6 Assuring service standards for all
112. This chapter considers whether, beyond the
financial incentives offered within the differential pricing model,
there are sufficient safeguards within the Work Programme to ensure
that all participants receive an appropriate standard of service.
The "black box" approach
113. DWP's Invitation to Tender for the Work
Programme stated that: "specialist delivery partners [...]
are best placed to identify the best ways of getting people back
to work, and will be allowed the freedom to do so without detailed
prescription from central government".[104]
This freedom from central prescription of services is known as
a "black box" approach. Its aim is to allow providers
to innovate and personalise interventions to suit the needs of
individual jobseekers and focus on achieving sustained job outcomes,
rather than being driven by centrally-prescribed processes.
114. In our first Work Programme Report we were
supportive of the black box approach, as long as there were protections
for Work Programme participants to ensure that all jobseekers
knew the level of service to which they were entitled and that
there were safeguards to ensure that all participants were treated
The Government's response was that providers' Minimum Service
Standards would ensure that this was the case (see below).[106]
115. There was qualified support for a black
box approach from witnesses to this inquiry. Expert witnesses
pointed out that an inevitable consequence of a black box approach
is a lack of central control over the processes of service delivery.
Professor Sainsbury's view, supported by other expert witnesses,
was that a non-prescriptive approach was preferable if the objective
is for services to "evolve and respond".[107]
116. However, Professor Sainsbury believed that
it was not yet clear how the black box was expected to operate
in practice. He highlighted evidence of some confusion about the
appropriate definition. One view was that it should be defined
as the services providers promise to deliver at the commissioning
stage i.e. providers should be held to what they pledged to deliver
in their contracts. An alternative view, widely held by providers,
was that providers should have freedom to "evolve their services
and innovate". The official evaluation team had found "quite
a bit of tension" between JCP contract managers and providers
over the appropriate definition.[108]
117. Tony Wilson of Inclusion noted that, where
a black box had initially been applied in welfare-to-work schemes
overseas, governments had tended to take back some control over
services over time, as a reaction to concerns about "equity
and standards of service".[109]
Although he believed the pricing structure was not yet right,
Ian Mulheirn of the Social Market Foundation argued that greater
prescription from Whitehall would be "the wrong way to go"
in the Work Programme, because it was an outcome-based programme
in which providers' behaviours were intended to be driven by prices.[110]
118. DWP emphasised that "no delivery model
should be regarded as fixed" and that "providers are
actively encouraged to adapt their delivery models in the light
of lessons learned from experience". It stated that, while
providers must seek DWP's approval for changes to delivery models,
changes would normally be agreed. DWP was clear that "the
onus is on providers to use initiative and innovation to deliver
best performance".[111]
119. We support a "black
box" approach to service delivery; however, DWP must be clearer
that this means that providers have the freedom to innovate and
personalise services, free from government prescription. Despite
minimal evidence of substantive personalisation thus far, we believe
that a prescription-free approach is preferable to a centrally-prescribed,
process-driven system, which might stifle the potential for innovation
and be an inefficient use of DWP's resources.
Minimum Service Standards
120. DWP did not prescribe the services providers
should deliver but it required primes to set out Minimum Service
Standards so that "each participant knows what to expect".
A common concern amongst witnesses was the variable nature of
the Minimum Service Standards set out separately by each of the
18 primes. The standards vary considerably in detail and specificity.
Two examples are set out below, in full. Some lack detail and
are vague, for example:
The Ingeus Customer Pledge
A flexible service that is convenient and accessible
A personalised package of support that is tailored to your needs
A professional Careers Academy and support to help you develop and progress in work
Priority access to exclusive job vacancies and job market information
Respect at all times and support to set your own goals
If you would like to make a complaint about the service you receive, please speak to an advisor or ask for a copy of our complaints procedure.
