The tenure status of the Cardiff site is freehold. The locations in London, Edinburgh and Belfast are rented.
The value of the land and buildings of the freehold site in Cardiff is £17,345,000.
Companies House Cardiff occupies 22,310 square metres of the site and the remaining 6,690 square metres is rented out.
Letter from National Measurement office, dated 12 February 2014:
I am responding in respect of the National Measurement Office (NMO), an executive agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), to your Parliamentary Question tabled on 6 February 2014, asking the BIS Secretary of State what the (a) name, (b) location, (c) floor space, (d) tenure status and (e) value is of properties (i) owned and (ii) occupied by (A) his Department and (B) agencies and public bodies accountable to him.
The Secretary of State owns the properties on the Teddington Estate which comprise the main NPL Building and other older ancillary buildings. The total value of these are £177,702k which is the value stated in NMO's Annual Accounts at 31 March 2013,
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uplifted for purchases to the end of January 2014. The total area of the buildings are 54,347m sq and are occupied by NMO, NPL Management Ltd (NPLML) and BMT.
NMO itself occupies a building with a value of £6,621k and an area of 4,709 m sq which is freehold.
NPLML occupy buildings valued at £167,186k which are freehold with an area of 45,117 m sq, they also occupy buildings valued at £3,570k with an area of 4,521 m sq on leasehold land owned by Crown Estate and Royal Parks. NPLML perform science in support of the National Measurement System in these properties and pay rent to NMO.
BMT occupy freehold buildings with a value of £324,000, and pay rent to NMO.
The above references to ‘value’ are ‘book values’ and not necessarily the final sale value of the property asset.
Letter from Ed Lester, dated 10 February 2014:
I write on behalf of Land Registry in response to Parliamentary Question 187278 tabled on 06 February 2014 which asked the following:
To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, what the (a) name, (b) location, (c) floor space, (d) tenure status and (e) value is of properties (i) owned and (ii) occupied by (A) his Department and (B) agencies and public bodies accountable to him.
The following table gives details as requested.
Agency | Location | Building Name | Tenure | NIA (Sqm) | Valuation MV (£) (2013) |
13 Feb 2014 : Column 782W
I hope that you find this information useful.
Letter from John Alty, dated 9 January 2014:
I am responding in respect of the Intellectual Property Office to your Parliamentary Question tabled on 10th February 2014, to the Secretary for Business, Innovation and Skills.
The Intellectual Property Office is an Executive Agency and Trading Fund of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. It operates in three locations, a main office, a small London Office and a warehouse.
Status | Owned | Occupied (partial) | Occupied |
15,788 sqm net internal area (NIA) including 1,803 which is sub let. | |||
Letter from Dr Richard Judge, dated 13 February 2014:
The Secretary of State for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has asked me to reply to your question, what the (a) name, (b) location, (c) floor space, (d) tenure status and (e) value is of properties (i) owned and (ii) occupied by (A) his Department and (B) agencies and public bodies accountable to him. My response relates to the Insolvency Service, an Executive Agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
The Insolvency Service does not own any property. The property currently occupied by the Insolvency Service is as follows:
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Property leases were valued at £6,789,193 in our accounts for the year to 31 March 2013.
Letter from Skills Funding Agency, dated 11 February 2014:
Thank you for your question asking the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills regarding what the (a) name, (b) location, (c) floor space, (d) tenure status and (e) value is of properties (i) owned and (ii) occupied by (A) his Department and (B) agencies and public bodies accountable to him. (187278)
Please be advised of the following:
13 Feb 2014 : Column 785W
Skills Funding Agency occupied properties as at 10 February 2014 | ||||
Skills Funding Agency Office | Location | Tenure | Value | Floor Space Area (m2) |
1 No value as Leasehold or MOTO. Do not own. |
Public Appointments
Fiona Mactaggart: To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (1) which paid public appointment contracts he has (a) renewed and (b) not renewed since May 2010; and how many posts were held by (i) women and (ii) men; [187009]
(2) what the titles are of the individual public appointments that have been made by his Department since May 2010; and which of those appointees were women. [187070]
Jenny Willott: I refer the hon. Member to the answer given by the Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General, the right hon. Member for Horsham (Mr Maude) on 11 February 2014, Official Report, column 607W.
