National Policy Statement on National Networks - Transport Committee Contents

4  Conclusion

31. The Minister told us that he would aim to bring a final version of the NPS before Parliament in the autumn. This is an appropriate and realistic timetable given the need to consider the various points raised in the Government's consultation process and in this report. We look forward to seeing the NPS in final form later this year and debating its contents.

32. The NPS is necessary because it will help guide decision makers in assessing major road and rail projects by clarifying Government policy. The current draft requires some improvement and we have made a number of recommendations which should be taken on board. Most importantly, the Government must provide more examples of the type of transport scheme it thinks should be promoted to meet the nation's needs; it should provide more guidance about how to determine whether a scheme which interferes with the Green Belt or other sensitive planning or environmental matters should go ahead; and it should seek to integrate planning for passenger and freight transport by route or region, rather than look at each mode individually.

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© Parliamentary copyright 2014
Prepared 7 May 2014