Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen

Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers


House of Commons Written Answers 28 February 2014

environment, food and rural affairs


flood control

floods: derby

floods: property development

maternity pay

meat: ritual slaughter

rivers: dredging

seas and oceans: special areas of conservation


energy and climate change

energy: prices



fuel poverty

fuel poverty: essex

green deal scheme

maternity pay

natural gas: disconnections


deputy prime minister

electoral register: second homes


driving: licensing


high speed 2 railway line


railways: disability

railways: franchises

railways: graffiti

railways: south west

roads: graffiti

rolling stock

west coast railway line

culture, media and sport

arts: essex

food: advertising

uk sport


armed forces: floods



joint strike fighter aircraft

members: correspondence

military aid: floods

military bases: scotland

radioactive waste: fife

railways: concessions



barnfield federation

child minding

children: autism

female genital mutilation

foster care

free school meals

free school meals: liverpool

internet: bullying

pupils: attendance

schools: vocational guidance

young people: training

foreign and commonwealth office


british nationals abroad


capital punishment



gibraltar: spain

north korea


pakistan: iran





communities and local government

community assets: west yorkshire


housing: standards

mortgages: government assistance


travellers: caravan sites

written questions: government responses



communications act 2003

community orders: greater london

family law: appeals


fixed penalties

gender recognition

maghull prison

medomsley secure training centre

ministers' private offices

oakwood prison

office of the public guardian

prison sentences

prison service

prisoners: females

prisoners: foreign nationals

prisoners: self-harm


prisons: civil disorder

prisons: feltham

prisons: mother and baby units

prisons: research


reoffenders: females

secure colleges




written questions

business, innovation and skills

local enterprise partnerships

work and pensions

access to work programme

disability living allowance

employment and support allowance

employment schemes: disability


jobseeker's allowance

minimum wage

pensioners: social security benefits

personal independence payment

retirement: females

social security benefits

state retirement pensions: females

telephone services

winter fuel payments

work programme

women and equalities

gender recognition



animal experiments




clinical priorities advisory group


electronic cigarettes


fertility: males

flour: folic acid

general practitioners

general practitioners: leeds

genitourinary medicine



hiv infection

hiv infection: leeds

home care services

liver diseases

medical records: databases

meningitis: vaccination

nhs: innovation


palliative care

shingles: vaccination

vitamin b12

cabinet office

debts: chelmsford


driving: licensing

prostate cancer

international development

developing countries: abortion

developing countries: disability






excise duties

financial services

income tax

motor vehicles: excise duties

taxation: banks

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
28 February 2014


Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 501W

Written Answers to Questions [28 February 2014]

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [28 February 2014]

Equality [28 February 2014]

Mr Raab:

Dan Rogerson:

Column: 502W

Flood Control [28 February 2014]

Mr Sheerman:

Dan Rogerson

Floods: Derby [28 February 2014]

Chris Williamson:

Dan Rogerson

Floods: Property Development [28 February 2014]

Mr Laurence Robertson:

Column: 503W

Dan Rogerson:

Maternity Pay [28 February 2014]

Mrs Hodgson:

Dan Rogerson:

Meat: Ritual Slaughter [28 February 2014]

Julian Sturdy:

George Eustice:

Rivers: Dredging [28 February 2014]

Geoffrey Clifton-Brown:

Dan Rogerson:

Column: 504W

Seas and Oceans: Special Areas of Conservation [28 February 2014]

Zac Goldsmith:

George Eustice:

Slaughterhouses [28 February 2014]

Mr Bellingham:

George Eustice:

Column: 505W

Column: 506W

Energy and Climate Change [28 February 2014]

Energy: Prices [28 February 2014]

Caroline Flint:

Michael Fallon:

Caroline Flint:

Michael Fallon:

Caroline Flint:

Michael Fallon:

Caroline Flint:

Michael Fallon:

Caroline Flint:

Michael Fallon:

Caroline Flint:

Michael Fallon:

Equality [28 February 2014]

Mr Raab:

Column: 507W

Gregory Barker:

Forests [28 February 2014]

Zac Goldsmith:

Gregory Barker:

Fuel Poverty [28 February 2014]

