2 Stereotyping of jobs and gender
What I am trying to do is to break the stereotype.
We have to do things differently. There is a saying: do what you
have always done and you will get what you have always got. [Diane
Johnson, Electrical Contractors Association (ECA)][8]
9. Diane Johnson from the Electrical Contractors
Association (ECA) told us about her innovative way of encouraging
women to join the engineering sector.[9]
She was describing the inherent stereotypes that permeate women's
choices of careers, which in turn lead to reduced career and salary
prospects. Our predecessor Committee's Report Jobs for the
girls: the effect of occupational segregation on the gender pay
gap was published in April 2005, and stated:
The tendency of men and women to work in different
occupations, and the associated tendency of predominantly female
occupations to be lower paid and lower valued than men's, have
a major effect on the gender pay gap in the UK; but such occupational
segregation also deprives employers of potential recruitsa
factor of particular importance in areas of skills shortages.[10]
10. Over eight years later, the points made remain
relevant. The Women's Business Centre highlighted statistics of
the most common jobs for young men and for young women, from the
Labour Force Survey of 2011:
Most common jobs for young men (age 22-29) are:
1. Construction and building trades (170,000)
2. Sales assistants and retail cashiers (160,000)
3. Elementary services occupations (110,000)
4. IT and telecoms professionals (100,000)
5. Electrical and electronic trades (100,000)
Most common jobs for young women (age 22-29) are:
1. Sales assistants and retail cashiers (200,000)
2. Caring personal services (170,000)
3. Teaching and education professionals (160,000)
4. Elementary services occupations (130,000)
5. Childcare and related personal services (130,000)[11]
11. Mary-Ann Paddison, in a personal capacity, highlighted
the improvement in the number of women chartered surveyors in
the past 20 years, yet the figures still show that men outnumber
women by more than five to one:
When I started training for my profession in c. 1983 I recall
that around 7% of Chartered Surveyors were women. Today I understand
that approximately 15%-17% of Chartered Surveyors are women.[12]
This chapter will tease out the reasons why certain career choices
are made, concentrating on specific subjects which are disproportionately
represented by men. It will also highlight initiatives that have
contributed to the greater choice of careers by women.
Nature or nurture?
12. We received a range of evidence on the reasons underlying
the disproportionate ratio of men and women in certain professions;
some stressed the fact that biological differences affect people's
choice of career, while others stressed cultural differences that
dominate the choices that women make.
Mike Buchanan, from the
Campaign for Merit in Business, told us that he believed that
the roots of the difference in unequal representation in certain
occupations between men and women lay in biological differences
between the sexes:
I am very much persuaded by the work of Professor
Simon Baron-Cohen at Cambridge University, who published a book
called The Essential Difference back in 2003. His essential
thesis is that most people are gender-typical, and that the male
brain is designed for systemising and the female brain for empathising.
If that is trueand I think there is a lot of evidence that
it is truethen we would expect men to be more interested
in physics, mathematics and engineering and we would expect women
to be more interested in nursing, medicine and, indeed psychology.
[...] I am simply saying the number of men who are good mathematicians,
physicists and engineers will naturally considerably outnumber
the number of women who are.[13]
13. In oral evidence, Dr Catherine Hakim, a sociologist,
described her preference theory, based on research on the choices
that women make, which highlighted the fact that
Roughly 20% of women in all societies are work-centred
and careerist in the way men are. Roughly 20% of women are home-centred,
family-orientated in the way that very, very few men are. Roughly
60% are in the middle wanting the best of both worlds, a combination
of family life, paid employment and success or achievement in
the public sphere, whether it is in politics, sport, art, the
workplace or whatever. The ones in the middle group are the ones
that are always dominant in any survey results because they are
the ones who are the most numerous. However, an awful lot of policy
is based on the assumption that women would be careerist and work-centred,
just like men, if only culture and society allowed them to. The
evidence is that they simply are not.[14]
In her written evidence she explained her thesis
If social engineering aims for outcomes that go against
the grain, then all the money and effort will be wasted anyway.
There are good reasons why fewer women remain working as engineers
and few men become beauticians.[15]
14. Much of our evidence, however, argued that
the choices that many women make over the type of work they choose
is more influenced by cultural presumptions of the role that women
should take. Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, an astronomer
at the University of Oxford and Chair of the Royal Society of
Edinburgh's inquiry into Women in Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM), told us that she believed that culture,
not biology, determined women's career choice, and illustrated
this view by describing the variation in the number of female
astronomers in different countries around the world:
Mostly, astronomers have done physics to get to astronomy,
so physics figures are really very like this. There is huge divergence
around the world. Argentina has 37% of its cohort female, whereas
Japan has 6%. Local cultural influences dominate. This is not
biology; this is not women's brains. This is the culture in the
countrywhat is considered appropriate for a women in that
country to do.[16]
She went on to explain why she believed these cultural
differences occurred:
It is my impression that it is our sisters, our cousins
and our aunts who determine what is appropriate for women to do,
to a large extent. They influence the early decision of girls.