Ian Austin: To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills what proportion of staff of (a) his Department and (b) agencies and public bodies accountable to him work outside London; and in which local authorities such staff are located. [187259]
Jenny Willott: Approximately 17% of staff in the core Department for Business, Innovation and Skills are located outside London. Data on this issue are published regularly on the Office for National Statistics website. The most recent publication in October 2013 showed that 72% of civil servants working in the BIS family of organisations were located outside London.
I have approached the chief executives of the Department's Executive agencies (Insolvency Service, Companies House, National Measurement Office, Intellectual Property Office, UK Space Agency, Ordnance Survey, Met Office, Land Registry and the Skills Funding Agency) and they will respond to the hon. Member directly.
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Letter from Tim Moss, dated 7 February 2014:
I am replying on behalf of Companies House to your Parliamentary Question tabled 6 February 2014. UIN 187259 to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.
The proportion of Companies House staff that work outside London is 99%.
Letter from Vanessa Lawrence, dated 10 February 2014:
As Director General and Chief Executive of Ordnance Survey, I have been asked to respond to your Parliamentary Question asking the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, “what proportion of staff of (a) his Department and (b) agencies and public bodies accountable to him work outside of London, and in which local authorities such staff are located”.
I can advise that 96% of Ordnance Survey employees work outside of London. In this instance we have defined ‘London' by Borough, and excluded the areas holding ‘Borough of London' status, for example ‘London Borough of Ealing'.
Following is a breakdown of the local authorities where our employees outside of London are located.
I hope the information that I have been able to provide is helpful.
Local authority | Number of staff |
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Letter from John Alty, dated 9 January 2014:
I am responding in respect of the Intellectual Property Office to your Parliamentary Question tabled on 06th February 2014, to the Secretary for Business, Innovation and Skills.
A. Out of a total of 1017 staff (as at 01 February 2014), 963 (95%) are based outside London.
B. The following table shows the distribution breakdown and local authority:
Location | Headcount | Percentage | Local authority |
13 Feb 2014 : Column 789W
Letter from Ed Lester, dated 10 February 2014:
I write on behalf of Land Registry in response to Parliamentary Question 187259 tabled on 06 February 2014 which asked the following:
To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, what proportion of staff of (a) his Department and (b) agencies and public bodies accountable to him work outside of London; and in which local authorities such staff are located.
If we use the Civil Service classification, our Croydon Office counts as the London region. If you are happy to follow that definition, as at 1 February 2014, 93.8% of our staff work outside of London.
The following chart shows where our staff are located and in which local authorities.
I hope that you find this information useful.
Office | Council |
Letter from the Insolvency Service, dated 10 February 2014:
The Secretary of State for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has asked me to reply to your question, what proportion of staff of (a) his Department and (b) agencies and public bodies accountable to him work outside of London; and in which local authorities such staff are located. My response relates to the Insolvency Service, an Executive Agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Seventy nine per cent of staff work outside of London. Staff outside of London work within the local authority areas shown as follows:
Birmingham City Council
Blackpool Borough Council
Brighton & Hove City Council
Bristol City Council
Cambridge City Council
Cardiff City Council
Edinburgh City Council
Exeter City Council
Gloucester City Council
Kingston-upon-Hull City Council
Ipswich Borough Council
Leeds City Council
Leicester City Council
Manchester City Council
Medway Council
13 Feb 2014 : Column 790W
Newcastle-under-Lyme District Council
Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council
Northampton Borough Council
Norwich City Council
Nottingham City Council
Plymouth City Council
Reading Borough Council
St. Albans City & District Council
Sheffield City Council
Southampton City Council
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council
Swansea City Council
Watford Borough Council
Wirral Council
Letter from Skills Funding Agency, dated 10 February 2014:
Thank you for your question asking the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, what proportion of staff of (a) his Department and (b) agencies and public bodies accountable to him work outside of London; and in which local authorities such staff are located. (187259)
Please be advised that the proportion of Skills Funding Agency staff that work outside of London by local office and local authority area is shown as follows:
Location | Local authority | Total staff | Percentage of total staff |
The Skills Funding Agency has 169 staff, representing 13.04% of total staff working in the London office and London authority area. The remaining 11 staff representing 0.85% of total staff are home based.
