List of printed written evidence
1 Department for Education Ev 55, Ev 123
2 Ofsted Ev 65, Ev 121
3 National Governors' Association Ev 69
4 Fergal Roche Ev 74
5 Frank Newhofer Ev 78
6 Richard Gold Ev 80
7 Professor Chris James (University of Bath) Ev
83, Ev 122
8 National Co-ordinators of Governor Services
(NCOGS) Ev 87
9 G L Education Group Ev 91, Ev 122
10 The Haberdashers' Company Ev 94, 120
11 Governor Services, Cambridge Education, Islington Ev
12 Buckinghamshire County Council Ev 101
13 National College for School Leadership (now
The National College for
Teaching and Leadership) Ev105, Ev126
14 NASUWT Ev 116
15 Liz McSheehy, Chief Executive, SGOSS Ev