House, Committees of the Whole House, General Committees and Select Committees - Sessional Returns Contents


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The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 12 July 2010.

Beith, Sir Alan (Chair)

Brine, Steve (added 5.12.11)

Buckland, Robert

Corbyn, Jeremy (added 16.5.11)

de Bois, Nick (added 1.11.11)

Evans, Chris

Grant, Helen (discharged 1.11.11)

Gummer, Ben (added 29.11.10)

James, Mrs Siân C (discharged 16.5.11)

Lee, Jessica (discharged 29.11.10)

Llwyd, Mr Elfyn

Malhotra, Seema (added 6.2.12)

Perry, Claire (discharged 5.12.11)

Qureshi, Yasmin

Riordan, Mrs Linda (discharged 6.2.12)

Soubry, Anna (discharged 29.11.10)

Truss, Elizabeth (added 29.11.10)

Turner, Karl

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

64 out of 65

9 out of 12

51 out of 65

28 out of 32

12 out of 15

40 out of 65

20 out of 50

38 out of 54

8 out of 33

4 out of 11

52 out of 65

2 out of 7

31 out of 53

37 out of 65

9 out of 58

7 out of 11

39 out of 54

23 out of 65

60.8 %

Total number of meetings: 65

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 59
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 6
Other activities
Informal meetings 7


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Ms Helen Boocock, Professor Robert Canton, Mrs José James, and Professor Judith Masson

Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers3
Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 10
Attorney General1
Members of the House of Commons (excluding Ministers) 3
Members of the House of Lords 3
Members of the Judiciary 6
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
HM Inspectorate of Probation 1
Ministry of Justice 17
Executive agencies
Her Majesty's Courts Service (HMCS) 1
National Offender Management Service 1
Number of appearances by representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) 6
Crown Prosecution Service 2
Law Commission1
Judicial Appointments Commission 3
Legal Services Commission 3
Office of the Information Commissioner 3
Office of the Public Guardian 1
Sentencing Council 3
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales 5
Appearances by other witnesses: 142

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
23-26.4.12Denmark and Norway Beith, Brine, Corbyn, Gummer, Llwyd 2Inquiries into Youth Justice and Budget and structure of the MoJ £ 15,115 (estimated outturn)

Visits to European Institutions
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
8.11.11Brussels Beith, Buckland, Corbyn, Llwyd 2Consideration of Justice and Home Affairs issues £3,227

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
14.9.10Probation Service, London Beith, Buckland, Evans, Grant, Lee, Perry 3The role of the Probation Service £240
16.9.10JerseyA Beith Dependency or Sovereignty? time to take stock conference £426
15.2.11Military Corrective Training Centre, Colchester Beith, Llwyd, Perry 2The role of the Probation Service £467
1.4.11NewcastleA Beith1 Justice Re-investment £519
24.5.11Brighton Beith, Corbyn, Evans, Gummer, Truss 4The role of the Probation Service: oral evidence session £301
11.7.11HMP Doncaster Beith, Corbyn, Gummer, Llwyd, Turner 1The work of HM Inspectorate of Prisons £536
1.12.11Legal Services Commission, London Beith, de Bois, Gummer 2Work of the Legal Services Commission Nil
17.1.12Ministry of Justice, London Beith, Brine, Buckland, Corbyn, de Bois, Evans, Gummer, Llwyd, Qureshi, Truss 4Budget and structure of the MoJ Nil
13.3.12National Offenders Management Service, London Beith, Buckland, Corbyn, Gummer, Llwyd, Qureshi, Truss 3Budget and structure of the MoJ Nil
15-16.3.12GuernseyA Beith1 Follow-up work on Crown Dependencies £610

