5 Public Bills
For Bills to confirm Provisional Orders and Bills
to confirm Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland)
Act 1936 see Chapter 4 relating to Private Bills and Private Business.
A General Summary
Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:
| |
Type of Bills |
started in the Commons
| 31 |
| 21 |
Private Members'
| 10 |
brought from the Lords
| 7 |
| 7 |
Private Members'
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 38
Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:
| |
Type of Bills |
started in the Commons
| |
| 6[5]
Private Members'
| 90 |
brought from the Lords
| |
| 0 |
Private Members'
| 3 |
TOTAL: | 99
Progress of Bills
| |
introduced into, but not passed by, the Commons
| 91 |
passed by the Commons but not by the Lords
| 0 |
introduced in the Commons but proceedings suspended to next Session
| 5 |
passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons
| 1 |
passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons
| 2 |
passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 99
Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords
| 137 |
B Bills which received the
Royal Assent
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each printing
Antarctic [14]
*Civil Aviation [3] [90]
*Crime and Courts [Lords] [115] [137] [156]
*Defamation [5] [51] [137] [165]
Disabled Persons' Parking Badges [24]
*Electoral Registration and Administration [6] [127]
*Enterprise and Regulatory Reform [7] [61] [152]
*European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment Decision)
*European Union (Approvals) [Lords] [121]
*European Union (Croatian Accession and Irish Protocol)
*Finance [1] [49] (Finance Act 2012)
*Financial Services [2] [101]
*Groceries Code Adjudicator [Lords] [62] [113] [150]
*Growth and Infrastructure [75] [104] [157] [162]
*HGV Road User Levy [77]
*Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) [66]
*Jobseekers (Back to Work Schemes) [149]
*Justice and Security [Lords] [99] [134]
*Local Government Finance [4] [78]
Marine Navigation (No. 2) [19] (Marine Navigation
Act 2013)
*Mental Health (Approval Functions) [83]
Mental Health (Discrimination) (No. 2) [11] (Mental
Health (Discrimination) Act 2013)
Mobile Homes [12]
*Partnerships (Prosecution) (Scotland) [Lords] [143]
*Police (Complaints and Conduct) [93]
Presumption of Death [21]
Prevention of Social Housing Fraud [16] [82]
Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) [15]
Prisons (Property) [18]
*Public Service Pensions [70] [95] [142] [164]
Scrap Metal Dealers [9] [69]
*Small Charitable Donations [28] [85]
*Statute Law (Repeals) [Lords] [111]
*Succession to the Crown [110] [123]
*Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments)
*Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) [54]
*Trusts (Capital and Income) [Lords] [81]
*Welfare Benefits Up-rating [116]
* denotes a Government Bill
C Bills which did not receive
the Royal Assent
1. Bills which were passed by both Houses but
Amendments not agreed to
2. Bills which were passed by the Commons but
not by the Lords
Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) (No. 2) [34]
3. Bills introduced in the Commons but Proceedings
suspended to next Session
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
*Children and Families [131] [168]
*Energy [100] [135]
*Finance (No. 2) [154]
*Financial Services (Banking Reform) [130] [159]
*Marriage (Same Sex Couples) [126]
4. Bills which received a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended
House of Lords Reform [52] | Read a second time; not committed; withdrawn
TOTAL: 1 |
5. Bills which did not receive a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended
Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) [40]
| Withdrawn |
Bank of England (Appointment of Governor) [8]
| Dropped |
BBC (Audit Arrangements and Publication of Invoices) [92]
| Dropped |
Careers Advice in Schools for 12 to16 Year Olds [79]
| Dropped |
Charities Act 2011 (Amendment) [114] | Dropped
Children (Performances) Regulations 1968 (Amendment) [118]
| Dropped |
Commercial Lobbyists (Registration and Code of Conduct) [39]
| Withdrawn |
Coroners and Justice (Amendment) [68] | Dropped
Cosmetic Surgery (Minimum Standards) [60] |
Dropped |
Energy Companies (Minimum Tariffs) [34] |
Dropped |
Energy Efficiency and Reduction in Energy Costs [105]
| Dropped |
Energy Efficiency (Houses in Multiple Occupation) [124]
| Dropped |
Equality (Marriage) (Amendment) [128] | Dropped
European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) [27]
