House, Committees of the Whole House, General Committees and Select Committees - Sessional Returns Contents

2 Closure of Debate, Proposal of Question and Allocation of Time

Information and statistics relating to applications of Standing Order No. 36 (Closure of debate) in the House, in Committee of the whole House and in Committees; applications of Standing Order No. 29 (Powers of Chair to propose question) in the House, Committee of the whole House and Committees; and Bills in respect of which allocation of time orders were made under Standing Order No. 83 (Allocation of time to bills) or to which Programme Motions, Business of the House Orders or Procedure Motions applied.

A  Closure of Debate

In the House

The Closure was claimed on 46 occasions. Assent of the Chair was withheld on 5 occasions. The Closure was agreed to on 39 occasions, of which 9 were on division.
7 June 2010Queen's Speech (Motion for an Address) (fifth day); That the Amendment be made Agreed
6 July 2010Finance Bill; That the bill be read a second time Assent withheld
20 July 2010Use of the Chamber (United Kingdom Youth Parliament);

That this House welcomes the work of the United Kingdom Youth Parliament in providing young people with an opportunity to engage with the political process; notes that the House agreed on 16 March 2009 to allow the Youth Parliament to meet once in the Chamber; recalls that this meeting took place on 30 October 2009; and accordingly resolves that the UK Youth Parliament should be allowed to meet once a year in the Chamber of this House for the duration of this Parliament.

Agreed on Division (Ayes 103, Noes 3)
13 October 2010London Local Authorities Bill [Lords]; That the bill be now read a second time Assent withheld
22 October 2010Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Bill; That the bill be now read a second time Assent withheld
22 October 2010Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Bill; That the bill be now read a second time Not decided in the affirmative (fewer than 100 Members voted in the majority)

(Ayes 87, Noes 27)

9 November 2010Opposition Day (5th allotted day); That this House believes that, whilst housing benefit is in need of reform, the Government's proposals will mean significant losses for hundreds of thousands of working families and pensioners and risk spending an additional £120 million on the cost of providing temporary accommodation; and calls on the Government to bring forward revised proposals for the reform of housing benefit which do not penalise those who have been unable to secure employment within 12 months, and which ensure that any proposals are implemented on a revised timetable which allows councils, tenants and landlords to adjust, allows the impact on rents to be observed and understood, and avoids additional spending on temporary accommodation. Agreed
12 November 2010Sustainable Livestock Bill: That the bill be now read a second time Not decided in the affirmative (fewer than 100 Members voted in the majority)

(Ayes 62, Noes 29)

17 November 2010Opposition Day (6th allotted day); That this House believes that the Government is pursuing a reform agenda in education that represents an ideological gamble with successful services and has failed to honour the pledges made to deliver a pupil premium on top of a protected schools budget, and to deliver protected schools funding per pupil; is concerned that schools in deprived areas will lose out from the new funding mechanism; notes the unprecedented cuts of 60 per cent. to the schools capital budget, and is deeply concerned at the impact this will have on children, families and communities; supports empowerment of parents and their involvement in school planning but is concerned over a lack of accountability in the setting up of new schools under Government plans; is further concerned that this model will not represent efficient use of public resources in a time of austerity; disputes Government claims that these reforms are a continuation of Labour's successful reform agenda; and calls on the Government to work with families, teachers and communities to deliver improved standards of learning and teaching in all local schools Agreed
30 November 2010Opposition Day (7th allotted day); That this House believes that the Government should publish a White Paper on higher education in England, setting out the full detail of its plans for higher education funding and student finance before asking Parliament to vote on whether to raise the fee cap; is concerned that major questions about how the Government's market in higher education is intended to work remain unanswered; is concerned that recent graduates will be responsible for repaying loans for up to 30 years because the teaching grant is being cut by 80 per cent.; and urges the Higher Education Minister to bring forward publication of the White Paper Agreed
2 December 2010Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority; That this House regrets the unnecessarily high costs and inadequacies of the systems introduced by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA); calls on the IPSA to introduce a simpler scheme of office expenses and Members' allowances that cuts significantly the administrative costs, reduces the amount of time needed for administration by Members and their staff, and does not disadvantage less well-off Members and those with family responsibilities, nor deter Members from seeking reimbursement of the costs of fulfilling their parliamentary duties; and resolves that if these objectives are not reflected in a new scheme set out by the IPSA in time for operation by 1 April 2011, the Leader of the House should make time available for the amendment of the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009 to do so Agreed
3 December 2010Daylight Saving Bill; That the bill be now read a second time Agreed on Division

(Ayes 123, Noes 8)

6 December 2010Opposition Day (8th allotted day); That this House notes with concern that local councils will lose, on average, 27 per cent. of their funding over the next four years, compared to 11 per cent., on average, for Whitehall departments; regrets the frontloading of reductions in funding which means that the heaviest cuts will fall in the first year; believes that the unexpected severity of the cuts will result in substantial job losses in the public and private sector, undermine the voluntary sector and hit frontline services; regrets the inadequate level of capitalisation available to local councils to deal with redundancy costs of up to £2 billion; further notes the commitment in the coalition agreement to ensure that fairness is at the heart of decisions and that those most in need are protected; is disappointed that the most deprived areas will be hit hardest by the reductions in funding; and calls on the Government to revise its proposals before making the provisional finance settlement to ensure that any reductions in funding are more evenly spread over four years and do not fall disproportionately on the most deprived communities Agreed
8 December 2010Business of the House (Thursday); That, at the sitting on Thursday 9 December, the Speaker shall put the Questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on the Motion in the name of Secretary Vince Cable relating to Higher Education Higher Amount and, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No. 16 (Proceedings under an Act or on European Union documents), on the Motion in the name of Secretary Vince Cable on the draft Higher Education (Basic Amount) (England) Regulations not later than five hours after the commencement of proceedings on the first motion, or at 5.30 pm, whichever is the earlier; such Questions shall include the Questions on any Amendments selected by the Speaker which may then be moved; proceedings may continue after the moment of interruption; and Standing Order No. 41A (Deferred divisions) shall not apply Agreed on Division

(Ayes 300, Noes 201)

