House, Committees of the Whole House, General Committees and Select Committees - Sessional Returns Contents


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The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 12 July 2010.

Allen, Mr Graham (Chair)

Boles, Nick (discharged 1.11.10)

Chope, Mr Christopher

Flynn, Paul (added 12.12.11)

Gilmore, Sheila

Griffiths, Andrew (added 1.11.10)

Hamilton, Fabian (added 8.11.10)

Hart, Simon

Hunt, Tristram

Laing, Mrs Eleanor

McKinnell, Catherine (discharged 8.11.10)

Qureshi, Yasmin (added 13.7.11 discharged 12.12.11)

Soulsby, Sir Peter (discharged 1.4.11)

Turner, Mr Andrew

Williams, Stephen

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

50 out of 58

7 out of 12

37 out of 58

9 out of 12

49 out of 58

29 out of 46

25 out of 45

47 out of 58

38 out of 58

44 out of 58

6 out of 13

0 out of 9

11 out of 29

50 out of 58

39 out of 58

70.0 %

Total number of meetings: 58

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 45
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 13
Other activities
Informal meetings 5
Conferences/Seminars hosted 3


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
  Cabinet Ministers 4
  Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 7
  Member of the House of Commons 5
  Members of the House of Lords 6
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of: 0
  Cabinet Office 2
  Boundary Commission for England 1
  Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland 1
  Boundary Commission for Scotland 1
  Boundary Commission for Wales 1
  Electoral Commission 3
  UK Bill of Rights Commission 3
Appearances by other witnesses: 90

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
19-20.10.11Dublin Chope, Griffiths, Hamilton, Laing, Qureshi, Williams 2In connection with inquiries into

The role and powers of the Prime Minister, and Mapping the path to codifying—or not

