 Back
Q65 Back
Q42 Back
Q63 Back
Q137 Back
http://www.global-briefing.org/2012/01/islamic-extremism-a-home-grown-problem/ Back
Q65 Back
Q19 Back
Q134 Back
Whole system revolution: The Punjab School Reform Roadmap Back
Whole system revolution: The Punjab School Reform Roadmap Back
Q110 Back
Q135 Back
Q135 Back
Q66 Back
Q66 Back
Q133 Back
Q58 Back
ICAI, Report 15 Evaluation of DFID's Bilateral Aid to Pakistan,
October 2012 Back
Q67 Back
Q109 Back
Q109 Back
Q109 Back
Q132 Back
Q133 Back
Q67 Back
Q77 Back
Q77 Back
Q78 Back
Q 52 Back
Q63 Back