2 February 2011Opposition Day (10th allotted day); That the original words stand part of the question Agreed
16 February 2011Opposition Day (11th allotted day); That this House supports establishing in law the definition of the Military Covenant, in so doing fulfilling the Prime Minister's pledge of 25 June 2010 to have 'a new Military Covenant that's written into the law of the land'; believes that this commitment should not be diluted or sidestepped; and further supports service charities' and families' calls for a legally-binding Military Covenant which defines the principles that should guide Government action on all aspects of defence policy Agreed
3 March 2011Opposition Day (12th allotted day); That this House recognises the valiant service and sacrifice given by the members of UK armed forces in the defence and security of the UK; notes concerns about the current level of support provided to veterans and the families of service personnel; and calls on the Government adequately to fund aftercare services for veterans, including those who have physical disabilities or mental illness, to provide the best support to the families of those who have died as a result of their service, and to honour in full its commitments in relation to the Military Covenant Agreed
10 March 2011Backbench Business (22nd allotted day); That this House pays tribute to the work of the European Security and Defence Assembly and the members of the UK Delegation; notes the continuing need for co-ordinated scrutiny by national parliaments of intergovernmental activities under the EU's foreign, defence and security policies; welcomes the report of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Future inter-parliamentary scrutiny of EU foreign, defence and security policy, HC 697; and approves its approach to delivering that scrutiny Agreed on Division

(Ayes 118, Noes 4)