Letter from David Parker, dated 7 February 2014:
Thank you for your question addressed to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, to ask what proportion of staff of (a) his Department and (b) agencies and public bodies accountable to him work outside of London; and in which local authorities such staff are located.
The UK Space Agency is an Executive Agency of the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and 81% of its staff work outside of London: located in Swindon, Oxfordshire and Bedfordshire local authorities.
13 Feb 2014 : Column 791W
Letter from Met Office, dated 12 February 2014:
I am replying on behalf of the Met Office to your Parliamentary Questions tabled on 6 February 2014, UIN 187259 to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.
The proportion of Met Office staff working outside of Greater London is 96.8 per cent, located in the following local authority areas:
Local authority | Proportion of Met Office staff (percentage) |
I hope this helps.
Letter from Sarah Glasspool, dated 10 February 2014:
I am responding in respect of the National Measurement Office (NMO), an executive agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), to your Parliamentary Question tabled on 6 February 2014, asking the BIS Secretary of State what proportion of staff of (a) his Department and (b) agencies and public bodies accountable to him work outside of London; and in which local authorities such staff are located.
The NMO is located in a single office based in Teddington and, as at 31 January 2014, employs 79 staff. The local authority which covers NMO's location is the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames.
Students: Loans
Gloria De Piero: To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (1) how many (a) women and (b) men applied for the 24+ advanced learning loan in the 20013-14 academic year; [187046]
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(2) how many (a) women and (b) men aged 24-years-old and above applied for Government financial assistance for further education in each of the academic years between 2008 and 2013. [187048]
Matthew Hancock: The number of women and men who have applied for 24+ advanced learning loans for the 2013/14 academic year so far (up to 31 December 2013) is published every month. 24+ advanced learning loans are available for eligible learners aged 24 and above studying at Level 3 and above. The latest information can be found here:
Table 1 shows the number of learners aged 24 and over participating in Government-funded further education and skills by gender at all levels. Final data are shown for the 2008/09 to 2012/13 academic years and provisional data are shown for the first quarter of the 2013/14 academic year (August 2013 to October 2013).
Table 1: Further education and skills learner participation by those aged 24 and over by gender, 2008/09 to 2013/14 (quarter 1 provisional) | |||
24+ Learner Participation | |||
Female | Male | Total | |
1 Quarter 1 provisional. Notes: 1. Figures are rounded to the nearest 100. 2. These data include adult (aged 24+) Government-funded participation in apprenticeships, workplace learning, community learning and education and training provision taken at general further education colleges (including tertiary) only. 3. Figures for 2011/12 are not directly comparable to earlier years as a single individualised learner record (ILR) data collection system has been introduced. Small technical changes have been made in the way learners from more than one provision type are counted, leading to a removal of duplicate learners and a reduction in overall learner numbers of approximately 2%. More information on the single ILR is available at: 4. Figures for the first quarter of 2013/14 (August 2013 to October 2013) are provisional. It is not possible to directly compare provisional estimates with figures for previous years. 5. Total figures for 2013/14 include a small number of learners with an unknown gender. 6. Learners with an unknown age have not been included. Source: Individualised Learner Record |
Mr Byrne: To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills which colleges have incorrectly advertised eligibility and access to Student Loans Company services in the last year. [187134]
Mr Willetts:
This Department has identified that, during the last year, Ice Academy incorrectly advertised that students studying at several of its campuses were eligible for student support.
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UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Natascha Engel: To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills with reference to the Government's commitment to give due consideration to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) when making new policy and legislation, if he will place in the Library all assessments of how new policy and legislation from his Department since January 2013 has given due consideration to the UNCRC. [187399]
Jenny Willott: I refer the hon. Member to my reply to my right hon. Friend the Member for Sutton and Cheam (Paul Burstow) on 11 February 2014, Official Report, column 548W.
