7 Other types of casual labour
91. So far in this Report we have focused
mainly on zero hours contracts, but there are a range of other
forms of insecure employment that can also allow vulnerable workers
to be exploited. We discuss a number of them below.
Agency workers and the Swedish
92. In 2011, the Agency Workers Regulations
were introduced to increase the employment rights of agency workers.
The Regulations implement the EU's 2008 Temporary and Agency Workers
Directive. Under the Regulations, agency workers are entitled
to the same 'basic working conditions' as equivalent permanent
staff after a 12-week qualifying period. The Regulations do not
confer on workers the same rights as employees, such as protection
against unfair dismissal and redundancy pay, but the equal treatment
can be measured against comparable employees in terms of pay,
the duration of working time, holiday pay and pay for bank holidays,
overtime rates and unsociable hours premiums. We heard that the
increase in rights for agency workers as a result of the Regulations
was causing some employers to shift from using agencies to employing
workers directly on zero hours contracts and thereby avoiding
the additional responsibilities and costs.[158]
93. The Agency Workers Regulations include
a derogation that allows agency workers to become employees of
the agency; in doing so individuals cease to be entitled to equal
pay, but instead are entitled to receive at least four weeks'
pay between contracts (albeit at a reduced level). Known as the
Swedish Derogation, it was included to cover agency workers who
would be worse off if they were given pay equal to permanent employees,
but evidence suggests that agencies and companies are using it
to pay workers less than equal pay. The Communication Workers
Union report that when the Regulations were introduced, 90% of
3,000 members employed by an agency to work on a BT contract were
placed on a 'pay between assignment' contract which meant the
agency could pay them less than permanent employees doing the
same job.[159] Agencies
can also avoid paying workers between assignments by offering
a minimum of one hour's paid work per week.
94. The TUC are campaigning against
the use of the Swedish Derogation:
In Sweden, where these contracts
originate, workers still receive equal pay once in post and 90%
of normal pay between assignments. However in the UK workers have
no equal pay rights and are paid half as much as they received
in their last assignment, or minimum wage rates, between assignments.
Agencies can also cut their hours, so they may receive as little
as one hour of paid work a week.[160]
95. The TUC points to evidence from
UK workplaces where agency staff are paid up to £135 a week
less than permanent staff, despite working in the same place and
doing the same job. Scot Walker, from Unite, told us that such
practices were commonplace in the meat processing industry where
agency workers, typically from a migrant background, were working
alongside permanent employees but for less pay and on poorer terms
and conditions.[161]
As well as food production, the TUC found that Swedish Derogation
contracts were used regularly in UK call centres and logistics
firms. The Recruitment and Employment Confederation estimatesaround
one in six agency workers to be on Swedish Derogation contracts.[162]
In the construction industry, despite a falling number of workers,
the number on these types of contracts increased by 30,000 over
the last year.[163]
96. The TUC has lodged a formal complaint
with the European Commission against the UK Government for failing
to implement the Temporary Agency Workers Directive properly -
the Agency Workers' Directive states that countries must prevent
misuse of the Swedish Derogation. The TUC wish to see the use
of the Swedish Derogation banned; however, if implemented fairly,
the derogation can give workers greater security and all the benefits
that come with permanent work such as protection from unfair dismissal,
maternity leave and statutory redundancy pay.
97. The Swedish Derogation, if operated
properly, can offer sufficient benefit to workers to justify its
continued use, but the UK Government must tighten up the implementing
Regulations to ensure that the Derogation can only be used in
the spirit in which it was intended and not deliberately to reduce
the pay and conditions of workers and increase the margins of
Short hours
98. Under a short hours contract a worker
is guaranteed a small number of hours of work each week, typically
less than eight hours. Short hours contracts provide individuals
with a degree of certainty while allowing them the opportunity
to combine work with other commitments such as studying or caring.
