Jane Ellison
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
Abortion [13 May 2014]
Abortion [8 May 2014]
Abortion [7 May 2014]
Abortion [6 May 2014]
Abortion [9 April 2014]
Abortion [8 April 2014]
Abortion [7 April 2014]
Abortion [3 April 2014]
Abortion [2 April 2014]
Abortion [1 April 2014]
Abortion [27 March 2014]
Abortion [26 March 2014]
Abortion [24 March 2014]
Abortion [20 March 2014]
Abortion [18 March 2014]
Abortion [17 March 2014]
Abortion [13 March 2014]
Abortion [12 March 2014]
Abortion [10 March 2014]
Abortion [6 March 2014]
Abortion [4 March 2014]
Abortion [28 February 2014]
Abortion [26 February 2014]
Abortion [25 February 2014]
Abortion [24 February 2014]
Abortion [13 February 2014]
Abortion [11 February 2014]
Abortion [6 February 2014]
Abortion [3 February 2014]
Abortion [30 January 2014]
Abortion [27 January 2014]
Abortion [22 January 2014]
Abortion [13 January 2014]
Abortion [8 January 2014]
Abortion [9 December 2013]
Abortion [25 November 2013]
Abortion [23 October 2013]
Abortion [17 October 2013]
Abortion [14 October 2013]
Abortion: Breast Cancer [7 May 2014]
Abortion: Counselling [10 March 2014]
Abortion: Counselling [26 February 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments [17 March 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments [24 February 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments [12 February 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments [3 February 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments [24 January 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments [22 January 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments [21 January 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments [20 January 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments [16 December 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [12 December 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [5 December 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [3 December 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [2 December 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [29 November 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [18 November 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [6 November 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [5 November 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [24 October 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments [15 October 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments: East Midlands [16 December 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments: East of England [5 February 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments: Essex [27 January 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments: Greater London [10 February 2014]
Accident and Emergency Departments: Greater London [12 December 2013]
Accident and Emergency Departments: Peterborough [3 March 2014]
Accidents [7 May 2014]
Action on Smoking and Health [6 May 2014]
Action on Smoking and Health [12 February 2014]
Action on Smoking and Health [3 February 2014]
Action on Smoking and Health [23 January 2014]
Air Pollution [10 April 2014]
Air Pollution [8 April 2014]
Air Pollution [4 November 2013]
Air Pollution [28 October 2013]
Air Pollution: Death [1 April 2014]
Air Pollution: Halton [7 April 2014]
Air Pollution: South East [7 May 2014]
Alcoholic Drinks [26 March 2014]
Alcoholic Drinks and Drugs: Rehabilitation [25 March 2014]
Alcoholic Drinks and Drugs: Rehabilitation [20 January 2014]
Alcoholic Drinks and Drugs: Rehabilitation [17 October 2013]
Alcoholic Drinks: Counterfeit Manufacturing [6 May 2014]
Alcoholic Drinks: Counterfeit Manufacturing [24 March 2014]
Alcoholic Drinks: Health Education [22 November 2013]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [25 February 2014]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [13 January 2014]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [6 January 2014]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [12 December 2013]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [5 December 2013]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [4 November 2013]
Alcoholic Drinks: Rehabilitation [3 February 2014]
Alcoholic drinks: Young People [17 December 2013]
All Party Physical Activity Commission [10 March 2014]
Ambulance Services [13 May 2014]
Ambulance Services [3 April 2014]
Ambulance Services [1 April 2014]
Ambulance Services [24 March 2014]
Ambulance Services [17 March 2014]
Ambulance Services [3 March 2014]
Ambulance Services [27 February 2014]
Ambulance Services [26 February 2014]
Ambulance Services [25 February 2014]
Ambulance Services [3 February 2014]
Ambulance Services [6 January 2014]
Ambulance Services [27 November 2013]
Ambulance Services [11 November 2013]
Ambulance Services [31 October 2013]