4 April 2011Opposition Day (14th allotted day); That the original words stand part of the question Agreed
27 April 2011Opposition Day (15th allotted day): That this House condemns the failure of the Government to deliver the commitment made to Parliament that £9,000 a year student fees would be 'exceptional'; further notes that the Office of Fair Access (OFFA) has said that it has no powers to set university fees or determine university admissions policies; notes with alarm the warning of the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills that average fees higher than £7,500 would mean reducing student numbers or further cutting university teaching funding; condemns the failure of Ministers to explain their policies by publishing a Higher Education White Paper; believes that Ministers are putting at risk the success of universities and the future of generations of students; further believes that current policies are unfair, unnecessary and unsustainable; and therefore calls on Ministers, as soon as practicable, to set out to Parliament how they will meet the promise that fees of £9,000 will only be in exceptional circumstances, to guarantee that there will be no fall in the number of university places or further cuts to university teaching budgets, and to outline what powers, if any, they propose for OFFA on determining fee levels and enforcing access arrangements. Agreed
9 May 2011Opposition Day (Un-alloted half day): That this House notes the growing concerns over the Government's handling of the NHS and the effect its policies are having on hospitals and patient care; and calls on the Government to uphold the Coalition Agreement promise to stop the top-down reorganisations of the NHS which have got in the way of patient care, to use the present pause in the progress of the Health and Social Care Bill to make fundamental changes, including dropping the damaging and unjustified market-based approach, and to concentrate efforts instead on achieving sound efficiencies, better clinical quality and improved integration of services Agreed
23 May 2011Opposition Day (16th): That this House opposes the Government's cuts leading to over 12,000 fewer police officers across England and Wales; believes that the 20 per cent. cut to central Government funding to the police goes far beyond the assessment of HM Inspectorate of Constabulary of efficiency savings that are possible without affecting frontline services; calls on the Government to withdraw plans for American-style police and crime commissioners for which there will be no checks or balances; and believes that the Government is making it harder for the police to cut crime by weakening the National DNA Database, leading to the loss of 1,000 criminal matches per year; ending anti-social behaviour orders, increasing bureaucracy on CCTV, creating serious loopholes in child protection and failing to develop any cross-Governmental strategy to cut crime. Agreed
22 June 2011Opposition Day (18th): That the original words stand part of the question Agreed
18 July 2011Draft Financial Services Bill (Joint Committee), That the Amendment be made Agreed on Division (Ayes 273, Noes 9)
13 September 2011Opposition Day (20th allotted day); That this House believes that the Government should act urgently to guarantee face-to-face careers advice for all young people in schools Agreed
12 October 2011Opposition Day (Unallotted day); That this House notes that there has been no growth in the UK economy over the last nine months, compared to 1.8 per cent. growth in the previous nine months; further notes that families are feeling the squeeze, unemployment is rising again and the recovery was choked off last autumn, well before the Eurozone crisis of recent months; agrees with the International Monetary Fund's managing director that 'growth is necessary for fiscal credibility' and the IMF's recent report which warned that 'if activity were to undershoot current expectations and risk a period of stagnation' the Government should 'consider delaying some of their planned consolidation'; further notes that borrowing is forecast to be £46 billion higher than planned because of the slower growth and higher unemployment arising from the Government's policy of cutting spending and raising taxes too far and too fast; further believes that the Government needs a plan for jobs and growth if the deficit is to be reduced in a sustainable way; and calls on the Government to implement a steadier deficit plan and the Opposition's five point plan for jobs, which includes a tax on bank bonuses to fund 100,000 jobs for young people, bringing forward long-term investment projects, reversing temporarily the VAT increase to provide an average £450 increase for a couple with children, implementing a one year cut in VAT on home improvements, repairs and maintenance to five per cent., and a one year national insurance tax break for small firms taking on extra workers Agreed
13 October 2011Motion: Hand-Held Electronic Devices in the Chamber; That the amendment be made Agreed
19 October 2011Opposition Day (Unallotted day); That this House believes that the energy market does not serve the public interest and is in need of urgent reform; notes with concern research by OFGEM showing that average household energy bills have risen, while energy companies' profit margins have soared; recognises that, with a cold winter forecast and Government support cut, millions of families will struggle to heat their homes; believes that energy tariffs are confusing and unfair, meaning that 80 per cent. of people currently pay more for their energy than they need to, and that consumers who try to switch are often given inaccurate information; further believes that to tackle climate change, build a new low carbon economy and make the UK a world leader in green energy, which will bring new industry and jobs to the UK, people need to know that the energy market is fair; and calls on the Government to investigate mis-selling and ensure consumers are compensated, introduce a simple format to be applied across all tariffs, so that people can compare the full range of energy deals at a glance, increase transparency by requiring energy companies to publish their trading data, reform the energy market to break the dominance of the Big Six by requiring them to sell power into a pool, allowing new businesses to enter the market, increasing competition and driving down energy bills for families and businesses, and demand that energy companies use their profits to help reduce energy bills this winter Agreed
26 October 2011Opposition Day (Unallotted day); That this House believes that the UK risks being left behind in its attempts to attract global investment in environmental technologies; agrees with the British Retail Consortium that the recent Waste Review is a disappointment; further agrees with the Nature Check report by 29 environmental charities that the Government has failed to deliver its environmental goals; condemns the Government's 27 per cent. cut in flood defence investment from £354 million to £259 million a year; calls on the Government to adopt Labour's five point plan for jobs and growth and bring forward spending on rural infrastructure projects for flood defences and rural broadband; further calls on the Government to raise the UK recycling target to 70 per cent. by 2025 to create an additional 50,000 jobs; and believes the Government should ensure mandatory carbon emissions reporting for all large UK companies to kick-start green jobs and growth Agreed
9 November 2011Opposition Day (Unallotted day); That this House believes that the Government's policies of cutting spending and raising taxes too far and too fast have resulted in the UK economy flat-lining for 12 months, well before the recent Eurozone crisis; notes that unemployment has reached a 17-year high and youth unemployment has hit a record level of 991,000; further notes that slower growth and higher unemployment makes it harder to get the deficit down and that the Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts £46 billion more borrowing than the Government planned; further believes that with long-term youth unemployment up by 64 per cent. since January 2011 it was a mistake to abolish the Future Jobs Fund and urgent action is now required to stop a generation of young people being lost to worklessness; agrees with the IMF's warning that 'consolidating too quickly will hurt the recovery and worsen job prospects' and that the Government should have 'a heightened readiness to respond, particularly if it looks like the economy is headed for a prolonged period of weak growth and high unemployment'; and calls on the Government to adopt the Opposition's five point plan for jobs which includes using funds raised from a tax on bank bonuses to guarantee a job for 100,000 young people and build 25,000 affordable homes, bringing forward long-term investment projects, temporarily reversing January's VAT rise, a one-year cut in VAT to five per cent. on home improvements and a one-year national insurance tax break for every small firm which takes on extra workers. Agreed
