House, Committees of the Whole House, General Committees and Select Committees - Sessional Returns Contents


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The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 12 July 2010.

Davidson, Mr Ian (Chair)

Bruce, Fiona

Freer, Mike (added 30.11.10)

Jamieson, Cathy (discharged 25.10.11)

McGovern, Mr Jim

McKenzie, Iain (added 25.10.11)

Menzies, Mark (discharged 30.11.10)

Morrice, Graeme (added 25.10.11; discharged 23.1.12)

Mowat, David

Nash, Pamela (added 23.1.12)

O'Donnell, Fiona (discharged 25.10.11)

Reevell, Simon (added 30.11.10)

Reid, Alan

Roy, Lindsay

Smith, Julian (discharged 30.11.10)

Whiteford, Dr Eilidh

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

60 out of 63

50 out of 63

25 out of 52

30 out of 38

45 out of 63

18 out of 25

6 out of 11

11 out of 12

46 out of 63

11 out of 13

34 out of 38

20 out of 52

58 out of 63

62 out of 63

9 out of 11

35 out of 63

75.0 %

Total number of meetings: 63

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 43
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 20
Other activities
Informal meetings5
Conferences/Seminars hosted 3


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Robin Callander and Professor Jim Gallagher

Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers16
Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 7
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:
Department for Business Innovation and Skills 2
HM Treasury2
Scotland Office5
Scottish Executive 2
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
Argyll and Bute Council 2
Crown Estate6
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal 3
Confederation of British Industry 4
Electoral Commission 7
HM Revenue & Customs 1
Royal Mail Group1
Scottish Council for Development and Industry 1
UK Border Agency4
Appearances by other witnesses: 109

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
25.8.10Glasgow Davidson, Bruce, Jamieson, Reid, Roy, Whiteford 1Meeting with Electoral Commission £1,111
13.9.10Dundee Davidson, Bruce, Jamieson, McGovern, Menzies, Mowat, O'Donnell, Roy, Whiteford 2Inquiry into Video Games Industry £3,695
30.9.10Edinburgh Davidson, Jamieson, McGovern, O'Donnell, Reid, Roy 1To visit the Scottish Parliament £515
29.11.10Glasgow Davidson, Jamieson, O'Donnell, Whiteford 1Meetings with UK Border Agency and Glasgow City Council £1,769
5.12.10ObanA Davidson, Reid2 Inquiry into Postal Services in Scotland £2,389
13.12.10Glasgow Davidson, Jamieson, McGovern, Reid, Roy, Whiteford 1Inquiries into Postal Services/

Investment in Scotland

7.2.11Dundee Davidson, Bruce, McGovern, Roy 2Video Games report launch £2,330
3.3.11Edinburgh Davidson, Jamieson, O'Donnell, Reid, Roy, Whiteford 1Inquiry into Scotland Bill £935
28.3.11Inverness Davidson, O'Donnell, Reid, Roy 2Crown Estate Seminar & inquiry into Student Immigration £1,845
4.4.11Aberdeen Davidson, Bruce, Roy, Whiteford 3BInquiry into Student immigration £2,558
19.4.11GlasgowA Davidson To attend Scottish TUC conference £112
20-24.6.11Shetland, Orkney and Thurso Davidson, Bruce, McGovern, Roy 2Inquiry into Crown Estate in Scotland £9,127
20.9.11Glenrothes Davidson, McGovern, Roy Inquiry into Health and Safety in Scotland £143
21-24.9.11Western Isles Davidson, McGovern, O'Donnell, Reid, Roy 2Inquiry into The Crown Estate in Scotland £5,462
31.10.11Glasgow Davidson, McGovern, Reid, Roy, Whiteford 3BInquiry into The Crown Estate in Scotland £2,921
3.11.11Stirling Davidson, Freer, McGovern, Morrice, Roy 1Outreach session C
5.12.11Glasgow Davidson, McKenzie, Morrice, Reid, Roy 1COral evidence session on Health and Safety in Scotland £2,905
12.12.11Edinburgh Davidson, McGovern, McKenzie, Morrice, Reid, Roy 3BInquiry into Crown Estate in Scotland £3,246
27.1.12GlasgowA Davidson2 Scotland and Constitutional Reform Seminar £672
27.2.12Edinburgh Davidson, McGovern, McKenzie, Roy 4BOral evidence session on inquiry into The Referendum on Separation for Scotland £2,596
16.3.12EdinburghA Davidson1 Referendum Seminar Nil
19.3.12Inverness Davidson, McKenzie, Nash, Reid, Roy 4The Crown Estate in Scotland report launch £3,407

