Crime reduction policies: a co-ordinated approach ? Interim report on the Government's Transforming Rehabilitation programme - Justice Committee Contents


The following witnesses gave evidence. Transcripts can be viewed on the Committee's inquirypage at

Tuesday 2 July 2013  Question number
Savas Hadjipavlou, Business Director, Probation Chiefs Association, Ian Lawrence, General Secretary, NAPO, Richard Monkhouse, Deputy Chairman, Magistrates Association, Martyn Oliver, Chief Executive, 3SC, and Richard Johnson, independent consultant Q1-57

Wednesday 11 September 2013
Rt Hon Alun Michael, Police and Crime Commissioner, South Wales, Katy Bourne, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sussex, and Sue Mountstevens, Police and Crime Commissioner, Avon and Somerset; Dr Alison Frater, Head of public health and offender health for London, NHS England,Dr Éamonn O'Moore, Director for Health and Justice, Public Health England, Councillor Claire Kober, London Councils, andCouncillor Joanna Spicer, Vice-Chair Safer and Stronger Communities Board, London Government Association Q58-112
Tuesday 12 November 2013
Ian Mulheirn,Associate Director, Oxford Economics, Toby Eccles, Founder and Development Director, Social Finance,Tom Gash, Director of Research, Institute for Government, andMax Chambers, Head of Crime and Justice, Policy Exchange; Sue Hall, Chair, Probation Chiefs Association, Sebert Cox, Chair, Probation Association, andOliver Henman, Head of Partnerships, National Council for Voluntary Organisations Q113-177
Wednesday 4 December 2013
Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, and Jeremy Wright MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice, Minister of State for Prisons and Rehabilitation Q178-270

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Prepared 22 January 2014