Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 6 January 2014
cabinet office
deputy prime minister
local enterprise partnerships: yorkshire and the humber
northern ireland
international development
military bases: yorkshire and the humber
home department
advisory council on the misuse of drugs
illegal immigrants: employment
immigration controls: aviation
national crime agency: northern ireland
national crime agency: scotland
offences against children: internet
written questions: government responses
work and pensions
disadvantaged: eu grants and loans
employment and support allowance
employment and support allowance: greater london
employment schemes: disability
jobseeker's allowance: swindon
social security benefits: learning disability
social security benefits: medical examinations
royal college of teaching proposals
national college for teaching and leadership
regional schools commissioners
school information (england) (amendment) regulations 2012
communities and local government
energy and climate change
cockermouth community hospital
mental health services: young people
nhs institute for innovation and improvement
nhs trust development authority
pregnancy: mental health services
culture, media and sport
environment, food and rural affairs
gangmasters licensing authority
debt relief (developing countries) act 2010
national insurance contributions
written questions: government responses
business, innovation and skills
business: government assistance
foreign and commonwealth office
eu common foreign and security policy
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
6 January 2014
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 1W
Cabinet Office [6 January 2014]
10 and 11 Downing Street [6 January 2014]
Brain Cancer [6 January 2014]
Column: 2W
Cancer: Children [6 January 2014]
Column: 3W
Column: 4W
Employment: Medway [6 January 2014]
Immigration [6 January 2014]
Iraq Committee of Inquiry [6 January 2014]
Kidneys: Diseases [6 January 2014]
Column: 5W
Members: Correspondence [6 January 2014]
Column: 6W
Mesothelioma [6 January 2014]
Unemployment: Young People [6 January 2014]
Column: 7W
Universal Credit [6 January 2014]
Deputy Prime Minister [6 January 2014]
Local Enterprise Partnerships: Yorkshire and the Humber [6 January 2014]
Northern Ireland [6 January 2014]
Historical Enquiries Team [6 January 2014]
International Development [6 January 2014]
Africa [6 January 2014]
Column: 8W
Column: 9W
Developing Countries: Forests [6 January 2014]
Column: 10W
Fraud [6 January 2014]
Palestinians [6 January 2014]
Column: 11W
Syria [6 January 2014]
Attorney-General [6 January 2014]
Tickets: Fraud [6 January 2014]
Column: 12W
Defence [6 January 2014]
Chief of Defence Materiel [6 January 2014]
Defence Equipment and Support [6 January 2014]
Column: 13W
Defence: Procurement [6 January 2014]
France [6 January 2014]
Column: 14W
Mali [6 January 2014]
Military Bases: Scotland [6 January 2014]
Military Bases: Yorkshire and the Humber [6 January 2014]
Column: 15W
Reserve Forces [6 January 2014]
Column: 16W
Justice [6 January 2014]
Convictions [6 January 2014]
Column: 17W
Column: 18W
Column: 19W
Column: 20W
Domestic Visits [6 January 2014]
Legal Aid Scheme: Family Law [6 January 2014]
Police Custody: Ethnic Groups [6 January 2014]
Poverty [6 January 2014]
Treason Felony Act 1848 [6 January 2014]
Home Department [6 January 2014]
Advisory Council On the Misuse of Drugs [6 January 2014]
Column: 21W
Asylum [6 January 2014]
Asylum: Deportation [6 January 2014]
Column: 22W
Borders: Personal Records [6 January 2014]
Corruption [6 January 2014]
Column: 23W
Counter-terrorism [6 January 2014]
Cybercrime: Scotland [6 January 2014]
Databases [6 January 2014]
Column: 24W
Deportation [6 January 2014]
Column: 25W
Detainees: Compensation [6 January 2014]
Drugs: Misuse [6 January 2014]
Column: 26W
Extremism [6 January 2014]