Short hours contracts can work well for many people but, as with
zero hours contracts, they are also open to abuse.[164]
According to Usdaw:
A significant number of workers
on short hours contracts are regularly and consistently working
additional hours. This can be a problem for several reasons:
· there
is no guaranteed level of regular earnings and this can create
uncertainty regarding bills and planning for the future;
· many
employee benefits are based on contractual earnings/hours therefore
employees who consistently work additional hours may lose out
on holiday pay/entitlement, maternity pay and sick pay and pension
· they
have no guarantee of any additional hours they regularly work.[165]
99. Out of 2,135 respondents to Usdaw's
survey of short hours and zero hours contracts, 1,168 (54.7%)
said they regularly worked additional hours each week and, of
those, 75% said they wanted their additional hours guaranteed.Figure
3: Additional hours regularly worked per week by workers on short
hours contracts
Source: Usdaw survey of zero hours
and short hours contracts (figure based on 1,146 responses to
this question)
Dave Watson from UNISON told us that,
as lead negotiator for the biggest pension scheme in Scotland,
"we tackled this issue about council staff [...] where the
current rules basically say that if you have a 20-hour contract
your pension contributions and your pension payment is based on
20 hours a week, even if you work 30 hours a week regularly."[166]
100. Usdaw propose that workers who
regularly exceed their contracted hours should, after a period
of 12 weeks, have their contracts changed to reflect their regular
working pattern. Karen Whitefield explained "that is important
because there are rights that come from that contract around holidays,
holiday pay and sickness entitlement. Those are important rights
that people have worked hard for and should be given."[167]
The case law in this area is, according to BECTU, "somewhat
ambiguous and contradictory".[168]
101. Usdaw's proposal has much to recommend
it and they have our support in principle. But the introduction
of such a measure would require care to prevent the unintended
consequences of unscrupulous employers finding means to avoid
or manipulate it to the detriment of the worker. For example,
following the introduction of the Agency Workers Regulations,
Eversheds surveyed 143 end-users of agency staff and 40% reported
that they had cut agency roles to less than 12 weeks or had only
engaged workers who were self-employed to avoid the impact of
the Regulations.[169]We
recommend that, where the provision of certain employee benefits
can vary, the calculation of those benefits should reflect the
number of hours regularly worked rather than a minimum number
stipulated in a contract. The Government shouldexplore means to
make this clear.
'Bogus self-employment'
102. 'Bogus' or 'false' self-employment
refers to the use of employment intermediaries such as payroll
companies to disguise employment as self-employment. This practice
allows employers to avoid paying Employer's National Insurance
contributions of 13.8%and enables them to deny employment rights
to their employees. As a result, the workers are substantially
cheaper, improving the margins of subcontractors and main contractors.[170]
Out of all the forms of casual labour discussed in this report,
workers who are bogus self-employed have the least rights - they
are not entitled to receive sick pay, holiday pay or the National
Minimum Wage and are responsible for their own taxation.
Box 16: Rail worker
The individual was taken on at £9.50 an hour but ended up getting paid the minimum wage.The individual worker had to pay £22 to the payroll company for their services and had to pay the employer national insurance contributions. Network Rail paid the agency about £15 an hour for that activity. The individual raised some serious safety concerns and was stopped from working because the agency felt under pressure not to employ him.
Source: Mick Cash, RMT (Q174)
Jake Molloy told us that workers were
deliberately being forced into self-employment:
It is subcontractors of subcontractors
to oil companies. They are not just engineers. They could be any
trade from scaffolders through painters to railroad platers to
riggers. They are told that the only means of employing them is
through self-employment. So they have to set up their own contract.
They then provide a service to an agency contractor who provides
their services to another contractor who provides a service to
the oil company.