International Development
Mr Jim Murphy: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what proportion of aid pledged to Haiti by her Department following the earthquake in January 2010 has arrived in that country to date. [197623]
Justine Greening: The UK Government provided £20 million of support to Haiti following the devastating earthquake in 2010. All funding was dispersed within 12 months of the commitment.
Mr Jim Murphy: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what proportion of aid pledged to Pakistan by her Department following the floods in July and August 2010 has arrived in that country to date. [197622]
Justine Greening: All of the humanitarian aid earmarked for the Pakistan floods of 2010 has been delivered.
Ian Austin: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how many civil servants are on each pay grade in (a) her Department and (b) the public body accountable to her. [187249]
Mr Duncan: As at 10 February 2014 DFID employed 1,909 civil servants. This is split by grade as follows:
Grade | Numbers employed |
The public bodies accountable to DFID employ fewer than five civil servants in total and that therefore does not permit publication as requested.
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Mr Jim Murphy: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what proportion of aid pledged by her Department to the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan has arrived in that country to date. [197618]
Justine Greening: The UK Government have committed £77 million to support the international humanitarian response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
To meet the most urgent needs, £49 million of aid has already been delivered. It is anticipated that a total of £72 million of aid will be delivered by the end of March 2014. The remaining funds will be used to support the long-term recovery of affected populations, and will be allocated to partners according to requested periods of disbursement.
Chris Leslie: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what her Department's and non-departmental public body's 10 largest contracts let since the financial year 2010-11 are; what savings have been made in such contracts; what the level of overspend or underspend was in each such contract; and what steps her Department has taken to monitor the performance of each supplier following the contract award. [187592]
Justine Greening: DFID has established strategic supplier performance management, including a Statement of Priorities and Expectations that over 500 suppliers signed up to, clearly laying out key areas of performance; and for its top suppliers a key supplier management programme through which relationships and performance are discussed and improved.
The Department's 10 largest contracts let since financial year 2010-11 are:
Girls Education Challenge
Access to Primary Healthcare
International Citizen Service
Managing Agent of the Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania
Management of the Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility
Impact evaluation of “MAMATA” Orissa Maternity Support Scheme
Civil Society Challenge Fund
Private Enterprise Programme—Technical Service Provider
Malaria Control in the Democratic Republic of Congo Programme
Procurement of East and Southern Africa Staple Food Markets Programme
Regular operational reviews within the DFID country office with its suppliers, delivering programmes, ensure day to day contract and performance issues are managed. Annual reviews are conducted to ensure the contract continues to be reflective of the current strategic vision.
The DFID procurement team was awarded the ‘Best International Procurement Project of the Year' in September 2013 by the globally-recognised Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply.
The procurement department typically achieves in the region of 10% savings across its contract spend through its procurement process, based upon initial tender responses to final contract award.
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Ian Austin: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what the (a) name, (b) location, (c) floor space, (d) tenure status and (e) value is of properties (i) owned and (ii) occupied by (A) her Department and (B) the public body accountable to her. [187290]
Mr Duncan: DFID owns two HQ buildings in the UK, one in London and one in East Kilbride, Glasgow. The London office is situated at 22-26 Whitehall SW1A 2WH, has a net internal area of 8,678 square metres and is valued at £41,145,000. The East Kilbride office is Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride G75 8EA, has a net internal area of 9,513 square metres, the site area is 10.5 acres and it is valued at £6,200,000. Both properties are freehold.
The Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) is a non-departmental public body of DFID and does not own any premises. It occupies a small part of Dover House, 66 Whitehall, London SW1A 2AU. The floor space is 42.1 square metres and ICAI rents the space from the Scotland Office. DFID does not hold information on the value of the Scotland Office.
Public Appointments
Fiona Mactaggart: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development (1) what the titles are of the individual public appointments that have been made by her Department since May 2010; and which of those appointees were women; [187084]
(2) which paid public appointment contracts she has (a) renewed and (b) not renewed since May 2010; and how many posts were held by (i) women and (ii) men. [187023]
Mr Duncan: I refer the hon. Member to the answer given by the Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General, my right hon. Friend the Member for Horsham (Mr Maude), on 11 February 2014, Official Report, column 607W.
