Child sexual exploitation and the response to localised grooming - Home Affairs Committee Contents

List of additional written evidence

(published in Volume III on the Committee's website

1  Jim Phillips  Ev w1

2  End Violence Against Women Coalition  Ev w1

3  Birmingham City Council  Ev w3

4  Missing People  Ev w5

5  Carol Hopewell  Ev w12

6  Howard League for Penal Reform  Ev w13

7  Esther Rantzen  Ev w16

8  Steven Walker and Miss Samantha Roberts  Ev w18

9  Safe and Sound Derby  Ev w20

10  Chris Longley MBE  Ev w23

11  The Law Society  Ev w24

12  Shaun Wright, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner  Ev w25  

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Prepared 10 June 2013