House, Committees of the Whole House, General Committees and Select Committees - Sessional Returns Contents


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The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 25 May 2010.

Knight, Mr Greg (Chair)

Bradley, Karen (added 31.10.11)

Chapman, Jenny

Dakin, Nic (added 11.10.11)

Docherty, Thomas (added 21.3.11)

Gale, Sir Roger

Goodman, Helen (added 1.3.11)

Gray, Mr James

Greatrex, Tom

Hemming, John

Nuttall, David

Percy, Andrew (discharged 31.10.11)

Phillipson, Bridget (discharged 11.10.11)

Rees-Mogg, Jacob

Smith, Ms Angela C (discharged 21.3.11)

Wood, Mike (discharged 1.3.11)

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

51 out of 51

13 out of 14

37 out of 51

14 out of 17

19 out of 29

38 out of 51

14 out of 32

45 out of 51

24 out of 51

44 out of 51

49 out of 51

6 out of 37

17 out of 34

44 out of 51

0 out of 22

3 out of 19

68.7 %

Total number of meetings: 51

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 12
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 39


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers3
Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 24
Officers of the House of Commons 4
Appearances by other witnesses: 10
Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
29-30.11.11Edinburgh Knight, Bradley, Gale, Gray, Nuttall 1Inquiries into e-petitions and sitting hours £3,583

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2010-12) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Ministerial Statements 6022.2.11 Received 31.3: published as the Committee's First Special Report, Session 2010-12
Second Report: Improving the effectiveness of parliamentary scrutiny: (a) Select committee amendments, (b) Explanatory statements on amendments, (c) Written parliamentary questions 8009.3.11 Received 17.5.11: published as the Committee's Second Special Report, Session 2010-12
Third Report: Use of hand-held electronic devices in the Chamber and committees 88924.3.11 Received 29.3.11 as a letter from the Leader of the House of Commons
Fourth Report: Reasoned opinions on subsidiarity under the Lisbon Treaty 144020.7.11 Awaited
Fifth Report: 2010 elections for positions in the House 157331.10.11 Received 23.1.12: published as the Committee's Ninth Report, Session 2010-12
Sixth Report: Lay membership of the Committee on Standards and Privileges 16067.11.11 Received 23.2.12: published as the Committee's Third Special Report, Session 2010-12
Seventh Report: Debates on Government e-petitions 170719.1.12 Received 20.3.12: published as the Committee's Fourth Special Report, Session 2010-12
Eighth Report: E-tabling of parliamentary questions for written answer 182321.2.12 Not required
Ninth Report: 2010 elections for positions in the House: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2010-12 182416.2.12 Received 6.3.12 as a letter from the Leader of the House of Commons
First Special Report: Ministerial Statements: Government Response to the Committee's First Report, Session 2010-12 106224.5.11 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Improving the effectiveness of parliamentary scrutiny: (a) Select committee amendments (b) Explanatory statements on amendments (c) Written parliamentary scrutiny: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report, Session 2010-12 106324.5.11 Not applicable
Third Special Report: Lay membership of the Committee on Standards and Privileges: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2010-12 18692.3.12 Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: Debates on Government e-Petitions: Government response to the Seventh Report of 2010-12 190220.3.12 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2009-10


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at



Two, on the Chair's draft Report on Use of hand-held electronic devices in the Chamber and committees

Two, on the Chair's draft Report on Sitting Hours and the Parliamentary Calendar


The following Reports were debated in the House:

Third Report, Session 2010-12, Use of hand-held electronic devices in the Chamber and committees, HC 889, 13.10.11

Second Report, Session 2010-12, Improving the effectiveness of parliamentary scrutiny: (a) Select committee amendments (b) Explanatory statements on amendments (c) Written parliamentary scrutiny, HC 800, 13.10.11

First Report, Session 2010-12, Ministerial Statements, HC 602, 5.12.11

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Debates on Government e-Petitions 1
Lay Members on Standards and Privileges Committee 3
Ministerial Statements 2
Sittings of the House and the Parliamentary Calendar 6

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Prepared 14 September 2012