22 November 2011Opposition Day (12th allotted day: Second Part); That this House is concerned about pressures on pensioner households this winter with high and rising fuel prices; notes that the Winter Fuel Payment will be £50 lower in the winter of 2011-12 than in each of the last three years for a pensioner aged 60 or over and £100 lower for those pensioners aged 80 or over; and calls on the Government to review the impact of its decisions on Winter Fuel Payments and VAT, and to announce in the Chancellor's Autumn Statement urgent steps to ease the burden on pensioner households. Agreed
23 November 2010Opposition Day (Unallotted day); That the original words stand part of the question Agreed
25 November 2011Taxation Freedom Day Bill; That the Bill be read a second time Assent withheld
30 November 2011Opposition Day (Unallotted day); That this House believes that the Government is out of touch and does not understand the impact of its policies, including the Autumn Statement, on children, parents, women and hard-working families; and further believes that these policies have resulted in a squeeze on households' living standards Agreed
6 December 2011The economy; That this House has considered the matter of the economy Agreed
8 December 2011Opposition Day (Unallotted half day); That this House recognises and appreciates the valuable work done by public sector workers; believes that they should receive pensions which are affordable, sustainable and fair; further believes that the changes announced since June 2010 by the Government are primarily for the purposes of deficit reduction rather than a move to secure the long-term sustainability of public sector pensions; notes that these changes are unfair on public sector workers who will have to work longer, pay more and receive less in their pension when they retire; further notes the findings of the National Audit Office that the 2007-08 pensions re-negotiation changes will generate estimated savings of 14 per cent. by 2059-60 and the conclusions of the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts' Thirty-eighth Report of this Session on the Impact of the 2007-08 changes to public sector pensions (HC 833), that the cost of public service pensions has reduced substantially because of these changes; agrees with criticism in both reports of the failure to develop a long-term strategy for the role of pensions in recruitment and retention to the public sector; condemns the Government's threat to cut devolved administrations' budgets if they do not implement the Government's immediate levy on pensions contributions; and calls on the Government to reverse its unfair changes to public sector pensions Agreed
13 December 2011Opposition Day (Unallotted half day); That this House commends the Prime Minister on his refusal at the European Council to sign up to a Treaty without safeguards for the UK; regards the use of the veto in appropriate circumstances to be a vital means of defending the national interests of the UK; and recognises the desire of the British people for a rebalancing of the relationship with our European neighbours based on co-operation and mutually beneficial economic arrangements Agreed
14 December 2011Opposition Day (Unallotted half day); That this House believes that the Government's policies of cutting spending and raising taxes too far and too fast have resulted in the UK economy flat-lining for 12 months, well before the recent Eurozone crisis; notes that unemployment has reached a 17-year high and over-50s unemployment has risen sharply; further notes that slower growth and higher unemployment makes it harder to get the deficit down and that the Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts a further rise in unemployment to 8.7 per cent., a rise in the benefits bill of £29 billion, and an increase in projected borrowing of £158 billion; agrees with the IMF's warning that 'consolidating too quickly will hurt the recovery and worsen job prospects' and that the Government should 'have a heightened readiness to respond, particularly if it looks like the economy is headed for a prolonged period of weak growth and high unemployment'; and, in light of the Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts published on 29 November 2011, calls on the Government to reconsider its refusal to adopt the Opposition's five point plan for jobs which includes creating 100,000 jobs for young people and building 25,000 affordable homes using funds raised from a tax on bank bonuses, bringing forward long-term investment projects, temporarily reversing the January 2011 VAT rise, a one-year cut in VAT to 5 per cent. on home improvements, and a one-year national insurance tax break for every small firm which takes on extra workers Agreed
11 January 2012Opposition Day (Unallotted day); That this House believes that soaring energy bills are driving up inflation, contributing to a cost of living crisis afflicting millions of families, and that the energy market is not serving the public interest; notes the motion passed by this House on 19 October 2011 calling on the Government to investigate mis-selling, simplify tariffs, increase transparency of trading data, require energy companies to use their profits to help with bills this winter and reform the energy market to increase competition and drive down energy bills; regrets that since then the Government has failed to deliver on any of these measures; further notes that consumer efforts to control their energy bills have been undermined by cuts to the Feed-in Tariff and Warm Front scheme, and that there are serious concerns about whether the Green Deal will be taken up by, and work for, consumers; notes that over 90 per cent. of eligible families will not receive the Warm Homes Discount in 2012; calls on the Government to require energy companies to provide the lowest tariff to over 75s and use their profits to ensure that all families eligible for Cold Weather Payments receive the Warm Homes Discount; and further calls on the Government to reform the energy market to make it competitive and responsible, to cut VAT on home improvements to 5 per cent. for 12 months and to ensure that the Green Deal is offered on fair terms to consumers which will deliver real savings in energy bills Agreed
20 January 2012Daylight Saving Bill; That the amendment be made Agreed on Division (Ayes 122, Noes 10)
20 January 2012Daylight Saving Bill; That the amendment be made Assent withheld
20 January 2012Daylight Saving Bill; That the amendment be made Agreed on Division (Ayes 124, Noes 10)
23 January 2012Opposition day (Unallotted day);

hat this House notes with concern that unemployment has risen to its highest level for 17 years, youth unemployment has now reached a record level of 1.04 million and the number of young people claiming jobseeker's allowance for over six months has more than doubled since January 2011; believes that cutting spending and raising taxes too far and too fast has choked off the recovery and pushed up unemployment and that it was a mistake for the Government to abolish the Future Jobs Fund; recognises that rising unemployment and the Government's failing welfare to work programmes are leading to a higher benefits bill, which is contributing to the £158 billion of additional borrowing announced in the Autumn Statement; further notes reports that multi-million pound bank bonuses are set to be paid out this year, even in banks where the share price has almost halved; and in view of the most recent figures on unemployment, calls on the Government to take urgent action to kickstart the economy to promote jobs and growth and to reconsider its refusal to introduce a tax on bankers' bonuses this year, in addition to the permanent bank levy, to fund 100,000 jobs for young people

