List of additional written evidence
(published in Volume II on the Committee's website
1 Roger Browne Ev w1
2 Plymouth University Ev w3
3 Professor Peter Dobson, Begbroke Science Park,
University of Oxford Ev w6
4 Bournemouth University Ev w7
5 Scottish Lifesciences Association Ev w8
6 The University of Edinburgh Ev w10
7 Health Protection Agency Ev w12
8 Babraham Bioscience Technologies Ltd Ev
9 Frank J Morris Ev w15
10 United Kingdom Science Park Association Ev
11 Cambridge Enterprise Ltd Ev w17
12 RSPCA Ev w21
13 Mark A Phillips Ev w22
14 Engineering YES Ev w23
15 Simon Payne Ev w25
16 Groupe Intellex Ev w27
17 Professor Michael Ferguson Ev w??
18 Dr Venketesh Dubey Ev w30
19 Yorkshire Cancer Research Ev w31
20 Professor R Charles Coombes and Professor
Anthony G M Barrett Ev w??
21 British Society of Plant Breeders Ev
22 The Royal Society of Edinburgh Ev w37
23 UK Innovation Research Centre and the
Centre for Business Research Ev w42
24 Isis Innovation Ltd Ev w46
25 The University of Birmingham Ev w49
26 Geoff Lawton, Simon Campbell, John Dixon,
Paul England, Peter Machin,
and Alan Palmer Ev w52
27 Tokamak Solutions UK Ltd Ev w56
28 Dr Michael M Hopkins, SPRU, University of
Sussex Ev w60
29 Society of Biology Ev w63
30 Plant Bioscience Limited Ev w69
31 Action on Hearing Loss Ev w71
32 Imperial Innovations Group plc Ev w75
33 Royal Society of Chemistry Ev w80
34 Drug Discovery Centre, Imperial College London
Ev w83
35 The Publishers Association Ev w85
36 The Association of Independent Research and
Technology Organisations
(AIRTO) Ev w88
37 Midven Ev w92
38 The Academy of Medical Sciences Ev w95
39 Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants
Ltd Ev w100
40 BP plc Ev w102
41 LGC Limited Ev w105
42 BioIndustry Association (BIA) Ev w109
43 Electronics Technology Network Ev w114
44 University College London Ev w128
45 Ian Phillips Ev w131
46 Plymouth Marine Laboratory Applications Ltd
Ev w133
47 STFC Innovations Ltd Ev w135
48 The University of Oxford Ev w138
49 Smart Club for the East of England (SCEE)
Ev w141
50 Smart Club for the East of England (SCEE)
Committee Ev w142
51 Cancer Research UK Ev w143
52 Agricultural Biotechnology Council (abc) Ev
53 Institute of Physics Ev w153
54 UK Computing Research Committee Ev w156
55 National Farmers' Union Ev w158
56 Ethical Medicines Industry Group Ev w163
57 Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) Ev
58 The Royal Society Ev w169
59 Golden Rice Ev w171
60 SETsquared Partnership Ev w173
61 BMT Group Ltd Ev w175
62 Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE)
Ev w177
63 Novartis Ev w180
64 Met Office Ev w183
65 Association of Medical Research Charities
Ev w185
66 Professor Michael Ferguson Ev w192
67 Professor Anthony G M Barrett and Professor
R Charles Coombes Ev w194
68 Sir Gregory Winter FRS Ev w196
69 ADS Ev w198
70 Professor William O'Neill