What we will do for you:
- Keep in regular contact with you
- Ensure you can easily contact us
- Give you access to the tools and information you need
- Encourage and act on your feedback or complaints
- Protect your personal information
- Provide you with equality of opportunity
- Focus on your safety and welfare
Others are brief but contain some specific and measurable pledges,
for example:
Meet with your personal Employment Adviser within ten days
Receive a full assessment of your needs and skills
Review your progress with your Adviser at least once every four weeks
Receive support to develop a tailored CV and job goals
Receive financial advice and support to show how you will be better off working
Be able to access e-learning, job search support and vacancies through our online portal
121. Paul Anders of DrugScope felt that the vagueness
of some Minimum Service Standards, combined with what he believed
was an ineffective pricing structure, created a situation in which
some participants "can receive an ineffective or [...] completely
lacking service."[112]
This view was supported by Duncan Shrubsole of Crisis, who argued
that loosely defined Minimum Service Standards allowed providers
to prioritise the relatively job-ready. In doing so they were
"behaving entirely rationally" by "hedging the
risks" involved in choosing which participants to support
within the black box.[113]
The mental health charity, Mind, was concerned that there was
a lack of clarity and transparency in the Minimum Service Standards
and therefore about the services to which participants were entitled.
Mind also believed that this risked harder-to-help participants
being parked.[114]
122. Laura Dewar of SPAN highlighted that single
parents, in particular, needed predictability about what was required
of them and the services to which they were entitled, noting evidence
from SPAN's research which showed that the single parents who
fared best on the programme were those who "knew exactly
what was on offer". Her view was that a suitable level of
predictability could be achieved without precluding innovation
or personalisation. [115]
123. Kirsty McHugh of ERSA acknowledged that
the detail in Minimum Service Standards varied between primes.
We wanted to know whether the industry had considered establishing
a single set of standards, which could be applied across all providers,
to better protect all participants from being sidelined. She confirmed
that there had been discussions about this within the industry,
but explained that:
The problem with this is that the devil is often
in the detail. You think, "Yes, that is a really good idea."
Then you start drafting it, and it stops individual frontline
advisers from doing what they need to do. We know for some people
it is group work that is going to help motivate them and get them
enthused and confident enough to be able to approach the workplace.
With others it is one to one. If we put in minimum service standards
that say you will see an adviser x amount of times, that may not
be what they need.[116]
124. We believe that the
"black box" needs to be balanced by clear and measurable
minimum standards so that participants know what to expect and
the minimum level of service they are entitled to receive. Currently
prime providers' Minimum Service Standards vary greatly in detail
and measurability. Some Minimum Service Standards are so vague
as to permit providers to virtually ignore some participants if
they so choose. We understand the difficulties of establishing
a single set of standards which could be applied by all providers
but we believe it is achievable. For example, it would be perfectly
possible for all providers to be required to have a face-to-face
meeting to assess all participants' needs; to produce an employment
action plan within a certain timeframe; and to have a face-to-face
follow-up meeting, also within a specific timeframe. We recommend
that DWP develop a core set of basic minimum standards applicable
to all providers, and to which all Work Programme participants
are entitled.
The type of services currently
being provided
125. Much of the evidence we received suggested
that the Work Programme currently offered relatively light-touch
and generic interventions. Tony Wilson's view was that so far
the Work Programme was delivering "the same kind of stuff
that has always been delivered", including "face-to-face
adviser support, coaching, mentoring, help with job searches and
CV building." These were all potentially effective options
but the suite of interventions typically available suggested that
there was little genuine personalisation in the Work Programme
to date.[117] This
analysis is supported by findings from the initial Work Programme
evaluation. The evaluation team found consistent evidence of "process
personalisation", such as each participant being allocated
a named adviser and one-to-one, rather than group, sessions. However,
researchers found limited evidence so far of "substantive
personalisation" of the interventions used to support individual
[...] advisers regretted that they were not able
to provide more opportunities for specific training to meet individual
needs. Rather, the courses they could offer tended to be generic,
focused on employability skills and job application techniques.[118]
126. We received relatively little evidence directly
from individual Work Programme participants. The few submissions
we did receive tended to report a negative experience of the Work
Programme's ability to offer innovative and personalised services.