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading; dropped
European Union Act 2011 (Amendment) [53] |
Dropped |
Executive Pay and Remuneration [41] | Dropped
Family Justice (Transparency, Accountability and Cost of Living) [13]
| Second Reading negatived |
Family Perinatal Support and Adoption [88] |
Dropped |
Financial Literacy (Curriculum) [35] | Dropped
Free School Meals (Children over the age of 16) [87]
| Dropped |
General Anti Tax-Avoidance Principle [25] |
Adjourned debate on Second Reading; dropped |
Honours (Equality of Titles for Partners) [55]
| Dropped |
House of Lords (Cessation of Membership) [Lords] [103]
| Dropped |
Human Rights Act 1998 (Repeal and Substitution) [31]
| Withdrawn |
International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) [23]
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading; dropped
Land Value Tax [45] | Dropped
Local Services (Planning) [58] | Dropped
Micro Businesses and Energy Contract Roll-Over [46]
| Dropped |
Offshore Gambling [44] | Adjourned debate on Second Reading; dropped
Ports Act 1991 (Amendment) [30] | Withdrawn
Property Boundaries (Resolution of Disputes) [32]
| Withdrawn |
Protection of Workers [84] | Dropped
Public Debt Management [29] | Adjourned debate on Second Reading; dropped
Recall of Elected Representatives [50] |
Dropped |
Relationship, Drug and Alcohol Education (Curriculum) [73]
| Dropped |
Representation of the People (Members' Job Share) [91]
| Dropped |
Smoke-free Private Vehicles [Lords] [64]
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading; dropped
Social Care (Local Sufficiency) and Identification of Carers [10]
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading; dropped
Suicide (Prevention) [89] | Dropped
Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 (Amendment) [56]
| Dropped |
Train Companies (Minimum Fares) [42] | Dropped
Transparency in UK Company Supply Chains (Eradication of Slavery) [26]
| Dropped |
United Kingdom Borders [59] | Dropped
Voting Age (Reduction to 16) [125] | Dropped
Water Companies (Minimum Tariffs) [38] |
Dropped |
Water Companies (Social Tariffs) [37] | Dropped
Wild Animals in circuses [36] | Withdrawn
Winter Fuel Allowance Payments (Off Gas Grid Claimants) [17]
| Dropped |
| |
6. Bills presented, or brought from the Lords,
but not printed
Title of Bill |
Stage at which progress ended
Abortion Statistics [158] | Dropped
Bishops (Consecration of Women) [148] | Dropped
Blood, Organ and Bone Marrow Donation (Education) [145]
| Dropped |
Building Regulations (External Retaining and Load-Bearing Walls) [132]
| Dropped |
Caravan sites [Lords] | Brought from the Lords
Children (Access to Parents) [33] | Withdrawn
Consolidation of Housing Regulations [98] |
Dropped |
Co-operative Schools [160] | Dropped
Corporate Accountability and Safeguarding of Adults from Abuse and Neglect [120]
| Dropped |
Credit Card Debt Limit [96] | Withdrawn
Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) [94] | Dropped
European Union Free Movement Directive 2004 (Disapplication) [86]
| Dropped |
Football (Financial Transparency) [48] |
Withdrawn |
Gift Vouchers and Insolvency [136] | Dropped
Homeowners' Mortgage Interest Rates [43] |
Withdrawn |
Housing Market Reform [129] | Dropped
Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Amendment) [161]
| Dropped |
Internships (Advertising and Regulation) [102]
| Dropped |
Landlord Accreditation [47] | Dropped
Local Authority Devolution and Powers [141]
| Dropped |
Lords Spiritual [108] | Dropped
Multinational Motor Manufacturing Companies (Duty of Care to Former Employees) [107]
| Dropped |
National Commonwealth Military Day [147] |
Dropped |
NHS Audit Requirements (Foreign Nationals) [67]
| Dropped |
Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) [20] | Withdrawn
Parish and Town Council Precepts (Referendums) [151]
| Dropped |
Planning Act 2008 (Amendment) [109] | Dropped
Planning Applications (Community Right of Appeal) [106]
| Dropped |
Planning Permission (Financial Penalties) [166]
| Dropped |
Plastic Glasses and Bottles (Mandatory Use) [63]
| Withdrawn |
Pre-Paid Meters (Level of Debt) [65] | Withdrawn
Price Marking (Consumer Information) [22] |
Withdrawn |
Property Blight Compensation [144] | Dropped
Regulation of Bailiffs [117] | Dropped
Regulation of Signage and Ticketing Technology (Publicly-available Car Parks) [71]
| Dropped |
Regulation of the Private Rented Sector [140]
| Dropped |
Science, Technology and Engineering (Careers Information in Schools) [138]
| Dropped |
Succession to Hereditary Peerages and Estimates [153]
| Dropped |