Ian Austin: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what proportion of staff of (a) her Department and (b) the public body accountable to her work outside of London; and in which local authorities such staff are located. [187271]
Mr Duncan: As at 10 February 2014, DFID employs 561 staff at its East Kilbride headquarters which is located in south Lanarkshire. This equates to 41.2% of its current UK-based work force.
There are no staff employed by the public bodies accountable to DFID who work outside London.
Alison McGovern: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development whether funding has been provided to the Ugandan Parliament's Committee on Human Rights Affairs through the Deepening Democracy programme phase 2; and whether such funding will be so provided during the remainder of the programme. [187634]
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Lynne Featherstone: The Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) is a basket fund which DFID and seven other donors contribute to, running from 2012-16. The Deepening Democracy programme is one of its components.
DGF's support to the newly-created Human Rights Committee began in 2012 and runs until June 2014, after which the DGF will make recommendations to its donors on future programming.
Women and Equalities
Females: Employment
Miss McIntosh: To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities what progress she is making on removing barriers for women in the workplace; and how many companies have now engaged in the “Think, Act, Report” programme. [187218]
Jenny Willott: There are more women employed in the UK than ever before—531,000 more than in May 2010. The Government have cut tax for over 24 million working people by raising the personal tax free allowance—58% of the 2.7 million lowest paid workers who will have been lifted out of income tax altogether are women. We have increased free early education places for three and four-year-olds, and are extending that to 260,000 two-year-olds from September 2014. We are extending the right to request flexible working to all employees, and introducing a new system of shared parental leave so parents can choose how best to share caring responsibilities. We have also seen unprecedented progress in women's representation on the boards of our leading companies.
Over 160 companies have now committed to supporting “Think, Act, Report”, collectively employing over 2 million people. Many of those companies are now publishing detailed information about the position of women within their work forces, and a number have completed gender pay audits.
Public Appointments
Fiona Mactaggart: To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities which paid public appointment contracts the Government Equalities Office has (a) renewed and (b) not renewed since May 2010; and how many posts were held by (i) women and (ii) men. [187020]
Mrs Grant: The Government publish details of diversity in public appointments across Departments. The latest list can be found at:
Figures for 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014 will be published later this year.
Fiona Mactaggart: To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities what the titles are of the individual public appointments that have been made by the Government Equalities Office since May 2010; and which of those appointees were women. [187081]
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Mrs Grant: Figures in relation to diversity for public appointments within the jurisdiction of the Commissioner for Public Appointments for 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 can be found on the website at:
Copies are also available in the Library of the House.
Culture, Media and Sport
Arts Council England
Gavin Williamson: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what guidance her Department has issued to the Arts Council on its distribution of funds across urban and rural communities. [187179]
Mr Vaizey: The Government are committed to supporting arts and culture and, as such, the Arts Council will receive nearly £3 billion of public funding over the lifetime of this Parliament. The Arts Council is an ALB and funding decisions are made independently of Government. The Arts Council's strategy, “Achieving Great Art and Culture for Everyone”, states that the Arts Council will “take full account of the respective needs of rural and urban communities, so that people are not disadvantaged by where they live.”
Arts: Non-domestic Rates
Mr Clappison: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what representations she has made to (a) the Chancellor of the Exchequer and (b) the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on the inclusion of (i) cinemas, (ii) art galleries, (iii) local cultural centres and (iv) other arts-related premises within the scope of business rates discount. [186884]
Mr Vaizey: I have regular discussions with the Chancellor and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on a range of issues affecting the cultural sector. The rate relief announced by the Chancellor at the autumn statement is primarily aimed at small retail properties on the high street—shops, restaurants, cafes and drinking establishments.
However, cinemas and other arts-based premises will benefit from the 2% cap to business rates that were also announced at the autumn statement.