A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2010-12) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Revised Sentencing Guideline: Assault 63726.1.11 Not applicable
Second Report: Appointment of the Chair of the Judicial Appointments Commission 7707.2.11 Not applicable
Third Report: Government's proposed reform of legal aid 681-I30.3.11 Ministry of Justice response, Cm 8111, published 1.6.11
Oral and Written Evidence: Government's proposed reform of legal aid 681-II30.3.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Government's proposed reform of legal aid 4.4.11 Not applicable
Fourth Report: Appointment of the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales 102224.5.11 Not applicable
Fifth Report: Appointment of HM Chief Inspector of Probation 102121.6.11 Not applicable
Sixth Report: Operation of the Family Courts 518-I14.7.11 Ministry of Justice response, Cm 8189, published 13.10.11
Oral and Written Evidence: Operation of the Family Courts 518-II14.7.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Operation of the Family Courts 14.7.11 Not applicable
Seventh Report: Draft sentencing guidelines: drugs and burglary 121112.7.11 Not applicable
Eighth Report: The role of the Probation Service 519-I27.7.11 Ministry of Justice response, Cm 8176, published 13.10.11
Oral and Written Evidence: The role of the Probation Service 519-II27.7.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: The role of the Probation Service 27.7.11 Not applicable
Ninth Report: Referral Fees and the theft of personal data: evidence from the Information Commissioner 147327.10.11 Ministry of Justice response, Cm 8240, published 12.12.11
Tenth Report: The proposed abolition of the Youth Justice Board 154723.11.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: The proposed abolition of the Youth Justice Board 23.11.11 Not applicable
Eleventh Report: Joint Enterprise 159718.1.12 Received 20.3.12: published as First Special Report, Session 2010-12
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Joint Enterprise 17.1.12 Not applicable
Twelfth Report: Presumption of Death 166322.2.12 Awaited
First Special Report: Joint Enterprise: Government Response to the Committee's Eleventh Report of Session 2010-12 190120.3.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of the Ministry of Justice 378-i28.3.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of the Ministry of Justice and its resources 378-ii26.4.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of the Judicial Appointments Commission 449-i15.11.10 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Court closures and other issues within the Minister's remit 520-i28.3.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of the Lord Chief Justice 521-i28.3.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of the Commissioner for Victims and Witnesses 583-i26.4.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Post-Legislative Scrutiny of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 636-i26.4.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of the Legal Services Commission 649-i26.4.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of the Director of Public Prosecutions 745-i26.4.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Ministry of Justice Departmental Annual Report 2008-09 1016-i28.3.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The work of the Attorney General 1472-i26.4.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The Annual Report of the Sentencing Council 1711-i31.1.12 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2009-10

Reply to the Committee's Eighth Report: Crown Dependencies, published as Cm 7965 (3.11.10).

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at




The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:

First Report, Session 2009-10, Cutting Crime: the case for justice re-investment, HC 94, 21.10.10

The following Reports were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

First Report, Session 2010-12, Revised Sentencing Guideline: Assault, HC 637, 2.2.12

Third Report, Session 2010-12, Government's proposed reform of legal aid, HC 681, 29.6.11; 24.10.11; and 15.3.12

Seventh Report, Session 2010-12, Draft Sentencing Guidelines: Drugs and burglary,

HC 1211, 2.2.12

The following oral evidence was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Oral evidence taken before the Justice Committee on 13 December 2011, The Annual Report of the Sentencing Council, HC 1711-i, 2.2.12

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Government's proposed reform of legal aid 7
Appointment of HM Chief Inspector of Probation 1
Appointment of the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales 1
Court closures and other issues within the Minister's remit 1
Draft Sentencing Guideline: Assault 3
Draft Sentencing Guidelines: drug offences and burglary 2
Joint enterprise2
Post-legislative scrutiny of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 5
Post-legislative scrutiny of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 1
Presumption of death 2
The budget and structure of the MoJ 6
The future of the Youth Justice Board and Youth Offending Teams 2
The Judicial Appointments Commission 2
The operation of the Family Courts 6
The role of the Probation Service 12
The work of the Attorney General 1
The work of the Commissioner for Victims and Witnesses 1
The work of the Director of Public Prosecutions 1
The work of the Information Commissioner 1
The work of the Legal Services Commission 1
The work of the Lord Chief Justice 1
The work of the Ministry of Justice 2
The work of the Sentencing Council 1

A On three occasions the Committee's meeting comprised evidence in two separate inquiries

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Prepared 14 September 2012