Supermarket Pricing Information [119] | Dropped
UK Elected Representatives (Disclosure of Party Membership) [155]
| Dropped |
Unduly Lenient Sentences (Right of Appeal) [122]
| Withdrawn |
United Kingdom Membership of the European Union (Referendum) [133]
| Dropped |
Unpaid Work Orders (Pilot Scheme) [80] |
Dropped |
Vehicle Fuel Receipts (Transparency of Taxation) [72]
| Dropped |
Welfare Cash Card [112] | Withdrawn
TOTAL: 45 |
D House's Consideration of the several
stages of Public Bills
Title of Bill and Bill No. at each printing
| Date of 1st reading
| Date of Second Reading
| Committed to
| Date reported from committee
| Date(s) considered
| Date of 3rd reading
| Date(s) Lords Amendments considered
| Date Royal Assent given
| Programme Motion(s)
| Consent
| Money Resolutions
| Notes
B Antarctic [14]
| 20 June 2012
| 2 Nov 2012
| PBC1
| 21 Nov 2012
| 18 Jan 2013
| 18 Jan 2013
| 26 Mar 2013
C Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) [40]
| 25 June 2012
| Withdrawn
B Bank of England (Appointment of Governor) [8]
| 20 June 2012
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, prorogation
A BBC (Audit Arrangements and Publication of Invoices) [92]
| 21 Nov 2012
| Dropped
A Careers Advice in Schools for 12 to 16 Year Olds [79]
| 23 Oct 2012
| Dropped
A Charities Act 2011 (Amendment) [114]
| 19 Dec 2012
| Prorogation
*Children and Families [131] [168]
| 4 Feb 2013
| 25 Feb 2013
| 25 Apr 2013
| 25 Feb 2013
| 25 Feb 2013
| Reported from the Public Bill Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
A Children (Performances) Regulations 1968 (Amendment) [118]
| 9 Jan 2013
| Dropped
E *Civil Aviation [3] [90]
| 10 May 2012
| 10 May 2012
| 22 May 2012
| 20 Nov 2012
| 19 Dec 2012
| 20 Nov 2012
| Carried over Bill; amended on consideration in the previous Session
C Commercial Lobbyists (Registration and Code of Conduct) [39]
| 25 June 2012
| Withdrawn
A Coroners and Justice (Amendment) [68]
| 12 Sept 2012
| 19 Oct 2012
| Dropped
A Cosmetic Surgery (Minimum Standards) [60]
| 17 July 2012
| Prorogation
*Crime and Courts [Lords] [115] [137] [156]
| 19 Dec 2012
| 14 Jan 2013
| 12 Feb 2013
| 13 Mar 2013, 18 Mar 2013
| 18 Mar 2013
| 22 Apr 2013
| 25 Apr 2013
| 14 Jan 2013 13 Mar 2013
18 Mar 2013
22 Apr 2013
| 3R
| 14 Jan 2013
*Defamation [5] [51] [137] [165]
| 10 May 2012
| 12 June 2012
| 26 June 2012
| 12 Sept 2012
| 12 Sept 2012
| 16 Apr 2013
24 Apr 2013
| 25 Apr 2013
| 12 June 2012
16 Apr 2013
B Disabled Persons' Parking Badges [24]
| 20 June 2012
| 6 July 2012
| 5 Sept 2012
| 9 Nov 2012
| 9 Nov 2012
| 31 Jan 2013
*Electoral Registration and Administration [6] [127]
| 10 May 2012
| 23 May 2012
| CWH2
| 18 June, 25 June,
27 June 1012
| 27 June 2013
| 29 Jan 2013
| 31 Jan 2013
| 23 May 2012
29 Jan 2013
| 23 May 2012
*Energy [100] [135]
| 29 Nov 2012
| 19 Dec 2012
| 7 Feb 2013
| 19 Dec 2012
| Reported from the Public Bill Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
C Energy Companies (Minimum Tariffs) [34]
| 25 June 2012
| Dropped
C Energy Efficiency and Reduction in Energy Costs [105]
| 11 Dec 2012
| Dropped
A Energy Efficiency (Houses in Multiple Occupation) [124]
| 23 Jan 2013
| Dropped
*Enterprise and Regulatory Reform [7] [61] [152] [163]
| 23 May 2012
| 11 June 2012
| 17 July 2012
| 16 Oct, 17 Oct 2012
| 17 Oct 2012
| 16 Apr 2013
23 Apr 2013
| 25 Apr 2013
| 11 June 2012
16 Oct 2012
16 Apr 2013
| 3R
| 11 June 2012
A Equality (Marriage) (Amendment) [128]
| 29 Jan 2013
| Dropped
B European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) [27]
| 20 June 2012
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, prorogation
C European Union Act 2011 (Amendment) [53]
| 27 June 2012
| Dropped
*European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment Decision) [Lords] [57]
| 4 July 2012
| 3 Sept 2012
| 10 Sept 2012
| 10 Sept 2012
| 31 Oct 2012
| 3 Sept 2012
*European Union (Approvals) [Lords] [121]
| 21 Jan 2013
| 4 Feb 2013
| 11 Feb 2013
| 11 Feb 2013
| 28 Feb 2013
| 4 Feb 2013
*European Union (Croatian Accession and Irish Protocol) [76]
| 18 Oct 2012
| 6 Nov 2012
| 27 Nov 2012
| 27 Nov 2012
| 31 Jan 2013
| 6 Nov 2012
C Executive Pay and Remuneration [41]
| 25 June 2012
| Dropped
B Family Justice (Transparency, Accountability and Cost of Living) [13]
| 20 June 2012
| 2nd Reading negatived
A Family Perinatal Support and Adoption [88]
| 7 Nov 2012
| Dropped
E *Finance [1] [49]
| 10 May 2012
| 10 May 2012
| 26 June 2012
| 2 July, 3 July 2012
| 3 July 2012
| 17 July 2012
| 16 Apr 2012
2 July 2012
| Carried over Bill; not amended in CWH or Public Bill Committee in the previous Session.