Ambulance Services [24 October 2013]
Ambulance Services: East of England [13 February 2014]
Ambulance Services: East of England [29 January 2014]
Ambulance Services: Greater Manchester [15 October 2013]
Ambulance Services: Liverpool [15 October 2013]
Ambulance Services: North West [5 February 2014]
Ambulance Services: North West [15 January 2014]
Ambulance Services: North West [17 October 2013]
Ambulance Services: Radiation Exposure [21 January 2014]
Ambulance Services: South East [5 February 2014]
Ambulance Services: South West [24 March 2014]
Ambulance Services: West Midlands [14 May 2014]
Antibiotics [2 April 2014]
Antibiotics [21 January 2014]
Antibiotics: Agriculture [25 November 2013]
Appendicitis [10 March 2014]
Arthritis [30 April 2014]
Arthritis [28 April 2014]
Artificial Sweeteners [7 November 2013]
Asbestos: Children [25 February 2014]
Asthma [9 December 2013]
Asthma [27 November 2013]
Avian Influenza [27 February 2014]
Avian Influenza [14 October 2013]
Bacterial Diseases [9 December 2013]
Barnet Hospital [13 February 2014]
Bed Bugs: Tower Hamlets [11 December 2013]
Beef: Horse Meat [13 January 2014]
Beef: Horse Meat [26 November 2013]
Benzodiazepines [27 November 2013]
Bexsero [21 January 2014]
Blood: Contamination [8 November 2013]
Blood: Contamination [7 November 2013]
Blood: Contamination [24 October 2013]
Blood: Donors [16 December 2013]
Blood: Donors [9 December 2013]
Blood: Donors [7 November 2013]
Bone Marrow Disorders [10 April 2014]
Botulism: Babies [4 February 2014]
Bovine Tuberculosis [24 March 2014]
Brain Cancer [3 March 2014]
Brain Cancer: Children [8 January 2014]
Brain: Injuries [31 March 2014]
Brain: Injuries [18 March 2014]
Brain: Injuries [3 March 2014]
Brain: Injuries [27 January 2014]
Brain: Tumours [8 May 2014]
Brain: Tumours [6 May 2014]
Brain: Tumours [26 February 2014]
Brain: Tumours [13 January 2014]
Brain: Tumours [9 January 2014]
Breast Cancer [14 May 2014]
Breast Cancer [8 May 2014]
Breast Cancer [10 April 2014]
Breast Cancer [7 April 2014]
Breast Cancer [2 April 2014]
Breast Cancer [27 March 2014]
Breast Cancer [24 March 2014]
Breast Cancer [18 March 2014]
Breast Cancer [13 March 2014]
Breast Cancer [25 February 2014]
Breast Cancer [28 January 2014]
Breast Cancer [21 January 2014]
Breast Cancer [13 January 2014]
Breast Cancer [6 January 2014]
Breast Cancer [18 December 2013]
Breast Cancer [12 December 2013]
Breast Cancer [26 November 2013]
Breast Cancer [7 November 2013]
Breast Cancer [5 November 2013]
Breast Cancer [4 November 2013]
Breast Cancer: Drugs [4 February 2014]
Breast Cancer: Lancashire [14 May 2014]
Breastfeeding [8 November 2013]
Buildings [25 October 2013]
Caffeine [9 December 2013]
Calciphylaxis [25 February 2014]
Calderdale Royal Hospital [17 March 2014]
Cancer [14 May 2014]
Cancer [6 May 2014]
Cancer [1 May 2014]
Cancer [30 April 2014]
Cancer [10 April 2014]
Cancer [8 April 2014]
Cancer [7 April 2014]
Cancer [1 April 2014]
Cancer [25 March 2014]
Cancer [24 March 2014]
Cancer [12 March 2014]
Cancer [4 March 2014]
Cancer [5 March 2014]
Cancer [3 March 2014]
Cancer [28 February 2014]
Cancer [24 February 2014]
Cancer [22 January 2014]
Cancer [20 January 2014]
Cancer [16 January 2014]
Cancer [13 January 2014]
Cancer [19 December 2013]
Cancer [17 December 2013]
Cancer [16 December 2013]
Cancer [7 November 2013]
Cancer [15 October 2013]
Cancer Survival Rates: Data [22 October 2013]
Cancer: Older People [17 December 2013]
Cancer: South Yorkshire [18 December 2013]
Cancer: Staffordshire [17 October 2013]
Cancer: West Sussex [28 April 2014]
Cardiovascular System: Diseases [28 April 2014]
Care Bill (HL) [7 April 2014]
Care Bill (HL) [19 March 2014]
Care Homes [16 December 2013]
Cervical Cancer [6 May 2014]
Cervical Cancer [13 January 2014]
Cervical Cancer [18 November 2013]
Children: Heart Diseases [10 March 2014]
Children: Smoking [18 November 2013]
Chiropody: Diabetes [14 May 2014]
Chlamydia [19 December 2013]
Chlamydia [2 December 2013]
Cholera [6 January 2014]
Cholesterol [3 March 2014]
Cholesterol [28 February 2014]
Cholesterol [23 January 2014]
Chronic Illnesses [25 February 2014]
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease [31 March 2014]
CJD [12 November 2013]
Cleft Palate [17 January 2014]
Clinical Audit [18 March 2014]
Clinical Commissioning Groups [24 March 2014]
Clinical Commissioning Groups [26 February 2014]
Clinical Commissioning Groups [16 January 2014]
Clinical Commissioning Groups [21 November 2013]
Clinical Commissioning Groups [31 October 2013]
Clinical Priorities Advisory Group [25 February 2014]
Clinical Trials: Scotland [25 October 2013]
Cocoa: Cadmium [16 October 2013]
College of Emergency Medicine [14 May 2014]
Colorectal Cancer [1 April 2014]
Colorectal Cancer [16 October 2013]
Commissioning Support Units [21 November 2013]
Commissioning Support Units [18 November 2013]