Their progress will be determined by the people in power, who
are often men. There are very, very strong cultural effects, so
what we are trying to change is the culture in the country.[17]
Other evidence also supported the fact that cultural
attitudes can affect career choice. Bola Fatimilehin, from the
Royal Academy of Engineering, returned to the example of physics:
Physics is of huge interest to engineering because
it is a key subject in terms of determining whether or not you
can become an engineer in later life. The Institute of Physics
conducted research earlier this year that showed that of all the
A-level entrants in 2011, 20% of them were female. That situation
has persisted for the last 20 years. It is not biological. It
is not because girls cannot do physics; they actually do better
than boys. There is a lot around teacher attitude and stereotyping
that says that boys do physics. Kings College is doing a longitudinal
study of this, and some studies say that some teachers, though
not all, will see boys as more naturally able and better at physics.
Of course, that sends a message to girls.[18]
15. Positive views about 'atypical' careers for
women can make a difference in women's choices. Claire O'Connor
wrote in a personal capacity about her experience in the automotive
industry, and explained how her choice of career was influenced:
I myself would not have considered engineering had
I not spoken to a family friend who highlighted the variety of
skills I could use as an engineer, such as project management,
finance, purchasing and technology, therefore exposing more people
to the industry can only be a positive thing. [...] Having worked
within the automotive industry for 16 years I have always found
it very female friendly, with many policies which positively support
women in the workplace. I have benefited from generous maternity
leave, flexible part-time working and an on-site nursery which
have made it possible for me to remain in the workplace. From
my observations these policies have meant the majority of women
return to work following the birth of their children.[19]
16. Similar sentiments about the benefits of
choosing to work in an 'atypical' career for women were expressed
by another engineer, Charlotte Dunford:
I have always felt like I was treated as an equal
by my male colleagues and they have been open about the need to
encourage more women to enter the profession. [...] In my experience
the barrier to women being in the technical professions is that
many women do not choose my career, not that they are barred from
it or are not felt welcome by others once they have chosen it.
[...] How can a woman fall in love with these professions or realise
they are capable of them if they never try them?[20]
17. We are of the view, based on
much of our written and oral evidence, that the root of the problem
of the stereotyping of jobs come from the cultural context in
which career decisions are made, not from innate differences between
men and women. Those decisions
are often based on external influences and advice, affecting both
girls and boys at a very early age. However, just because it is
culture rather than nature that influences career choice does
not necessarily make it any easier to change, nor does it mean
that all peoplemen or womenwant to change it. What
is needed is the opportunity for girls and boys to make informed
decisions about their future careers, based on comprehensive and
objective advice.
Schools and Careers advice
18. Schools play a significant part in influencing
stereotypes, both in what they teach in the curriculum and in
what careers advice they offer. The Institute of Physics stressed
the fact that other countries are better at attracting more women
into science and highlighted the poor track record of English
schools supporting girls studying physics.[21]
Its report It's Different for Girls noted that "almost
half of all maintained co-ed schools in England (49%) sent no
girls on to take A-level physics in 2011".[22]
It highlighted the success of its own initiative in generating
significant increases in the number of girls studying physics:
Our Stimulating Physics Network (SPN), a Department
for Education funded initiative, aims to improve the uptake of
A-Level physics by working directly with schools. They have seen
a colossal rise in the number of girls taking physics (an increase
of 200%, compared to 70% in boys) in the SPN partner schools.
This clearly shows that targeted initiatives can and do work.[23]
We received evidence highlighting other programmes
that support targeted work on pupils at school, some specifically
aimed at girls. Women and Manual Trades (WAMT) stressed the importance
of promoting women in non-traditional roles, introducing tradeswomen
to young children "to expose and promote skilled labour as
a viable career and employment option for women and men",
and in providing practical information on ways in which to enter
the trades.[24]
19. Dr. Heather Williams, a physicist within
the NHS and honorary secretary to the Institute of Physics' Women
in Physics Groups, also wrote of the need for visible role models:
Speaking specifically about women in non-typical
careers, I think we need more visible, accessible and inspirational
female role models from a wide variety of careers, and enable
access to these role models for young women at all stages of their
Kate Sloyan is one such role modela research
fellow at the Optoelectronics Research Centre at the University
of Southampton who, in 2012, won the Institute of Physics' Very
Early Career Woman Physicist of the Year. She described the outreach
programme run by her department:
[W]e mostly target primary school-aged children.