Stephen Gilbert:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 508W

Fuel Poverty: Essex [28 February 2014]

Mr Simon Burns:

Gregory Barker:

Green Deal Scheme [28 February 2014]

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 509W

Maternity Pay [28 February 2014]

Mrs Hodgson:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 510W

Natural Gas: Disconnections [28 February 2014]

Caroline Flint:

Michael Fallon:

Nurseries [28 February 2014]

Mrs Hodgson:

Gregory Barker:

Deputy Prime Minister [28 February 2014]

Electoral Register: Second Homes [28 February 2014]

Stephen Gilbert:

Greg Clark:

Column: 511W

Transport [28 February 2014]

Driving: Licensing [28 February 2014]

Andrew Bridgen:

Stephen Hammond:

Equality [28 February 2014]

Mr Raab:

Stephen Hammond:

High Speed 2 Railway Line [28 February 2014]

Mr O'Brien:

Mr Goodwill:

Column: 512W

Mr O'Brien:

Mr Goodwill:

M25 [28 February 2014]

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Mr Goodwill:

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Mr Goodwill:

Column: 513W

Railways: Disability [28 February 2014]

Rosie Cooper:

Stephen Hammond:

Railways: Franchises [28 February 2014]

Stephen McPartland:

Stephen Hammond:

Railways: Graffiti [28 February 2014]

Andrew Gwynne:

Stephen Hammond:

Column: 514W

Railways: South West [28 February 2014]

Mr Sanders:

Stephen Hammond:

Roads: Graffiti [28 February 2014]

Andrew Gwynne:

Mr Goodwill:

Rolling Stock [28 February 2014]

Mr O'Brien:

Mr Goodwill:

West Coast Railway Line [28 February 2014]

Mr O'Brien:

Column: 515W

Mr Goodwill:

Mr O'Brien:

Mr Goodwill:

Culture, Media and Sport [28 February 2014]

Arts: Essex [28 February 2014]

Mr Simon Burns:

Mr Vaizey:

Food: Advertising [28 February 2014]

Luciana Berger:

Column: 516W

Mr Vaizey:

UK Sport [28 February 2014]

Catherine McKinnell:

Mrs Grant:

Defence [28 February 2014]

Armed Forces: Floods [28 February 2014]

Alison Seabeck:

Anna Soubry:

Burma [28 February 2014]

Kerry McCarthy:

Column: 517W

Anna Soubry:

Cyprus [28 February 2014]

Martin Horwood:

Anna Soubry:

Martin Horwood:

Anna Soubry:

Martin Horwood:

Anna Soubry:

Joint Strike Fighter Aircraft [28 February 2014]

Nicholas Soames:

Column: 518W

Anna Soubry:

Nicholas Soames:

Anna Soubry:

Members: Correspondence [28 February 2014]

Mr Kevan Jones:

Anna Soubry:

Military Aid: Floods [28 February 2014]

Dan Jarvis:

Mr Francois:

Dan Jarvis:

Mr Francois:

Military Bases: Scotland [28 February 2014]

Mike Crockart:

Column: 519W

Dr Murrison:

Radioactive Waste: Fife [28 February 2014]

Mr Gordon Brown:

Dr Murrison:

Column: 520W

Railways: Concessions [28 February 2014]

Vernon Coaker:

Anna Soubry:

Column: 521W

Education [28 February 2014]

Academies [28 February 2014]

Mr Denham:

Mr Timpson:

Barnfield Federation [28 February 2014]

Gavin Shuker:

Mr Timpson:

Gavin Shuker:

Mr Timpson:

Column: 522W

Child Minding [28 February 2014]

Lucy Powell:

Elizabeth Truss:

Children: Autism [28 February 2014]

Mr Scott:

Mr Timpson:

Female Genital Mutilation [28 February 2014]

Mr Frank Field:

Mr Timpson:

Column: 523W

Foster Care [28 February 2014]

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr Timpson:

Free School Meals [28 February 2014]

Ms Buck:

Mr Laws:

Free School Meals: Liverpool [28 February 2014]

Steve Rotheram:

Mr Laws:

Internet: Bullying [28 February 2014]

Steve McCabe:

Column: 524W

Mr Timpson:

