Published written evidence
The following written evidence was received and can
be viewed on the inquiry page at CST numbers
are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not
be complete.
1 Anonymous (CST0028)
2 Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
3 Barron,Peter (CST0003)
4 Bennett,Steve (CST0013)
5 Bligh, Professor Donald (CST0059)
6 Brimicombe, Professor Allan (CST0008)
7 Cavendish,Edmund (CST0032)
8 City of London Corporation (CST0052)
9 Committee on Standards in Public Life (CST0006)
10 Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (CST0019)
11 Farrar,Jeff (CST0024, CST0035)
12 Ford,Michael (CST0027)
13 Gilbertson,David (CST0001)
14 Grove,Matthew (CST0009)
15 Guilfoyle,Simon (CST0026)
16 Guy,Stephen (CST0029)
17 Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary
18 Hobbs,Chris (CST0018, CST0043)
19 Home Office (CST0021)
20 Hope, Professor Tim (CST0004)
21 Local Government Association (CST0012)
22 Patrick, Dr Rodger (CST0005)
23 Patrick,James (CST0002, CST0034,CST0073)
24 Police and Crime Commissioner, Avon and Somerset
25 Police and Crime Commissioner, Bedfordshire
26 Police and Crime Commissioner, Cambridgeshire
27 Police and Crime Commissioner, Cheshire (CST0040)
28 Police and Crime Commissioner, Cleveland (CST0067)
29 Police and Crime Commissioner, Cumbria (CST0055)
30 Police and Crime Commissioner, Derbyshire
31 Police and Crime Commissioner, Devon and Cornwall
32 Police and Crime Commissioner, Dorset (CST0056)
33 Police and Crime Commissioner, Durham (CST0039)
34 Police and Crime Commissioner, Dyfed-Powys
35 Police and Crime Commissioner, Gloucestershire
36 Police and Crime Commissioner, Greater Manchester
37 Police and Crime Commissioner, Gwent (CST0062)
38 Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire and
Isle Of Wight (CST0069)
39 Police and Crime Commissioner, Herts (CST0078)
40 Police and Crime Commissioner, Lancashire
41 Police and Crime Commissioner, Leicestershire
42 Police and Crime Commissioner, Lincolnshire
43 Police and Crime Commissioner, Norfolk (CST0066)
44 Police and Crime Commissioner, North Wales
45 Police and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire
46 Police and Crime Commissioner, Northamptonshire
47 Police and Crime Commissioner, Northumbria
48 Police and Crime Commissioner, Nottingham
49 Police and Crime Commissioner, South Wales
50 Police and Crime Commissioner, South Yorkshire
51 Police and Crime Commissioner, Suffolk (CST0048)
52 Police and Crime Commissioner, Surrey (CST0037)
53 Police and Crime Commissioner, Sussex (CST0051)
54 Police and Crime Commissioner, Warwickshire
55 Police and Crime Commissioner, West Mercia
56 Police and Crime Commissioner, West Yorkshire
57 Police and Crime Commissioner, Wiltshire and
Swindon (CST0049)
58 Secretariat for the Crime Statistics Advisory
Committee (CST0007)
59 Simon,Jonathan (CST0030)
60 Stubbs,Edward (CST0023)
61 Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner (CST0014)
62 Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner
63 UK Statistics Authority (CST0017)
64 West Midlands Police (CST0036)
65 White,Michael (CST0010)
66 Wilce, Ra (CST0031)