We have a load of hands-on experiments that we have built, such
as button pushingthe good bits at science museumsand
we take those out into schools, as well as to Brownies and Guides
groups, trying to push the women in science bit. We also take
part in days on campus where not just kids but families get involved
as well. The idea is to get kids enthusiastic about science first,
to educate them a little bit, second, and also, and more subtly,
to provide role models.[26]
20. The Women's Engineering Society recommended
that the topic of gender inclusion should be included as part
of key stage one and two[27]
and wrote:
The key message about stereotypes and associated
messages of opportunity for all need to be targeted at the very
young and in public places such as libraries and schools. Schools
should be encouraged to deliver in a more positive way and transform
their diversity policies into effective action plans.[28]
The Fawcett Society agreed that more should be done
in schools to "incorporate gender equality education in the
relevant aspects of the National Curriculum, including explicit
discussions about the gender pay gap and its causes" and
to undertake "more public education work in order to challenge
stereotypical and limited ideas of women and men's respective
roles and abilities".[29]
The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) recommended that more
businesses should work with schools, by helping young people develop
their management and leadership skills, and in particular to help
"develop young women's confidence and increase young women's
understanding of the opportunities that exist in the world of
work. We believe this will help translate the high performance
of girls, particularly in technical subjects, into increased representation
in industries where gender stereotyping still persists".[30]
21. Good quality careers advicefrom schools,
from family members, from businesses, universities and organisationsis
of paramount importance in helping young women to choose professions
that suit them, and in tackling direct and indirect job stereotyping.
We received evidence citing poor careers advice at schools as
being a primary reason why girls are put off certain subjects
and careers. Diane Johnson, from the Electrical Contractors Association
(ECA), told us that "at the moment we do not have a proper
structure for how to excite women. We should start a lot earlier;
we should be in schools, explaining what women can actually do".[31]
Professor Ebdon, the Director of the Office of Fair Access, the
university fair access regulator, has told us that, in order to
increase universities' applicant pool, "outreach programmes
should start as young as seven".[32]
22. The importance of careers advice was emphasised
by the Women and Equalities Minister, the Rt Hon Maria Miller
MP, who told us that one-third of the gender pay gap is still
driven by the types of jobs that women do.[33]
She said that
Rather than use the fig leaf of legislation, let
us get to the nub of the problem, which is making sure that women
are getting good careers advice, which, again, is something that
we have worked on very strongly as a Government, that they are
going into the right sectors, and that we have the right, modern
workplaces that women can work in, thrive in and can stay in their
jobs when they have caring responsibilities.[34]
23. However, in its Report on Careers guidance
for young people: the impact of the new duty on schools, the
Education Committee was not convinced that the Government had
succeeded in its reform of career advice:
We have concerns about the consistency, quality,
independence and impartiality of careers guidance now being offered
to young people. We heard evidence that there is already a worrying
deterioration in the overall level of provision for young people.
Urgent steps need to be taken by the Government to ensure that
young people's needs are being met.[35]
24. That Committee recommended that careers advice
should be a responsibility not just for schools but also for the
National Careers Service, which should receive additional funding.[36]
The Women's Engineering Society believed that careers advice should
involve "information on opportunities, wages, pathways for
primary and secondary teachers, lecturers in FE and HE, advisors
to children, parents, carers, play-groups workers, for all learners".[37]
25. Karon Jochelson, from the Equality and Human
Rights Commission (EHRC), told us about the work that the EHRC
has carried out in this area:
We decided to focus on primary school children, because
our research found that gendered ideas about what was appropriate
work, if you were a little girl or a little boy, start very early.
We have developed a pack with educational specialists that tries
to help children to think about cultural stereotypes, the world
of work and the benefits you get from work. We published that
in September [2012], and it has been marketed through our partners
at various educational conferences. It is called Equal Choices,
Equal Chances, and it is a partner piece to a similar piece
of work called Equal Rights, Equal Respect, which also
focuses on stereotyping, but more from a human rights angle.[38]
26. A more joined-up approach to careers advice
was advocated by Ruby McGregor-Smith, Chair of the Women's Business
Councila Government-funded and administered group set up
in the summer of 2012 to explore ways in which women can play
a great economic role in the country.[39]
She said:
We need a joined-up careers service. It should be
wider than a careers service. Calling it 'Careers and Aspirations
for Young People' would go a long way towards beginning to solve
thisparticularly in this economic environment. Every school,
as opposed to focusing on what universities they send their kids
to and what league tables they join, could focus on making them
work-ready. Beginning to change that is the message.[40]
We agree with the views of the Women's Business Council;
only by having a strategic approach in all schools, will the Equality
and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the Department for Education,
and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills be able
to provide consistent advice to schools about the work that schools
themselves can do to alleviate stereotyping.