Congenital Abnormalities [7 April 2014]
Congenital Abnormalities [20 March 2014]
Congenital Abnormalities [17 March 2014]
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia [21 January 2014]
Congenital Hearth Disease Review [26 November 2013]
Continuing Care [30 October 2013]
Continuing Care [15 October 2013]
Contraceptives: Young People [7 April 2014]
Counselling [14 May 2014]
Crime Prevention: Young People [10 March 2014]
Crime Prevention: Young People [10 February 2014]
Croydon University Hospital [21 January 2014]
Cystic Fibrosis [30 April 2014]
Cystic Fibrosis [28 April 2014]
Cystic Fibrosis [2 April 2014]
Cystic Fibrosis [31 March 2014]
Cystic Fibrosis [24 March 2014]
Cystic Fibrosis [19 March 2014]
Cystic Fibrosis [18 March 2014]
Death: Weather [6 November 2013]
Death: Weather [1 November 2013]
Death: Weather [28 October 2013]
Death: Young People [20 November 2013]
Defibrillators: Hampshire [14 May 2014]
Deloitte [17 December 2013]
Dental Services [29 October 2013]
Departmental Responsibilities [29 January 2014]
Diabetes [14 May 2014]
Diabetes [8 May 2014]
Diabetes [7 May 2014]
Diabetes [25 March 2014]
Diabetes [13 March 2014]
Diabetes [10 February 2014]
Diabetes [29 January 2014]
Diabetes [27 January 2014]
Diabetes [24 January 2014]
Diabetes [21 January 2014]
Diabetes [16 January 2014]
Diabetes [17 December 2013]
Diabetes [16 December 2013]
Diabetes [11 December 2013]
Diabetes [25 November 2013]
Diabetes [21 November 2013]
Diabetes [18 October 2013]
Diabetes [16 October 2013]
Diabetes: Children [20 March 2014]
Diabetes: Depression [24 January 2014]
Diabetes: Peterborough [26 February 2014]
Diabetes: Young People [6 May 2014]
Dialysis Machines [30 January 2014]
Dietary Supplements [8 May 2014]
Dietary Supplements: EU Law [7 May 2014]
Dietary Supplements: EU Law [4 November 2013]
Disease Control [4 November 2013]
Diseases [13 May 2014]
Diseases: Northern Ireland [12 February 2014]
Doctors [27 November 2013]
Doctors: Crime [8 May 2014]
Domestic Accidents [7 May 2014]
Domestic Violence [19 December 2013]
Domestic Violence and Sexual Offences [13 February 2014]
Donors: Health Education [29 October 2013]
Driving Under Influence: Drugs [30 January 2014]
Drugs and Alcoholic Drinks: Homelessness [22 November 2013]
Drugs: Misuse [3 April 2014]
Drugs: Misuse [31 March 2014]
Drugs: Misuse [25 February 2014]
Drugs: Misuse [13 January 2014]
Drugs: Poisoning [6 May 2014]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [25 March 2014]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [13 February 2014]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [29 October 2013]
Dysentery [10 February 2014]
Eggs [1 May 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [6 May 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [1 May 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [25 March 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [19 March 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [3 March 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [28 February 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [25 February 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [12 February 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [28 January 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [27 January 2014]
Electronic Cigarettes [9 December 2013]
Electronic Cigarettes [29 November 2013]
Electronic Cigarettes [27 November 2013]
Electronic Cigarettes [26 November 2013]
Electronic Cigarettes [24 October 2013]
Electronic Cigarettes: Northern Ireland [26 March 2014]
Emergency Services [17 March 2014]
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council [Statement] [5 December 2013]
Epidermolysis Bullose [13 May 2014]
EU External Trade: USA [11 November 2013]
EU Institutions [6 November 2013]
EU Law [20 November 2013]
European Commission [6 November 2013]
European Health Care Payments [Statement] [30 April 2014]
Exercise [7 April 2014]
Exercise: Older People [27 January 2014]
Exhaust Emissions: Motor Vehicles [8 May 2014]
Eyes: Cancer [14 January 2014]
Fast Food [30 January 2014]
Fast Food [24 January 2014]
Fats [30 January 2014]
Female Genital Mutilation [27 March 2014]
Female Genital Mutilation [26 March 2014]
Female Genital Mutilation [18 March 2014]
Female Genital Mutilation [10 March 2014]
Female Genital Mutilation [24 February 2014]
Female Genital Mutilation [16 December 2013]
Fertility [12 February 2014]
Fertility [24 October 2013]
Fertility: Males [1 May 2014]
First Aid [13 March 2014]
Floods: Health Hazards [27 February 2014]
Floods: Health Hazards [24 February 2014]
Floods: South West [6 February 2014]
Flour: Folic Acid [28 February 2014]
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome [5 December 2013]
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome [14 October 2013]
Food [25 March 2014]
Food [6 February 2014]
Food [26 November 2013]
Food [7 November 2013]
Food [6 November 2013]
Food [31 October 2013]
Food and Drink Federation [17 January 2014]
Food Network [18 March 2014]
Food: Advertising [16 January 2014]
Food: Advertising [31 October 2013]
Food: Advertising [25 October 2013]
Food: Chemicals [4 March 2014]
Food: Contamination [13 January 2014]
Food: Crime [6 March 2014]
Food: Crime [6 February 2014]
Food: EU Action [1 April 2014]
Food: Labelling [7 November 2013]
Food: Low Incomes [31 October 2013]
Food: Packaging [31 October 2013]
Food: Research [4 November 2013]
Food: Safety [25 March 2014]
Food: Safety [25 October 2013]
Food: Standards [30 April 2014]
Food: Testing [8 April 2014]
Food: Testing [24 March 2014]
Food: Testing [6 March 2014]
Forensic Science [28 April 2014]
Fracking [18 November 2013]
Friarage Hospital [8 April 2014]
Fructose [25 October 2013]
General Practitioners [13 May 2014]
General Practitioners [6 May 2014]
General Practitioners [30 April 2014]
General Practitioners [1 April 2014]
General Practitioners [6 March 2014]
General Practitioners [24 February 2014]
General Practitioners [30 January 2014]
General Practitioners [21 January 2014]
General Practitioners [12 November 2013]
General Practitioners: Defibrillators [17 January 2014]
General Practitioners: East Midlands [3 December 2013]
General Practitioners: South Yorkshire [18 December 2013]
Genetically Modified Organisms [14 October 2013]
Genetics: Screening [5 November 2013]
Genito-urinary Medicine [3 April 2014]
Genito-urinary Medicine [28 February 2014]
Genito-urinary Medicine [28 October 2013]
Genomics England [17 March 2014]
Headaches [9 January 2014]
Health [11 February 2014]
Health [21 January 2014]
Health [13 January 2014]
Health [9 December 2013]
Health [29 November 2013]
Health [21 November 2013]
Health [14 October 2013]
Health Council [Statement] [18 December 2013]
Health Education [2 April 2014]
Health Education [24 March 2014]
Health Education [17 March 2014]
Health Education [13 January 2014]
Health Education [18 December 2013]
Health Education [12 December 2013]
Health Education: Food [31 March 2014]
Health Education: Greater Manchester [28 October 2013]
Health Education: Sex [3 February 2014]
Health Professions: Qualifications [8 May 2014]
Health Professions: Registration [5 December 2013]
Health Protection Agency [27 March 2014]
Health Services [13 May 2014]
Health Services [6 May 2014]
Health Services [29 April 2014]
Health Services [28 April 2014]
Health Services [8 April 2014]
Health Services [3 April 2014]
Health Services [4 March 2014]
Health Services [5 March 2014]
Health Services [4 February 2014]
Health Services [9 January 2014]
Health Services [16 December 2013]
Health Services [29 November 2013]
Health Services [15 October 2013]
Health Services: Females [29 November 2013]
Health Services: Floods [27 February 2014]
Health Services: Foreign Nationals [24 February 2014]
Health Services: Foreign Nationals [27 January 2014]
Health Services: Foreign Nationals [23 January 2014]
Health Services: Foreign Nationals [9 January 2014]
Health Services: Foreign Nationals [8 November 2013]
Health Services: Foreign Nationals [28 October 2013]
Health Services: Foreign Nationals [18 October 2013]
Health Services: Freedom of Information [25 October 2013]
Health Services: Greater London [25 October 2013]
Health Services: Greater Manchester [31 March 2014]
Health Services: Harrow [12 December 2013]
Health Services: Hearing Impairment [17 March 2014]
Health Services: Immigrants [4 March 2014]
Health Services: Males [18 November 2013]
Health Services: Medway [11 December 2013]
Health Services: Merseyside [18 November 2013]
Health Services: North East [11 November 2013]
Health Services: Older People [21 January 2014]
Health Services: Older People [12 December 2013]
Health Services: Overseas Students [5 December 2013]
Health Services: Overseas Students [25 November 2013]
Health Services: Reciprocal Arrangements [5 February 2014]
Health Services: Reciprocal Arrangements [3 February 2014]
Health Services: Reciprocal Arrangements [18 December 2013]
Health Services: Reciprocal Arrangements [27 November 2013]
Health Services: Reciprocal Arrangements [8 November 2013]
Health Services: South East [21 January 2014]
Health Services: Staffordshire [2 April 2014]
Health Services: Veterans [3 December 2013]
Health Services: Weather [29 November 2013]
Health Services: Worcestershire [29 November 2013]
Health Services: Worcestershire [18 November 2013]
Health Services: Worcestershire [24 October 2013]
Health Visitors [3 December 2013]
Health Visitors [29 October 2013]
Health: Children [23 January 2014]
Health: Children [13 January 2014]
Health: Climate Change [6 March 2014]
Health: Equality [20 March 2014]
Health: Equality [4 March 2014]
Health: Finance [3 February 2014]
Health: Finance [29 November 2013]
Health: Finance [18 November 2013]
Health: Floods [12 February 2014]
Health: Greater London [12 December 2013]
Health: Organised Crime [6 November 2013]
Health: Scotland [10 April 2014]
Health: Scotland [8 April 2014]
Health: Screening [1 May 2014]
Health: Screening [1 April 2014]
Health: Screening [25 March 2014]
Health: Screening [13 March 2014]
Health: Screening [17 December 2013]
Health: Weather [25 February 2014]
Health: Young People [18 November 2013]
Healthy Living and Social Care [Statement] [17 December 2013]
Heart Diseases [7 April 2014]
Heart Diseases [25 March 2014]
Heart Diseases [13 March 2014]
Heart Diseases [10 March 2014]
Heart Diseases [6 March 2014]
Heart Diseases [26 February 2014]
Heart Diseases [24 February 2014]
Heart Diseases [29 January 2014]
Heart Diseases [21 January 2014]
Heart Diseases [11 December 2013]
Heart Diseases [12 November 2013]
Heart Diseases [14 October 2013]
Heart Diseases and Cancer [11 December 2013]
Heart Diseases and Cancer [27 November 2013]
Heart Diseases: Children [24 February 2014]
Heart Diseases: Children [29 November 2013]
Heart Diseases: North East [9 April 2014]
Heart Diseases: Sugar [12 February 2014]
Heart Diseases: Surgery [6 November 2013]
Heart Pacemakers [27 November 2013]
Hepatitis [14 May 2014]
Hepatitis [13 May 2014]
Hepatitis [3 March 2014]
Hepatitis [28 February 2014]
Hepatitis [29 January 2014]
Hepatitis [23 January 2014]
Hepatitis [7 January 2014]
Hepatitis [6 January 2014]
Hepatitis [11 December 2013]
Hepatitis [5 December 2013]
Hepatitis: Greater London [5 December 2013]
Hereditary Diseases [30 April 2014]
Hernias [16 January 2014]
Hill Farming [7 May 2014]
Hip Replacements [29 January 2014]
HIV Infection [10 March 2014]
HIV Infection [28 February 2014]
HIV Infection [10 February 2014]
HIV Infection [4 December 2013]
HIV Infection [18 November 2013]
HIV Infection and Hepatitis [27 February 2014]
HIV Infection: Leeds [28 February 2014]
Homeopathy [5 November 2013]
Horse Meat [13 January 2014]
Horse Meat [20 November 2013]
Hospital Beds [7 May 2014]
Hospital Beds [11 February 2014]
Hospital Beds [15 January 2014]
Hospital Beds [11 November 2013]
Hospital Beds [6 November 2013]
Hospital Beds: Essex [10 February 2014]
Hospital Beds: Greater London [17 March 2014]
Hospital Beds: Greater London [10 February 2014]
Hospital Beds: North East [19 November 2013]
Hospital Beds: North West [24 February 2014]
Hospital Beds: Sussex [5 February 2014]
Hospitals [27 February 2014]
Hospitals: Food [3 December 2013]
Hospitals: Greater London [13 February 2014]
Hospitals: Greater London [11 February 2014]
Hospitals: Greater London [12 February 2014]
Hospitals: Greater Manchester [3 February 2014]
Hospitals: North East [14 January 2014]
Hospitals: North West [17 December 2013]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [29 April 2014]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [13 March 2014]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [3 March 2014]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [24 February 2014]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [10 February 2014]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [5 February 2014]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [13 January 2014]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [19 December 2013]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [19 November 2013]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [11 November 2013]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [7 November 2013]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [29 October 2013]
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and Human Tissue Authority Review [27 January 2014]
Human Papillomavirus [28 April 2014]
Human Papillomavirus [8 April 2014]
Human Papillomavirus [10 February 2014]
Human Papillomavirus [3 February 2014]
Human Papillomavirus [21 January 2014]
Human Papillomavirus [9 January 2014]
Human Papillomavirus [11 December 2013]
Human Papillomavirus: Gillingham [13 March 2014]
Human Papillomavirus: Swindon [21 January 2014]
Human-Animal Hybrid Embryos [6 February 2014]
Hyperactivity: Young People [3 December 2013]
Hypothermia [22 November 2013]
ICT [3 December 2013]
In Vitro Fertilisation [7 May 2014]
In Vitro Fertilisation [28 April 2014]
In Vitro Fertilisation [7 April 2014]
In Vitro Fertilisation [27 March 2014]
In Vitro Fertilisation [6 March 2014]
In Vitro Fertilisation [12 February 2014]
In Vitro Fertilisation [21 January 2014]
In Vitro Fertilisation [13 January 2014]
In Vitro Fertilisation [8 January 2014]
In Vitro Fertilisation [4 December 2013]
In Vitro Fertilisation [8 November 2013]
In Vitro Fertilisation [7 November 2013]
In Vitro Fertilisation [4 November 2013]
Infectious Diseases [30 January 2014]
Influenza: Vaccination [4 February 2014]
Influenza: Vaccination [28 January 2014]
Influenza: Vaccination [22 January 2014]
Influenza: Vaccination [19 December 2013]
Influenza: Vaccination [3 December 2013]
Influenza: Vaccination [11 November 2013]
Influenza: Vaccination [5 November 2013]
Informal Health Council [Statement] [8 May 2014]
Injuries: Children [14 May 2014]
Institute of Grocery Distribution [28 January 2014]
Insulin [12 November 2013]
James Cook University Hospital [14 May 2014]
Joint Committee On Vaccination and Immunisation [26 March 2014]
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation [21 January 2014]
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation [14 January 2014]
Kidneys: Cancer [16 December 2013]
Kidneys: Diseases [6 January 2014]
Kidneys: Diseases [19 December 2013]
Kidneys: Donors [17 March 2014]
Kidneys: Transplant Surgery [30 January 2014]
Kidneys: Transplant Surgery [19 December 2013]
Life Expectancy: Merseyside [22 October 2013]
Liver Diseases [14 May 2014]
Liver Diseases [13 May 2014]
Liver Diseases [28 February 2014]
Liver Diseases [19 December 2013]
Liver Diseases [12 December 2013]
Liver Diseases [4 November 2013]
Liver Diseases: Obesity [24 February 2014]
Livestock: Diseases [1 April 2014]
Lung Cancer [16 December 2013]
Lung Cancer: Females [21 January 2014]
Lung Diseases: Transplant Surgery [25 March 2014]
Lyme Disease [14 October 2013]
Magnetic Resonance Imagers [3 March 2014]
Malnutrition [24 March 2014]
Malnutrition [13 March 2014]
Manor Hospital Walsall [3 February 2014]
Manor Hospital Walsall [20 January 2014]
Maternity Services: Foreign Nationals [26 March 2014]
Maternity Services: Immigrants [1 April 2014]
Meat [6 May 2014]
Medical Records: Genetics [17 March 2014]
Medical Treatments [18 March 2014]
Medical Treatments [11 November 2013]
Medicine: Education [28 October 2013]
Members: Correspondence [7 April 2014]
Members: Correspondence [3 April 2014]
Members: Correspondence [25 March 2014]
Meningitis [31 March 2014]
Meningitis [4 March 2014]
Meningitis [24 February 2014]
Meningitis [13 February 2014]
Meningitis [14 January 2014]
Meningitis [9 December 2013]
Meningitis: Vaccination [10 March 2014]
Meningitis: Vaccination [28 February 2014]
Meningitis: Vaccination [29 January 2014]
Meningitis: Vaccination [22 January 2014]
Meningitis: Vaccination [13 January 2014]
Meningitis: Vaccination [17 December 2013]
Meningitis: Vaccination [14 October 2013]
Mental Health Services [21 November 2013]
Mental Illness: Drugs and Alcoholic Drinks [22 November 2013]
Mesothelioma [30 January 2014]
Mesothelioma [11 December 2013]
Mesothelioma: Northern Ireland [28 January 2014]
Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust [1 April 2014]
Minor Injuries Units [20 January 2014]
Mitochondrial Donation [Statement] [27 February 2014]
MMR Vaccine [17 December 2013]
MMR Vaccine [5 December 2013]
MMR Vaccine [25 November 2013]
Monitor [20 January 2014]
Monitor [22 November 2013]
Mortality Rates [27 February 2014]
Mortuaries [4 November 2013]
Muscular Dystrophy [10 March 2014]
Musculoskeletal Disorders [18 March 2014]
National Healthy Schools Programme [13 January 2014]
Necrotising Fasciitis [31 March 2014]
Nervous System [14 January 2014]
Newham University Hospital [18 November 2013]
NHS [6 March 2014]
NHS [3 February 2014]
NHS [28 January 2014]
NHS [11 November 2013]
NHS 111 [8 January 2014]
NHS 111 [23 October 2013]
NHS England [30 April 2014]
NHS England [24 March 2014]
NHS England [20 March 2014]
NHS England [18 March 2014]
NHS England [17 March 2014]
NHS England [10 March 2014]
NHS England [27 February 2014]
NHS England [27 January 2014]
NHS England [24 January 2014]
NHS England [17 October 2013]
NHS England: Lancashire [29 November 2013]
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement [24 January 2014]
NHS Property Services [17 December 2013]
NHS Trust Development Authority [6 January 2014]
NHS Trust Development Authority [17 December 2013]
NHS Walk-in Centres [25 November 2013]
NHS Walk-in Centres [11 November 2013]
NHS Walk-in Centres [14 October 2013]
NHS Walk-in Centres: North East [19 November 2013]
NHS: Awards [3 December 2013]
NHS: Cost Effectiveness [15 October 2013]
NHS: Drugs [7 November 2013]
NHS: Expenditure [31 March 2014]
NHS: Fees and Charges [27 February 2014]
NHS: Fees and Charges [29 October 2013]
NHS: Finance [26 February 2014]
NHS: Finance [3 December 2013]
NHS: Finance [11 November 2013]
NHS: Finance [5 November 2013]
NHS: Finance [25 October 2013]
NHS: Freedom of Information [10 March 2014]
NHS: Innovation [20 March 2014]
NHS: Innovation [28 February 2014]
NHS: Innovation [9 December 2013]
NHS: Insolvency [13 May 2014]
NHS: Insolvency [28 April 2014]
NHS: Insolvency [7 April 2014]
NHS: Obesity [13 May 2014]
NHS: Procurement [24 March 2014]
NHS: Public Appointments [30 April 2014]
NHS: Public Appointments [21 November 2013]
NHS: Recruitment [3 December 2013]
