Annex A: Draft Liaison Committee objectives
for the 2010-2015 Parliament
Overall aim: To increase the effectiveness of select
committees in scrutinising Government and the public awareness
of this work.
1 To increase the effectiveness of committees
by agreeing and disseminating best practice and by introducing
a programme of continuous professional development for committee
members and chairs.
2 To secure agreement with the Government on
common guidelines on pre-appointment hearings, which clarify and
strengthen the role of committees.
3 To secure agreement with the Government to
new guidelines, to replace the Osmotherly rules, on the provision
of information and the attendance of witnesses.
4 To secure a clearer understanding of committee
5 To ensure that current financial constraint
does not impact on the ability of select committees to carry out
their functions effectively, and to achieve agreement on the future
shape of committee support services.
6 To increase the effectiveness of our own evidence
sessions with the Prime Minister.