27. Independent, impartial advice
from schools, from parents, and from organisations connected with
education and business, is crucial in informing young girls and
young boys of the full range of career opportunities open to them.
While we received evidence highlighting pockets of excellent careers
advice given by individuals and organisations, we are concerned
about the lack of comprehensive careers advice, as highlighted
by the Education Committee's Report on careers guidance for young
people. This lack of advice to young peopleboth girls and
boysneeds to be addressed head on, and careers advice should
be incorporated in the work of both primary and secondary schools,
in the training of teachers and teaching assistants, and in the
role of governors. At an early age, girls and boys are influenced
by those around them, and all people involved in children's upbringing
should view this influence as highly important.
28. At the heart of the issue
of career aspirations for girls and boys is the need to have a
cultural change through the educational system, at the point when
pupils make subject choices. In this respect, we support the recommendations
set out in the Women's Business Council's recent Report. We recommend
that the Government develops an enhanced careers strategy, based
on partnership working between the National Careers Service, the
Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the National Apprenticeship
Service, the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, the Department
of Education, and the Department for Business, Innovation and
Skills. Such a strategy must include firm targets and regular
review processes to ensure that progress is maintained and is
consistent across all parts of the country. The Government should
also engage, where appropriate, with the devolved administrations,
so that best practice can be shared. Within this Government-led
strategy, there should be strong business-led engagement with
this process.
29. Sarah Veale, representing the TUC, told us
of the general lack of careers advice for vocational careers:
There is a general problem in this country that vocational
careers are not rated nearly as highly as going to university
and being an academic. The goal of schools is to get as many children
into university as possible, regardless of whether it is actually
the right choice for the child.[41]
Indeed, our Report into Apprenticeships in 2012 highlighted
this very point:
We acknowledge that the inclusion of Apprenticeships
in careers advice is legislated for in the Education Act 2011,
but we have found that awareness and resources in schools and
colleges remains lacking. [...] The time and resources that institutions
dedicate to 'UCAS applications' compared to preparing students
for vocational training illustrates the scale of the problem.
Success will be measured when schools and colleges place vocational
and academic progression on an equal standing in terms of both
the level and quality of resources.[42]
30. Diane Johnson, from the Electrical Contractors
Association (ECA), told us about the lack of knowledge about Apprenticeships,
particularly among girls:
For a woman, the word Apprenticeship does not mean
anything anymore. At one time the word Apprenticeship meant quality;
it meant having a craft skill for life that you could then build
on going forward. If you talk to young people now, they say, 'What
does an Apprenticeship mean?' If you are a young lady who wants
to go into something that she can build on, our sector does not
look that exciting because nobody is advising them on what they
can do and how they can get there.[43]
This evidence was supported by the Women into Science
and Engineering (WISE) campaign:
A recent evaluation of pilot projects to increase
the diversity of Apprenticeships found that young women, parents
and, often, teachers and advisers held outdated views of STEM
occupations. Employers tended to feel that there were few barriers
on the supply side but rather there was limited demand among young
women. However, pilots were not convinced that all employers had
considered unconscious bias in recruitment practices and work
Our Report into Apprenticeships went on to highlight
specific inequalities within the scheme, and we concluded that
"such inequality, especially in a publically-funded scheme,
is not acceptable and combating barriers to entry should be a
key priority".[45]
Data released from the Office for National Statistics in March
2013, covering 2011-2012, show that, although the number of men
and women who completed Apprenticeships was roughly equal, there
were still significant gender imbalances in certain sectors. For
example, 12,880 men completed engineering Apprenticeships compared
with 400 women.[46] The
following table highlights the Apprenticeship Programme Starts
in 2011-12, by sector, level and gender:
31. The Government response to our Apprenticeship
Report agreed that "the Apprenticeship programme should be
an inspiration to all and demonstrate the advantages of greater
diversity at all levels of industry".[48]
In supplementary evidence to this inquiry, the Government cited
a series of Diversity in Apprenticeship pilots run by the National
Apprenticeship Service, which investigated ways to attract under-represented
groups to become involved in Apprenticeships.[49]
But the Government should put its resolve into action, and set
specific targets for increasing the number of women into apprenticeship
sectors where they are currently underrepresented.
