8 Creative Industries Council
131. The Creative Industries Council (CIC) held its
first meeting just over two years ago, on 13 July 2011. Its remit
is given in its published terms of reference:
The purpose of the Creative Industries Council
will provide a forum for the Creative Industries and Government
to engage in a joined up way. Members will instigate industry
led approaches to boosting the growth and competitiveness of the
creative industries with Government facilitating and removing
barriers where appropriate.
As the policy areas under consideration are largely
devolved, the Council confines its remit to England only, working
closely with the Devolved Administrations where appropriate.[240]
132. Membership is widely drawn from Government,
trade associations and others from the creative sectors as well
as technology companies. One of its members, John McVay, Chief
Executive, Pact, thought that the Council's effectiveness could
be improved were it to focus exclusively on access to finance,
copyright and international growth. He also acknowledged the useful
working group on skills.[241]
Reports have already been published covering finance and skills;
there is now a need to act on the recommendations that have emerged.[242]
133. Several witnesses expressed concerns over the
make-up of the Council both in terms of the creative credentials
of some members and the exclusion of others.[243]
The voices of individual artists and technicians are notably
absent.[244] Publishing
the CIC's agenda in advance might help non-members make representations.
We were told of a need to have a more focused agenda for individual
134. Edward Vaizey assured us that the next meeting
of the Council would be attended by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary
of State for Intellectual Property; he subsequently confirmed
that Viscount Younger had indeed attended the CIC to discuss IP.
We very much welcome the inclusion of IP on the agenda and the
attendance of the Minister responsible. Some witnesses suggested
HM Treasury should be represented on the CIC.[246]
Edward Vaizey said: "I certainly think regular attendance
from Treasury and Skills Ministers would be useful."[247]
135. Adam Kinsley of BSkyB suggested that the right
people might not be on the Council to discuss some "quite
technical and esoteric policy developments".[248]
BSkyB's written evidence[249]
included two policy proposals in connection with the Creative
Industries Council:
the support and protection of intellectual property
should be a standing item on the CIC's agenda.
a CIC "sherpa" group formed of senior
policy representatives from the creative industries should be
established given that not all members of the CIC may wish to
be involved in detailed policy discussions.
We think both proposals are sensible.
136. We recommend that meetings of the Creative
Industries Council should always be attended by a Minister with
direct policy responsibility for intellectual property, given
the central importance of this to the creative industries. In
practice this will mean either the Minister for Intellectual Property
or the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.
137. We recommend that a Treasury Minister and
a Minister from the Department for Education attend at least one
meeting of the Creative Industries Council annually. Ministers
and officials from other Departments should attend as determined
by agenda items.
138. The Creative Industries Council should publish
an annual report which includes an update on the implementation
of recommendations made by itself and its sub-groups. Such an
annual report should be laid before Parliament.
139. The establishment of the Creative Industries
Council has been a welcome step towards ensuring that a great
national success story can be celebrated and enabled to endure.
Complacency and a failure to embrace the opportunities afforded
by global communications platforms like the internet are only
two of the dangers to continued cultural and economic growth.
Still, the creative industries in the United Kingdom remain innovative,
successful and strong. That is all the more reason why they must
command our strongest encouragement and support.
240 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/79131/CIC_terms-of-reference.pdf
Qq 174-175, 179 Back
Qq 83-84, 313 Back
Qq 83, 547, 549 Back
Q 729 Back
Qq 609, 690, 695 Back
Qq 85,176 Back
Q 895 Back
Q 690 Back
Ev 352 Back