We are seeing agencies that have
previously retained staff and used them on a regular basis pushing
them into self-employment to get round the agency workers directive
because if they are providing those guys to service certain contractors
beyond a 12-week period then we can try and push for the same
protection, same payments and so on.[171]
103. In the offshore industry 'bogus
self-employment' often takes the form of 'daily agreements'. Workers
on these types of contract have no employment rights; they are
contracted to provide a service, a daily rate is agreed and they
are given work as and when required.[172]
104. Figures released by the ONS on
19 March 2014 show a record number of people in self-employment.
Since 2010, 40% of new jobs created have been in self-employed
roles.[173]The TUC
caution against assuming that the rise in numbers of self-employed
is a reflection of a surge in entrepreneurial spirit:"rather
than running their own businesses, many people could be undertaking
false self-employment, doing the same work as contracted employees
but on poorer terms and conditions." According to the Treasury
around 300,000 workers in the construction sector are in bogus
self-employment, costing HMRC more than £380m.[174]ONS
figures show that 44% of all construction workers are self-employed.
105. ONS and HMRC data show that incomes
of people who are self-employed have dropped markedly over the
last 12 years, from an average of £15,000 to just under £10,400,
in 2011 prices.[175]
Dave Watson explained that "40% of self-employed people fall
into the 20% lowest paid, so again there is a perception that
somehow self-employment is something for at least middle earnings
for trades people and so on, but increasingly these people are
falling into the lowest one".[176]
106. Not only do workers who in bogus
self-employment have few employment rights but, as we discussed
earlier, a reliance on self-employed workers can have consequences
for safety. The Office of Rail Regulation found that "the
widespread use of notionally 'self-employed' staff [...] has a
generally negative effect on the attitudes and behaviour of those
involved, which is not conducive to the development of a safe
107. In the 2013 Autumn Statement the
Chancellor announced measures to address the problem of 'bogus'
or 'false' self-employment:
the Government is acting now to
level the playing field so that companies cannot use employment
intermediaries to disguise employment as self-employment and thus
avoid employment taxes and deny employment rights to their workforce.[178]
Plans to clampdown on companies using
bogus self-employment to avoid taxes were confirmed in the 2014
Budget but the reference to employment rights was absent. The
Budget document states:
The Government will amend existing
legislation to prevent employment intermediaries being used to
avoid employment taxes by disguising employment as self-employment.[179]
108. The measures are due to take effect
from April 2014. We welcome the Government's announcement of
plans to clampdown on the use of employment intermediaries to
avoid employment taxes. It is disappointing that the clampdown
does not extend to the use of these intermediaries to deny employment
rights to workers as was suggested in the 2013 Autumn Statement.
In response to this Report the Government should set out what
other steps it is taking to prevent workers from being pushed
into bogus self-employment.
Long hours
109. During our inquiry we met with
workers on zero hours contracts to hear directly how their lives
were affected by insecure employment. One worker we spoke to gave
us a very different perspective of a zero hours contract. In his
case, he was employed on a contract that stipulated he work five
days per week but with no set number of hours. As a consequence
he regularly worked 70 hours a week (three fifteen hour shifts
and two thirteen hour shifts-the maximum allowed) whilst permanent
employees worked 40 hours per week and got paid time and a half
above that. He told us that individuals on these contracts had
little time to spend with their families; the company was also
able to make them work public holidays, such as Christmas Day,
for no extra money.The worker explained that he and his colleagues
were 'duped' into the contract, which, because of the benefits
to the employer, the company is unwilling to change.