32. The Government has put its resolve into action
in relation to women in senior positions. In 2010, the Government
invited Lord Davies to undertake a review of the issues surrounding
women in the boardroom, and to make recommendations on what the
Government and the business community could do to increase the
proportion of women on corporate boards.[50]
The ten recommendations included one on voluntary targets, which
stated that FTSE 100 boards should aim for a minimum of 25% female
representation by 2015.[51]
The use of targets should also be applied in this context as well,
in order to increase the number of women taking up Apprenticeships
in under-represented sectors.
33. The Government is committed
to improving the representation of women on boards, and has set
specific targets for such an increase, and progress against the
Davies Report has been encouraging. The Government should demonstrate
the same commitment and leadership in the area of Apprenticeships.
It should set targets for encouraging more women into Apprenticeship
sectors where they are currently under-represented, and consider,
where appropriate, how Apprenticeship funding can be used to support
such a shift in gender representation. There should be publically-available
data on the types of available Apprenticeships and funding, and
what successful Apprentices should expect in terms of careers
and salaries. We repeat the recommendation in our Report into
Apprenticeships: the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) should
be given specific responsibility and accountability both to raise
awareness of Apprenticeships among under-represented groups and
to promote positive action measures available to employers when
employing Apprenticeships.
STEM subjects
34. The Royal Society of Edinburgh, in its Report,
Tapping all our talents: women in science, technology, engineering
and mathematics defines STEM as Physical and Biological Sciences,
Engineering and Technology, Mathematics and Computer Sciences.[52]
STEM subjects are suffering from a skills shortage, and it is
noticeable that it is here where the low proportion of women to
men studying is most marked. Evidence from the Women into Science
and Engineering (WISE) campaignwhich is aiming to ensure
that 30% of the UK's STEM workforce is female by 2020[53]stated
The engineering workforce comprises 4% female technicians
and 6% female engineers. The percentage of women employed as IT
and telecoms professionals has declined from 22% in 2001
to just 18% in 2010. Fewer than 1 in 5 of applicants to the Technical
Apprenticeship Service for scientific roles are female.[54]
35. Les Ebdon, from the Office for Fair Access
(Offa), told us that the disparity between men and women studying
STEM subjects was improving:
There are some very big disparities: 70% of law students
are female; over 90% of nursing students are female. Yet, as you
say, in engineering programmes there may be less in recent years;
in physics and chemistry the numbers have significantly improved.
Certainly in chemistry there is now parity between men and women,
which was not the case when I was a chemistry student, I can tell
you. In physics things are improving.[55]
36. When asked to provide further clarification
on the proportion of men and women studying physics and chemistry
over the past five years, Professor Ebdon provided two tables,
which he wrote "show a significant increase in the numbers
of women applying for, and being accepted to, chemistry and physics
courses in recent years".[56]
Table 1[57]: Numbers of applicants by gender and subject areas defined by Joint Academic Coding System (JACS)
UCAS application cycles 2008 to 2012
Subject areas defined by JACS
| Gender
| 2008
| 2009
| 2010
| 2011
| 2012
| Female
| 1,585
| 1,535
| 1,810
| 1,935
| 1,865
| Male
| 2,285
| 2,360
| 2,715
| 2,950
| 3,025
| Female
| 735
| 830
| 930
| 1,030
| 1,170
| Male
| 2,980
| 3,165
| 3,555
| 4,350
| 4,585
Table 2: Numbers of accepted applicants by gender and subject areas defined by JACS
UCAS application cycles 2008 to 2012[58]
Subject areas defined by JACS
| Gender
| 2008
| 2009
| 2010
| 2011
| 2012
| Female
| 1,700
| 1,645
| 1,785
| 1,905
| 1,815
| Male
| 2,340
| 2,325
| 2,595
| 2,630
| 2,695
| Female
| 690
| 765
| 810
| 835
| 925
| Male
| 2,765
| 2,955
| 3,015
| 3,475
| 3,635
As Professor Ebdon said in his supplementary evidence, the data
is limited as UCAS is not the only route to university, and the
data does not record part-time students, or those progressing
from science foundation years. However, the figures show that,
while there has been some increase in the number of women studying
physics and chemistry over the four years, the number of women
studying those subjects is still low compared with the number
of men.