*Finance (No.2) [154]
| 25 March 2013
| 15 Apr 2013
| 17 Apr, 18 Apr 2013
25 Apr 2013
| 15 Apr 2013
| Reported from the Committee and Public Bill Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
C Financial Literacy (Curriculum) [35]
| 25 June 2012
| Dropped
E *Financial Services [2] [101]
| 10 May 2012
| 10 May 2012
| 22 May 2012
| 22 May 2012
| 10 Dec 2012
| 19 Dec 2012
| 10 Dec 2012
| 10 Dec 2012
| Carried over Bill; amended in Public Bill Committee in the previous session
*Financial Services (Banking Reform) [130] [159]
| 4 Feb 2013
| 11 Mar 2013
| 16 Apr 2013
| 11 Mar 2013
| Reported from the Committee and Public Bill Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
A Free School Meals (Children over the age of 16) [87]
| 6 Nov 2012
| Prorogation
B General Anti Tax-Avoidance Principle [25]
| 20 June 2012
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
*Groceries Code Adjudicator [Lords] [62] [113] [150]
| 3 Sept 2012
| 19 Nov 2012
| 18 Dec 2012
| 26 Feb 2013
| 26 Feb 2013
| 16 Apr 2013
| 25 Apr 2013
| 19 Nov 2012
21 Nov 2012
26 Feb 2013
16 Apr 2013
| 19 Nov 2012
*Growth and Infrastructure [75] [104] [157] [162] [167]
| 18 Oct 2012
| 5 Nov 2012
| 6 Dec 2012
| 17 Dec 2012
| 17 Dec 2012
| 16 Apr 2013
23 Apr 2013
25 Apr 2013
| 25 Apr 2013
| 5 Nov 2012
17 Dec 2012
16 Apr 2013
| 3R
| 5 Nov 2012
*HGV Road User Levy [77]
| 23 Oct 2012
| 20 Nov 2012
| 11 Dec 2012
| 29 Jan 2013
| 29 Jan 2013
| 28 Feb 2013
| 20 Nov 2012
29 Jan 2013
| Money Bill
A Honours (Equality of Titles for Partners) [55]
| 3 July 2012
| Prorogation
D House of Lords (Cessation of Membership) [Lords] [103]
| 3 Sept 2012
| Dropped
*House of Lords Reform [52]
| 27 June 2012
| 10 July 2012
| 2R
| 10 July 2012
| Withdrawn
C Human Rights Act 1998 (Repeal and Substitution) [31]
| 25 June 2012
| Withdrawn
*Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) [66]
| 6 Sept 2012
| 17 Sept 2012
| 15 Oct 2012
| 15 Oct 2012
| 31 Oct 2012
| 17 Sept 2012
| 17 Sept 2012
| Money Bill
B International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) [23]
| 20 June 2012
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, prorogation
*Jobseekers (Back to Work Schemes) [149]
| 14 Mar 2013
| 19 Mar 2013
| 19 Mar 2013
| 19 Mar 2013
| 19 Mar 2013
| 26 Mar 2013
*Justice and Security [Lords] [99] [134]
| 28 Nov 2012
| 18 Dec 2012
| 7 Feb 2013
| 4 Mar, 7 Mar 2013
| 7 Mar 2013
| 25 Apr 2013
| 18 Dec 2012
4 Mar 2013
| 3R
| 18 Dec 2012
C Land Value Tax [45]
| 25 June 2012
| Prorogation
E *Local Government Finance [4] [78]
| 10 May 2012
| 10 May 2012
| 21 May 2012
| 21 May 2012
| 31 Oct 2012
| 31 Oct 2012
| 21 May 2012
31 Oct 2012
| 3R
| Carried over Bill; amended in CWH in the previous session
A Local Services (Planning) [58]
| 10 July 2012
| Dropped
B Marine Navigation (No.2) [19]
| 20 June 2012
| 19 Oct 2012
| 7 Nov 2012
| 30 Nov 2012
| 30 Nov 2012
| 25 Apr 2013
*Marriage (Same Sex Couples) [126]
| 24 Jan 2013
| 5 Feb 2013
| 12 Mar 2013
| 5 Feb 2013
| 5 Feb 2013
| Reported from the Public Bill Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
*Mental Health (Approval Functions) [83]
| 30 Oct 2012
| 30 Oct 2012
| 30 Oct 2012
| 30 Oct 2012
| 30 Oct 2012
| 31 Oct 2012
B Mental Health (Discrimination) (No.2) [11]
| 20 June 2012
| 14 Sept 2012
| 31 Oct 2012
| 30 Nov 2012
| 30 Nov 2012
| 28 Feb 2013
| Received Royal Assent as the Mental Health (Discrimination) Act 2013
C Micro Businesses and Energy Contract Roll-Over [46]
| 25 June 2012
| Prorogation
B Mobile Homes [12]
| 20 June 2012
| 19 Oct 2012
| 27 Nov 2012
| 30 Nov 2012
| 30 Nov 2012
| 26 Mar 2013
C Offshore Gambling [44]
| 25 June 2012
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
*Partnerships (Prosecution) (Scotland) [Lords] [143]
| 27 Feb 2013
| 12 Mar 2013
| 2R Committee3
| 11 Mar 2013
19 Mar 2013
| 22 Apr 2013
| 22 Apr 2013
| 25 Apr 2013
| Bill relating exclusively to Scotland
*Police (Complaints and Conduct) [93]
| 22 Nov 2012