codifying—the UK's constitution


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost




Gilmore, Hart, Turner

Allen, Chope, Griffiths, Hamilton, Laing, Williams



Comparative Study

Comparative Study



15-16.3.12EdinburghA Chope Seminar on Scotland's constitutional future £355

A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2010-12) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill: Report for Second Reading 4222.8.10 Not required
Second Report: Fixed-term Parliaments Bill 43610.9.10 Cm 7951, published 8.11.10
Third Report: Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill 43711.10.10 Cm 7997, published 1.3.11
Fourth Report: Lessons from the process of government formation after the 2010 general election 528-I28.1.11 Received 9.3.11: published as First Special Report, Session 2010-12
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Lessons from the process of government formation after the 2010 general election 28.1.11 Not applicable
Fifth Report: Voting by convicted prisoners: summary of evidence 7769.2.11 Not required
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Voting by convicted prisoners: summary of evidence 9.2.11 Not applicable
Sixth Report: Constitutional implications of the Cabinet Manual 73429.3.11 Cm 8213, published 24.10.11
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Constitutional implications of the Cabinet Manual 29.3.11 Not applicable
Seventh Report: Seminar on the House of Lords: Outcomes 96110.5.11 Not required
Eighth Report: Parliament's role in conflict decisions 92317.5.11 Received 21.7.11: published with the Ninth Report, Session 2010-12
Ninth Report: Parliament's role in conflict decisions: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2010-12 147714.9.11 Received 23.11.11: published with the Twelfth Report, Session 2010-12
Tenth Report: Individual Electoral Registration and Electoral Administration 14634.11.11 Cm 8245, published 9.2.12
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Individual Electoral Registration and Electoral Administration 4.11.11 Not applicable
Eleventh Report: Rules of Royal Succession 16157.12.11 Awaited
Twelfth Report: Parliament's role in conflict decisions—further Government Response: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2010-12 16736.12.11 Not required
Thirteenth Report: Political party finance 176329.1.12 Awaited
First Special Report: Lessons from the process of government formation after the 2010 general election: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2010-11 86614.3.11 Not required
Oral and Written Evidence: The Coalition Government's programme of political and constitutional reform 358-i22.10.10 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Coalition Government's Programme of Political and Constitutional Reform 358-ii12.7.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Constitutional lessons from New Zealand 747-i15.3.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Constitutional issues relating to the courts and Parliament 839-i14.6.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: UK Bill of Rights Commission 1450-i & ii19.7.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Prospects for codifying the relationship between central and local government 592-i14.12.10 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Prospects for codifying the relationship between central and local government 592-ii5.4.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Prospects for codifying the relationship between central and local government 592-iii9.12.10 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Prospects for codifying the relationship between central and local government 592-iv5.4.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Prospects for codifying the relationship between central and local government 592-v16.12.10 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Prospects for codifying the relationship between central and local government 592-vi25.1.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Mapping the path to codifying—or not codifying—the UK's constitution 1178-i21.7.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Mapping the path to codifying—or not codifying—the UK's constitution 1178-ii8.8.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Mapping the path to codifying—or not codifying—the UK's constitution 1178-iii12.1.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Mapping the path to codifying—or not codifying—the UK's constitution 1178-iv31.1.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Role and powers of the Prime Minister 1314-i28.6.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Recall of MPs 1758-i24.1.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Recall of MPs 1758-ii2.2.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Recall of MPs 1758-iii13.3.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Recall of MPs 1758-iv26.4.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Introducing a statutory register of lobbyists 1809-i7.2.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Introducing a statutory register of lobbyists 1809-ii6.3.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Introducing a statutory register of lobbyists 1809-iii15.3.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Introducing a statutory register of lobbyists 1809-iv22.3.12 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Coalition Government's programme of political and constitutional reform 358-iii26.4.12 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Government's proposals for voting and parliamentary reform 22.7.10, 7.9.10, 9.9.10 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Mapping the path to codifying—or not codifying—the UK's constitution 4.3.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: The role and powers of the Prime Minister Between 3.3.11 and 23.6.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Recall of MPs Between 12.1.12 and 8.3.12 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Ensuring standards in the quality of legislation Between 2.2.12 and 26.4.12 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Introducing a statutory register of lobbyists Between 2.2.12 and 26.4.12 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2009-10

Not applicable

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at




The following Reports were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

First Report, Session 2010-12, Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill—Report for Second Reading, HC 422, 6.9.10

Second Report, Session 2010-12, Fixed-term Parliaments Bill, HC 436, 13.9.10, 16.11.10, 24.11.10, 18.1.11, 13.7.11 and 8.9.11

Third Report, Session 2010-12, Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, HC 437, 12.10.10, 18.10.10, 19.10.10, 1.11.10 and 2.11.10

Fifth Report, Session 2010-12, Voting by convicted prisoners, HC 776, 10.2.11

Seventh Report, Session 2010-12, Seminar on the House of Lords: Outcomes, HC 961, 27.6.11

Tenth Report, Session 2010-12, Individual Electoral Registration and Electoral Administration, HC 1463, 16.1.11

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Codifying the relationship between central and local government 6
Constitutional implications of the Cabinet Manual 4
Constitutional issues relating to the courts and Parliament 1
Individual Electoral Registration and Electoral Administration 4
Introducing a statutory register of lobbyists 5
Lessons from the process of government formation after the 2010 general election 4
Mapping the path to codifying—or not codifying—the UK's constitution 4
Parliament's role in conflict decisions 1
Recall of MPs4
Role and powers of the Prime Minister 1
Rules of Royal Succession 1
The Coalition Government's programme of political and constitutional reform 3
The Government's voting and parliamentary reform proposals 3
The Government's voting and parliamentary reform proposals: Fixed-term Parliaments Bill 1
The Government's voting and parliamentary reform proposals: Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill 3
UK Bill of Rights Commission 2
Voting by convicted prisoners: summary of evidence 1

A At three meetings of the Committee evidence was taken on more than one inquiry

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Prepared 14 September 2012