A Travel in a representative capacity

B Includes a shorthand writer

C Costs covered by the Parliamentary Outreach Service

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2010-12) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Postal Services in Scotland 669-I30.12.10 Received 25.3.11: Published as Second Special Report, Session 2010-12
Oral and Written Evidence: Postal Services in Scotland 669-II9.1.11 Not applicable
Second Report: Video games industry in Scotland 500-I7.2.11 Cm 8076, published 21.4.11
Third Report: UK Border Agency and Glasgow City Council 73310.2.11 Awaited
Fourth Report: The Scotland Bill 775-I21.3.11 Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: The Scotland Bill 775-II21.3.11 Not applicable
Fifth Report: The Student Immigration System in Scotland 912-I26.7.11 Cm 8192, published 20.10.11
Sixth Report: The Referendum on Separation for Scotland: Unanswered Questions 180615.2.12 Awaited
Seventh Report: The Crown Estate in Scotland 111719.3.12 Awaited
Eighth Report: The Referendum on Separation for Scotland: Do you agree this is a biased question? 14921.5.12 Awaited
First Special Report: Scotland and the UK: cooperation and communication between governments: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2009-10 40327.7.10 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Postal Services in Scotland: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2010-11 88425.3.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Introductory Evidence Session with The Scotland Office 3777.2.12 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The implications for Scotland of both the Strategic Defence and Security Review and The Comprehensive Spending Review 580 i-ii7.2.12 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Supporting Scotland's Economy 657 i-ii27.2.12 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Scotland Office and Office of Advocate General for Scotland Annual Report 2011 1414 i-ii7.2.12 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The Family Return Project 16007.2.12 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The Referendum on Separation for Scotland, Session 2010-12 16081.5.12 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health and Safety in Scotland 1344 i-viii11.1.12 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: A Robust Grid for 21st Century Scotland 1752 i-ii13.2.12 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Scottish Parliament and the AV Referendum 11.10.10 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Video games industry in Scotland 7.2.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: The Scotland Bill 21.3.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Health and Safety in Scotland 4.7.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: The Student Immigration System in Scotland 26.7.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: A Robust Grid for 21st Century Scotland 13.2.12 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2009-10

HM Treasury Response to the Committee's Second Report: Banking in Scotland, published as Cm 7302 (12.7.10).

Reply to the Committee's Fourth Report: Scotland and the UK: Cooperation and communication between governments, received 27.7.10 and published as the Committee's First Special Report, Session 2010-12.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at

15.3.11One, on consideration of Chair's draft Report on The Scotland Bill


The following Reports were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

First Report, Session 2010-12, Postal Services in Scotland, HC 669-I, 30.12.10

Fourth Report, Session 2010-12, The Scotland Bill, HC 775-I, 21.03.11

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
A Robust Grid for 21st Century Scotland 2
Health and Safety in Scotland 8
Introductory evidence session with the Scotland Office 1
Postal Services in Scotland 3
Referendum on Separation for Scotland 7
Scotland Office and the Office of the Advocate General for Scotland Annual Report 2011 2
Supporting Scotland's Economy 2
The Crown Estate in Scotland 6
The Family Return Project 1
The implications for Scotland of both the Strategic Defence and Security Review and The Comprehensive Spending Review 2
The Scotland Bill5
The Student Immigration System in Scotland 2
UK Border Agency and Glasgow City Council 1
Video games industry in Scotland 2

A On one occasion the Committee's meeting comprised evidence in two separate inquiries

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© Parliamentary copyright 2012
Prepared 14 September 2012