Asylum - Home Affairs Committee Contents

List of additional written evidence

(published in Volume II on the Committee's website

1  Oldham Unity Destitution Food Project   Ev w1

2  Dr Vik Nair  Ev w3

3  John Catley  Ev w5

4  Naomi Roberts  Ev w6

5  Janet King  Ev w6

6  Tiffy Allen  Ev w7

7  Leicester City of Sanctuary  Ev w12

8  Wyon Stansfeld  Ev w19

9  Wakefield District City of Sanctuary  Ev w37

10  London Destitution Forum  Ev w39

11  Destitution Concern Bradford  Ev w40

12  Dorothy Ismail, Arthur Carr, Jane Nikolorakis  Ev w43

13  Quaker Peace and Social Witness and Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network  Ev w45

14  National AIDS Trust  Ev w50

15  St Augustine's Centre  Ev w51

16  Bristol City Council  Ev w55

17  Refugee Women's Strategy Group  Ev w56

18  Refugee Action  Ev w61

19  Manchester Immigration Detainee Support Team  Ev w67

20  Lewes Group in Support of Refugees and Asylum Seekers   Ev w71

21  Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers  Ev w73

22  Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum  Ev w77

23  Bradford Ecumenical Asylum Concern  Ev w82

24  Southampton and Winchester Visitors Group  Ev w86

25  Dr Frank Arnold  Ev w95

26  Dr Charmian Goldwyn  Ev w96

27  Central England Area Quaker Asylum Group  Ev w97

28  Bristol Refugee Rights  Ev w101

29  Susan Gairdner  Ev w107

30  Campaign to Close Campsfield, Bail Observation Project  Ev w109

31  Dave Smith  Ev w111

32  Dr Margaret Hooper  Ev w115

33  Destitute Asylum Seekers Huddersfield  Ev w118

34  Leeds Asylum Seekers' Support Network  Ev w123

35  S Chelvan  Ev w125

36  Mission and Public Affairs Council of the Church of England  Ev w129

37  Churches Refugee Network  Ev w133

38  Refugee Survival Trust  Ev w141

39  ASSIST Sheffield  Ev w144

40  Lucy Fairley  Ev w149

41  Yarl's Wood Befrienders  Ev w153

42  Centrepoint  Ev w157

43  Scottish Refugee Policy Forum  Ev w160

44  Liberal Democrats for Seekers of Sanctuary  Ev w163

45  Thrive and DASUK  Ev w164

46  Suzanne Fletcher MBE  Ev w167: Ev w168: Ev w169

47  TRP Solicitors Ltd  Ev w170

48  Manchester Refugee Support Network  Ev w184

49  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees  Ev w187

50  Stonewall  Ev w191

51  No Recourse to Public Funds Network  Ev w193

52  North West Regional Strategic Migration Partnership  Ev w199

53  Asylum Support Appeal's Project  Ev w201

54  Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Housing and Migration Network  Ev w205

55  Agencies and Individuals from Blackburn with Darwen  Ev w213

56  Asylum Support and Immigration Resource Team  Ev w219

57  Justice First  Ev w221

58  Sahir House  Ev w222

59  The Detention Forum  Ev w224

60  Sarah Teather MP  Ev w232

61  Bristol Signing Support  Ev w235

62  Lesbian Immigration Support Group  Ev w237

63  North of England Refugee Service  Ev w237

64  Barnardo's  Ev w242

65  Positive Action In Housing  Ev w246

66  Oxfam Cymru  Ev w249

67  Notre Dame Refugee Centre  Ev w250

68  Fahamu Refugee Programme  Ev w253

69  Detention Action  Ev w257

70  Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees  Ev w261

71  Medical Justice  Ev w265

72  Glasgow North West Framework for Dialogue Group  Ev w274

73  Why Refugee Women  Ev w283

74  Tamils Against Genocide  Ev w295

75  LGBT Unity Scotland  Ev w299

76  Dover Detainee Visitors Group's Ex-Detainee Project  Ev w301

77  Huddersfield Asylum Advice Service  Ev w306

78  Local Government Association, the Welsh Local Government Association,

the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, the Association of Directors

of Children's Service, the No Recourse to Public Funds Network  Ev w308

79  Scottish Refugee Council  Ev w312

80  West Yorkshire Destitution Asylum Network  Ev w322

81  Liverpool Asylum and Refugee Association  Ev w323

82  Movement for Justice By Any Means Necessary  Ev w327

83  Maternity Action  Ev w333

84  Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council  Ev w335

85  The Children's Society  Ev w336

86  Refugee Children's Consortium  Ev w342

87  Jackie Fearnley  Ev w346

88  City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council - Climate, Housing,

Employment and Skills Service  Ev w348

89  Kazuri  Ev w349

90  John Grayson  Ev w356

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