| 5 Dec 2012
| 5 Dec 2012
| 5 Dec 2012
| 19 Dec 2012
| 5 Dec 2012
C Ports Act 1991 [30]
| 25 June 2012
| Withdrawn
B Presumption of Death [21]
| 20 June 2012
| 2 Nov 2012
| 21 Nov 2012
| 30 Nov 2012
| 30 Nov 2012
| 26 May 2013
| 3R
B Prevention of Social Housing Fraud [16] [82]
| 20 June 2012
| 13 July 2012
| 24 Oct 2012
| 9 Nov 2012
| 9 Nov 2012
| 31 Jan 2013
| 23 Oct 2012
B Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) [15] [74]
| 20 June 2012
| 6 July 2012
| 17 Oct 2012
| 19 Oct 2012
| 19 Oct 2012
| 19 Dec 2012
| 4 Sept 2012
B Prisons (Property) [18]
| 20 June 2012
| 14 Sept 2012
| 7 Nov 2012
| 30 Nov 2012
| 30 Nov 2012
| 28 Feb 2013
C Property Boundaries (Resolution of Disputes) [32]
| 25 June 2012
| Withdrawn
A Protection of Workers [84]
| 30 Oct 2012
| Dropped
C Public Debt Management [29]
| 25 June 2012
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
*Public Service Pensions [70] [95] [142] [163]
| 13 Sept 2012
| 29 Oct 2012
| 22 Nov 2012
| 4 Dec 2012
| 4 Dec 2012
| 22 Apr 2013
24 Apr 2013
| 25 Apr 2013
| 29 Oct 2012
22 Apr 2013
| 29 Oct 2012
C Recall of Elected Representatives [50]
| 27 June 2012
| Prorogation
A Relationship, Drug and Alcohol Education (Curriculum) [73]
| 17 Oct 2012
| Prorogation
A Representation of the People (Members' Job Share) [91]
| 20 Nov 2012
| Dropped
B Scrap Metal Dealers [9] [69]
| 20 June 2012
| 13 July 2012
| 12 Sept 2012
| 9 Nov 2012
| 9 Nov 2012
| 28 Feb 2012
*Small Charitable Donations [28] [85]
| 21 June 2012
| 4 Sept 2012
| 31 Oct 2012
| 26 Nov 2012
| 26 Nov 2012
| 19 Dec 2012
| 4 Sept 2012
| 4 Sept 2012
| Money Bill
DSmoke-free Private Vehicles [Lords] [64]
| 3 Sept 2012
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
B Social Care (Local Sufficiency) and Identification of Carers [10]
| 20 June 2012
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, prorogation
*Statute Law (Repeals) [Lords] [111]
| 17 Dec 2012
| 7 Jan 2013
| 7 Jan 2013
| 7 Jan 2013
| 31 Jan 2013
*Succession to the Crown [110] [123]
| 13 Dec 2012
| 22 Jan 2013
| 22 Jan 2013
| 28 Jan 2013
| 28 Jan 2013
| 25 Apr 2013
| 2R
A Suicide (Prevention) [89]
| 13 Nov 2012
| Dropped
*Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) [146]
| 6 Mar 2013
| 7 Mar 2013
| 7 Mar 2013
| 7 Mar 2013
| 26 Mar 2013
| Money Bill
*Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) [54]
| 4 July 2012
| 5 July 2012
| 5 July 2012
| 5 July 2012
| 17 July 2012
| Money Bill
A Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 (Amendment) [56]
| 4 July 2012
| Dropped
C Train Companies (Minimum Fares) [42]
| 25 June 2012
| Dropped
B Transparency in UK Company Supply Chains (Eradication of Slavery) [26]
| 20 June 2012
| Prorogation
*Trusts (Capital and Income) [Lords] [81]
| 23 Oct 2012
| 6 Nov 2012
| 2R Committee
| 5 Nov 2012
13 Nov 2012
| 7 Jan 2013
| 7 Jan 2013
| 31 Jan 2013
A United Kingdom Borders [59]
| 11 July 2012
| Prorogation
C Voting Age (Reduction to 16) [125]
| 23 Jan 2013
| Prorogation
C Water Companies (Minimum Tariffs) [38]
| 25 June 2012
| Dropped
C Water Companies (Social Tariffs) [37]
| 25 June 2012
| Dropped
*Welfare Benefits Up-rating [116]
| 20 Dec 2012
| 8 Jan 2013
| 21 Jan 2013
| 21 Jan 2013
| 26 Mar 2013
| 8 Jan 2013
C Wild Animals in Circuses [36]
| 25 June 2012
| Withdrawn
B Winter Fuel Allowance Payments (Off Gas Grid Claimants) [17]
| 20 June 2012
| Prorogation
* denotes a Government Bill
denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No. 23(1) ('ten
minute rule bills')
denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No. 14(6) ('ballot
denotes a Private Member's Bill introduced under Standing Order
No. 57
denotes a Private Member's Bill originating in the House of Lords
denotes a bill carried over from the previous Session, in accordance
with Standing Order No. 80A (Carry-over of Bills)
1 Public
Bill Committee
Committee of the whole House
Second Reading Committee
This table lists those bills which were printed.
