Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 13 January 2014
cabinet office
government departments: telephone services
energy and climate change
wind and solar power: planning permission
northern ireland
house of commons commission
environment, food and rural affairs
agriculture: sustainable development
foreign and commonwealth office
communities and local government
bed and breakfast accommodation: cumbria
wind power: planning permission
international development
developing countries: electricity
developing countries: genetically modified organisms
developing countries: sanitation
culture, media and sport
mobile phones: fees and charges
business, innovation and skills
armed forces: foreign nationals
child benefit: barrow in furness
taxation: environment protection
bus services: visual impairment
driver and vehicle licensing agency
legal profession: bank services
magistrates' courts: prestatyn
prisoners' incentives and earned privileges scheme
general practitioners: telephone services
musculoskeletal disorders: east midlands
musculoskeletal disorders: kingston upon hull
musculoskeletal disorders: north east
national healthy schools programme
princess royal hospital nhs trust
contempt of court: social networking
prime minister
home department
armed forces: foreign nationals
extradition: republic of ireland
human trafficking ministerial group
police and crime commissioners
ministry of defence guard service
work and pensions
employment and support allowance
employment and support allowance: yorkshire and the humber
housing benefit: private rented housing
housing benefit: social rented housing
jobseeker's allowance: yorkshire and the humber
national insurance contributions
social security benefits: yorkshire and the humber
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
13 January 2014
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 333W
Cabinet Office [13 January 2014]
Charitable Donations [13 January 2014]
Charities: Taxation [13 January 2014]
Cybercrime [13 January 2014]
Death: Children [13 January 2014]
Column: 334W
Column: 335W
Electronic Government [13 January 2014]
Government Departments: Telephone Services [13 January 2014]
Column: 336W
Internet [13 January 2014]
Migration: EU Nationals [13 January 2014]
Column: 337W
Unemployment: Halton [13 January 2014]
Energy and Climate Change [13 January 2014]
Electricity: ICT [13 January 2014]
Energy [13 January 2014]
Column: 338W
Energy: Disconnections [13 January 2014]
Energy: Housing [13 January 2014]
Energy: Prices [13 January 2014]
Column: 339W
Green Deal Scheme [13 January 2014]
Hinkley Point C Power Station [13 January 2014]
Radioactive Waste [13 January 2014]
Column: 340W
Solar Power [13 January 2014]
Warm Home Discount Scheme [13 January 2014]
Column: 341W
Wind and Solar Power: Planning Permission [13 January 2014]
Column: 342W
Wind Power [13 January 2014]
Column: 343W
Northern Ireland [13 January 2014]
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (Prescribed Criteria and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulation [13 January 2014]
Column: 344W
House of Commons Commission [13 January 2014]
Personnel Management [13 January 2014]
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [13 January 2014]
Agriculture: Sustainable Development [13 January 2014]
Agriculture: Weather [13 January 2014]
Column: 345W
Air Pollution [13 January 2014]
Beaches: Dungeness [13 January 2014]
Flood Control [13 January 2014]
Column: 346W
Flood Control: Hartlepool [13 January 2014]
High Speed 2 Railway Line [13 January 2014]
Internet [13 January 2014]
Column: 347W
Peat [13 January 2014]
Poultry: South Africa [13 January 2014]
Column: 348W
Public Footpaths [13 January 2014]
Seeds: EU Action [13 January 2014]
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [13 January 2014]
Burma [13 January 2014]
Column: 349W
China [13 January 2014]
Christianity [13 January 2014]
Column: 350W
Diplomatic Service [13 January 2014]
Column: 351W
Pakistan [13 January 2014]
Palestinians [13 January 2014]
Column: 352W
Religious Hatred [13 January 2014]
Russia [13 January 2014]
Syria [13 January 2014]
Column: 353W
Turks and Caicos Islands [13 January 2014]
Education [13 January 2014]
Annual Reports [13 January 2014]
Children: Cancer [13 January 2014]
Column: 354W
Children’s Play: Disability [13 January 2014]
Correspondence [13 January 2014]
Column: 355W
Dyslexia [13 January 2014]
Column: 356W
Further Education: Finance [13 January 2014]
London Academy of Excellence [13 January 2014]
Music: Teachers [13 January 2014]
Politics: Education [13 January 2014]
Column: 357W
Pre-school Education [13 January 2014]
Column: 358W
Pupils: Bullying [13 January 2014]
Column: 359W
