Communicating climate science - Science and Technology Committee Contents

List of additional written evidence

(published in Volume II on the Committee's website

1  Adrian Camp (CLC 01)  Ev w1

2  Ron Hughes (CLC 02)  Ev w1

3  Gillespie Robertson (CLC 03)  Ev w3

4  Philip Foster (CLC 05)  Ev w4

5  Dr Phillip Bratby (CLC 06)  Ev w4

6  Ralph Morris (CLC 08)  Ev w6

7  Dr Christopher Shaw (CLC 09)  Ev w7

8  The Scientific Alliance (CLC 11)  Ev w8

9  Sciencewise (CLC 13)  Ev w10

10  Caroline Peacock (CLC 14)  Ev w14

11  David Holland (CLC 15)  Ev w17

12  Professor Anthony Trewavas (CLC 16)  Ev w20

13  Jonathan Peacock (CLC 17)  Ev w24

14  Adam J L Harris, Nigel Harvey, Leonard A Smith, David A Stainforth,
Erica Thompson (CLC 18)  Ev w25

15  ADS Group (CLC 20)  Ev w28

16  Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (CLC 21)  Ev w31

17  Plymouth Marine Laboratory (CLC 22)  Ev w35

18  The James Hutton Institute (CLC 23)  Ev w37

19  Paul Matthews, School of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Nottingham (CLC 25)  Ev w45

20  Dr Neil T Gavin, The University of Liverpool (CLC 26)  Ev w47

21  UK National Committee for UNICEF (CLC 27)  Ev w52

22  Dr Emily Shuckburgh, British Antarctic Survey, and Dr Rosie Robison,
Global Sustainability Institute, Anglia Ruskin University (CLC 29)  Ev w55

23  ClimateXChange (CLC 31)  Ev w58

24  EDF Energy (CLC 32)  Ev w61

25  The Geological Society (CLC 34)  Ev w64

26  John G Gahan (CLC 35)  Ev w65

27  Brian Gallagher (CLC 37)  Ev w69

28  Brian R L Catt (CLC 38)  Ev w75

29  The Royal Academy of Engineering (CLC 39)  Ev w79

30  Rupert C E Wyndham (CLC 40)  Ev w81

31  Bob Ward, Policy and Communications Director, and Naomi Hicks, Public Communications Manager, Grantham Research Institute on Climate
Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and
Political Science (CLC 41)  Ev w84

32  Sir Christopher Audland (CLC 43)  Ev w90

33  Green Alliance (CLC 44)  Ev w93

34  Professor Erik Bichard, University of Salford (CLC 46)  Ev w97

35  John D Taylor (CLC 48)  Ev w101

36  Alex Henney (CLC 61)  Ev w105

37  David Fogarty (CLC 62)  Ev w121

38  Dr Richard Lawson (CLC 63)  Ev w124

39  At-Bristol (CLC 65)  Ev w126

40  Professor Steve Jones (CLC 67)  Ev w127

41  UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres (CLC 69)  Ev w128

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