For bills not printed, see table 5.C.6. above.
E Consideration of Bills
in Committee of the whole House
Title of Bill |
Date(s) on which considered
*Electoral Registration and Administration [6] [127]
| 18, 25 and 27 June 2012
*European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment Decision) [57]
| 10 September 2012
*Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) [66]
| 15 October 2012
*Mental Health (Approval Functions) [83] |
30 October 2012
*European Union (Croatian Accession and Irish Protocol) [76]
| 27 November 2012
*Police (Complaints and Conduct) [93] | 5 December 2012
*Welfare Benefits Up-rating [116] | 21 January 2013
*Succession to the Crown [110] [123] | 22 January 2013
*European Union (Approvals) [Lords] [121] |
11 February 2013
*Jobseekers (Back to Work Schemes) [149] |
19 March 2013
*Finance (No. 2) (Clauses 1, 3, 16, 183, 184 and 200 to 212, Schedules 3 and 41, any new Clauses and new Schedules, first appearing on the Order Paper not later than Tuesday 16 April 2013 and relating to tax measures concerning housing; and any new Clauses and new Schedules, relating to value added tax or the bank levy or air passenger duty or the subject matter of Clauses 1 and 16 and Schedule 3 or the subject matter of Clause 3 or the subject matter of Clauses 203 to 212 and Schedule 41. [154]
| 17 and 18 April 2013
F Consideration of Bills in General Committees
Total number of Bills: 27
Total number of sittings at which Bills were considered: 175
Total number of oral evidence sessions: 28
Total number of written submissions received: 527
Public bill committees considering Bills which are the subject
of programme orders have power to send for persons, papers and
records (Standing Order No. 84A). On 1 November 2006, the House
agreed that powers to take oral evidence would be the normal practice
for committees which considered programmed government bills starting
in the Commons.
The numbers given in brackets after each Member's name indicate
respectively the number of meetings of the Committee in respect
of the Bill which that Member attended and the number to which
that Member was summoned.
1. Antarctic Bill |
Committed: 2 November 2012 | Reported (without Amendment): 21 November 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr James Gray |
Members and attendance:
Neil Carmichael (1/1)
Katy Clark (1/1)
Oliver Colvile (1/1)
Jeremy Corbyn (1/1)
James Duddridge (1/1)
Mr Tobias Ellwood (1/1)
Zac Goldsmith (1/1)
Dr Julian Huppert (1/1)
Mark Lazarowicz (1/1)
Caroline Lucas (1/1)
Ian Mearns (1/1)
Guy Opperman (1/1)
Andrew Rosindell (1/1)
Gavin Shuker (1/1)
Mr Hugo Swire (1/1)
Dr Alan Whitehead (1/1)
1. Children and Families Bill
Committed: 25 February 2013 | Reported (with Amendment)s: 25 April 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 136
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 19
Chairs: Mr Christopher Chope and Mr Dai Havard
Members and attendance:
Gavin Barwell (18/19)
Annette Brooke (16/19)
Mr Robert Buckland (17/19)
Charlie Elphicke (17/19)
Bill Esterson (16/19)
Pat Glass (8/19)
Mrs Sharon Hodgson (19/19)
Graham Jones (16/19)
Andrea Leadsom (16/19)
Jessica Lee (16/19)
Anne Milton (19/19)
Lisa Nandy (19/19)
Caroline Nokes (19/19)
Lucy Powell (16/19)
Mr Steve Reed (19/19)
Andy Sawford (19/19)
David Simpson (7/19)
Chris Skidmore (18/19)
Jo Swinson (18/19)
Mr Edward Timpson (19/19)
Craig Whittaker (10/19)
1. Crime and Courts Bill [Lords]
Committed: 14 January 2013 | Reported (with Amendments): 12 February 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 21
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 13
Chairs: Martin Caton and Nadine Dorries
Members and attendance:
Gavin Barwell (12/13)
Mr Jeremy Browne (9/13)
Mr David Burrowes (10/13)
Jenny Chapman (10/13)
Stella Creasy (12/13)
Charlie Elphicke (13/13)
Paul Goggins (10/13)
Damian Green (9/13)
Mr David Hanson (13/13)
Oliver Heald (11/13)
Andrew Jones (11/13)
Jack Lopresti (13/13)
Steve McCabe (11/13)
Andy McDonald (10/13)
Ian Paisley (9/13)
David Rutley (13/13)
Mr Robert Syms (13/13)
Mr Shailesh Vara (13/13)
Valerie Vaz (10/13)
Phil Wilson (13/13)
Simon Wright (13/13)
1. Defamation Bill |