National insurance contributions
and pension payments
110. An employer is liable to pay Employer's
National Insurance Contributions of 13.8% on earnings of workers
or employees above £136 per week. We heard that companies
may deliberately employ zero hours workers for less than the £136
per week threshold in order to avoid the obligation to pay Employer's
NIC, even if this means employing several workers to fill one
position.[180] James
Bevan from Unite told us that not only does this impact on the
exchequer's tax take but it has an impact on "the competitiveness
of those companies, because they could effectively undercut decent
111. An employer can avoid the administrative
burden (though not necessarily the cost) of paying NIC if they
use an umbrella or 'payroll' company. Under this arrangement,
the umbrella company employs the worker and then contracts them
out to where work is available. The umbrella company is liable
for the NIC which is usually deducted from workers' salaries but,
in theory, those salaries should be at least 13.8% higher to accommodate
this.Contractor website, Contractor umbrella, warns workers:
bear in mind that if you were to
accept a contract paying the same rate as when you were a permanent
member of staff, you would actually take home less money because
of the Employer's NIC.[182]
112. Mick Cash gave us the example of
a worker on the railways who was told by the umbrella company
that their hourly rate was £9.50, but ended up being paid
£6.19-part of the deduction was to cover Employer's NIC (as
well as Employee's NIC).[183]
Umbrella companies have also been found paying part of a worker's
salary in the form of expenses even if those expenses have not
been incurred. This allows the umbrella company to reduce the
amount it needs to pay in Employer's NIC. Where workers cannot
provide evidence of the expenses incurred they may be chased for
unpaid tax by HMRC.[184]
113. The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group
warn that changes to the benefits system as part of the introduction
of Universal Creditmay mean workers face being fined if they are
found to have been paid expenses on sums which should have been
taxed as earnings:
In the case of Universal Credit,
it will be open to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
to charge a civil penalty if they think that the overpayment came
about as a result of negligence by the claimant.
Not only does the worker face an
unexpected tax bill, he or she would also have to reimburse the
DWP for overpaid benefit and possibly pay a penalty.[185]
114. Karen Whitefield from Usdaw cautioned
that the introduction of the new automatic enrolment pension scheme,
NEST (National Employment Savings Trust) might have an effect
similar to NIC on employers:
The new NEST provisions around pensions
will have an impact here, and employers may choose to keep somebody's
earnings lower than perhaps necessary.Instead of giving one person
more hours, they will keep two or three people on lower hours
because if they don't reach that threshold for NEST, which is
£9,440 per year, they don't need to be auto enrolled into
the pension scheme.[186]
The Government should monitor whether
the introduction of the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST)
prompts employers to take steps to avoid it and in doing so cause
detriment to workers.
158 Employment Lawyers Association
(ZHC006); Educational Institute of Scotland (ZHC007); RMT (ZHC004);
A survey of 143 end-users conducted by Eversheds found that 17%
put their temps on Swedish Derogation contracts - see http://www.contractoruk.com. Back
CWU Press Release, CWU Agency Campaign - Securing a fair deal for agency workers,
14 February 2014 Back
TUC Press release, TUC lodges complaint against government for failing to give equal pay to agency workers,
2 September 2013 Back
Q180 Back
Usdaw (ZHC0014) Back
UCATT, Rise in construction self-employment reinforces need for urgent action,
7 February 2013 Back
Q29 Back
Usdaw (ZHC0014) Back
Q309 Back
Q129 Back
BECTU, Response to government zero hours consultation, 14 March
2014 Back
www.contractoruk.com, Most end-uses avoid agency worker rules,
11 April 2012 Back
www.building.co.uk, Osborne confirms clampdown on bogus self-employment,
19 March 2014 Back
Qq260-4 Back
RMT (ZHC004); Q254 Back
TUC press release, Rising job levels since recession driven by surge in self-employment,
22 January 2013 Back
www.building.co.uk, Osborne confirms clampdown on bogus self-employment,
19 March 2014 Back
Self-employed workers' earnings slump by nearly a third, The
Guardian, 3 December 2013 Back
Q311 Back
RMT (ZHC004) Back
HM Government, Autumn Statement 2013, Cm8747, p73 Back
HM Government, Budget 2014, HC 1004 Back
Q110 Back
Unite the Union (ZHC005); Q26 Back
See www.contractoumbrella.com Back
Q202 Back
BBC News, 'Abusive tax avoidance' affects temporary workers, 21
October 2012 Back
BBC News, 'Abusive tax avoidance' affects temporary workers, 21
October 2012 Back
Q110 Back