Schools: Birmingham [13 January 2014]
Schools: Finance [13 January 2014]
Column: 360W
Special Educational Needs [13 January 2014]
Teachers: Surveys [13 January 2014]
Teachers: Training [13 January 2014]
Column: 361W
Column: 362W
Communities and Local Government [13 January 2014]
Bed and Breakfast Accommodation: Cumbria [13 January 2014]
Column: 363W
Enterprise Zones [13 January 2014]
Fire Services: Pensions [13 January 2014]
Fire Services: Retirement [13 January 2014]
Column: 364W
Housing: Construction [13 January 2014]
Local Government [13 January 2014]
Public Libraries [13 January 2014]
Recycling: Fires [13 January 2014]
Wind Power: Planning Permission [13 January 2014]
Column: 365W
International Development [13 January 2014]
Consultants [13 January 2014]
Developing Countries: Electricity [13 January 2014]
Developing Countries: Females [13 January 2014]
Column: 366W
Developing Countries: Genetically Modified Organisms [13 January 2014]
Developing Countries: Sanitation [13 January 2014]
Energy [13 January 2014]
Procurement [13 January 2014]
Column: 367W
Redundancy Pay [13 January 2014]
South Sudan [13 January 2014]
Column: 368W
Visits Abroad [13 January 2014]
Culture, Media and Sport [13 January 2014]
Betting Shops: Licensing [13 January 2014]
Broadband [13 January 2014]
Column: 369W
Column: 370W
Internet: Barrow in Furness [13 January 2014]
Members: Correspondence [13 January 2014]
Column: 371W
Mobile Phones: Fees and Charges [13 January 2014]
Museums and Galleries [13 January 2014]
Public Libraries [13 January 2014]
Column: 372W
Telephone Preference Service [13 January 2014]
Business, Innovation and Skills [13 January 2014]
Armed Forces: Foreign Nationals [13 January 2014]
Column: 373W
Basic Skills [13 January 2014]
British Business Bank [13 January 2014]
Column: 374W
Engineering Skills Review [13 January 2014]
Literacy [13 January 2014]
Column: 375W
Medicine: Students [13 January 2014]
Railways: Freight [13 January 2014]
Column: 376W
Research: Finance [13 January 2014]
Royal Bank of Scotland [13 January 2014]
Space Technology [13 January 2014]
Column: 377W
Wind Power: Seas and Oceans [13 January 2014]
Column: 378W
Treasury [13 January 2014]
Child Benefit: Barrow in Furness [13 January 2014]
Corporation Tax [13 January 2014]
Financial Stability Board [13 January 2014]
Column: 379W
Income Tax: Scotland [13 January 2014]
Members: Correspondence [13 January 2014]
Column: 380W
Payment Systems Regulator [13 January 2014]
Revenue and Customs: Newry [13 January 2014]
Column: 381W
Shareholders [13 January 2014]
Tax Avoidance: Beer [13 January 2014]
Column: 382W
Taxation: Environment Protection [13 January 2014]
Taxation: Scotland [13 January 2014]
Column: 383W
Transport [13 January 2014]
Biofuels [13 January 2014]
Bus Services: Visual Impairment [13 January 2014]
Buses: Testing [13 January 2014]
Column: 384W
Buses: Tyres [13 January 2014]
Commuters [13 January 2014]
Crossrail Line [13 January 2014]
Column: 385W
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency [13 January 2014]
Driving: Licensing [13 January 2014]
Column: 386W
Helicopters [13 January 2014]
High Speed 2 Railway Line [13 January 2014]
Column: 387W
Column: 388W
Column: 389W
Invalid Vehicles: Car Tax [13 January 2014]
M6 [13 January 2014]
Column: 390W
Column: 391W
Motor Vehicles [13 January 2014]
Railways: Bolton [13 January 2014]
Column: 392W
Railways: Fares [13 January 2014]
Railways: Finance [13 January 2014]
Column: 393W
Railways: Franchises [13 January 2014]
Rescue Services [13 January 2014]
Column: 394W
Rescue Services: Belfast [13 January 2014]
Rescue Services: Liverpool [13 January 2014]
Rescue Services: Stornoway [13 January 2014]
Column: 395W
Rolling Stock: North West [13 January 2014]
Virgin Trains [13 January 2014]
Column: 396W
Justice [13 January 2014]
Courts: Greater London [13 January 2014]
Column: 397W
Column: 398W
Electronic Tagging [13 January 2014]
Legal Aid Scheme [13 January 2014]
Legal Profession: Bank Services [13 January 2014]
Magistrates Courts [13 January 2014]
Column: 399W
Magistrates' Courts: Prestatyn [13 January 2014]
Prison Service [13 January 2014]
Column: 400W
Column: 401W
Prisoners' Incentives and Earned Privileges Scheme [13 January 2014]
Probation [13 January 2014]
Column: 402W
Probation: Private Sector [13 January 2014]
Health [13 January 2014]
Abortion [13 January 2014]
Column: 403W
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [13 January 2014]
Column: 404W
Beef: Horsemeat [13 January 2014]
Behavioural Disorders [13 January 2014]
Column: 405W
Brain: Tumours [13 January 2014]
Breast Cancer [13 January 2014]
Cancer [13 January 2014]
Cancer: Drugs [13 January 2014]
Column: 406W
Cervical Cancer [13 January 2014]