Committed: 12 June 2012 | Reported (with Amendment)s: 26 June 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 5
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5
Chairs: Mr Christopher Chope and Mr Dai Havard
Members and attendance:
Tom Brake (5/5)
Mr Jonathan Djanogly (5/5)
Paul Farrelly (5/5)
Robert Flello (5/5)
Yvonne Fovargue (5/5)
Helen Goodman (5/5)
Mrs Helen Grant (5/5)
Ben Gummer (5/5)
Chris Heaton-Harris (5/5)
Simon Hughes (5/5)
Kwasi Kwarteng (5/5)
Mr Denis MacShane (4/5)
David Morris (5/5)
Ian Paisley (1/5)
Christopher Pincher (5/5)
Mr Andy Slaughter (5/5)
Anna Soubry (5/5)
Karl Turner (5/5)
Mr Shailesh Vara (5/5)
1. Disabled Persons' Parking Badges Bill
Committed: 6 July 2012 | Reported (without Amendment): 5 September 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr James Gray |
Members and attendance:
Karen Bradley (1/1)
Nick de Bois (1/1)
Jim Fitzpatrick (1/1)
Sheila Gilmore (0/1)
Paul Goggins (1/1)
Andrew Griffiths (1/1)
Stephen Hammond (1/1)
Simon Kirby (1/1)
Nigel Mills (1/1)
Pamela Nash (0/1)
Teresa Pearce (1/1)
Mr Virendra Sharma (0/1)
Alec Shelbrooke (1/1)
Henry Smith (1/1)
Heather Wheeler (1/1)
Hywel Williams (1/1)
1. Energy Bill |
Committed: 9 January 2013 | Reported (with Amendments): 7 February 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 38
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 16
Chairs: Hugh Bayley, Mr Edward Leigh, Sir Roger Gale and Mr Jim Hood
Members and attendance:
Peter Aldous (16/16)
Gregory Barker (16/16)
Luciana Berger (16/16)
Mr Robert Buckland (16/16)
Dan Byles (16/16)
Julie Elliott (14/16)
Barry Gardiner (15/16)
Stephen Gilbert (13/16)
Tom Greatrex (16/16)
Mr John Hayes (16/16)
Gavin Henderson (16/16)
Joseph Johnson (12/16)
Graham Jones (16/16)
Ian Lavery (14/16)
Dr Philip Lee (16/16)
Albert Owen (14/16)
Laura Sandys (14/16)
Sir Robert Smith (13/16)
Mel Stride (16/16)
Mr Mike Weir (16/16)
Dr Alan Whitehead (16/16)
1. Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill
Committed: 11 June 2012 | Reported (with Amendments): 17 July 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 51
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 17
Chairs: Hugh Bayley, Mr Graham Brady, Martin Caton and Mr Charles Walker
Members and attendance:
Mr David Anderson (11/17)
Andrew Bingham (16/17)
Andrew Bridgen (13/17)
Lorely Burt (17/17)
Neil Carmichael (16/17)
John Cryer (12/17)
Simon Danczuk (15/17)
Geraint Davies (11/17)
Graham Evans (15/17)
Joseph Johnson (16/17)
Norman Lamb (17/17)
Anne Marie Morris (14/17)
David Mowat (17/17)
Ian Murray (17/17)
Eric Ollerenshaw (17/17)
Chi Onwurah (16/17)
Fiona O'Donnell (13/17)
Mr Mark Prisk (15/17)
Chris Ruane (17/17)
David Simpson (6/17)
Julian Smith (14/17)
Mr Iain Wright (17/17)
Jeremy Wright (16/17)
1. Finance Bill (except Clauses 1, 4, 8, 189 and 209, Schedules 1, 23 and 33, and any new Clauses and new Schedules first appearing on the Order Paper not later than Tuesday 17 April 2012 and relating to Value Added Tax)
Committed: 16 April 2012 | Reported (with Amendments): 26 June 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14
Chairs: Mr Jim Hood, Mr Peter Bone, Jim Sheridan and Mr David Amess
Members and attendance:
Harriett Baldwin (13/14)
Stephen Barclay (13/14)
Tom Blenkinsop (12/14)
Mr Aidan Burley (14/14)
Charlie Elphicke (12/14)
Mark Garnier (12/14)
Mr David Gauke (14/14)
Sheila Gilmore (14/14)
Mr Sam Gyimah (9/14)
Fabian Hamilton (11/14)
Greg Hands (14/14)
Richard Harrington (12/14)
Julie Hilling (13/14)
Mr Mark Hoban (12/14)
Cathy Jamieson (14/14)
Simon Kirby (14/14)
Ian Lavery (11/14)
Iain McKenzie (13/14)
Catherine McKinnell (13/14)
Seema Malhotra (13/14)
John Mann (12/14)
Ian Mearns (14/14)
Nigel Mills (14/14)
Graeme Morrice (14/14)
Grahame M. Morris (14/14)
John Pugh (14/14)
Jacob Rees-Mogg (14/14)
Rachel Reeves (10/14)
Miss Chloe Smith (13/14)
Ian Swales (12/14)
Mr Robert Syms (14/14)
Stephen Williams (12/14)
Gavin Williamson (14/14)
Sammy Wilson (0/14)
1. Finance (No. 2) Bill (except Clauses 1, 3, 16, 183, 184 and 200 to 212, Schedules 3 and 41, any new Clauses, and any new Schedules, first appearing on the Order Paper not later than Tuesday 16 April 2013 and relating to tax measures concerning housing, and any new Clauses, and any new Schedules, relating to value added tax or the bank levy or air passenger duty or the subject matter of Clauses 1 and 16 and Schedule 3 or the subject matter of Clause 3 or the subject matter of Clauses 203 to 212 and Schedule 41)
