The following witnesses gave evidence.
Transcripts can be viewed on the Committee's inquiry page at Disability
and Development.
Tuesday 14 January 2014 Question
Mahesh Chandrasekar, International Policy and Campaigns Manager, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Edwin Osundwa, Country Representative for Kenya, Sense International, Ola Abu Alghaib , Regional Disability Rights, Handicap International, Bob McMullan, former Australian Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance, Lorriane Wapling, disability and development consultant at AusAID and DFID, and Dr Susie Miles, Senior Lecturer in Inclusive Education, University of Manchester
| Q1-45 |
Tuesday 21 January 2014
Tim Wainwright,Co-chair, Bond Disability and Development Group,Aleema Shivji, Director, Handicap International, Barbara Frost, Chief Executive, WaterAid, Professor Nora Groce, Director, Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre, University College London, Dr Tom Shakespeare, Senior Lecturer, Norwich Medical School, and former disability specialist, the World Health Organization, and Professor Graham Thornicroft, Professor of Community Psychiatry, King's College London
| Q46-108 |
Tuesday 4 February 2014
Amina Mohammed,Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General on post-2015 Development Planning, Lynne Featherstone MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for International Development, Liz Ditchburn, Director of Policy Division, DFID, Jen Marshall, Head of Profession for Social Development, DFID, and Jo Cooke, Social Inclusion and Civil Society Specialist, DFID