25 January 2012Private Bills [Lords]: London Local Authorities Bill [Lords]; That the amendment be made Agreed on Division (Ayes 276, Noes 10)
7 February 2012Opposition Day (Unallotted half day); That this House notes with concern that the recent Bank of England publication, Trends in Lending, shows that net lending to businesses has fallen in nine out of the last 12 months and by more than £10 billion in the last year; further notes that a Department for Business, Innovation and Skills report published on 2 February 2012 states that the stock of lending to small and medium-sized enterprises peaked in 2009 and in November 2011 declined by 6.1 per cent. compared to November 2010, whilst banks were frequently setting bonuses for their senior executives which were too large; believes that bank executive remuneration should be related to performance and that banks either directly or indirectly supported by the taxpayer must recognise that the taxpayer expects very large bonuses only to be paid to reflect genuine exceptional performance; notes with concern that the Government has not given due consideration to repeating the bankers' bonus tax, in addition to the bank levy, to pay for 100,000 jobs for young people; calls on the Government to increase transparency, accountability and responsibility in the setting of pay in the banking sector, including through the immediate implementation of the Walker Review on corporate governance, and the placing of an employee representative on the remuneration committees of company boards; and further calls on the Government to reform the banking sector so that it better supports businesses and provides the credit they need to create jobs and growth. Agreed
21 February 2012Private Bills [Lords]: London Local Authorities Bill [Lord]: That the amendment be made Agreed on Division (Ayes 149, Noes 12)

In Committee of the whole House
3 May 2011
Finance (No. 3) Bill (Clauses 4, 7,10,19,35 and 72), That the Amendment be made.
Assent withheld.

In Committee
30 June 2010 (Welsh Grand Committee )
That the Committee has considered the Matter of the Government's legislative programme as outlined in the Queen's Speech and the Budget Statement as they relate to Wales.
Assent withheld
30 June 2010 (Welsh Grand Committee )
That the Committee has considered the Matter of the Government's legislative programme as outlined in the Queen's Speech and the Budget Statement as they relate to Wales.
Assent withheld
6 March 2012 (Financial Services Bill Committee)
that Amendment 92 be made (to Clause 14).
Agreed on Division (Ayes 8, Noes 5)

B  Power of Chair to Propose Question
20 January 2012
Daylight Saving Bill, That the Amendment be made.
Agreed on Division (Ayes 119, Noes 10)

C  (1) Allocation of Time

In the House and in Committee of the whole House
BillDate of Order StagePeriod allotted Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order; including time taken on Divisions)
Loans to Ireland15 December 2010 Second ReadingTo be concluded three and a half hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for this [Allocation of Time] Order
2 hours 54 minutes
Committee of the whole House, Consideration and Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption or six hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for this [Allocation of Time] Order, whichever is the later
1 hour 59 minutes
Police (Detention and Bail) 7 July 2011Second Reading To be concluded at 3.00pm
2 hours 24 minutes
Committee of the whole House To be concluded at 5.00pm
34 minutes
Consideration and Third Reading To be concluded at 6.00pm
6 minutes
Sovereign Grant14 July 2011 Second Reading To be concluded at 2.30pm
1 minute
Committee of the whole House and on Consideration To be concluded at 5.00pm
2 hours 27 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at 6.00pm
50 minutes
Water Industry (Financial Assistance) 5 March 2012Adjourned debate on Second Reading Proceedings on the adjourned debate on Second Reading on 6 March to be concluded two hours after their commencement at that day's sitting
1 hour 53 minutes
Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) [Lords] 30 April 2012Second Reading, Committee, Consideration and Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption
Second Reading
4 hours 21 minutes
Committee and Consideration
Third Reading
11 minutes

In Public Bill Committee
BillDate of Order StagePeriod allotted and/or date for report from Standing Committee Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order and/or date of report from Standing Committee

C  (2) Allocation of Time (Programme Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House
BillDate of Order Date of Reports of Programming Committee or Business Committee as appropriate (if applicable) StagePeriod allotted on the floor of the House Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)
Identity Documents 9 June 2010
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which those proceedings are commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
15 September 2010
Consideration and Third Reading To be concluded at 7.00 pm at that day's sitting or three hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 2) Order, whichever is the later
2 hours 57 minutes
Third Reading
34 minutes
Academies [Lords]19 July 2010
Committee, Consideration and Third Reading Three days in total
Committee Day 1 Three hours after the moment of interruption
8 hours 40 minutes
Committee Day 2 One hour after the moment of interruption
1 hour 43 minutes
Committee Day 3 One hour before the moment of interruption
4 hours 29 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the third day
50 minutes
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies 6 September 2010
To be completed in five days
Consideration and Third Reading
To be completed in two days
To be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the second day
Third Reading
To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
1 hour 58 minutes
12 October 2010
Committee Day 1 (Clause 1)
To be concluded at 11.00 pm on the first day
5 hours 36 minutes
Committee Day 2 (Schedule 1, Clauses 2 and 3, Schedules 2 to 4, Clause 4, Schedule 5, Clauses 5 and 6)
To be concluded at 11.00 pm on the second day
7 hours 6 minutes
Committee Day 3 (Clause 7, Schedule 6, Clauses 8 and 9)
To be concluded at 11.00 pm on the third day
Committee Day 4 (Clauses 10 to 13, Schedule 7, Clauses 14 to 17)
To be concluded at 9.00 pm on the fourth day
Committee Day 5 (New Clauses, New Schedules, remaining proceedings on the Bill)
To be concluded one hour after the moment of interruption on the fifth day
6 hours 27 minutes
19 October 2010
Committee Days 3 and 4 (Clause 7, Schedule 6, Clauses 8 to 13, Schedule 7, Clauses 14 to 17)
To be concluded at 9.00 pm on the fourth day
Day 3: 5 hours 21 minutes