Mr Raab: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what the (a) total departmental expenditure, (b) number and (c) cost of people employed for the purpose of promoting equality and diversity was for each of the last five years. [187655]
Mrs Grant:
DCMS considers equality and the need to draw the best from a diverse work force in its day to day activity. While there are individuals who have particular responsibility for promoting equality and diversity, this is in addition to their other duties. The Department is unable to break down figures to show how much was spent on the equality and diversity aspect of their role. On 1 April 2013, the Government Equalities Office
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(GEO) joined DCMS under a Machinery of Government transfer. The Government Equalities Office works to take action on the Government's commitment to remove barriers to equality and help to build a fairer society, leading on issues relating to women, sexual orientation and transgender equalities. In this broader sense the whole of the staff of GEO and its programme spend are devoted to promoting equality and diversity.
Ian Austin: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport how many civil servants are on each pay grade in (a) her Department and (b) agencies and public bodies accountable to her. [187241]
Mrs Grant: The number of civil servants on each pay grade in DCMS is shown in the following table:
Grade | Number of Full time equivalents |
We do not hold central records for our agency and public bodies.
Ian Austin: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what the (a) name, (b) location, (c) floor space, (d) tenure status and (e) value is of properties (i) owned and (ii) occupied by (A) her Department and (B) agencies and public bodies accountable to her. [187282]
Mrs Grant: The Electronic Property Information Mapping Service (e-PIMS™) is the central database of Government Central Civil Estate properties and land.
A subset of data from e-PIMS™ has been published on a quarterly basis on:
The data are in the public domain and include details of property location, tenure, and other key attributes. They are a sample of all departmental holdings.
Information concerning the value of property owned by Government Departments is commercially sensitive and any disclosure would adversely affect HMG's future ability to negotiate efficiencies and achieve value for money to the taxpayer. The global running cost figure for the central civil estate is about £3 billion per annum.
Public Appointments
Fiona Mactaggart: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport which paid public appointment contracts she has (a) renewed and (b) not renewed since May 2010; and how many posts were held by (i) women and (ii) men. [187013]
13 Feb 2014 : Column 799W
Mrs Grant: The Government publish details of diversity in public appointments across Departments. The latest list can be found at:
Figures for 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014 will be published later this year.
Fiona Mactaggart: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what the titles are of the individual public appointments that have been made by her Department since May 2010; and which of those appointees were women. [187074]
Mrs Grant: Figures in relation to diversity for public appointments within the jurisdiction of the Commissioner for Public Appointments for 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 can be found on the website at:
Copies are also available in the Library of the House.
Ian Austin: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what proportion of staff of (a) her Department and (b) agencies and public bodies accountable to her work outside London; and in which local authorities such staff are located. [187263]
Mrs Grant: DCMS does not have any employees who are based outside London.
We do not hold central records for our agency and public bodies.
Mrs Hodgson: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what discussions (a) she, (b) Ministers in her Department and (c) officials in her Department have had with the Department's directors on secondary ticketing. [187504]
Mrs Grant: Ministers and officials in DCMS have not had any discussions with our non-executive directors on secondary ticketing.
Tourism: Rural Areas
Jesse Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what steps she is taking to promote rural tourism in the UK. [900827]
Mrs Grant: The Government recognise tourism as a major driver of economic growth in rural areas. The Rural Economy Growth Review launched a £25 million package to develop and promote rural tourism in England and contribute to the industry target of 5% year-on-year growth in the value of the tourism sector.
World War I: Anniversaries
Andrew Rosindell: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what plans she has to visit First World War battlefields outside Europe during the centenary commemorations. [187673]
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Mrs Grant: The Gallipoli Campaign is one of the key commemorative events in our national programme. The Under-Secretary of State for Defence, my hon. Friend the Member for South West Wiltshire (Dr Murrison), is attending the Gallipoli commemorations this April to help inform our planning for the centenary commemoration in 2015. We are of course working closely with the Australian and New Zealand Governments on the Gallipoli commemorations.
Andrew Rosindell: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what plans her Department has for commemoration of the Battle of the Somme in 2016. [187679]
Mrs Grant: The Battle of the Somme is one of the key commemorative events in our national programme. The centenary commemorative event will be held at the Thiepval Memorial. Planning for the event is in the early stages and further details will be announced in due course.
Communities and Local Government
Bank Services
Chris Leslie: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government with what bank his Department's bank overdraft is held; and what fees and charges were payable on the core Department's bank overdraft in the last financial year. [183240]
Brandon Lewis: My Department banks with the Government Banking Service. Balances held in its accounts are held at the Bank of England.
