Work and Pensions Committee - Second Report
The role of Jobcentre Plus in the reformed welfare system

Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 20 January 2014.


Terms of Reference


1 Introduction

2 Assessing claimants and tailoring employment support

3 The employment support process

4 Enforcing the responsibilities of claimants

5 Supporting an efficient and flexible labour market

6 Wider welfare reforms: the Benefit Cap and the Social Fund

7 Resourcing of JCP in the medium term

List of conclusions and recommendations

Formal Minutes


List of printed written evidence

List of additional written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

Oral and written evidence

Wednesday 26 June 2013: Nilufer Rahim, Senior Researcher, NatCen Social Research, Matthew Oakley, Head of Economics and Social Policy, Policy Exchange, Tony Wilson, Policy Director, Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion, and Adam Sharples CB, Non-Executive Chairman, Ixion Holdings Ltd and former Director General, Employment Group, Department for Work and Pensions.

Wednesday 17 July 2013: Niall Cooper, National Co-ordinator, Church Action on Poverty, Chris Johnes, Director, UK Poverty Programme, Oxfam GB, Seyi Obakin, Chief Executive, Centrepoint, Robert Trotter, Public Policy Adviser (Employment and Skills), Scope, and Fiona Weir, Chief Executive Officer, Gingerbread.

Wednesday 11 September 2013: Helen Flanagan, Wigan Jobcentre Plus, and Charles Law, Industrial Officer, Public and Commercial Services Union; Colin Booth, Association of Colleges, Kirsty McHugh, Chief Executive, Employment Related Services Association, and Stewart Segal, Chief Executive, Association of Employment and Learning Providers.

Wednesday 16 October 2013: Kathleen Caper, Senior Policy Researcher, Citizens Advice, Councillor Sharon Taylor, Deputy Chair and Chair, Finance Panel, Local Government Association and Councillor Peter John, Executive Member for Skills and Employment, London Councils.

Wednesday 30 October 2013: Lena Tochtermann, Principal Policy Adviser, Labour Markets and Agility Policy, Confederation of British Industry, Kevin Green, Chief Executive Officer, Recruitment and Employment Confederation, and Damian Kenny, Strategic Account Director (DWP), and Alan Townsend, Senior Vice-President, Sales Readiness and Business Operations, Europe, Monster Government Solutions.

Wednesday 20 November 2013: Esther McVey MP, Minister of State for Employment, and Neil Couling, Work Services Director, Department for Work and Pensions.

Written evidence

Additional written evidence

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Prepared 28 January 2014