Day 4: 6 hours 47 minutes
1 November 2010
Consideration Day 1 (Amendments relating to Clause 11)
To be concluded at 7.30 pm on the first day
2 hours 30
Consideration Day 1 (Amendments relating to Clauses 12 and 13; Amendments relating to Clause 10; new Clauses and new Schedules relating to Part 2)
To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the first day
2 hours 7 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (Amendments relating to Clause 4; Amendments relating to Schedules 5 to 8; Amendments relating to Clause 8; remaining proceedings on Consideration)
To be concluded at 8.00 pm on the second day
3 hours 25 minutes
15 February 2011
Lords Amendments
To be concluded four hours after their commencement at that day's proceedings
Lords Amendments Nos. 2 to 7, 9 to 15, 18 and 21 to 104
One hour after commencement of proceedings on Consideration of Lords Amendments
1 hour
Lords Amendments Nos. 16 and 19
Two hours after the commencement of the proceedings
1hour 27 minutes
Lords Amendments Nos. 17 and 20
Three hours after the commencement of the proceedings
58 minutes
Lords Amendments Nos. 1 and 8
Four hours after the commencement of the proceedings
47 minutes
Subsequent stages
To be concluded one hour after commencement
1 hour 16 minutes
Superannuation7 September 2010
To be concluded three hours after commencement of proceedings on Consideration
1 hour 46 minutes
Third Reading
To be concluded four hours after the commencement of proceedings on Consideration
22 minutes
14 December 2010
Lords Amendments
To be concluded two hours after their commencement at that day's sitting
1 hour 22 minutes
Subsequent stages
To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Fixed-term Parliaments 13 September 2010
To be completed in two days; to be concluded at the moment of interruption on the second day
Consideration To be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced
5 hours 17 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
1 hour 3 minutes
24 November 2010
CommitteeTo be completed in three days; to be concluded three hours after the commencement of the proceedings on the third day
Day 1: 5 hours 15 minutes

Day 2: 5 hours 8 minutes

Day 3: 3 hours 50 minutes
13 July 2011
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded two hours after commencement
1 hour 48 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after commencement
1 hour 9 minutes
Equitable Life (Payments) 14 September 2010
Committee, Consideration and Third Reading To be completed at one day's sitting
Committee and any proceedings on Consideration To be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption
3 hours 17 minutes
Third Reading One hour after the commencement of proceedings on Third Reading or at the moment of interruption, whichever is earlier
1 hour
Local Government [Lords] 21 October 2010
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
34 minutes
Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant 26 October 2010
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced
3 hours 46 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
1 hour 3 minutes
Postal Services27 October 2010
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced
5 hours 46 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
47 minutes
9 June 2011
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded three hours after commencement at that day's sitting
2 hours 46 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. [Lords] 15 November 2010
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
14 December 2010
Consideration and Third Reading To be concluded three hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Motion for this Programme (No. 2) Order
57 minutes
National Insurance Contributions 23 November 2010
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced
3 hours 43 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
18 minutes
European Union7 December 2010
Committee, Consideration and Third Reading To be completed in five days
Committee Day 1 (Clause 18, new Clauses relating to Clause 18, new Schedules relating to Clause 18) The moment of interruption on the first day
6 hours 1 minute
Committee Day 2 (Clauses 1 to 5, new Clauses relating to any of Clauses 1 to 5, new Schedules relating to any of Clauses 1 to 5) The moment of interruption on the second day
6 hours 20 minutes
Committee Day 3 (Clause 6, Schedule 1, new Clauses relating to Clause 6 or Schedule 1,new Schedules relating to Clause 6 or Schedule 1) 90 minutes before the moment of interruption on the third day
5 hours 15 minutes
Committee Day 3 (Clauses 11 to 13, new Clauses relating to any of Clauses 11 to 13, new Schedules relating to any of Clauses 11 to 13) The moment of interruption on the third day
1 hour
Committee Day 4 (Clauses 7 to 10, new Clauses relating to any of Clauses 7 to 10, new Schedules relating to any of Clauses 7 to 10, Clause 14, new Clauses relating to Clause 14, new Schedules relating to Clause 14) The moment of interruption on the fourth day
4 hours 40 minutes
Committee Day 5 (Clauses 15 to 17, Schedule 2, new Clauses relating to Part 2, new Schedules relating to Part 2, Clauses 19 to 22, remaining new Clauses, remaining new Schedules, remaining proceedings in Committee) Two hours before the moment of interruption on the fifth day
Any proceedings on Consideration and Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the fifth day
24 January 2011
Committee, Consideration and Third Reading To be completed in six days
Committee Day 5 (Clauses 15 to 17, Schedule 2, new Clauses relating to Part 2, new Schedules relating to Part 2, Clauses 19 to 22, remaining new Clauses, remaining new Schedules, remaining proceedings in Committee) The moment of interruption on the fifth day
5 hours 51 minutes
Any proceedings on Consideration Two hours before the moment of interruption on the sixth day
4 hours 12 minutes
Third Reading Two hours after commencement of proceedings on Third Reading or at the moment of interruption on the sixth day, whichever is earlier
2 hours 1 minute
11 July 2011
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded four hours after their commencement
3 hours 34 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Police Reform and Social Responsibility 13 December 2010
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
30 March 2011
Consideration and Third Reading To be completed in two days
Consideration Day 1 (New Clauses and amendments to Clauses, and new Schedules and amendments to Schedules, relating to Part 1) To be concluded at 6.00 pm on the first day
4 hours 5 minutes
Consideration Day 1 (New Clauses and amendments to Clauses, and new Schedules, relating to Clause 152) To be concluded at 7.00 pm on the first day
1 hour 12 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (New Clauses and amendments to Clauses, and new Schedules, relating to Part 2) To be concluded at 3.00 pm on the second day
1 hour 52 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (New Clauses and amendments to Clauses, and new Schedules and amendments to Schedules, relating to Part 3 and Clauses 149 to 151; remaining proceedings on Consideration) To be concluded at 5.00 pm on the second day
2 hours 24 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the second day
48 minutes
12 September 2011
Lords Amendments (Nos. 1 to 4 and 6) To be concluded at 8.00 pm at that day's sitting
3 hours 41 minutes
Lords Amendments (Nos. 5, 7 to 52, 54, 55, 58, 60 to 168, 53, 56, 57, 59, 169 and 170) To be concluded at 10.00 pm at that day's sitting
1 hour 41 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Armed Forces10 January 2011
Committee, Consideration and Third Reading To be completed at one day's sitting
Committee and any proceedings on Consideration To be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption
Third Reading One hour after the commencement of proceedings on Third Reading or at the moment of interruption, whichever is earlier
14 June 2011
Committee, Consideration and Third Reading To be completed in two days
Committee To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the first day
4 hours 23 minutes
Any proceedings on Consideration To be concluded two hours before the moment of interruption on the second day
Third Reading To be concluded two hours after commencement of proceedings on Third Reading or at the moment of interruption on the second day, whichever is earlier
1 hour 7 minutes
Localism17 January 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
17 May 2011
Consideration and Third Reading To be completed in two days
Consideration Day 1 (new Clauses relating to Part 1, new Schedules relating to Part 1, amendments to Clause 1, amendments to Schedule 1, amendments to Clauses 2 to 10, amendments to Schedule 2, amendments to Clause 11, amendments to Schedule 3, amendments to Clauses 12 to 14, amendments to Schedule 4, amendments to Clauses 15 to 29, new Clauses relating to Part 2, new Schedules relating to Part 2 and amendments to Clauses 30 to 34) To be concluded at 7.30 pm on the first day
2 hours 21 minutes
Consideration Day 1 (New Clauses relating to Part 5, new Schedules relating to Part 5, amendments to Clause 89, amendments to Schedule 8, amendments to Clauses 90 to 96, amendments to Schedules 9 to 11, amendments to Clauses 97 to 101, amendments to Schedule 12, amendments to Clauses 102 to 107, amendments to Schedule 13, amendments to Clauses 108 to 120, new Clauses relating to Part 4, new Schedules relating to Part 4, amendments to Clauses 39 to 56, amendments to Schedules 5 and 6, amendments to Clauses 57 to 64, amendments to Schedule 7 and amendments to Clauses 65 to 88) To be concluded at 10.00 pm on the first day
2 hours 39 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (New Clauses relating to Part 3, new Schedules relating to Part 3, amendments to Clauses 35 to 38, new Clauses relating to tax in connection with provisions of Parts 6 and 7, new Schedules relating to tax in connection with provisions of Parts 6 and 7, remaining new Clauses relating to Part 7, remaining new Schedules relating to Part 7, amendments to Clauses 157 to 166, amendments to Schedules 19 and 20, amendments to Clauses 167 to 169, amendments to Schedule 21, amendments to Clauses 170 to 193, amendments to Schedule 22, amendments to Clauses 194 and 195, amendments to Schedule 23 and amendments to Clauses 196 to 200) To be concluded at 4.00 pm on the second day
1 hour 29 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (remaining new Clauses relating to Part 6, amendments to Clauses 121 to 133, amendments to Schedule 14,amendments to Clauses 134 to 140, amendments to Schedule 15, amendments to Clauses 141 to 150, amendments to Schedule 16, amendments to Clause 151, amendments to Schedule 17, amendments to Clauses 152 to 156, amendments to Schedule 18, remaining new Clauses, remaining new Schedules, amendments to Clauses 201 to 203, amendments to Schedule 24, amendments to Clauses 204 to 207 and remaining proceedings on Consideration) To be concluded at 6.00 pm on the second day
3 hours 3 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the second day
37 minutes
7 November 2011
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded at 10.00 pm at that day's sitting
3 hours 41 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Scotland27 January 2011
CommitteeProceedings to be completed in three days
Committee Day 1 (Clauses 1 to 9, Schedule 1, Clauses 10 to 12, Schedule 2, Clauses 13 to 23) To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the first day
5 hours 17 minutes
Committee Days 2 and 3 (Clauses 24 to 26, Schedule 3, Clauses 27 to 29, Schedule 4, Clauses 30 and 31, Schedule 5, Clauses 32 to 39, new Clauses, new Schedules, remaining proceedings on the Bill) To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the third day
Day 2: 5 hours 16 minutes

