House, Committees of the Whole House, General Committees and Select Committees - Sessional Returns Contents


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The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 12 July 2010.

Vaz, Keith (Chair)

Blackwood, Nicola

Burley, Aidan (discharged 14.2.11)

Clappison, Mr James (added 2.11.10)

Ellis, Michael (added 14.2.11)

Fullbrook, Lorraine

Huppert, Julian

McCabe, Stephen

MacLeod, Mary (discharged 2.11.10)

Michael, Alun

Phillipson, Bridget

Reckless, Mark

Winnick, Mr David

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

69 out of 70

52 out of 70

18 out of 24

45 out of 60

38 out of 46

50 out of 70

60 out of 70

63 out of 70

6 out of 10

64 out of 70

43 out of 70

62 out of 70

69 out of 70

82.9 %

Total number of meetings: 70

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 64 [check]
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 2
Number of wholly private meetings 4
Other activities
Informal meetings 4
Conferences/Seminars hosted 7


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Professor Nigel Gilbert, Professor Marianne Hester, Davina James-Hanman, Dr Nazia Khanum, and

Ms Polly Sprenger

Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers5
Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 16
Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 11
Members of the House of Lords (of whom one was a Minister) 3
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Home Office18
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1
Ministry of Justice 2
Executive agencies comprising:
UK Border Agency5
Independent Chief Inspector of UK Border Agency 1
HM Prison Service2
Crown Prosecution Service 1
Equality and Human Rights Commission 2
National Policing Improvement Agency 3
Office of the Information Commissioner 1
Serious Organised Crime Agency 3
Appearances by other witnesses: 244

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
27.2-2.3.11Turkey Vaz, Clappison, Fullbrook, McCabe, Michael, Phillipson, Reckless 2Inquiry into the accession of Turkey to the European Union £10,534
14-16.6.11Athens Vaz, Clappison, McCabe, Reckless 2Inquiry into the accession of Turkey to the European Union £5,877
4-9.3.12Miami and Bogotá Vaz, Blackwood, Fullbrook, Huppert, McCabe, Michael 2Inquiry into Drugs £48,559

Visits to European Institutions
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
5-6.10.11BrusselsA Vaz1 EU conference£745

A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
29.7.10DoverA Vaz Follow up to the inquiry into e-borders £125
1.11.10CEOP, LondonA Vaz, Phillipson1 Inquiry into the work of CEOP Nil
8.11.10Bisley Vaz, Burley, Huppert, Michael, Phillipson, Reckless 2Inquiry into Firearms Control £151
22.11.10Cannock Vaz, Burley, McCabe, Michael, Phillipson, Reckless 3Inquiry into Police and Crime Commissioners £2,151
13.12.10Oxford Vaz, Blackwood, Huppert, Michael, Reckless 4Inquiry into Student Visas £396
24.1.11Police Federation, LeatherheadA Vaz, Reckless2 Inquiry into Police Finances £84
7.2.11Brighton Vaz, Blackwood, Huppert, McCabe, Phillipson 2Inquiry into Student Visas £494
28.3.11ACPO, London Vaz, Ellis, Huppert, Reckless 2Inquiry into the new landscape of policing Nil
18.5.11BournemouthA Vaz Inquiry into the new landscape of policing £46
4.6.11SheringhamA Vaz1 Inquiry into the new landscape of policing £108
12-13.6.11CardiffA Vaz, Michael3 Inquiry into the new landscape of policing £1,631
10.8.11ClaphamA Vaz Inquiry into Policing of large scale disorder £16
12.8.11TottenhamA Vaz Inquiry into Policing of large scale disorder Nil
13.8.11BirminghamA Vaz Inquiry into Policing of large scale disorder Nil
15.8.11Pease PottageA Vaz1 Inquiry into the UKBA Nil
22.8.11BirminghamA Vaz Inquiry into Policing of large scale disorder Nil
24.10.11Croydon and

HMP Feltham

Vaz, Huppert, McCabe, Michael, Winnick 2Inquiry into policing of large scale disorder £538
27.11.11HMP Belmarsh Vaz, Clappison, Huppert, Michael, Reckless, Winnick 2Inquiry into roots of violent radicalisation £300
13.12.11Leicester Vaz, Ellis, Huppert, Michael 6Inquiry into roots of violent radicalisation £1,508
27.2.12The Drug and Alcohol Service, Lambeth Vaz, Huppert, Winnick 3Inquiry into Drugs Nil

