Nadine Dorries - Standards Committee Contents

Appendix 5: Letter to Kevin Barron from Nadine Dorries

Thank you for your letter of October 22nd enclosing a brief from Michael Carpenter, which detailed in full the legal position with respect to confidentiality clauses signed by myself on behalf of Averbrook Ltd.

This letter was extremely helpful. Each time I have signed confidentiality clauses, at the time of signing, I have been advised both of the potential consequences of breaking such a clause and the penalties that I may incur should I render myself in breach of contract under civil law.

However, at the time of undertaking and agreeing to sign and abide by such confidentiality clauses I was regretfully entirely unaware of the situation detailed in Mr Carpenter's letter. I signed contracts in good faith on the basis that I could abide by what I had agreed.

Moving forward with this new information, I will seek to ensure that future contract wording is amended to include the exemption and provisions detailed within the letter.

For the avoidance of doubt, I unequivocally never sought to impede in any way the Commissioner's inquiry.

In respect of both the code and guidance there is unfortunately an ambiguity, which fails to make clear to members their responsibilities in terms of the declaration of outside interests and contractual obligations.

I have at all times endeavoured to assist the Standard's Commissioner with her inquiry and hopefully I have demonstrated this by responding to each of her letters, frequently, if not always, on the same day they were received.

Prior to receiving your letter, I asked my accountant to forward to me figures for the company accounts, which provide the gross income and profit. Figures that I am aware are not publicly available.

Yesterday, I sought to register in the register of member's interest the approximate gross income for Averbrook Ltd from Oct 31st 2012, the date I became involved in Averbrook to 30th Oct 2013 and the approximate company profits.

If a minor adjustment is required following final accounting I shall amend appropriately. I have also drawn down an annual dividend payment of £10,000 and attempted to register this sum.

The gross income accounts for sixty days work of which the majority are Sundays and some Saturdays. This does not include contributions to the company from the other director and shareholder.

The gross income has been derived from publishing, a Sun newspaper column (not online), writing assignments and numerous media appearances. I have registered all the monies received by Averbrook and hope that the committee views this voluntary declaration as a demonstration of my willingness to both fully acknowledge and comply with the spirit of openness and transparency.

Unfortunately, the registrar has declined to register the information I have submitted which has now been forwarded to the committee clerk. Please see email chain enclosed. Once again, I would like to thank you for taking the time to obtain the advice from the Speaker's Counsel, which will certainly be very helpful going forward and which provides valuable clarity.

31 October 2013

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Prepared 11 November 2013