Zero hours contracts in Scotland: Interim Report - Scottish Affairs Committee Contents

The Scottish Affairs Committee

The Scottish Affairs Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Scotland Office (including (i) relations with the Scottish Parliament and (ii) administration and expenditure of the offices of the Advocate General for Scotland (but excluding individual cases and advice given within government by the Advocate General)).

Current membership

Mr Ian Davidson MP (Labour/Co-op, Glasgow South West) (Chair)

Mike Crockart MP (Liberal Democrat, Edinburgh West)

Jim McGovern MP (Labour, Dundee West)

Graeme Morrice MP (Labour, Livingston)

Pamela Nash MP (Labour, Airdrie and Shotts)

Sir Jim Paice MP (Conservative, South East Cambridgeshire)

Simon Reevell MP (Conservative, Dewsbury)

Mr Alan Reid MP (Liberal Democrat, Argyll and Bute)

Lindsay Roy MP (Labour, Glenrothes)

Dr Eilidh Whiteford MP (Scottish National Party, Banff and Buchan)

The following members were also members of the committee during the Parliament:

Fiona Bruce MP (Conservative, Congleton)

Mike Freer MP (Conservative, Finchley and Golders Green)

Cathy Jamieson MP (Labour/Co-op, Kilmarnock and Loudoun)

Mrs Eleanor Laing MP (Conservative, Epping Forest)

Mark Menzies MP (Conservative, Fylde)

Iain McKenzie MP (Labour, Inverclyde)

David Mowat MP (Conservative, Warrington South)

Fiona O'Donnell MP (Labour, East Lothian)

Julian Smith MP (Conservative, Skipton and Ripon)


The committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the internet via


The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the internet at A list of Reports of the Committee in the present parliament is at the back of this volume.

The Reports of the Committee, the formal minutes relating to that report, oral evidence taken and some or all written evidence are available in a printed volume. Additional written evidence may be published on the internet only.

Committee staff

The current staff of the Committee are Rebecca Davies (Clerk), Rhiannon Hollis (Clerk), Phil Jones (Committee Specialist), Elizabeth McEnhill (Assistant Policy Analyst), Gabrielle Hill (Senior Committee Assistant) and Rosie Tate (Committee Assistant).


All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Scottish Affairs Committee, House of Commons, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 6123; the Committee's email address is

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© Parliamentary copyright 2014
Prepared 14 April 2014