Day 3: 6 hours 24 minutes
Consideration To be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the day proceedings on Third Reading are commenced or one hour after they are commenced, whichever is earlier
21 June 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded at the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
3 hours 24 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded one hour after the moment of interruption on that day or one hour after they are commenced, whichever is earlier
45 minutes
26 April 2012
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded three hours after their commencement at that day's sitting
3 hours
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Health and Social Care 31 January 2011
Consideration and Third Reading To be completed in two days
Consideration To be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the second day
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
6 September 2011
Consideration Day 1 (New Clauses and New Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Parts 3 and 4 other than:

(a) New Clauses, New Schedules and amendments relating to transitional arrangements for NHS foundation trusts,

(b) New Clauses, New Schedules and amendments relating to private health care, and

(c) amendments providing for commissioning consortia to be known as clinical commissioning groups.)

To be concluded at 8.30 pm on the first day
4 hours 40 minutes
Consideration Day 1 (New Clauses and New Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Parts 3 and 4, which relate to transitional arrangements for NHS foundation trusts or to private health care; amendments providing for commissioning consortia to be known as clinical commissioning groups.) To be concluded at 10.00 pm on the first day
1 hour 15 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (New Clauses, New Schedules and amendments relating to the provision of information, advice or counselling about termination of pregnancy.) To be concluded one and a half hours after the commencement of proceedings on Consideration on the second day
1 hour 44 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (Remaining New Clauses and New Schedules relating to, and remaining amendments to, Parts 1, 2 and 5 to 12; remaining proceedings on Consideration.) To be concluded at 6.00 pm on the second day
4 hours 1 minute
Third Reading To be concluded at 7.00 pm on the second day
43 minutes
20 March 2012
Lords Amendments (Nos. 1 to 10, 13 to 42, 54 to 60, 63 to 167, 242, 246, 248, 252, 287, 292 to 326, 328 to 332 and 335 to 365) To be concluded at 8.00 pm at that day's sitting
2 hours 31 minutes
Lords Amendments (Nos. 11, 12, 43 to 53, 61, 62, 168 to 241, 243 to 245, 247, 249 to 251, 253 to 286, 288 to 291, 327, 333, 334 and 366 to 374) To be concluded at 10.00 pm at that day's sitting
2 hours
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after commencement
Education8 February 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
4 hours 40 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
42 minutes
14 November 2011
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded at 10pm
5 hours 19 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Budget Responsibility and National Audit [Lords] 14 February 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
2 hours 28 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
25 minutes
Protection of Freedoms 1 March 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
10 October 2011
Consideration and Third Reading To be concluded in two days
Consideration Day 1 (New Clauses and New Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Chapter 1 of Part 1) To be concluded at 8.30 pm on the first day
1 hour 28 minutes
Consideration Day 1 (New Clauses and New Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Chapter 2 of Part 3) To be concluded at 10.00 pm on the first day
1 hour 12 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (New Clauses and New Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Chapter 1 of Part 2) To be concluded at 5.30 pm on the second day
1 hour 21 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (New Clauses and New Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Part 5) To be concluded at 7.30 pm on the second day
2 hours
Consideration Day 2 (New Clauses and New Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Part 4, Chapter 2 of Part 1, Chapter 2 of Part 2, Chapter 1 of Part 3, and Part 6; remaining New Clauses; remaining New Schedules; amendments to Part 7 and remaining proceedings on Consideration) To be concluded at 9.00 pm on the second day
1 hour 46 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at 10.00 pm on the second day
1 hour 11 minutes
19 March 2012
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded four hours after their commencement at that day's sitting
Lords Amendments Nos. 16 to 18 To be concluded one hour after commencement of proceedings on Consideration of Lords Amendments
45 minutes
Lords Amendments Nos. 51, 52, 59, 68 and 133 To be concluded three hours after commencement of proceedings on Consideration of Lords Amendments
1 hour 18 minutes
Lords Amendments Nos. 1 to 15, 19 to 50, 53 to 58, 60 to 67, 69 to 132 and 134 to 145 To be concluded four hours after commencement of proceedings on Consideration of Lords Amendments
2 hours 5 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Welfare Reform9 March 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
13 June 2011
Consideration and Third Reading To be completed in two days
Consideration Day 1 (New Clauses and amendments relating to recovery by deduction from earnings; New Clauses relating to Part 1; new Schedules relating to Part 1; amendments to Clauses 1 to 31; amendments to Schedule 1; amendments to Clause 32; amendments to Schedule 2; amendments to Clauses 33 and 34; amendments to Schedule 3; amendments to Clause 35; amendments to Schedule 4; amendments to Clause 36; amendments to Schedule 5; amendments to Clause 37; amendments to Schedule 6; amendments to Clauses 38 to 43; new Clauses relating to Part 2; new Schedules relating to Part 2; amendments to Clauses 44 to 48; amendments to Schedule 7; amendments to Clauses 49 to 62; new Clauses relating to industrial injuries benefit or housing benefit; new Schedules relating to industrial injuries benefit or housing benefit; amendments to Clauses 63 to 68) To be concluded at 10.00 pm on the first day
6 hours 34 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (New Clauses relating to the social fund or state pension credit; New Schedules relating to the social fund or state pension credit; amendments to Clause 69; amendments to Schedule 8; amendments to Clauses 70 to 74; new Clauses relating to Part 4; new Schedules relating to Part 4; amendments to Clauses 75 to 88; amendments to Schedule 9; amendments to Clauses 89 and 90; amendments to Schedule 10; amendments to Clauses 91 and 92; remaining new Clauses relating to Part 5; new Schedules relating to Part 5; amendments to Clauses 93 to 99; amendments to Schedule 11; amendments to Clause 100; amendments to Schedule 12; amendments to Clauses 101 to 128 (other than those relating to recovery by deduction from earnings); new Clauses relating to Part 6; new Schedules relating to Part 6; amendments to Clauses 129 to 135; amendments to Schedule 13; new Clauses relating to Part 7; new Schedules relating to Part 7; amendments to Clause 136; amendments to Schedule 14 (other than those relating to recovery by deduction from earnings); amendments to Clauses 137 to 140; remaining proceedings on Consideration) To be concluded at 6.00 pm on the second day
4 hours 46 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at 7.00 pm on the second day
42 minutes
1 February 2012
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded at 7.00 pm at that day's sitting
Lords Amendments 15, 17 to 19 and 23 (employment and support allowance) To be concluded at 2.30 pm
2 hours 29 minutes
Lords Amendment 47 (benefits cap) To be concluded at 5.00 pm
2 hours 5 minutes
Lords Amendments 1 to 14, 16, 20 to 22, 24 to 46, 48 to 110 (remaining amendments) To be concluded at 7.00 pm
2 hours 30 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
1 hour 17 minutes
London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Amendment) 28 April 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
1 hour 51 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
39 minutes
29 November 2011
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded one hour after their commencement at that day's sitting
10 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Energy [Lords]10 May 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
5 hours 54 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
17 minutes
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures 7 June 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced 4 hours 32 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
45 minutes
29 November 2011
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded one hour after their commencement at that day's sitting
1 hour 14 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Pensions [Lords]20 June 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
18 October 2011
Consideration (Amendments to Clause 1 and Schedule 1, and New Clauses relating to state pension age) To be concluded at 7.45 pm at that day's sitting
3 hours 11 minutes
Consideration (New Clauses relating to Part 2; Amendments to Clauses 4 to 17; New Clauses relating to the meaning of 'money purchase benefits'; remaining New Clauses; Amendments to Clauses 2, 3 and 18 to 33; New Schedules; Amendments to Schedules 2 to 5; and remaining proceedings on Consideration) To be concluded at 9.00 pm at that day's sitting
1 hour 2 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at 10 pm at that day's sitting
1 hour 15 minutes
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders 29 June 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced
Third reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
31 October 2011
Consideration and Third Reading To be completed in three days
Consideration Day 1 (Amendments to, and new Clauses and new Schedules relating to, Clauses 7 and 8 and Schedule 1) To be concluded at 10.00 pm on the first day
5 hours 48 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (new Clauses and new Schedules relating to sentences of imprisonment or detention for public protection, life sentences, extended sentences and the release and recall of extended sentence prisoners) To be concluded at 6.00 pm on the second day
1 hour 38 minutes
Consideration Day 2(new Clauses and new Schedules relating to referral fees; new Clauses and new Schedules relating to fines on conviction in magistrates' courts) To be concluded at 8.00 pm on the second day
1 hour 40 minutes
Consideration Day 2(new Clauses and new Schedules relating to section 76 of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008; new Clauses and new Schedules relating to squatting) To be concluded at 10.00 pm on the second day
2 hours 22 minutes
Consideration Day 3 (new Clauses and new Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Part 1 (other than Clauses 7 and 8 and Schedule 1); new Clauses and new Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Part 2; remaining new Clauses; remaining new Schedules; amendments to Parts 3 and 4; remaining proceedings on Consideration) To be concluded at 6.00 pm on the third day
4 hours 34 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at 7.00 pm on the third day
47 minutes
17 April 2012
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded at 10.00 pm at that day's sitting
Lords Amendments (Nos. 1, 3 to 5 and 24) To be concluded at 5.30 pm
57 minutes
Lords Amendments (Nos. 2, 189 to 194, 196, 217 to 220, 243, 168, 169, 240, 170 to 172, 177 to 181 and 206 to 216) To be concluded at 8.15 pm
2 hours 55 minutes
Lords Amendments (Nos. 31 and 32, 6 to 23, 25 to 30, 33 to 167, 173 to 176, 182 to 188, 195, 197 to 205, 221 to 239, 241, 242 and 244 to 326) To be concluded at 10.00 pm
1 hour 33 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
1 hour 27 minutes
Public Bodies [Lords] 12 July 2011
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
25 October 2011
Consideration (New Clauses; new Schedules; amendments to Clause 1 and Schedule 1; amendments to Clause 2 and Schedule 2; amendments to Clause 3 and Schedule 3; amendments to Clause 4 and Schedule 4) To be concluded at 7.45 pm at that day's sitting
3 hours 34 minutes
Consideration (Amendments to Clause 5 and Schedule 5; amendments to Clauses 6 to 27; amendments to Schedule 6; amendments to Clauses 28 to 35; remaining proceedings on Consideration) To be concluded at 9.00 pm at that day's sitting
1 hour 16 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at 10.00 pm at that day's sitting
1 hour
29 November 2011
Lords AmendmentsTo be concluded one hour after commencement of proceedings on Consideration of Lords Amendments
1 hour 16 minutes
Subsequent stages To be concluded one hour after their commencement
Local Government Finance * 10 January 2012
Committee Days 1 and 2 (Clause 1, Schedule 1, Clause 2, Schedule 2, Clauses 3 to 5, Schedule 3, Clauses 6 and 7, new Clauses relating to nondomestic rates, new Schedules relating to non-domestic rates) To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the second day
Day 1: 5 hours 37 minutes