For example, Ross Bradford, an ESA claimant who participated in
the Work Programme from February to June 2012, told us that "There
was no attempt to shape the service to suit my needs or even understand
what those needs were." In June 2012 he was referred to Work
Choice.[119] Douglas
Coombs, a Work Programme participant since August 2011, believed
that the services offered to him were "staid, old fashioned,
inappropriate [and] ineffective".[120]
127. Participants we met during our visits expressed
mixed views about the level of service they had received from
the Work Programme. None of the homeless people we spoke to during
our visit to St Mungo's felt that the Work Programme had added
significant value to their search for work. One ESA participant
we spoke to in Brent had recently completed an employability course
on the Work Programme and was about to undertake an IT course.
Her Work Programme provider had also arranged for a mentor to
advise her on the best ways to gain employment in social care,
the sector in which she was most interested. She believed that
these interventions had made her more job-ready but she had had
to push her adviser to arrange them. She had found the more generic
Work Programme activities, such as group sessions spent updating
CVs and job-searching, less useful.
128. A JSA participant in Brent was positive
about the skills and attitudes of Work Programme advisers and,
while most participants we spoke to felt that the quality of Work
Programme advisers varied, some believed that they compared favourably
with JCP advisers. All but one of the participants we met in Brent
felt that Work Programme advisers had limited time for individual
participants due to very high caseloads. Providers in Brent later
confirmed that average caseloads per adviser were between 120
and 180 participants.
129. As noted in chapter 2, Work Programme participants
are randomly referred to one of the two or three primes operating
in their area. The policy intention is that primes receive an
equal number and random mix of referrals so that their performance
can be easily compared. There is not currently the option for
participants to choose a prime on the basis of the services offered
or to switch between primes once they have been randomly referred.
Some witnesses pointed out that an unintended consequence of randomised
referrals was that participants are not always referred to the
provision which best suits their needs. For example, Single Homeless
Project noted that it was the only subcontractor in east London
offering services specifically designed for homeless people but
that homeless Work Programme participants were randomly referred
to one of three primes operating in the east London CPAtwo
of which had no specialist homeless provision within their supply
130. The Minister told us that introducing an
element of choice for participants "might be" something
DWP considers in the future but that it would be a "significant
contractual change" and would require some "system changes".
He believed that random allocation was the right approach for
the Work Programme during the course of the current contracts.[122]
131. Much of the evidence
we received suggested that Work Programme advisers are highly-skilled
and dedicated to supporting long-term jobseekers into sustained
employment. However, with average caseloads of between 120 and
180, Work Programme advisers are being forced to prioritise whom
they support. We recommend that DWP and the welfare-to-work industry
devise ways of bringing Work Programme caseloads down.
132. We understand the policy
intention of randomly allocating Work Programme participants to
one of the two or three prime contractors operating in each Contract
Package Area (CPA); it ensures that each prime operating in the
same area receives an equal number and similar mix of participants
and therefore allows their performance to be more easily compared.
However, we recommend that DWP explore options for introducing
an element of choice of prime contractor for participants, particularly
where it can be clearly demonstrated that specialist services
which would benefit an individual participant are not offered
by the prime to which they have been randomly referred but are
available via one of the other primes operating in the same CPA.
Assuring service quality
133. Tony Wilson of Inclusion argued that many
welfare-to-work advisers are "absolutely brilliant at what
they do" but that the industry could do more formally to
accredit their skills and encourage continuing professional development.
He highlighted that welfare-to-work was essentially a "people
business" which needed "really successful, inspirational
leadership" and "highly professional front-line advisers".
He noted that the sector had started to move in this direction,
through Institute of Employability Professionals (IEP) accreditation.[123]
The IEP was established by the industry, with support from the
UK Commission for Employment and Skills, in June 2012 and offers
professional accreditation and the opportunity to study for recognised
134. OFSTED inspection of welfare-to-work provision
was discontinued in 2010; responsibility for quality assurance
now lies within DWP. However, Professor Sainsbury believed that
"at the moment there is nothing built into the Work Programme
design that has any measure of quality in it." His view was
that DWP contract managers were focused predominantly on job outcome
performance rather than service quality.[125]
A wide range of witnesses felt that much more could be done to
assure the quality of Work Programme services.[126]
135. Some witnesses felt that it was important
systematically to survey participants' satisfaction with the programme.