A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2010-12) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Immigration Cap 3613.11.10 Received 22.12.10: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2010-12
Second Report: Policing: Police and Crime Commissioners 5111.12.10 Received 5.2.11: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2010-12
Third Report: Firearms Control 44720.12.10 Cm 8155, published 17.10.11
Fourth Report: The work of the UK Border Agency 58711.1.11 Received 8.3.11: published as Eighth Special Report, Session 2010-12
Fifth Report: Police use of Tasers 6467.3.11 Cm 8098, published 16.6.11
Sixth Report: Police Finances 69523.2.11 Cm 8093, published 13.6.11
Seventh Report: Student Visas 77317.3.11 Received 24.5.11: published as Eleventh Report, Session 2010-12
Eighth Report: Forced Marriage 88017.5.11 Cm 8151, published 17.10.11
Ninth Report: The work of the UK Border Agency (November 2010-March 2011) 9292.6.11 Received 19.7.11: published as First Special Report, Session 2012-13
Tenth Report: Implications for the Justice and Home Affairs area of the accession of Turkey to the European Union 7891.8.11 Cm 8187, published 17.10.11
Eleventh Report: Student Visas: Follow-up 144526.7.11 Cm 8193, published 21.10.11
Twelfth Report: Home Office-Work of the Permanent Secretary 92818.7.11 Received 11.10.11: published as Second Special Report, Session 2012-13
Thirteenth Report: Unauthorised tapping into or hacking of mobile communications 90720.7.11 Cm 8182, published 17.10.11
Fourteenth Report: New Landscape of Policing 93923.9.11 Cm 8223, published 21.12.11
Fifteenth Report: The work of the UK Border Agency (April-July 2011) 14974.11.11 Cm 8253, published 21.12.11
Oral and Written Evidence: The work of the UK Border Agency (April-July 2011) 1497-II7.11.11 Not applicable
Sixteenth Report: Policing Large Scale Disorder: Lessons from the disturbances of August 2011 145622.12.11 Cm 8292, published 2.3.12
Oral and Written Evidence: Policing Large Scale Disorder: Lessons from the disturbances of August 2011 1456-II22.12.11 Not applicable
Seventeenth Report: UK Border Controls 164720.1.12 Cm 8341, published 19.4.12
Eighteenth Report: Rules governing enforced removals from the UK 56326.1.12 Cm 8342, published 19.4.12
Nineteenth Report: Roots of violent radicalisation 14466.2.12 Awaited
Twentieth Report: The US-UK Extradition Treaty 64430.3.12 Awaited
Twenty-First Report: The work of the UK Border Agency (August-December 2011) 172211.4.12 Awaited
First Special Report: Counter Terrorism Measures in British Airports: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2009-10 45616.9.10 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Follow-up of Asylum Cases and e-Borders Programme: Government Response to the Committee's Twelfth Report of Session 2009-10 45716.9.10 Not applicable
Third Special Report: The Government's Approach to Crime Prevention: Government Response to the Tenth Report from the Committee, Session 2009-10 7011.3.11 Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: Information Commissioner's Annual Report to the House of Commons pursuant to the Home Affairs Committee's report 'A Surveillance Society', Fifth Report of Session 2007-08 7021.3.11 Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: Immigration Cap: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2010-11 7171.3.11 Not applicable
Sixth Special Report: The National DNA Database: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2009-10 86118.3.11 Not applicable
Seventh Special Report: Policing: Police and Crime Commissioners: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2010-11 86221.3.11 Not applicable
Eighth Special Report: The work of the UK Border Agency: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2010-12 102716.5.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The work of the Home Office 360-i16.9.10 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Policing 362-i2.9.10 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Specialist Operations 441-i16.12.10 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Work of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre 510-i16.12.10 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Future of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) 510-ii18.3.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary 548-i11.2.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of the National Policing Improvement Agency 588-i16.2.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Impact of the Comprehensive Spending Review on the Home Office 626-i17.12.10 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Extradition 644-i16.3.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Extradition 644-ii16.3.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Lessons from the American Experience of Policing 645-i11.2.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The work of the Home Secretary 647-i16.2.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The Government's Review of Counter-Terrorism 675-i20.6.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The role of the Chief Scientific Advisor 694-i17.10.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The work of the Home Office-Equalities 732-i18.4.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Presence of undercover police officers at the G20 protests in 2009 772-i18.3.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Policing of TUC march on 26 March 2011 917-i16.5.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Home Office -Managing Cuts 928-i27.6.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Restorative Justice, Norfolk 1237-i18.10.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of the Home Secretary 1372-i17.10.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Police Bail 1399-i17.10.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The Work of the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police 1524-i4.11.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Work of the National Crime Agency 1553-i23.2.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Home Office Agencies 1631-i19.1.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Policing Protocol 1714-i19.1.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Counter Terrorism Update 1775-i16.3.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Independent Review of Police Officer and Staff Remuneration and Conditions 1877-i18.4.12 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The work of the Permanent Secretary 1751-i17.1.12 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Drugs 1774-i - iv24.1.12 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Private Investigators 1800-i - iii7.2.12 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Immigration Cap 3.11.10 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Policing: Police and Crime Commissioners 1.12.10 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Firearms Control 20.12.10 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Student Visas 17.3.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: New Landscape of Policing 23.9.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: UK Border Controls 20.1.12 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Roots of violent radicalisation 6.2.12 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2009-10