I refer the hon. Member to my answer to him of 28 January 2014, Official Report, column 489W.
Business Improvement Districts: Birmingham
Mr Godsiff: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government when the report on the Business Improvement District for Sparkbrook and Springfield will be published; and when a decision on this matter will be reached. [187503]
Brandon Lewis: An appeal against the establishment of the Sparkbrook and Springfield Business Improvement District has been made to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, my right hon. Friend the Member for Brentwood and Ongar (Mr Pickles). Evidence and representations are being reviewed and a decision will be made shortly.
Council Tax
Hilary Benn: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government pursuant to the answer of 29 January 2014, Official Report, column 601W, on council tax, which local authorities have increased council tax and by what percentage amount in 2013-14. [187210]
Brandon Lewis [holding answer 11 February 2014]: Information on council tax levels set by local authorities in 2013-14 is published by my Department on the website and can be accessed at:
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Table 9 provides information on average council tax levels and percentage changes.
Criminal Investigation
Charlotte Leslie: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government which organisation his Department and its subsidiary bodies use to tackle internal instances of crime, including corruption and fraud; and whether he has designated this organisation or any individual within it to grant authorisation for carrying out directed surveillance under section 28 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000. [186705]
Brandon Lewis: DCLG looks to the Cross Departmental Internal Audit Service (part of which is currently hosted by DCLG) to provide it with Internal Audit Services, including the investigation of reported frauds. No organisation or individual has been granted authorisation to carry out directed surveillance under section 28 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act.
Hilary Benn: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (1) what his Department’s policy is on the timelines for closing ministerial e-mail accounts once a Minister has left the Department; [186767]
(2) what account his Department’s policy on the retention of ministerial e-emails that are relevant to the subject of requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 takes of section 12.3c of the Lord Chancellor’s code of practice on the management of records issued under section 46 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000; [186768]
(3) whether the e-mail accounts of each Minister who has left his Department since May 2010 (a) have been deleted, (b) remain available to the Department and (c) have been archived; [186770]
(4) what the approval process is for the archiving or deletion of ministerial e-mail accounts. [186771]
Brandon Lewis [holding answer 10 February 2014]: In line with its departmental record retention and disposal policy, the Department for Communities and Local Government maintains ministerial e-mail accounts for a period of 120 days once a Minister has left the Department.
Prior to the deletion of the account, a copy of the electronic calendar is passed to the departmental records officer for preservation. These calendars are currently retained for a period of seven years from the date of the Minister’s departure before being destroyed.
Under section 12.3 of the Lord Chancellor’s code of practice on the management of records issued under section 46 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000,
“Records should not be kept after they have ceased to be of use to the authority”
(a) “the subject of litigation or a request for information”
Where this is the case, DCLG records are retained until the litigation or request for information is completed, after which they are subject to the records disposition procedures pertinent to them;
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(b) “have long-term value for historical or other research”
E-mail accounts belonging to Ministers (other than the Prime Minister) are not required for historical/research reasons as indicated by the National Archives under their record selection policies. Individual ministerial e-mails may be retained as part of the record of specific policies as necessary; or
(c) “contain or relate to information recently released in response to a request under the Act”
Where information is known to be the subject of a request for information, this is retained to allow for the appeal process to be exhausted if invoked. After that time, information may be destroyed or retained as a record if required for business purposes.
Currently there are three ministerial e-mail accounts still in existence belonging to Ministers who had left the Department since May 2010. These Ministers left in October 2013 and therefore their accounts are due to be deleted (with their electronic calendars passed to the departmental records officer) in February 2014 in line with the departmental record retention and disposal policy. All other ex-ministerial accounts have been deleted.
The Department currently has seven electronic calendars in archive which relate to ex-ministerial accounts. These are due to be destroyed over the period 2019-20 in line with our departmental record retention and disposal policy.
The approval process for archiving or deleting the ministerial e-mail accounts is governed by our departmental record retention and disposal policy.
This general policy was in place under the last Administration, and the same approach was applied to outgoing Ministers from the Labour Government in May 2010.