Day 2: 5 hour 40 minutes
Committee Day 3 (Clause 8, Schedule 4, Clauses 9 to 16, new Clauses relating to council tax, new Schedules relating to council tax, remaining new Clauses, remaining new Schedules, remaining proceedings in Committee) To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the third day
4 hours 53 minutes
Consideration To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Third Reading are commenced
Civil Aviation *30 January 2012
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
25 April 2012
Consideration and Third Reading To be taken on two days
Consideration To be taken on the first day and to be concluded a the moment of interruption on that day
5 hours 14 minutes
Third Reading To be taken on the second day and to be concluded two hours after their commencement
Financial Services * 6 February 2012
ConsiderationTo be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption on that day
23 April 2012
Consideration and Third Reading To be completed in two days
Consideration Day 1 (New Clauses and New Schedules; amendments to Clauses 1 to 3; amendments to Schedule 1; amendments to Clause 4; amendments to Schedule 2; amendments to Clause 5; amendments to Schedule 3)
To be concluded at 10.00 pm on the first day
5 hours 22 minutes
Consideration Day 2 (remaining proceedings on Consideration)
To be concluded three hours after commencement of proceedings on Consideration on the second day
Third Reading
To be concluded four hours after the commencement of proceedings on Consideration on the second day
Water Industry (Financial Assistance) 6 March 2012
Committee, Consideration and Third Reading To be completed at one day's sitting
Committee and any proceedings on Consideration To be concluded one hour before the moment of interruption
3 hours 53 minutes
Third Reading To be concluded at the moment of interruption
50 minutes
Finance (No. 4)16 April 2012 Committee of the Whole House To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the second day
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the second day
Committee of the Whole House Clause 1 to be brought to a conclusion three hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Bill on the first day. Clause 209 and Schedule 33 to be brought to a conclusion five hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Bill on the first day. New Clauses or new Schedules first appearing on the Order paper not later than Tuesday 17 April 2012 and relating to value added tax to be brought to a conclusion seven hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Bill on the first day. Clause 189 and Schedule 23 to be brought to a conclusion eight and a quarter hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Bill on the first day. Clause 4 to be brought to a conclusion three hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Bill on the second day. Clause 8 and Schedule 1 to be brought to a conclusion at 6.00pm on the second day. 6 hours 35 minutes (Day 1)

3 hours 52 minutes (Day 2)

In Public Bill Committee
BillDate of Order Date for report from Public Bill Committee Dates of report(s) from Programming Sub-committee Date of report from Public Bill Committee
Identity Documents 9 June 20108 July 2010 24 June 20106 July 2010
Superannuation7 September 2010 16 September 2010 8 September 201016 September 2010
Local Government [Lords] 21 October 20104 November 2010 1 November 20102 November 2010
Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant 26 October 201011 November 2010 1 November 201011 November 2010
Postal Services27 October 2010 9 December 20108 November 2010 9 December 2010
Terrorist Asset-Freezing Etc. [Lords] 15 November 201025 November 2010 23 November 201023 November 2010
National Insurance Contributions 23 November 20109 December 2010 2 December 20109 December 2010
Police Reform and Social Responsibility 13 December 201017 February 2011 13 January 201117 February 2011
Localism17 January 2011 10 March 201124 January 2011 10 March 2011
Health and Social Care 31 January 201131 March 2011 7 February 201131 March 2011
21 June 2011(Re-Committed) 14 July 201127 June 2011 14 July 2011
Education8 February 2011 5 April 201128 February 2011 5 April 2011
Budget Responsibility and National Audit [Lords] 14 February 20118 March 2011 28 February 20113 March 2011
Protection of Freedoms 1 March 201110 May 2011
16 March 2011 17 May 201117 March 2011 17 May 2011
Welfare Reform9 March 2011 24 May 201117 March 2011 24 May 2011
London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Amendment) 28 April 201119 May 2011 9 May 201119 May 2011
Energy [Lords]10 May 2011 21 June 201123 May 2011 21 June 2011
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures 7 June 20115 July 2011 15 June 20115 July 2011
Pensions [Lords]20 June 2011 19 July 20114 July 2011 14 July 2011
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders 29 June 201113 October 2011 7 July 201113 October 2011
Public Bodies [Lords] 12 July 201113 October 2011 13 July 201111 October 2011
Civil Aviation30 January 2012 15 March 201220 February 2012 13 March 2012
Financial Services 6 February 201220 March 2012 20 February 2012
21 February 2012 22 March 2012
22 March 2012

# Bill carried over from previous Session.

(3) Allocation of Time (Business of the House Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House
BillDate of Order StagePeriod allotted Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)

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Prepared 14 September 2012