Asylum - Home Affairs Committee Contents

List of printed written evidence

1  Home Office  Ev 45

2  Asylum Aid  Ev 49:Ev 57

3  Catherine Ramos  Ev 60

4  Women for Refugee Women, the London Refugee Women's Forum

and Women Asylum Seekers Together London  Ev 64

5  Still Human Still Here  Ev 70

6  Immigration Law Practitioners' Association  Ev 76: Ev 85

7  Amnesty International and the Still Human Still Here coalition  Ev 89

8  Freedom from Torture  Ev 92

9  Survivors Speak Out  Ev 114

10  Refugee Council  Ev 119

11  British Red Cross  Ev 125: Ev 133

12  Serco  Ev 144

13  Refugee Action, Freedom from Torture, Amnesty International UK,

Asylum Aid, Women for Refugee Women and the Scottish Refugee

  Council  Ev 144

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Prepared 11 October 2013