Public AdministrationWritten supplementary evidence submitted by FSB on SMEs and procurement (PROC 30)
This supplementary submission to the Public Administration Select Committee covers key areas of interest regarding procurement in 4 sections.
1. An overview of FSB research findings on local authority procurement.
2. The FSB’s recommendations on local authority procurement.
3. Common myths and misconceptions about procurement.
4. The FSB’s best practice model for local authorities.
The FSB’s Recommendations on Local Authority Procurement.
The survey of local authority Directors and Head of Procurement provided FSB with a range of qualitative and quantitative evidence about local government procurement practice and the relationship between local authorities and SMEs. The key findings were as follows:
34% of local authorities spend less than £50 million annually upon procuring goods and services.
The average total annual spend of local authorities upon procuring goods and services is £183 million.
Authorities spent on average 26% of their total spend upon capital activities and 74% upon revenue activities.
62% of local authorities record the amount of spend within their own local authority boundary.
On average, local authorities spend 34.8% of their total procurement spend in their own local authority boundary.
51% of local authorities record the amount of spend with SMEs.
On average, local authorities spend 49% of their total procurement spend with SMEs.
66% of local authorities felt that SMEs face barriers in accessing procurement opportunities. Key perceived barriers were around the capacity and skills of SMEs to bid and deliver; and a lack of awareness of opportunities;
94% of local authorities have initiatives to support SMEs in tendering; 68% of those with initiatives in place felt they were best practice initiatives. These initiatives included online tools and guides around tendering; simplified and streamlined documentation; and targeted capacity building for SMEs;
74% of local authorities adopt different processes for below EU threshold tenders.
The vast majority of local authorities use council and regional portals as a means of advertising tender opportunities.
Economic, social and environmental benefits
86% of local authorities felt their procurement strategy linked “well” or “very well” to wider corporate objectives.
The most important contemporary issue in the procurement process for local authorities is achieving cost savings.
99% of local authorities utilise buying and purchasing frameworks in their procurement processes.
93% of local authorities have in place policies for the payment of suppliers.
51% of local authorities seek to pay suppliers in less than 28 days.
49% of local authorities seek to pass on their payment terms to their main contractors.
The FSB’s Recommendations on Local Authority Procurement
The results of the survey provided a relatively positive picture in terms of the relationship between local authorities and small business when it came to tendering and purchasing. However, FSB and CLES felt that there was more that could be done to ensure procurement was not only a spending decision, but a process where consideration of economic, social and environmental benefit were embedded at all stages. This and the government’s increasing drive for more efficient and effective procurement practices shaped recommendations. These recommendations were:
Common Myths And Misconceptions about Procurement
Urgent action is needed to address the prevalence of unnecessary selection practices such as disproportionate turnover and insurance requirements. Procurers also need to be familiar with what is and is not permissible within the procurement procedure. Some unnecessary approaches seem to become permanently embedded in the procurement process, resulting in myths and misconceptions about what is permissible. What starts out as guidance has in some cases become ingrained so that it is treated as a public procurement rule that cannot be diverted from. This situation is compounded by the fact that many SMEs also believe these “rules” and therefore do not participate in the process. There are number of issues that the FSB believes need to be addressed and these are set out in more detail in section 7 of the report under the title, “Myths and misconceptions to dispel”. A summary of this follows.
The FSB regularly hears tales of unnecessary rules causing problems or EU Directives preventing SME-friendly procurement. It is often not the law itself that creates barriers to procuring from SMEs, but the way that it is put into practice. In particular, both procurers and small businesses may believe commonly accepted assertions that are in fact wrong. Some examples follow.
Myth 1: Procurers should use standard minimum turnover and insurance requirements, which all businesses must meet.
Such tests are permitted but not required by law. There are no regulatory rules on the minimum “economic and financial standing”: these standards are actually set by the contracting authority and are often tested by unnecessarily high turnover rules that exclude small companies.
Contracting authorities should avoid using a mechanistic approach, such as applying arbitrary minimum turnover levels. Any essential insurance requirements should be a condition of winning rather than of competing for a contract. EU rules actually require that any “minimum standard” must be necessary and proportionate in each case, not set at the same threshold for each procurement.
Meeting such tests is no guarantee of future results. Many businesses that cannot meet the given criteria or demonstrate a lengthy financial track record do not represent a risk. The risk depends on the nature of the contract, the type of service/good being procured and the ease with which it could be procured from an alternative supplier. Tenders should be undertaken on this basis.
Myth 2: Procurers cannot divide contracts into smaller parts to make them more accessible to small businesses
There is nothing in law that stops contracts being divided into smaller lots, so long as contracting authorities are not doing this deliberately to avoid procurement legislation. In fact, the European Code of Best Practices (EU guidance) specifically mentions subdivision into lots as a way of opening access to small firms. The current proposals for change to the Directives are looking to strengthen this to make sure it occurs more often.
Myth 3: Aggregating contracts and reducing the supplier base is the best way to achieve savings
Not necessarily. While it may be perceived as administratively easier, forcing suppliers to move down the supply chain to work through a prime contractor may actually increase costs (including the prime’s margin). This approach can also risk reducing competition, increasing reliance on a small number of suppliers and forcing out other innovative and useful businesses.
Myth 4: Procurers must fully adhere to the EU rules in all their procurements to make sure they are not in breach of any regulations
Contracting authorities must adhere to EU Treaty principles when conducting their procurements. However, there are a number of instances where the detailed provisions of the EU procurement rules do not apply, such as for contracts below the threshold value and those for Part B services. In such instances, following the detailed procedures set out in the EU procurement Directives is unnecessary and off-putting for many potential suppliers, and may simply serve to lock out smaller providers.
Procurers should carefully consider what processes are really necessary in order to achieve their commercial objectives. This will benefit both suppliers and the procurer by saving unnecessary resources and avoiding overly bureaucratic procurement processes.
Myth 5: Procurers cannot speak to potential suppliers prior to a procurement process
The rules do not prevent pre-procurement market engagement. Procurement teams are encouraged to consult freely with the market place before starting the procurement process to help them select what to buy and how best to buy it. Pre-procurement discussions are not about showing favour to a particular bidder, but rather exploring market capability. Events such as “supplier days” are an excellent way to meet small businesses as potential suppliers and see what they have to offer. It is important that all suppliers are treated equally and no one bidder is given an unfair advantage. For example, specifications must not be drawn up in such a way as to favour a particular solution.
Myth 6: Procurers are under a duty to find the cheapest price for their contracts
Public contracts should be awarded on the basis of value for money, not lowest price. Putting too much emphasis on price opens up the procurer to a range of potential problems, not least the risk that contracts are awarded to a supplier who has deliberately bid too low or is unable to deliver the contract with sufficient quality. Procurements should be approached with a sensible balance of quality and cost.
Myth 7: Procurers cannot lawfully incorporate social value such as sustainability into procurement
If social or other sustainability requirements are relevant to the subject matter or performance of the contract, they can be taken into account during the tendering process. If written into the contract specifications such considerations must be proportionate and represent value for money. Provided a sufficient number of potential suppliers are capable of delivering that requirement, the procurement can still be competitive. Bidders can then be asked to put forward proposals such as around employment creation and supply chain engagement for consideration by the contracting authority when it decides which tender is the “most economically advantageous”.
The Public Services (Social Value) Act will mean that all public bodies in England and Wales are required to consider how their services procurement might improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the area.
The FSB’s best practice model for local authorities
The FSB believes that a model procurement authority:
March 2013