37. At present, women make up only 1% of all
qualified operatives in electrical contracting. However, there
are initiatives to address this. Diane Johnson highlighted Wired
for Success, a programme that tackles the low percentage of women
in the electrical sector. A private-sector funded scheme run by
ECA and the London and Quadrant Housing Association has developed
a programme in which housing association contractors run flexible
training schemes in electrical skills for unemployment women,
incorporating technical training, on-site placements and business
skills to train unemployed women in electrical skills. Diane Johnson
told us that the groundbreaking part of the initiative was to
run the programme around school days and term times, and to provide
childcare facilities. She told us that "Wired for Success,
to be honest, is a blueprint for anything. It does not have to
be electrical; it could be anything".[59]
38. A voluntary initiative run by the Institute
of Physics has also proved to be successful. Project Juno is an
award scheme which recognises and rewards physics departments
that work to attract more women. The Institute of Physics described
the initiative:
A department moves through levels of recognition
as they identify issues, develop an action plan and work through
it. They start out as Supporters, then progress through Practitioner
and to Champion level. At each stage they receive individual guidance
and feedback from an independent panel on their work. We currently
have six Juno Champions, six Practitioners and a further 21 Supporters
working towards Practitioner. This represents 33 out of the 46
physics departments in the UK and two out of the 11 in Ireland.
This has enabled all of our Champion departments to engage in
holistic culture change, addressing gender issues from the bottom
up and to seek to embed practice at every level within their departments.
Indeed, this year one of our Juno Champions has, so far, reported
a rise to almost 34% of applications from girls to take physics
degrees. This is unprecedented and highlights a real step-change
taking place in culture in physics HE.[60]
Again, this voluntary initiative could be extended
to any STEM subject. Evidence from Dr. Heather Williams, a physicist
within the NHS, described ScienceGrrl, of which she is the Director,
as being "a network of (predominantly) female scientists
passionate about passing on their love of STEM to the next generation".[61]
There is also the Athena SWAN Charter, founded in 2005, which
is a scheme that "recognises excellence in STEM employment
for women in higher education".[62]
All these initiatives are to be welcomed, and provide evidence
that practical steps are being taken to encourage more women into
STEM subjects.
39. There are many excellent
and diverse initiatives in the fields of science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM), such as the Athena SWAN Charter,
Project Juno, and Wired for Success. These programmes encourage
and recognise the participation of women in STEM subjects. The
Government Equalities Office should compile a comprehensive list
of such initiatives, with the aim of sharing best practice. The
Government has powerful leverage in its funding of higher educational
institutions, but is not using that leverage to force change.
The Government also needs to compile specific data that shows
the male/female ratio in these subjects. Data from institutions
that have adopted specific initiatives for female participation
should then be compared with data from institutions that have
not adopted such initiatives.
40. The Government should study
the strategy behind the Davies Report, including the setting of
targets, and should aim to tackle the skills shortages in a similar
way. Programmes targeted at increasing participation of women
have proved to be successful. Rather than reinvent the wheel,
the Government should use that knowledge and replicate the measures
that have proven success in delivering an increased take-up by
women in certain professions. Higher educational institutions
should demonstrate a track record in changing the unequal representation
of men and women in these subjects.
41. These specific recommendations
are voluntary measures, but if the percentage figures do not increase
within two years from the start of this initiative, the Government
should look at regulationeither self regulation or Government
regulationto ensure a greater representative of women in
under-represented professions and sectors. At December 2015, analysis
of the information should be undertaken, and assessed.
Positive action
42. Positive action is permissible, provided
that the employer meets the conditions set out in Sections 158
and 159 of the Equality Act. The definition of 'positive action'
is highlighted by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC):
'Positive action' means the steps that an employer
can take to encourage people from groups with different needs
or with a past track record of disadvantage or low participation
to apply for jobs. An employer can use positive action where they
reasonably think (in other words, on the basis of some evidence)
- people who share a protected characteristic suffer
a disadvantage connected to that characteristic;
- people who share a protected characteristic have
needs that are different from the needs of people who do not share
it, or;
- participation in an activity by people who share
a protected characteristic is disproportionately low.[63]
43. Karen Jockelson, Director of the Economy
and Employment Programme at the Equalities and Human Rights Commission
(EHRC), told us that some employers were put off taking positive
action because of their fear of litigation:
We are delighted that the positive action provisions
are strengthened in the Equality Act, but dismayed because they
are not that frequently used. I think there is a lack of understanding
by employers about how to use it without risking some kind of
litigation. The idea of positive action is that where an employer
has evidence that a particular protected group was disadvantaged
or had different needs, or that there was low participation in
the workforce, there are a range of actions they can take, but
those actions are voluntary, so it is not a requirement that they
do it.[64]
44. We received much evidence highlighting the
value of women gaining experience of jobs that are not commonly
thought of as jobs suited to women. Evidence from Dr Conley et
al described the positive action initiatives, such as the Women
into Construction project, which increased the number of women
construction workers who worked on the Olympic site:
The Women into Construction project
has found that targets give an immediate opening with contractors
to promote women's employment and can result in the building of
a positive relationship which can continue once the targets have
been achieved. Targets set a level playing field for all contractors,
making them much more amenable to engaging with ways to improve
the gender balance of their workforce. Without targets, it can
be very difficult to get employers to consider this issue.[65]
45. Baroness Margaret Prosser of Battersea, former
Deputy Chair and former Interim Chair of the EHRC, also highlighted
work surrounding positive action under the Women and Work programme,
which was established by the Government in 2006:
The then Chancellor of the Exchequer allocated £40
million to be spent on focused training for women, on up-skilling
and re-skilling, and on enabling them to take their place in the
labour market appropriate to their capacity and abilities. Something
like 13 sector skills councils participated in that programme,
under the umbrella of the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.