Pupils: Attendance [28 February 2014]

Mr Andrew Turner:

Michael Gove:

Column: 525W

Schools: Vocational Guidance [28 February 2014]

Rushanara Ali:

Matthew Hancock:

Young People: Training [28 February 2014]

Mr Ward:

Matthew Hancock:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office [28 February 2014]

Argentina [28 February 2014]

Henry Smith:

Column: 526W

Mr Swire:

British Nationals Abroad [28 February 2014]

Steve Rotheram:

Mark Simmonds:

Burma [28 February 2014]

Kerry McCarthy:

Mr Swire:

Column: 527W

Capital Punishment [28 February 2014]

Kerry McCarthy:

Mr Lidington:

China [28 February 2014]

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr Swire:

Gibraltar [28 February 2014]

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr Lidington:

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr Lidington:

Column: 528W

Gibraltar: Spain [28 February 2014]

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr Lidington:

North Korea [28 February 2014]

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr Swire:

Pakistan [28 February 2014]

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Hugh Robertson:

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Hugh Robertson:

Column: 529W

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Hugh Robertson:

Pakistan: Iran [28 February 2014]

Andrew Rosindell:

Hugh Robertson:

Peru [28 February 2014]

Richard Burden:

Mr Swire:

Uganda [28 February 2014]

Naomi Long:

Column: 530W

Mark Simmonds:

Naomi Long:

Mark Simmonds:

Naomi Long:

Mark Simmonds:

Ukraine [28 February 2014]

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr Lidington:

Column: 531W

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr Lidington:

Column: 532W

USA [28 February 2014]

Andrea Leadsom:

Hugh Robertson:

Communities and Local Government [28 February 2014]

Community Assets: West Yorkshire [28 February 2014]

Greg Mulholland:

Stephen Williams:

Equality [28 February 2014]

Mr Raab:

Brandon Lewis:

Column: 533W

Housing: Standards [28 February 2014]

Ms Buck:

Kris Hopkins:

Mortgages: Government Assistance [28 February 2014]

Toby Perkins:

Kris Hopkins:

Column: 534W

Parking [28 February 2014]

Mr Sheerman:

Brandon Lewis:

Column: 535W

Travellers: Caravan Sites [28 February 2014]

Roberta Blackman-Woods:

Brandon Lewis:

Written Questions: Government Responses [28 February 2014]

Mr Crausby:

Kris Hopkins:

Justice [28 February 2014]

Chemicals [28 February 2014]

Kerry McCarthy:

Jeremy Wright:

Column: 536W

Communications Act 2003 [28 February 2014]

Dr Huppert:

Jeremy Wright:

Column: 537W

Community Orders: Greater London [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Jeremy Wright:

Family Law: Appeals [28 February 2014]

Craig Whittaker:

Simon Hughes:

Column: 538W

Fines [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Mr Vara:

Column: 539W

Fixed Penalties [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Mr Vara:

Gender Recognition [28 February 2014]

Mrs Hodgson:

Simon Hughes:

Maghull Prison [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Jeremy Wright:

Medomsley Secure Training Centre [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Column: 540W

Jeremy Wright:

Ministers' Private Offices [28 February 2014]

Mr Kevan Jones:

Mr Vara:

Column: 541W

Column: 542W

Oakwood Prison [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Jeremy Wright:

Sadiq Khan:

Jeremy Wright:

Sadiq Khan:

Jeremy Wright:

Office of the Public Guardian [28 February 2014]

Dan Jarvis:

Simon Hughes:

Column: 543W

Dan Jarvis:

Column: 544W

Simon Hughes:

Dan Jarvis:

Simon Hughes:

Sadiq Khan:

Simon Hughes:

Prison Sentences [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Column: 545W

Jeremy Wright:

Column: 546W

Column: 547W

Column: 548W

Prison Service [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Jeremy Wright:

Prisoners: Females [28 February 2014]

Kate Green:

Simon Hughes:

Prisoners: Foreign Nationals [28 February 2014]

Mr Hollobone:

Jeremy Wright:

Prisoners: Self-harm [28 February 2014]

Mrs Moon:

Jeremy Wright:

Column: 549W

Prisons [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Jeremy Wright:

Prisons: Civil Disorder [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Column: 550W

Jeremy Wright:

Column: 551W

Column: 552W

Column: 553W

Prisons: Feltham [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Jeremy Wright:

Prisons: Mother and Baby Units [28 February 2014]

Jenny Chapman:

Simon Hughes:

Column: 554W

Prisons: Research [28 February 2014]

Mrs Moon:

Jeremy Wright:

Reoffenders [28 February 2014]

Rehman Chishti:

Jeremy Wright:

Column: 555W

Philip Davies:

Jeremy Wright:

Reoffenders: Females [28 February 2014]

Jenny Chapman:

Simon Hughes:

Column: 556W

Secure Colleges [28 February 2014]

Dan Jarvis:

Jeremy Wright:

Dan Jarvis:

Jeremy Wright:

Serco [28 February 2014]

Sadiq Khan:

Column: 557W

Jeremy Wright:

Staff [28 February 2014]

Mrs Hodgson:

Simon Hughes:

Column: 558W

Travel [28 February 2014]

Chris Leslie:

Mr Vara:

Column: 559W

Column: 560W

Written Questions [28 February 2014]

Alex Cunningham:

Mr Vara:

Business, Innovation and Skills [28 February 2014]

Local Enterprise Partnerships [28 February 2014]

Caroline Dinenage:

Michael Fallon:

Work and Pensions [28 February 2014]

Access to Work Programme [28 February 2014]

Mark Lazarowicz:

Mike Penning:

Column: 561W

Disability Living Allowance [28 February 2014]

Jim Dobbin:

Mike Penning:

Employment and Support Allowance [28 February 2014]

Steve McCabe:

Mr Vara:

Stephen Timms:

Column: 562W

Esther McVey:

Employment Schemes: Disability [28 February 2014]

Ms Buck:

Esther McVey:

Ms Buck:

Esther McVey:

Equality [28 February 2014]

Mr Raab:

Mike Penning:

Column: 563W

Jobseeker's Allowance [28 February 2014]

Stephen Timms:

Esther McVey:

Minimum Wage [28 February 2014]

Steve Rotheram:

Esther McVey:

Column: 564W

Pensioners: Social Security Benefits [28 February 2014]

Mr Simon Burns:

Steve Webb:

Personal Independence Payment [28 February 2014]

Paul Blomfield:

Mike Penning:

Charles Hendry:

Mrs Hodgson:

Column: 565W

Mike Penning:

Retirement: Females [28 February 2014]

Mr Nicholas Brown:

Steve Webb:

Social Security Benefits [28 February 2014]

Sarah Teather:

Esther McVey:

Column: 566W

State Retirement Pensions: Females [28 February 2014]

Caroline Lucas:

Steve Webb:

Telephone Services [28 February 2014]

Teresa Pearce:

Steve Webb:

Teresa Pearce:

Steve Webb:

Column: 567W

Teresa Pearce:

Steve Webb:

Teresa Pearce:

Steve Webb:

Teresa Pearce:

Steve Webb:

Winter Fuel Payments [28 February 2014]

Sir Edward Garnier:

Column: 568W

Steve Webb:

Work Programme [28 February 2014]

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Esther McVey:

Women and Equalities [28 February 2014]

Gender Recognition [28 February 2014]

Hugh Bayley:

Mrs Grant:

Column: 569W

Health [28 February 2014]

Abortion [28 February 2014]

John Glen:

Jane Ellison:

Animal Experiments [28 February 2014]

Caroline Lucas:

Dr Poulter:

Column: 570W

Autism [28 February 2014]

Mr Nicholas Brown:

Norman Lamb:

Cancer [28 February 2014]

Bill Esterson:

Jane Ellison:

Cholesterol [28 February 2014]

Mr Amess:

Column: 571W

Jane Ellison:

Clinical Priorities Advisory Group [28 February 2014]

Tessa Munt:

Norman Lamb:

Column: 572W

Dementia [28 February 2014]

Oliver Colvile:

Norman Lamb:

Electronic Cigarettes [28 February 2014]

David T. C. Davies:

Jane Ellison:

Equality [28 February 2014]

Mr Raab:

Dr Poulter:

Column: 573W

Fertility: Males [28 February 2014]

Simon Wright:

Dr Poulter:

Flour: Folic Acid [28 February 2014]

Mrs Hodgson:

Jane Ellison:

Column: 574W

General Practitioners [28 February 2014]

Stephen Barclay:

Dr Poulter:

General Practitioners: Leeds [28 February 2014]

Hilary Benn:

Dr Poulter:

Genitourinary Medicine [28 February 2014]

Grahame M. Morris:

Jane Ellison:

Column: 575W

Column: 576W

Column: 577W

Column: 578W

Gynaecology [28 February 2014]

Lyn Brown:

Norman Lamb:

Hepatitis [28 February 2014]

Mr Virendra Sharma:

Jane Ellison:

HIV Infection [28 February 2014]

Grahame M. Morris:

Jane Ellison:

Alec Shelbrooke:

Jane Ellison:

Column: 579W

HIV Infection: Leeds [28 February 2014]

Alec Shelbrooke:

Jane Ellison:

Column: 580W

Home Care Services [28 February 2014]

Mr Godsiff:

Chris Ruane:

Norman Lamb:

Liver Diseases [28 February 2014]

Mr Virendra Sharma:

Column: 581W

Jane Ellison:

Medical Records: Databases [28 February 2014]

Mr Godsiff:

Dr Poulter:

Mr Godsiff:

Dr Poulter:

Mr Godsiff:

Dr Poulter:

Mr Godsiff:

Dr Poulter:

Column: 582W

Mr Godsiff:

Dr Poulter:

Mr Godsiff:

Dr Poulter:

Mr Godsiff:

Dr Poulter:

Mr Godsiff:

Dr Poulter:

Meningitis: Vaccination [28 February 2014]

Zac Goldsmith:

Column: 583W

Jane Ellison:

Zac Goldsmith:

Jane Ellison:

NHS: Innovation [28 February 2014]

Tessa Munt:

Jane Ellison:

Pain [28 February 2014]

Valerie Vaz:

Norman Lamb:

Column: 584W

Palliative Care [28 February 2014]

Mr Nicholas Brown:

Jane Ellison:

Shingles: Vaccination [28 February 2014]

Julian Sturdy:

Jane Ellison:

Column: 585W

Vitamin B12 [28 February 2014]

Mrs Moon:

Norman Lamb:

Cabinet Office [28 February 2014]

Debts: Chelmsford [28 February 2014]

Mr Simon Burns:

Mr Hurd:

Column: 586W

Disability [28 February 2014]

Andy Sawford:

Mr Hurd:

Driving: Licensing [28 February 2014]

George Galloway:

Mr Maude:

Prostate Cancer [28 February 2014]

Paul Burstow:

Mr Hurd:

Column: 587W

Paul Burstow:

Mr Hurd:

International Development [28 February 2014]

Developing Countries: Abortion [28 February 2014]

Mr Burrowes:

Column: 588W

Lynne Featherstone:

Developing Countries: Disability [28 February 2014]

Mr Jim Murphy:

Justine Greening:

Equality [28 February 2014]

Mr Raab:

Mr Duncan:

Column: 589W

Palestinians [28 February 2014]

Mrs Main:

Mr Duncan:

Mrs Main:

Mr Duncan:

Mrs Main:

Mr Duncan:

Rushanara Ali:

Column: 590W

Mr Duncan:

Rushanara Ali:

Mr Duncan:

Uganda [28 February 2014]

Mr Jim Murphy:

Justine Greening:

Mr Jim Murphy:

Justine Greening:

Treasury [28 February 2014]

Equality [28 February 2014]

Mr Raab:

Mr Gauke:

Column: 591W

Excise Duties [28 February 2014]

Alec Shelbrooke:

Mr Leech:

Nicky Morgan:

Financial Services [28 February 2014]

Cathy Jamieson:

Sajid Javid:

Income Tax [28 February 2014]

Mr Lammy:

Column: 592W

Sajid Javid:

Motor Vehicles: Excise Duties [28 February 2014]

Steve Baker:

Nicky Morgan:

Taxation: Banks [28 February 2014]

Paul Flynn:

Sajid Javid: