First weeks at Westminster: induction arrangements for new MPs in 2015 - Administration Committee Contents

7  The responsibility of Members

101.  The House Service will again run a New Members' Reception Area in 2015 and the quality of induction for new Members can again improve, as happened in both 2005 and 2010.

102.  Whatever the responsibilities of others, the primary responsibility for being a good new MP, diligent and effective in the dispatch of their parliamentary and other duties, lies with the Members themselves. One new Member who contributed to our inquiry fairly praised the quality of guidance given by the House Service on his arrival but added rightly that we "are not employees of a corporation and should not be". This Report makes various suggestions for action by the House Service, PICT, IPSA, the Members Estimate Committee and by the political parties represented at Westminster. Although others may be able to help, the ultimate responsibility for being a good Member of Parliament, fully aware of our responsibilities as parliamentarians, constituency Members and employers, lies with each one of us ourselves.

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Prepared 9 September 2013