Reply to the Committee's Eighth Report: The National DNA Database, received 2.3.11 and published as the Committee's Sixth Special Report, Session 2010-12.

Reply to the Committee's Ninth Report: Counter-Terrorism Measures at British Airports, received 16.9.10 and published as the Committee's First Special Report, Session 2010-12.

Reply to the Committee's Tenth Report: The Government's Approach to Crime Prevention, received 29.9.10 and published as the Committee's Third Special Report, Session 2010-12.

Reply to the Committee's Twelfth Report: UK Border Agency: Follow-up on Asylum Cases and E-Borders Programme, received 16.9.10 and published as the Committee's Second Special Report, Session 2010-12.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at

25.10.10One, on an amendment to the Chair's draft Report on Immigration Cap
15.2.11Two, on amendments to the Chair's draft Report on Police Finances
15.3.11Four, on amendments to the Chair's draft Report on Student Visas
15.12.11One, on an amendment to the Chair's draft Report on Policing Large Scale Disorder
17.1.12One, on consideration of the question, that the Report be the 17th Report of the Committee to the House [UK Border Controls]
27.3.12Two, One on an amendment to the Chair's draft Report on The US-UK Extradition Treaty, and one on the question that the Report be the 20th Report of the Committee to the House


The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:

Fourteenth Report, Session 2010-12, New Landscape of Policing, HC 939, 12.1.12

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Drugs Policy4
Firearms Control5
Follow-up on Domestic Violence, Forced Marriage and 'Honour'-Based Violence 1
Home Office-Managing the cuts 1
Immigration Cap3
New Landscape of Policing 8
Police Bail1
Police Finances2
Police Pay and Conditions 1
Policing-July 2010 1
Policing Large Scale Disorder 8
Policing of TUC March on 26 March 2011 1
Policing Protocol1
Policing: Police and Crime Commissioners 3
Private Investigators 3
Restorative Justice 1
Role of private sector companies in policing 1
Roots of Violent Radicalisation 7
Rules Governing Enforced Removal from the UK 2
Specialist Operations 1
Student Visas3
The effect of the Comprehensive Spending Review on the Home Office 1
The Government's Review of Counter-Terrorism 2
The implications of Turkish accession to the EU for the Justice and Home Affairs area 4
The police use of tasers 1
The Role of the Chief Scientific Advisor 1
The work of Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre 2
The work of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary 1
The work of the Home Office -July 2010 1
The work of the Home Secretary 3
The work of the National Policing Improvement AgencyA 1
The work of the UK Border AgencyA 3
UK Border Agency Enforcement 2
UK Border checks during Summer 2011 3
Unauthorised tapping into or hacking of mobile communications 6
Undercover Police Officers 1
Work of the National Crime Agency 1
Work of the Permanent Secretary 1

A The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2009-10; figures appear in the Return for that Session

B At several evidence sessions the Committee took evidence on more than one inquiry

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© Parliamentary copyright 2012
Prepared 14 September 2012