Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 20 June 2013
business, innovation and skills
genetically modified organisms: crops
regional planning and development
house of commons commission
environment, food and rural affairs
cabinet office
conditions of employment: wales
work and pensions
housing benefit: greater london
housing benefit: social rented housing
social rented housing: edinburgh
social security benefits: appeals
communities and local government
home department
accident and emergency departments
developing countries: taxation
mortgages: government assistance
revenue and customs: portsmouth
members estimate committee
international development
foreign and commonwealth office
commonwealth war graves commission
energy and climate change
fuel poverty: greater manchester
culture, media and sport
conditions of employment: english language
internet: offences against children
museum of science and industry in manchester
women and equalities
women and protected groups: funding
senior public sector positions: black, asian and minority ethnic people
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
20 June 2013
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 743W
Column: 743W
Written Answers to Questions [20 June 2013]
Business, Innovation and Skills [20 June 2013]
Genetically Modified Organisms: Crops [20 June 2013]
Patents [20 June 2013]
Column: 744W
Public Bodies [20 June 2013]
Column: 745W
Regional Planning and Development [20 June 2013]
Wales [20 June 2013]
Departmental Responsibilities [20 June 2013]
Disciplinary Proceedings [20 June 2013]
Employment: Young People [20 June 2013]
Column: 746W
Foreign Investment in UK [20 June 2013]
Official Visits [20 June 2013]
Unemployment [20 June 2013]
Unemployment: Young People [20 June 2013]
Column: 747W
Scotland [20 June 2013]
Conditions of Employment [20 June 2013]
House of Commons Commission [20 June 2013]
Disciplinary Proceedings [20 June 2013]
Column: 748W
Attorney-General [20 June 2013]
Disciplinary Proceedings [20 June 2013]
Fraud: Convictions [20 June 2013]
Column: 749W
Human Trafficking [20 June 2013]
Column: 750W
Legal Costs [20 June 2013]
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [20 June 2013]
Horses: Animal Welfare [20 June 2013]
Column: 751W
Cabinet Office [20 June 2013]
Graduates: Lancashire [20 June 2013]
Conditions of Employment: Wales [20 June 2013]
Column: 752W
Employment [20 June 2013]
Employment: Peterborough [20 June 2013]
Column: 753W
Work and Pensions [20 June 2013]
Carer’s Allowance [20 June 2013]
Column: 754W
Disability Living Allowance [20 June 2013]
Employers’ Liability [20 June 2013]
Employment: Halifax [20 June 2013]
Column: 755W
Housing Benefit: Greater London [20 June 2013]
Column: 756W
Housing Benefit: Social Rented Housing [20 June 2013]
Industrial Health and Safety [20 June 2013]
Innovation Fund [20 June 2013]
Column: 757W
Low Incomes [20 June 2013]
Column: 758W
Redundancy: Halifax [20 June 2013]
Column: 759W
Social Rented Housing: Edinburgh [20 June 2013]
Column: 760W
Social Security Benefits: Appeals [20 June 2013]
Unemployment: Young People [20 June 2013]
Communities and Local Government [20 June 2013]
Architecture: Planning [20 June 2013]
Column: 761W
Empty Property [20 June 2013]
Evictions [20 June 2013]
Column: 762W
Housing: Construction [20 June 2013]
Property [20 June 2013]
Home Department [20 June 2013]
Asylum [20 June 2013]
Column: 763W
Borders: Personal Records [20 June 2013]
Disciplinary Proceedings [20 June 2013]
Immigrants: Tuberculosis [20 June 2013]
Legal Opinion: Treaties [20 June 2013]
Column: 764W
Rangers Football Club [20 June 2013]
Sean Lopes [20 June 2013]
Stun Guns [20 June 2013]
Column: 765W
Transport [20 June 2013]
A338 [20 June 2013]
Conditions of Employment [20 June 2013]
Disciplinary Proceedings [20 June 2013]
Column: 766W
Driving Instruction [20 June 2013]
Column: 767W
Driving Under Influence [20 June 2013]
Column: 768W
Driving: Licensing [20 June 2013]
High Speed 2 Railway Line [20 June 2013]
Motor Vehicles: Insurance [20 June 2013]
Roads: Safety [20 June 2013]
Column: 769W
Shipping [20 June 2013]
Column: 770W
Transport: Finance [20 June 2013]
Column: 771W
Travel [20 June 2013]
Health [20 June 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [20 June 2013]
Cancer [20 June 2013]
Column: 772W
Carers [20 June 2013]
Diabetes: Children [20 June 2013]
Column: 773W
Diabetes: North West [20 June 2013]
Column: 774W
Disciplinary Proceedings [20 June 2013]
Health Services: Barnsley [20 June 2013]
Hospitals: Food [20 June 2013]
Column: 775W
NHS 111 [20 June 2013]
NHS: Apprentices [20 June 2013]
Column: 776W
Tuberculosis: Immigrants [20 June 2013]
Treasury [20 June 2013]
Banks: Scotland [20 June 2013]
Developing Countries: Taxation [20 June 2013]
Column: 777W
Economic and Monetary Union [20 June 2013]
Income Tax: Scotland [20 June 2013]
Mortgages: Government Assistance [20 June 2013]
Column: 778W
Payments: Regulation [20 June 2013]
Child Poverty [20 June 2013]
Revenue and Customs: Portsmouth [20 June 2013]
Column: 779W
Royal Bank of Scotland [20 June 2013]
Tobacco: Smuggling [20 June 2013]
Welfare Tax Credits [20 June 2013]
Column: 780W
Members Estimate Committee [20 June 2013]
Former Members [20 June 2013]
International Development [20 June 2013]
Overseas Aid [20 June 2013]
Column: 781W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [20 June 2013]
Accountancy [20 June 2013]
Iran [20 June 2013]
Column: 782W
Turkey [20 June 2013]
Defence [20 June 2013]
Armed Forces [20 June 2013]
Column: 783W
Armed Forces: Qualifications [20 June 2013]
Commonwealth War Graves Commission [20 June 2013]
Conditions of Employment [20 June 2013]
Disciplinary Proceedings [20 June 2013]
Column: 784W
Military Attaches [20 June 2013]
Column: 785W
Column: 786W
Column: 787W
Column: 788W
Column: 789W
Column: 790W
Nuclear Weapons [20 June 2013]
Column: 791W
Reviews [20 June 2013]
Justice [20 June 2013]
Courts: Children [20 June 2013]
Electronic Tagging [20 June 2013]
Column: 792W
Members: Correspondence [20 June 2013]
Prisoners: Older People [20 June 2013]
Education [20 June 2013]
Conditions of Employment [20 June 2013]
Column: 793W
National Curriculum Tests [20 June 2013]
School Meals [20 June 2013]
Column: 794W
Schools: Lancashire [20 June 2013]
Special Educational Needs [20 June 2013]
Column: 795W
Column: 796W
Column: 797W
Teachers [20 June 2013]
Column: 798W
Energy and Climate Change [20 June 2013]
Billing [20 June 2013]
Electricity: Scotland [20 June 2013]
Column: 799W
Energy: Meters [20 June 2013]
Fuel Poverty: Greater Manchester [20 June 2013]
Geothermal Power [20 June 2013]
Mining: Allowances [20 June 2013]
Column: 800W
Column: 801W
Nuclear Power [20 June 2013]
Renewable Energy [20 June 2013]
Column: 802W
Column: 803W
Culture, Media and Sport [20 June 2013]
Betting Shops [20 June 2013]
Broadband: Rural Areas [20 June 2013]
Column: 804W
Arts [20 June 2013]
Conditions of Employment: English Language [20 June 2013]
Direct Selling [20 June 2013]
Column: 805W
Internet: Harassment [20 June 2013]
Internet: Offences Against Children [20 June 2013]
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester [20 June 2013]
Column: 806W
Opening of Parliament [20 June 2013]
Press: Regulation [20 June 2013]
Column: 807W
Science Museum Group [20 June 2013]
Sign Language [20 June 2013]
US White House [20 June 2013]
Women and Equalities [20 June 2013]
Women and Protected Groups: Funding [20 June 2013]
Column: 808W
Single-tier Pension: Women [20 June 2013]
Senior Public Sector Positions: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic People [20 June 2013]
Gender Recognition [20 June 2013]
Column: 809W
Sign Language [20 June 2013]
Column: 810W