NHS: Reorganisation [31 March 2014]
NHS: Staff [14 May 2014]
NHS: Staff [1 May 2014]
NHS: Standards [7 April 2014]
NHS: Standards [6 January 2014]
NHS: Standards [11 November 2013]
North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust [17 March 2014]
Northwick Park Hospital [10 February 2014]
Northwick Park Hospital [12 December 2013]
Nutrition [10 April 2014]
Nutrition [16 January 2014]
Nutrition: Low Incomes [2 December 2013]
Obesity [8 April 2014]
Obesity [13 March 2014]
Obesity [11 March 2014]
Obesity [6 March 2014]
Obesity [27 February 2014]
Obesity [28 January 2014]
Obesity [27 January 2014]
Obesity [20 January 2014]
Obesity [13 January 2014]
Obesity [16 December 2013]
Obesity [9 December 2013]
Obesity [7 November 2013]
Obesity [6 November 2013]
Obesity [15 October 2013]
Obesity and Diabetes [21 November 2013]
Obesity: Children [7 May 2014]
Obesity: Children [31 March 2014]
Obesity: Children [27 March 2014]
Obesity: Children [4 March 2014]
Obesity: Children [3 March 2014]
Obesity: Children [24 February 2014]
Obesity: Children [27 November 2013]
Obesity: Children [18 November 2013]
Obesity: Children [29 October 2013]
Obesity: Harlow [10 April 2014]
Obesity: Lancashire [6 November 2013]
Obesity: Sugar [24 February 2014]
Obesity: Sugar [11 February 2014]
Obesity: Surgery [25 March 2014]
Obesity: Surgery [10 February 2014]
Obesity: Surgery [15 October 2013]
Oesophageal Cancer [26 February 2014]
Offenders: Rehabilitation [20 January 2014]
Opiates [7 April 2014]
Opiates [27 March 2014]
Organs: Donors [1 May 2014]
Organs: Donors [2 April 2014]
Organs: Donors [31 March 2014]
Organs: Donors [18 March 2014]
Organs: Donors [30 October 2013]
Organs: Donors [29 October 2013]
Organs: Donors [24 October 2013]
Organs: Donors [22 October 2013]
Organs: Donors [16 October 2013]
Orthopaedics [18 March 2014]
Out of Area Treatment: Scotland [8 April 2014]
Out of Area Treatment: Wales [24 March 2014]
Out of Area Treatment: Wales [31 October 2013]
Out-patients [13 March 2014]
Out-patients [24 February 2014]
Out-patients: Attendance [7 April 2014]
Out-patients: Attendance [26 February 2014]
Out-patients: Attendance [15 January 2014]
Out-patients: Attendance [27 November 2013]
Ovarian Cancer [8 April 2014]
Ovarian Cancer [27 March 2014]
Ovarian Cancer [5 March 2014]
Ovarian Cancer [13 February 2014]
Paediatrics [12 November 2013]
Palliative Care [28 February 2014]
Pancreatic Cancer [13 May 2014]
Pancreatic Cancer [8 May 2014]
Pancreatic Cancer [30 April 2014]
Pancreatic Cancer [28 April 2014]
Pancreatic Cancer [13 March 2014]
Pancreatic Cancer [6 February 2014]
Pancreatic Cancer [13 January 2014]
Passive Smoking [30 October 2013]
Passive Smoking: Children [21 October 2013]
Patients: Females [8 May 2014]
Patients: Taxis [17 March 2014]
Patients: Travel [7 April 2014]
Physiotherapy [25 October 2013]
Plastic Bags [11 December 2013]
Plastic Surgery [11 December 2013]
Portman Group [14 January 2014]
Potatoes [13 May 2014]
Poultry Meat [14 October 2013]
Pregnancy: Influenza [29 November 2013]
Primary Health Care [16 October 2013]
Processed Food [26 February 2014]
Prostate Cancer [13 May 2014]
Prostate Cancer [3 April 2014]
Prostate Cancer [5 March 2014]
Prostate Cancer [16 December 2013]
Prostate Cancer [21 November 2013]
Prostate Cancer [11 November 2013]
Public Health England [6 May 2014]
Public Health England [1 April 2014]
Public Health England [27 March 2014]
Public Health England [29 November 2013]
Public Health England [21 November 2013]
Public Health England [20 November 2013]
Public Health England [17 October 2013]
Public Health England Real-time Syndromic Surveillance Team [11 March 2014]
Radiotherapy [8 May 2014]
Radiotherapy [7 May 2014]
Radiotherapy [28 April 2014]
Radiotherapy [10 April 2014]
Radiotherapy [31 March 2014]
Radiotherapy [24 March 2014]
Radiotherapy [3 March 2014]
Radiotherapy [25 February 2014]
Radiotherapy [24 February 2014]
Radiotherapy [3 February 2014]
Radiotherapy [21 January 2014]
Radiotherapy [8 January 2014]
Radiotherapy [6 January 2014]
Radiotherapy [4 November 2013]
Radiotherapy [22 October 2013]
Radiotherapy: South East [28 April 2014]
Rehabilitation Centres [28 January 2014]
Rehabilitation Centres: Bournemouth [27 January 2014]
Respiratory Diseases [10 March 2014]
Respiratory Syncytial Virus [31 March 2014]
Respiratory System [14 January 2014]
Ritual Slaughter [24 March 2014]
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists [13 May 2014]
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists [6 May 2014]
Royal Preston Hospital [13 May 2014]
Salt [25 March 2014]
Salt: Children [18 March 2014]
Scarlet Fever [30 April 2014]
Scarlet Fever [19 March 2014]
Scarlet Fever [26 February 2014]
School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme [4 November 2013]
School Meals [25 October 2013]
Secondment [21 January 2014]