Tony Wilson noted that this approach was taken in Australia, where
participant satisfaction partly informs how providers' performance
is assessed. Others favoured the reintroduction of an independent
quality inspection regime, although expert witnesses did not believe
that this should be delivered by OFSTED and also noted that an
independent regime would inevitably come with significant costs.
Ian Mulheirn favoured the introduction of systematic participant
satisfaction surveys but was very wary of reintroducing independent
quality inspection, explaining that:
There is a real danger that you get a tick-box attitude,
which would be hugely expensive, hugely costly to monitor and
would lead to resources being diverted to the wrong area. Mandation
and minimum standards and ticking boxes might make us all feel
better from the centre, but it will not solve any of the problems.
The primary thing is sorting the prices out. The second thing
is finding out from service users how the thing is performing
from their perspective.[127]
136. DWP defended its approach to assuring the
quality of Work Programme services. It told us that it conducts
a monthly survey of a sample of participants from each contract
and ensures that providers "rectify any shortcomings identified".[128]
Julia Sweeney, DWP's Contracted Customer Services Director, accepted
that Minimum Service Standards varied between providers but she
insisted that the Department's performance managers and assurance
teams rigorously audited each provider according to the standards
it had set out "so we can be assured that people are seeing
their advisers regularly and that they are getting that service
level." The Minister insisted that the minimum standards
were clearly communicated to participants and that DWP took compliance
with the standards set out by providers "very seriously".[129]
137. There appears to be
insufficient focus on, or responsibility for, Work Programme participants'
satisfaction with the support they receive. We recommend that
DWP require all prime providers to introduce standardised participant
satisfaction surveys at appropriate intervals during each participant
cohort's two-year attachment to the programme, including immediately
after their initial attachment and at the end of the two-year
attachment period. These surveys should form part of DWP's assessment
of prime providers' effectiveness. It is important that the surveys
ascertain how well participants understand: the purpose of the
Work Programme and differentiate it from Jobcentre Plus services;
why they were referred; and the level of service to which they
are entitled. DWP should also be alert to the possibility that
some participants will register their satisfaction with the programme
merely because very little is expected of them and they are required
to attend appointments with their adviser infrequently. Surveys
must be designed to draw out these kinds of nuanced responses.
138. We welcome steps taken
by the welfare-to-work industry to professionalise its frontline
workforce through accreditation and continuing professional development.
We recommend that DWP and ERSA continue to move towards greater
professionalism in the welfare-to-work sector, by encouraging
appropriate training and accreditation for all frontline advisers,
for example through the Institute of Employability Professionals
and other specialist organisations.
104 DWP, The Work Programme Invitation to Tender:
Specification and Supporting Information, December 2010, para
2.03 Back
Committee's 2011 Report, para 24 Back
Work and Pensions Committee, Sixth Special Report of Session 2010-12,
Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session
2010-12, HC 1438, p 2 Back
Q 19 Back
Q 19 Back
Q 23 Back
Q 21 Back
Ev 123 Back
Q 97 Back
Q 97 Back
Q 97 [Sophie Corlett] Back
Q 97 Back
Q 358 Back
Q 20; see also London Voluntary Service Council, Ev w48, para
44 Back
DWP, Work Programme evaluation: Findings from the first phase
of qualitative research on programme delivery , November 2012,
para 14.1 Back
Ev w9 Back
Ev w27 Back
Ev w 75; see also Ev w10 (Anna Burke) Back
Qq 478-479 Back
Q 35 Back
See www.iemployability.org Back
Q 26 Back
See, for example, Q 26 [Professor Sainsbury]; A4e, Ev w2; Locality,
Ev w41 Back
Q 29 Back
Ev 121 Back
Q 525 Back