[...] Over that period, more than 25,000 women were up-skilled
and retrained in a whole variety of areas of the economy, such
as agriculture and the textile industry. [
] People 1st [
took women off the unemployment register, so it paid for itself
like billy-oit was really very successful. That is an interesting
and quite exciting example of positive action that is designed
for and focused on an area where a particular group in the country
needs some special extra help to get up to where it needs to be.[66]
46. The Women and Work programme benefited from
the support of a wide range of stakeholders including the EHRC,
the TUC, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the
Government Equalities Office, and Job Centre Plus.[67]
As Baroness Prosser described, the UK Commission for Employment
and Skills managed the delivery of the programme, through the
national network of Sector Skills Councils (SSCs). Supplementary
evidence from the EHRC explained the beneficial results of the
There were three phases of the original Women and
Work programme and because of its success, in terms of outcomes
for the women themselves and the levels of employer engagement,
it was extended until the end of March 2011. By the end of phase
3, 23,000 women had gained jobs or training qualifications; the
programme had the support (matched funding) of 3,000 employers;
and 14 projects were up and running.
The EHRC summarised the effectiveness of the programme,
especially the involvement of the Sector Skills Councils:
One of the key features of the programme was the
engagement and the enthusiasm of the Sector Skills Councils who
delivered the programme. For many it became a very significant
part of their offer to employers. One of the strengths of the
programme was its strong identity as a programme concerned with
women's potential and development. The programme could be seen
as an exemplar of positive action in practice.[68]
47. We received evidence from one organisation
that benefitted from the programme. People 1st ran an initiative
called Women 1st, a course for women onlymany of whom have
been unemployed for over a yearcovering passenger transport
training, including the Certificate of Professional Competence
training and testing. The programme offered:
A unique pre-employment programme designed to give
womenparticularly those who have been unemployed for a
number of yearsthe skills they need to pursue a rewarding
career in the bus industry, and help the industry address a major
gender imbalance in its workforce. The success of the Step on
the Bus programme is largely measured on the number of women who
complete the training, and the percentage who subsequently find
work as a result of their training. 100% of the learners in the
past three years have completed the programme, and 60% have found
work in the bus industry as a result.[69]
Examples of other training undertaken as a result
of the Women and Work programme included: employment law; website
design; project management; infection control and safe use of
chemicals; and chemical engineering for scientists.[70]
Despite its success, the Government closed the Women and Work
programme in 2011 and funding for women's initiatives was moved
to challenge-based investment funding through the UK Commission
for Employment. The final year of Women and Work funding was incorporated
as a strand of the first round of the new Employer Investment
The UK Commission for Employment took over responsibility
for funding the Employer Investment Fund and the Growth Investment
Fund, with matched funding normally required from employers. However,
as the Employer Investment Fund Women and Work Report states:
The next six months will be critical in recruiting
sufficient employers to ensure the projects become self-sustaining.
As employers sign up for projects, we will then begin to explore
the impact of the projects on addressing skills shortages and
gaps and increasing employer willingness to invest in training.[72]
48. The positive action provisions
in sections 158 and 159 of the Equality Act 2010 could be used
more effectively to rebalance unequal representation of women
in certain sectors. The Government should actively consider how
they can promote better gender representation in their procurement
policies, building on existing best practice as shown in the 'Women
in Construction' project at the Olympic site. The Government should
use the opportunities presented by the procurement of goods and
services from the private sector to advance equality for women.