Column: 27W
Foreign Workers [6 January 2014]
Human Trafficking [6 January 2014]
Column: 28W
Illegal Immigrants [6 January 2014]
Column: 29W
Illegal Immigrants: Employment [6 January 2014]
Immigrants: Children [6 January 2014]
Immigrants: Detainees [6 January 2014]
Column: 30W
Immigration [6 January 2014]
Immigration Controls [6 January 2014]
Column: 31W
Immigration Controls: Aviation [6 January 2014]
Immigration: Appeals [6 January 2014]
Immigration: Business [6 January 2014]
Column: 32W
Immigration: Children [6 January 2014]
Internet [6 January 2014]
Column: 33W
Interpol [6 January 2014]
Column: 34W
Interpol: Europol [6 January 2014]
Ketamine [6 January 2014]
Legal Aid Scheme [6 January 2014]
Column: 35W
Legislation [6 January 2014]
Members: Correspondence [6 January 2014]
Column: 36W
National Crime Agency: Northern Ireland [6 January 2014]
National Crime Agency: Scotland [6 January 2014]
Offences against Children [6 January 2014]
Column: 37W
Offences against Children: Internet [6 January 2014]
Overseas Students [6 January 2014]
Column: 38W
Passports: Fingerprints [6 January 2014]
Passports: ICT [6 January 2014]
Passports: Scotland [6 January 2014]
Column: 39W
Pay Television [6 January 2014]
Police: Dogs [6 January 2014]
Column: 40W
Publications [6 January 2014]
Sexual Offences [6 January 2014]
Column: 41W
Column: 42W
Sovereignty: Scotland [6 January 2014]
Stop and Search: Essex [6 January 2014]
Witnesses [6 January 2014]
Written Questions: Government Responses [6 January 2014]
Work and Pensions [6 January 2014]
AEA Group [6 January 2014]
Column: 43W
Assets [6 January 2014]
Atos Healthcare [6 January 2014]
Column: 44W
Child Maintenance [6 January 2014]
Column: 45W
Column: 46W
Cold Weather Payments [6 January 2014]
Cycling [6 January 2014]
Column: 47W
Disadvantaged: EU Grants and Loans [6 January 2014]
Employment and Support Allowance [6 January 2014]
Column: 48W
Employment and Support Allowance: Greater London [6 January 2014]
Employment Schemes: Disability [6 January 2014]
Column: 49W
Employment: Scotland [6 January 2014]
Column: 50W
EU Social Policy [6 January 2014]
Food Banks [6 January 2014]
Guaranteed Minimum Pensions [6 January 2014]
Column: 51W
Column: 52W
Jobcentre Plus [6 January 2014]
Jobseeker's Allowance [6 January 2014]
Column: 53W
Column: 54W
Jobseeker's Allowance: Swindon [6 January 2014]
Multiple Births [6 January 2014]
Column: 55W
Pension Credit [6 January 2014]
Column: 56W
Column: 57W
Personal Independence Payment [6 January 2014]
Column: 58W
Column: 59W
Column: 60W
Social Security Benefits [6 January 2014]
Column: 61W
Column: 62W
Social Security Benefits: Learning Disability [6 January 2014]
Social Security Benefits: Medical Examinations [6 January 2014]
State Retirement Pensions [6 January 2014]
Column: 63W
Unemployed People: ICT [6 January 2014]
Column: 64W
Universal Credit [6 January 2014]
Column: 65W
Column: 66W
Welfare State: Reform [6 January 2014]
Winter Fuel Payments [6 January 2014]
Column: 67W
Work Programme [6 January 2014]
Column: 68W
Education [6 January 2014]
PISA Report [6 January 2014]
Column: 69W
Teachers: Pay and Conditions [6 January 2014]
Royal College of Teaching Proposals [6 January 2014]
Domestic Violence [6 January 2014]
Column: 70W
Free Schools [6 January 2014]
Column: 71W
Column: 72W
Targeted Basic Need Funding [6 January 2014]
Academies [6 January 2014]
Column: 73W
Column: 74W
Column: 75W
Column: 76W
Column: 77W
Column: 78W
Column: 79W
Academies: Sponsorship [6 January 2014]
Adoption [6 January 2014]
Column: 80W
Al-Madinah School [6 January 2014]
Apple Inc [6 January 2014]
Arts: Foundation Courses [6 January 2014]
Column: 81W
Charities: Education [6 January 2014]
Column: 82W
Children: Day Care [6 January 2014]
Column: 83W
Children: Internet [6 January 2014]
Column: 84W
Children: Protection [6 January 2014]
Column: 85W
Christmas [6 January 2014]
