Supporting the creative economy - Culture, Media and Sport Committee Contents

List of additional written evidence

(published in Volume II on the Committee's website

1  Imperial War Museums  Ev w 1

2  Paul Kaynes - London 2012  Ev w 3

3  Equity  Ev w 4

4  Musicians' Union  Ev w 7

5  Association of Authors' Agents  Ev w 11

6  Ivor Hall  Ev w 12

7  International Broadcasting Trust  Ev w 14

8  Onedigital  Ev w 17

9  Tate  Ev w 22

10  The Newspaper Society  Ev w 23

11  Voice of the Listener and Viewer  Ev w 25

12  Professional Publishers Association  Ev w 28

13  The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea  Ev w 30

14  Design and Artists' Copyright Society (DACS)  Ev w 31

15  Creative Scotland  Ev w 33

16  Victoria and Albert Museum  Ev w 41

17  Crafts Council  Ev w 44

18  The Society of Authors  Ev w 50

19  Independent Film and Television Alliance (IFTA)  Ev w 52

20  Workspace Group  Ev w 57

21  LOCOG  Ev w 60

22  The Brighton Fuse  Ev w 62

23  UKTV  Ev w 66

24  The Film Distributors' Association  Ev w 69

25  Make Me Laugh Research Project  Ev w 73

26  Creators' Rights Alliance  Ev w 76

27  Radio Independents Group (RIG)  Ev w 81

28  Teledwyr Annibynnol Cymru (Welsh Independent Producers) TAC  Ev w 84

29  Motion Picture Association  Ev w 86

30  Creative Coalition Campaign  Ev w 89

31  Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM)  Ev w 93

32  Children's Media Foundation  Ev w 96

33  National Museum Directors' Council  Ev w 100

34  Demos  Ev w 103

35  Centre for Fashion Enterprise (CFE) and Designer-Manufacturer Innovation
Support Centre (DISC)  Ev w 108

36  Associate Parliamentary Design and Innovation Group (APDIG)  Ev w 111

37  Penkat Studio  Ev w 114

38  Consumer Focus  Ev w 115

39  Buckinghamshire Thames Valley LEP  Ev w 119

40  Creative Access  Ev w 122

41  Creative England  Ev w 125

42  Advertising Association  Ev w 128; Ev w 132

43  Cultural Learning Alliance  Ev w 134

44  Birmingham City University  Ev w 136

45  Entertainment Retailers Association  Ev w 138

46  Radio centre  Ev w 140

47  Local Government Association  Ev w 145

48  Next Gen Skills  Ev w 147

49  Stop43  Ev w 148

50  CBI  Ev w 152

51  BT  Ev w 154

52  National Writers Union  Ev w 157

53  Edge Investment Management  Ev w 158

54  British Library  Ev w 161

55  Activision Blizzard UK Ltd  Ev w 165

56  The Chartered Society of Designers  Ev w 167

57  City of London Corporation  Ev w 169

58  Discovery Networks  Ev w 169

59  British Fashion Council  Ev w 173

60  Greater London Authority  Ev w 177

61  Josie Barnard  Ev w 181

62  Live Music Forum   Ev w 184

63  Twentieth Century Fox  Ev w 186

64  Letter from Chair to Prime Minister  Ev w 197

65  Letter from Prime Minister to Chair  Ev w 198

66  Letter from Chair to the British Olympic Association  Ev w 198

67  Letter from the British Olympic Association to the Chair  Ev w 198

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Prepared 26 September 2013