Zero hours contracts in Scotland: Interim Report - Scottish Affairs Committee Contents


The following witnesses gave evidence. The transcripts can be viewed on the Committee's

inquiry page at

Wednesday 11 September 2013  Question number
James Bevan, Campaigns and Communications Officer, and Pat Rafferty, Scotland Regional Secretary, Unite the Union, and Mark Epstein, and Daniel Elton, Mass1 Q1 - 79

Monday 10 February 2014  Question number

Karen Whitefield, Union of Shop,Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW), Jason Wason, Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW).

Q80 - 134

Tuesday 25 February 2014  Question number

Mick Cash, Senior Assistant General Secretary, National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers, Scot Walker, Chairperson, Unite Scotland.  

Q135 - 237

Monday 10 March 2014  Question number

Dave Watson, Scottish Organiser, UNISON Scotland, Jake Malloy, Regional Organiser, National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers, and Rob Gowans, Policy Officer, Citizens Advice  

Q238 - 336

Tuesday 1 April 2014  Question number

Mary Senior, Scotland Official, University and College Union, Dr Rachel Shanks, UCU Branch Secretary at the University of Aberdeen, and Justine Seran, UCU member at the University of Edinburgh  

Q337 - 466

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Prepared 14 April 2014