Secondment [3 December 2013]
Sexual Assault Referral Centres [28 April 2014]
Sexually Transmitted Infections: Young People [21 January 2014]
Shingles [24 February 2014]
Shingles: Vaccination [28 February 2014]
Shingles: Vaccination [8 November 2013]
Shingles: Vaccination [14 October 2013]
Sickle Cell Diseases [6 May 2014]
Skin Cancer [27 March 2014]
Skin Cancer [3 February 2014]
Skin Cancer [16 October 2013]
Skin Piercing: Children [4 November 2013]
Slaughterhouses: Horses [14 January 2014]
Sleep Apnoea [20 March 2014]
Smoking [10 April 2014]
Smoking [4 March 2014]
Smoking [18 November 2013]
Smoking [31 October 2013]
Smoking [14 October 2013]
Smoking: Bolton [10 April 2014]
Smoking: Health Education [3 April 2014]
Smoking: Health Education [19 December 2013]
Smoking: Motor Vehicles [6 May 2014]
Smoking: Motor Vehicles [27 January 2014]
Smoking: Yorkshire and the Humber [16 December 2013]
Smoking: Young People [4 February 2014]
Smoking: Young People [16 October 2013]
Social Science Research Committee (Triennial Review) [Statement] [3 April 2014]
Soft Drinks: Schools [1 May 2014]
Soft Drinks: Schools [7 April 2014]
Soft Drinks: Schools [27 March 2014]
Soft Drinks: Schools [29 January 2014]
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [22 October 2013]
Specialised Healthcare Alliance [27 February 2014]
Specialised Healthcare Alliance [26 February 2014]
Specialised Healthcare Alliance [24 February 2014]
Speed Limits [28 April 2014]
Staff [7 May 2014]
Staff [3 December 2013]
Standardised Packaging for Tobacco Independent Review [28 April 2014]
Statistics [13 January 2014]
Stem Cells [3 February 2014]
Streptococcus [3 March 2014]
Stress [7 November 2013]
Stress: Obesity [16 December 2013]
Strokes [13 May 2014]
Strokes [25 March 2014]
Sugar [3 March 2014]
Sugar [11 February 2014]
Sugar [12 February 2014]
Sugar [21 January 2014]
Sugar [14 January 2014]
Sugar [7 November 2013]
Sunbeds [24 March 2014]
Sunbeds [21 October 2013]
Sunbeds [16 October 2013]
Sunbeds (Regulation) Act 2010 [26 March 2014]
Surgery [3 April 2014]
Surgery [13 March 2014]
Surgery [6 January 2014]
Syphilis [3 March 2014]
Tamiflu [6 May 2014]
Tattooing and Skin Piercing [3 April 2014]
Teenage Pregnancy [6 May 2014]
Throat Cancer [28 April 2014]
Thromboembolism [18 November 2013]
Tobacco [27 January 2014]
Tobacco [10 December 2013]
Tobacco [27 November 2013]
Tobacco Control [Statement] [28 November 2013]
Tobacco: EU Law [4 November 2013]
Tobacco: Packaging [6 May 2014]
Tobacco: Packaging [28 April 2014]
Tobacco: Packaging [2 April 2014]
Tobacco: Packaging [27 March 2014]
Tobacco: Packaging [25 February 2014]
Tobacco: Packaging [24 January 2014]
Tobacco: Packaging [22 January 2014]
Tobacco: Packaging [21 January 2014]
Tobacco: Packaging [12 December 2013]
Tobacco: Packaging [10 December 2013]
Tobacco: Packaging [3 December 2013]
Tobacco: Packaging [27 November 2013]
Tobacco: Packaging [31 October 2013]
Tobacco: Packaging [30 October 2013]
Tobacco: Packaging [22 October 2013]
Tobacco: Packaging [14 October 2013]
Tobacco: Retail Trade [7 May 2014]
Tobacco: Retail Trade [28 April 2014]
Tobacco: Scotland [28 January 2014]
Tobacco: Scotland [27 January 2014]
Tobacco: Smuggling [16 December 2013]
Tobacco: Young People [28 April 2014]
Torrington Hospital [22 October 2013]
Transplant Surgery [30 April 2014]
Transplant Surgery [22 November 2013]
Transplant Surgery [8 November 2013]
Transplant Surgery: Bone Marrow Disorders [12 February 2014]
Transplant Surgery: Bone Marrow Disorders [5 February 2014]
Transplant Surgery: Lung Diseases [31 March 2014]
Tuberculosis [8 April 2014]
Tuberculosis [7 April 2014]
Tuberculosis [20 March 2014]
Tuberculosis [17 March 2014]
Tuberculosis [30 January 2014]
Tuberculosis [21 January 2014]
Tuberculosis [14 January 2014]
Tuberculosis [13 January 2014]
Tuberculosis [12 December 2013]
Tuberculosis [25 November 2013]
Tuberculosis [20 November 2013]
UK Membership of EU [6 November 2013]
University College Hospital [12 March 2014]
University College Hospital [28 October 2013]
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust [5 December 2013]
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust [3 March 2014]
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust [23 January 2014]
Vaccination [31 March 2014]
Vaccination [18 March 2014]
Vaccination [17 March 2014]
Vaccination [24 February 2014]
Vaccination [14 January 2014]
Vaccination [13 January 2014]
Vaccination: Children [12 March 2014]
Vaccination: Immigrants [27 January 2014]
Vaccination: Immigrants [9 December 2013]
Viruses [14 May 2014]
Warfarin [28 April 2014]
Warm Homes Healthy People Fund [29 October 2013]
Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [16 December 2013]
Weather: Death [30 October 2013]
Young People: Crimes of Violence [13 February 2014]
Young People: Crimes of Violence [11 February 2014]