Column: 86W
Directors [6 January 2014]
Column: 87W
Discovery New School [6 January 2014]
Column: 88W
Dyslexia [6 January 2014]
Early Intervention Grant [6 January 2014]
Column: 89W
Column: 90W
Column: 91W
Column: 92W
Education: Finance [6 January 2014]
Column: 93W
Foster Care [6 January 2014]
Column: 94W
Free School Meals [6 January 2014]
Column: 95W
Column: 96W
Further Education: Finance [6 January 2014]
Column: 97W
Kings Science Academy [6 January 2014]
Column: 98W
Meetings [6 January 2014]
Column: 99W
Music: Education [6 January 2014]
Column: 100W
National College for Teaching and Leadership [6 January 2014]
Pre-school Education [6 January 2014]
Pupil Exclusions [6 January 2014]
Column: 101W
Pupils: Disadvantaged [6 January 2014]
Regional Schools Commissioners [6 January 2014]
Column: 102W
Column: 103W
Samsung [6 January 2014]
School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 [6 January 2014]
Schools: Buildings [6 January 2014]
Column: 104W
Schools: Finance [6 January 2014]
Schools: Greater Manchester [6 January 2014]
Column: 105W
Schools: North West [6 January 2014]
Schools: Personnel Management [6 January 2014]
Shannon Matthews [6 January 2014]
Special Educational Needs [6 January 2014]
Column: 106W
Teachers: Training [6 January 2014]
Young People: Unemployment [6 January 2014]
Communities and Local Government [6 January 2014]
Army: Germany [6 January 2014]
Column: 107W
Curzon Institute [6 January 2014]
Column: 108W
Fire Services: South West [6 January 2014]
Fires: Deaths [6 January 2014]
Fires: Electrical Safety [6 January 2014]
Column: 109W
Housing: Demolition [6 January 2014]
Ministers [6 January 2014]
Column: 110W
Travellers [6 January 2014]
Urban Areas [6 January 2014]
Column: 111W
Energy and Climate Change [6 January 2014]
Electricity Generation [6 January 2014]
Energy [6 January 2014]
Column: 112W
Energy: Meters [6 January 2014]
Column: 113W
Energy: Prices [6 January 2014]
Forests: Developing Countries [6 January 2014]
Column: 114W
Column: 115W
Fracking [6 January 2014]
Column: 116W
Water Power [6 January 2014]
Wind Power: Dorset [6 January 2014]
Transport [6 January 2014]
Airports Commission [6 January 2014]
Column: 117W
Alstom [6 January 2014]
Belfast City Airport [6 January 2014]
Bus Services: Disability [6 January 2014]
Column: 118W
Calderdale Railway Line [6 January 2014]
Crossrail Line [6 January 2014]
Column: 119W
Cycling [6 January 2014]
Driving: Licensing [6 January 2014]
Column: 120W
Great Western Railway Line [6 January 2014]
High Speed 2 Railway Line [6 January 2014]
London Underground [6 January 2014]
Column: 121W
Network Rail [6 January 2014]
Column: 122W
Northern Rail [6 January 2014]
Column: 123W
Column: 124W
Pedestrian Crossings [6 January 2014]
Column: 125W
Pedestrian Crossings: Schools [6 January 2014]
Railways: Compensation [6 January 2014]
Column: 126W
Railways: Fares [6 January 2014]
Column: 127W
Railways: Franchises [6 January 2014]
Railways: Freight [6 January 2014]
Railways: Subsidies [6 January 2014]
Column: 128W
Railways: Waste Disposal [6 January 2014]
Column: 129W
Rolling Stock [6 January 2014]
Column: 130W
Virgin Trains [6 January 2014]
West Coast Railway Line [6 January 2014]
Column: 131W
Column: 132W
Health [6 January 2014]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [6 January 2014]
Column: 133W
Ambulance Services [6 January 2014]
Column: 134W
Arthritis [6 January 2014]
Column: 135W
Breast Cancer [6 January 2014]
Column: 136W
Breasts: Plastic Surgery [6 January 2014]
Cholera [6 January 2014]
Column: 137W
Clinical Commissioning Groups [6 January 2014]
Column: 138W
Cockermouth Community Hospital [6 January 2014]
Deloitte [6 January 2014]
Dementia [6 January 2014]
Diseases [6 January 2014]
Column: 139W
Column: 140W
Fractures [6 January 2014]
Column: 141W
General Practitioners [6 January 2014]
Hepatitis [6 January 2014]
Column: 142W
Hospitals: Worcestershire [6 January 2014]
Kidneys: Diseases [6 January 2014]
Column: 143W
Column: 144W
Mental Health Services: Kent [6 January 2014]
Column: 145W
Column: 146W
Mental Health Services: Young People [6 January 2014]
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement [6 January 2014]
NHS Trust Development Authority [6 January 2014]
Column: 147W
NHS: Crime Prevention [6 January 2014]
NHS: Finance [6 January 2014]
Column: 148W
NHS: Land [6 January 2014]
NHS: Management Consultants [6 January 2014]
NHS: Standards [6 January 2014]
Column: 149W
NHS: Waste Disposal [6 January 2014]
Nurses: Resignations [6 January 2014]
Peters & Peters [6 January 2014]
Pregnancy: Mental Health Services [6 January 2014]
Column: 150W
Column: 151W
Psychology [6 January 2014]
Radiotherapy [6 January 2014]
Column: 152W
Surgery [6 January 2014]
Column: 153W
USA [6 January 2014]
Column: 154W
Culture, Media and Sport [6 January 2014]
BBC Trust [6 January 2014]
BBC: Scotland [6 January 2014]
Broadband [6 January 2014]
Column: 155W
Culture: Finance [6 January 2014]
Members: Correspondence [6 January 2014]
Mobile Phones: Regulation [6 January 2014]
Museums and Galleries [6 January 2014]
National Lottery [6 January 2014]
Column: 156W
Olympic Games: Russia [6 January 2014]
Sports: Young People [6 January 2014]
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [6 January 2014]
Flood Control [6 January 2014]
Column: 157W
Floods: Insurance [6 January 2014]
Food Banks [6 January 2014]
Gangmasters Licensing Authority [6 January 2014]
Column: 158W
Land: Contamination [6 January 2014]
Natural England [6 January 2014]
Column: 159W
Sovereignty: Scotland [6 January 2014]
Treasury [6 January 2014]
Capital Allowances: Farms [6 January 2014]
Celtic Football Club [6 January 2014]
Column: 160W
Child Care Tax Credit [6 January 2014]
Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Act 2010 [6 January 2014]
Column: 161W
Excise Duties: Fuels [6 January 2014]
Financial Services [6 January 2014]
Government Securities [6 January 2014]
Meetings [6 January 2014]
Column: 162W
Minimum Wage [6 January 2014]
National Insurance Contributions [6 January 2014]
Non-domestic Rates [6 January 2014]
Column: 163W
Railways: Fares [6 January 2014]
Secondment [6 January 2014]
Social Security Benefits [6 January 2014]
Column: 164W
Sovereignty: Scotland [6 January 2014]
Taxation [6 January 2014]
Column: 165W
Taxation: Gaming Machines [6 January 2014]
Universal Credit [6 January 2014]
Column: 166W
VAT [6 January 2014]
Welfare Tax Credits: Children [6 January 2014]
Written Questions: Government Responses [6 January 2014]
Business, Innovation and Skills [6 January 2014]
Apprentices [6 January 2014]
Column: 167W
Business: Government Assistance [6 January 2014]
Companies: Ownership [6 January 2014]
Column: 168W
Consumers: Protection [6 January 2014]
Employment Agencies: Corby [6 January 2014]
Column: 169W
Energy: Industry [6 January 2014]
Column: 170W
Financial Institutions [6 January 2014]
Post Offices [6 January 2014]
Column: 171W
Skills Funding Agency [6 January 2014]
Trading Standards [6 January 2014]
Column: 172W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [6 January 2014]
Afghanistan [6 January 2014]
Column: 173W
Column: 174W
Column: 175W
Azerbaijan [6 January 2014]
Column: 176W
Bahrain [6 January 2014]
Column: 177W
British Council [6 January 2014]
Diplomatic Service [6 January 2014]
EU Common Foreign and Security Policy [6 January 2014]
Column: 178W
Exports: Bahrain [6 January 2014]
Gibraltar: Spain [6 January 2014]
Column: 179W
India [6 January 2014]
Israel [6 January 2014]
Column: 180W
Libya [6 January 2014]
Occupied Territories [6 January 2014]
Column: 181W
Palestinians [6 January 2014]
Column: 182W
Russia [6 January 2014]
Russia and Ukraine [6 January 2014]
Column: 183W
Saudi Arabia [6 January 2014]
Syria [6 January 2014]
Column: 184W