Communicating climate science - Science and Technology Committee Contents

List of printed written evidence

1  Andrew Montford (CLC 04)  Ev 105

2  National Centre for Atmospheric Science (CLC 19)  Ev 107

3  Royal Meteorological Society (CLC 28)  Ev 109

4  Carbon Brief (CLC 30)  Ev 111

5  Research Councils UK (CLC 36)  Ev 114

6  Understanding Risk Research Group, Cardiff University (CLC 42)  Ev 118

7  UCL Communicating Climate Science Policy Commission (CCSPC) (CLC 45)  Ev 124

8  Government Departments (CLC 47)  Ev 130

9  Committee on Climate Change (CLC 49)  Ev 136

10  Met Office (CLC 50)  Ev 137

11  Dr Catherine Happer and Professor Greg Philo (CLC 51)  Ev 139

12  Science Media Centre (CLC 52)  Ev 142

13  Science Museum, London (CLC 53)  Ev 145

14  The Royal Society (CLC 54)  Ev 149

15  British Sky Broadcasting Limited ('Sky') (CLC 55)  Ev 151

16  Channel 4 (CLC 56)  Ev 153

17  James Painter, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Department of Politics and International Relations University (CLC 57)  Ev 156

18  Kent County Council (CLC 58)  Ev 160

19  Kirklees Council (CLC 59)  Ev 165

20  Environment Agency (CLC 60)  Ev 170

21  BBC (CLC 64)  Ev 173

22  Sir Mark Walport, Chief Scientific Adviser to HM Government and
Head of the Government Office for Science (CLC 66)  Ev 175

23  Met Office (supplementary to CLC 50) (CLC 68)  Ev 177

24  The Daily Telegraph (CLC 70)  Ev 179

25  The Daily Mail (CLC 71)  Ev 181

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Prepared 2 April 2014