They should produce an annual statement to illustrate the way
in which Government contracts have been used to achieve this aim.
The Government should make this provision more widely known to
employers, with the potential to enable workforces to become more
diverse and more representative of the communities that they serve.
As with the Government targets for the number of women on Boards,
targets should be set by the Government to encourage women to
explore more atypical work sectors, especially in those sectors
that have a skills shortage.
49. We are concerned that the
objectives of the Women and Work programmethat of supporting
women in the workplace could well be at risk, following
the move from grant to challenge-based investment funding for
Sector Skills Councils from April 2011. If the Government is serious
about tackling skills shortages and readdressing gender inequality
in certain sectors, it should be prepared to take responsibility
for funding specific 'Women and Work' programmes, should the change
in funding arrangements not deliver its initial aim of promoting
employment for women.
8 Q 49 Back
We describe the programme ' Wired for Success' later in this Chapter. Back
Trade and Industry Committee, Sixteenth Report of Session 2004-05,
Jobs for the girls: the effect of occupational segregation
on the gender pay gap, HC 300-1, summary Back
Women's Business Council Evidence Paper 3, September 2012, www.gov.uk Back
Ev w115 Back
Q 61 and Q 63 Back
Q 73 Back
Ev 204 Back
Q 321 Back
Ibid. Back
Q 48 Back
Ev w114 Back
Ev w30 Back
Ev w46 Back
Ev w45 Back
Ev w46 Back
Ev w114 Back
Ev w97 Back
Q 319 Back
Ev w99 Back
Ev w101 Back
Ev 195 Back
Ev w15 Back
Q 47 Back
Oral evidence taken before the Business, Innovation and Skills
Committee on 19 March 2013, HC (2012-13), 1066-i, Q 50 Back
Q 440 Back
Q 460 Back
Education Committee Careers Guidance for young people: the
impact of the new duty on schools, HC 632, January 2013, summary Back
Ibid, para 32 Back
Ev w101 Back
Q 396. The EHRC pack is available from www.equalityhumanrights.com Back
The Women's Business Council published its Report on 3 June 2013.
Womensbusinesscouncil.dcms.gov.uk Back
Q 411 Back
Q 150 Back
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, Fifth Report of Session
2012-13, Apprenticeships, para 69 Back
Q 47 Back
Ev 251 Back
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, Fifth Report of Session
2012-13, Apprenticeships, para 76 Back
Data Service, Quarterly Statistical First Release, Education
and Skills: Learner Participation, Outcomes and Level of Highest
Qualification Held, March 2013. Back
Figures verified by the National Apprenticeship Service, May 2013 Back
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, Fifth Special Report
2012-13, Apprenticeships: Government Response to the Committee's
Fifth Report of Session 2012-13, HC 899, p 11 Back
Ev 132 Back
Lord Davies of Abersoch, Women on Boards, February 2011 Back
Ibid, page 18. The final chapter of this Report will explore
the issues surrounding the Davies Report in greater detail. Back
The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Tapping all of our talents:
women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics: a strategy
for Scotland, April 2012, page 9 Back
Ev 250 Back
Ev 251 Back
Q 46 Back
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, Student Admissions
and the Office for Fair Access, HC 1066-i of Session 2012-13 Back
Table 1 and Table 2: Analysis of Higher Education Statistics Agency
(HESA) data and publically-available UCAS data by the Higher Education
Funding Council for England's (HEFCE) analytical services group,
with subject groups defined according to HEFCE analysis in support
of strategically important and vulnerable subjects (see http://www.hefce.ac.uk/data/year/2012/dataondemandandsupplyinhighereducationsubjects/
for further details). UCAS data relates to applicants and accepted
applicants to UK institutions, and figures provided are a headcount
measure. Back
59 58 Q 49 Back
Ev w47 Back
Ev w97 Back
The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Tapping all our Talents: women
in science, technology, engineering and mathematics: a strategy
for Scotland, April 2012, page 36 Back
www.equalityhumanrights.com/advice-and-guidance/guidancefor-workers/recruitment/positive-action-and-recruitment Back
Q 393 Back
Ev w18 Back
Q 393 Back
UK Commission for Employment and Skills, Employment Investment
Fund: Women and Work Report April 2011 to March 2012, p 4 Back
Ev 192 Back
Ev w105 Back
UK Commission for Employment and Skills, Employer Investment
Fund: Women and Work Report April 2011-March 2012, p 6 Back
Ev w192 Back
UK Commission for Employment and Skills, Employer Investment
Fund: Women and Work Report April 2011-March 2012, p 3 Back