The Committee's opinion on the European Union Data Protection framework proposals - Justice Committee Contents

List of additional written evidence

(published in Volume II on the Committee's website

1  Brussels European Employee Relations Group  Ev w1

2  Towers Watson  Ev w3

3  Stephanie Johnson  Ev w4

4  Financing and Leasing Association  Ev w5

5  RSA Insurance Group  Ev w6

6  Equifax  Ev w8

7  Professional Publishers Association  Ev w12

8  Christopher Millard, Alan Cunningham, Kuan Hon of the Cloud Legal Project,

Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London  Ev w15

9  The United States Chamber of Commerce  Ev w19

10  Wellcome Trust  Ev w20

11  CIFAS  Ev w22

12  NHS European Office  Ev w25

13  Advertising Association  Ev w36

14  Association of British Insurers  Ev w29

15  The International Regulatory Strategy Group  Ev w32

16  Thomson Reuters  Ev w36

17  British Bankers' Association  Ev w38

18  Market Research Society  Ev w42

19  ISBA  Ev w45

20  Symantec  Ev w48

21  Business Software Alliance  Ev w52

22  Direct Marketing Association of the United States  Ev w56

23  UK Cards Association and Financial Fraud Action UK  Ev w59

24  Adobe Systems  Ev w61

25  Association for Financial Markets in Europe  Ev w63

26  Newspaper Association  Ev w66

27  Society of Editors  Ev w67

28  Internet Advertising Bureau UK  Ev w69

29  Association of Medical Research Charities  Ev w72

30  Intellect  Ev w74

31  Direct Marketing Association (UK) Ltd  Ev w76

32  eBay Inc  Ev w82

33  Pearson  Ev w86

34  Aimia  Ev w89

35  British Medical Association  Ev w91

36  CBI  Ev w93

37  Digital Policy Alliance  Ev w97


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