Column: 407W
Column: 408W
Christmas Cards [13 January 2014]
Clostridium Difficile [13 January 2014]
Column: 409W
Column: 410W
Cosmetics [13 January 2014]
Depressive Illnesses [13 January 2014]
Drugs: Misuse [13 January 2014]
Food: Contamination [13 January 2014]
Column: 411W
General Practitioners [13 January 2014]
Column: 412W
General Practitioners: Telephone Services [13 January 2014]
Health [13 January 2014]
Column: 413W
Column: 414W
Health Education [13 January 2014]
Health: Children [13 January 2014]
Column: 415W
HIV Infection: Vaccination [13 January 2014]
Horsemeat [13 January 2014]
Column: 416W
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [13 January 2014]
Column: 417W
In Vitro Fertilisation [13 January 2014]
Meningitis: Vaccination [13 January 2014]
Mental Health [13 January 2014]
Musculoskeletal Disorders: East Midlands [13 January 2014]
Column: 418W
Musculoskeletal Disorders: Kingston Upon Hull [13 January 2014]
Musculoskeletal Disorders: North East [13 January 2014]
Column: 419W
National Healthy Schools Programme [13 January 2014]
Nurses: Schools [13 January 2014]
Column: 420W
Column: 421W
Nurses: Training [13 January 2014]
Obesity [13 January 2014]
Column: 422W
Official Hospitality [13 January 2014]
Column: 423W
Pancreatic Cancer [13 January 2014]
Parkinson's Disease [13 January 2014]
Pharmacy [13 January 2014]
Plants [13 January 2014]
Column: 424W
Princess Royal Hospital NHS Trust [13 January 2014]
Statistics [13 January 2014]
Column: 425W
Stress [13 January 2014]
Surgery [13 January 2014]
Training [13 January 2014]
Tuberculosis [13 January 2014]
Column: 426W
Vaccination [13 January 2014]
Attorney-General [13 January 2014]
Contempt of Court: Social Networking [13 January 2014]
Column: 427W
Crown Prosecution Service [13 January 2014]
Domestic Violence and Rape [13 January 2014]
Column: 428W
Fraud: Convictions [13 January 2014]
Serious Fraud Office [13 January 2014]
Treason Felony Act 1848 [13 January 2014]
Witnesses: Protection [13 January 2014]
Column: 429W
Prime Minister [13 January 2014]
Meetings [13 January 2014]
Home Department [13 January 2014]
Armed Forces: Foreign Nationals [13 January 2014]
Asylum: Deportation [13 January 2014]
Column: 430W
Counter-terrorism [13 January 2014]
Domestic Violence [13 January 2014]
Column: 431W
Column: 432W
Column: 433W
Drugs: Misuse [13 January 2014]
Extradition [13 January 2014]
Column: 434W
Extradition: Republic of Ireland [13 January 2014]
Firearms [13 January 2014]
G4S [13 January 2014]
Column: 435W
Human Trafficking [13 January 2014]
Human Trafficking Ministerial Group [13 January 2014]
Illegal Immigrants [13 January 2014]
Column: 436W
Immigration [13 January 2014]
Interpol [13 January 2014]
Column: 437W
Members: Correspondence [13 January 2014]
Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed [13 January 2014]
Offenders: Deportation [13 January 2014]
Column: 438W
Police and Crime Commissioners [13 January 2014]
Work Permits: Eastern Europe [13 January 2014]
Column: 439W
Defence [13 January 2014]
Armed Forces: Pensions [13 January 2014]
Armed Forces: Vehicles [13 January 2014]
Army [13 January 2014]
Column: 440W
Burma [13 January 2014]
Defence [13 January 2014]
Column: 441W
Defence: Procurement [13 January 2014]
France [13 January 2014]
Column: 442W
Gosport [13 January 2014]
ICT [13 January 2014]
Joint Strike Fighter Aircraft [13 January 2014]
Column: 443W
Military Bases: Aldershot [13 January 2014]
Ministry of Defence Guard Service [13 January 2014]
Column: 444W
NATO [13 January 2014]
Piracy [13 January 2014]
Procurement [13 January 2014]
Column: 445W
Public Expenditure [13 January 2014]
Work and Pensions [13 January 2014]
Pensions [13 January 2014]
Column: 446W
Benefits [13 January 2014]
Attendance Allowance [13 January 2014]
Disability Living Allowance [13 January 2014]
Column: 447W
Employment and Support Allowance [13 January 2014]
Employment and Support Allowance: Yorkshire and the Humber [13 January 2014]
Column: 448W
Employment: Disability [13 January 2014]
Employment: Parents [13 January 2014]
Food Banks [13 January 2014]
Housing Benefit [13 January 2014]
Column: 449W
Housing Benefit: Private Rented Housing [13 January 2014]
Housing Benefit: Social Rented Housing [13 January 2014]
Jobcentre Plus: Wales [13 January 2014]
Jobseeker's Allowance [13 January 2014]
Column: 450W
Jobseeker's Allowance: Yorkshire and the Humber [13 January 2014]
National Insurance [13 January 2014]
National Insurance Contributions [13 January 2014]
Column: 451W
Social Security Benefits [13 January 2014]
Column: 452W
Column: 453W
Social Security Benefits: Yorkshire and the Humber [13 January 2014]
Universal Credit [13 January 2014]
Column: 454W
Column: 455W
Column: 456W