Published written evidence
The following written evidence was received
and can be viewed on the Committee's inquiry web page at Disability
and Development. DIS numbers are generated by the evidence processing
system and so may not be complete.
1 Equal
Lives (DIS 0001)
2 Equal Lives Annex A (DIS 0099)
3 Dr Tom Shakespeare (DIS 0002)
4 David Blunkett MP (DIS 0003)
5 The Leprosy Mission (DIS 0004)
6 International Service (DIS 0005)
7 Development and Ability Organisation (DIS 0006)
8 Life Haven Inc (DIS 0007)
9 Benjamin S.Bernandino (DIS 0008)
10 Gadn (DIS 0009)
11 International Centre for Evidence in Disability
(DIS 0010)
12 Bond Disability and Development Group (DIS
13 Handicap
International UK (DIS 0012)
14 Handicap International Annex A (DIS 0100)
15 Vision Alliance (DIS 0013)
16 National Association of Service providers
in physical rehabilitation (DIS 0016)
17 The Motivation Charitable Trust (DIS 0017)
18 WaterAid (DIS 0018)
19 Lord Low of Dalston, CBE (DIS 0020)
20 Results UK (DIS 0021)
21 Global
Campaign for Education (DIS 0022)
22 Global Campaign for Education Annex A (DIS
23 World Vision (DIS 0023)
24 Norwegian Association of Disabled (DIS 0024)
25 Ablechildafrica (DIS 0026)
26 Add International (DIS 0027)
27 Add International Annex A (DIS 0093)
28 Africa Network Campaign on Education for All
(DIS 0028)
29 Lumos
(DIS 0029)
30 Lumos Annex A (DIS 0102)
31 International Labour Organization (DIS 0031)
32 Stopaids
(DIS 0032)
33 Stopaids Annex A (DIS 0103)
34 CBM (DIS 0034)
35 Alzheimer's Disease International and Alzheimer's
Society (DIS 0035)
36 Age
International (DIS 0037)
37 Age International Annex A (DIS 0104)
38 Special Olympics (DIS 0038)
39 Helpage International (DIS 0039)
40 Children's Book Project for Tanzania (DIS
41 Marie Stopes International (DIS 0041)
42 Plan UK (DIS 0042)
43 Human Rights Watch (DIS 0043)
44 Dr Rebecca Dingo (DIS 0044)
45 Mencap (DIS 0045)
46 UNDP (DIS 0046)
47 Livability (DIS 0047)
48 The World Bank Group (DIS 0048)
49 Quality of Life Association (DIS 0049)
50 Sightsavers (DIS 0050)
51 Sightsavers Annex A (DIS 0051)
52 Mental Health Innovation Network, CBM, Nepal
Mental Health Foundation (DIS 0052)
53 Michael Stein (DIS 0053)
54 Department for International Development (DIS
55 Department for International Development Annex
A (DIS 0071)
56 Department for International Development Annex
B (DIS 0074)
57 Department for International Development Annex
C (DIS 0075)
58 Department for International Development Annex
D (DIS 0092)
59 Department for International Development Annex
E (DIS 0097)
60 Department for International Development Annex
F (DIS 0098)
61 Kenya Hospices and Palliative Care Association
(DIS 0056)
62 Sense International (DIS 0057)
63 Leonard Cheshire Disability (DIS 0058)
64 Leonard Cheshire Disability Annex A (DIS 0077)
65 Leonard Cheshire Disability Annex B (DIS 0079)
66 Global Partnership for Education Secretariat
(DIS 0060)
67 Africa Network Campaign on Education for all
(DIS 0068)
68 The Children's Book Project for Tanzania (DIS
69 YSO UK (DIS 0066)
70 Basicneeds (DIS 0064)
71 Australian Government, Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade (DIS 0063)
72 Lorraine Wapling (DIS 0062)
73 Women's
Refugee Commission (DIS 0061)
74 Women's Refugee Commission Annex A (DIS 0105)
75 Inclusion International (DIS 0080)
76 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs (DIS 0085)
77 Disability Rights Fund (DIS 0091)
78 David Constantine MBE (DIS 0087)
79 UN Special Rapporteur on Disability (DIS 0086)
80 Disasters Emergency Committee (DIS 0084)
81 Joint National Association of Persons with
Disabilities, Nigeria (DIS 0083)
82 Manusher Jonno Foundation (DIS 0082)
83 Sahara (DIS 0081)
84 ThisAbility Consulting (DIS 0072)
85 USP Kenya (DIS 0078)
(DIS 0088)
Annex A (DIS 0106)
88 New Horizons Foundation of the Blind (DIS
89 Soundseekers
(DIS 0089)
90 Soundseekers Annex A (DIS 0107)
91 Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled
(DIS 0069)
92 Lakeside Cross Disability Self Help Group
(DIS 0065)
93 Ariam Gebremariam, Sadpd Regional Office (DIS
94 Dr Sophie Mitra (DIS 0094)
95 Pan African Network of People with Psychosocial
Disabilities (DIS 0096)
96 Mental Health Society of Ghana (DIS 0095)
97 International Federation of Anti Leprosy Associations
(DIS 0025)
98 Special Educational
Professionals (DIS 70)
99 World
Food Programme (DIS 0108)
100 Action
to the Community Development Center, Hanoi, Vietnam
(DIS 0109)
101 Foreign
Commonwealth Office (DIS 0110)