Committed: 15 April 2013 | Reported (without Amendment) (Standing Order No. 80B and Orders of 15 April 2013): 25 April 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 4
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairs: Mr David Amess and Mr David Crausby
Members and attendance:
Jonathan Ashworth (4/4)
Steve Baker (4/4)
John Cryer (4/4)
Stephen Doughty (4/4)
James Duddridge (4/4)
Chris Evans (4/4)
Mr David Gauke (4/4)
Sheila Gilmore (4/4)
Ben Gummer (4/4)
Greg Hands (4/4)
Cathy Jamieson (4/4)
Sajid Javid (2/4)
Mr Marcus Jones (4/4)
Kwasi Kwarteng (4/4)
Chris Leslie (4/4)
Andy McDonald (4/4)
Catherine McKinnell (4/4)
Ian Mearns (4/4)
Mark Menzies (4/4)
Nigel Mills (4/4)
David Mowat (4/4)
Sheryll Murray (4/4)
Pamela Nash (3/4)
Mr Brooks Newmark (2/4)
Fiona O'Donnell (4/4)
Dr Matthew Offord (4/4)
Teresa Pearce (4/4)
John Pugh (2/4)
Yasmin Qureshi (2/4)
Jim Shannon (2/4)
Andrew Stephenson (0/4)
Rory Stewart (4/4)
Mr Michael Thornton (4/4)
Paul Uppal (4/4)
Stephen Williams (4/4)
1. Financial Services (Banking Reform) Bill
Committed: 11 March 2013 | Reported (with an Amendment): 16 April 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 2
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairs: Dr William McCrea, Mr Peter Bone, Mr Jim Hood and Mr Andrew Turner
Members and attendance:
Jonathan Ashworth (8/8)
Greg Clark (8/8)
Stephen Doughty (7/8)
Mark Durkan (8/8)
Graham Evans (8/8)
Greg Hands (8/8)
Cathy Jamieson (7/8)
Chris Leslie (8/8)
Nigel Mills (8/8)
James Morris (7/8)
David Mowat (8/8)
Yasmin Qureshi (4/8)
Jacob Ress-Mogg (8/8)
Alok Sharma (8/8)
Nick Smith (8/8)
John Stevenson (5/8)
Mr Michael Thornton (8/8)
Stephen Williams (5/8)
David Wright (7/8)
1. Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill [Lords]
Committed: 19 November 2012 | Reported (with Amendments): 18 December 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5
Chairs: Sir Roger Gale and Hywel Williams
Members and attendance:
Stephen Crabb (4/5)
Simon Danczuk (3/5)
George Eustice (5/5)
Andrew George (5/5)
Sheila Gilmore (3/5)
Simon Hart (5/5)
Huw Irranca-Davies (5/5)
Chris Kelly (5/5)
Peter Luff (5/5)
Stephen Mosley (5/5)
Ian Murray (5/5)
Neil Parish (5/5)
Lucy Powell (5/5)
Chris Ruane (5/5)
Andy Sawford (5/5)
David Simpson (3/5)
Mr Mark Spencer (5/5)
Jo Swinson (5/5)
Paul Uppal (5/5)
1. Growth and Infrastructure Bill
Committed: 5 November 2012 | Reported (with Amendments): 6 December 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 88
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14
Chairs: Mr George Howarth and Philip Davies
Members and attendance:
Gordon Birtwistle (14/14)
Bob Blackman (14/14)
Roberta Blackman-Woods (14/14)
Paul Blomfield (12/14)
Nick Boles (14/14)
Karen Bradley (14/14)
Dr Thérèse Coffey (14/14)
Nic Dakin (14/14)
Simon Danczuk (9/14)
Michael Fallon (14/14)
John Glen (13/14)
Mrs Mary Glindon (13/14)
John Howell (12/14)
James Morris (14/14)
Ian Murray (13/14)
Mr Nick Raynsford (14/14)
David Simpson (2/14)
Henry Smith (14/14)
Andrew Stunell (13/14)
1. HGV Road User Levy Bill
Committed: 20 November 2102 | Reported (without Amendment): 11 December 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 3
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5
Chairs: Mr David Amess and Sandra Osborne
Members and attendance:
Andrew Bingham (5/5)
Andrew Bridgen (5/5)
Michael Connarty (5/5)
Stephen Doughty (5/5)
Jackie Doyle-Price (4/5)
Jim Fitzpatrick (5/5)
Pat Glass (3/5)
Stephen Hammond (5/5)
John Hemming (5/5)
Julie Hilling (5/5)
Mr Marcus Jones (5/5)
Kwasi Kwarteng (5/5)
Ian Mearns (3/5)
Nicky Morgan (5/5)
Pamela Nash (5/5)
Mr Alan Reid (5/5)
Jim Shannon (2/5)
Martin Vickers (5/5)
Gavin Williamson (5/5)
1. Justice and Security Bill [Lords]
Committed: 18 December 2012 | Reported (with Amendments): 7 February 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 3
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairs: Mr James Gray and Mr David Crausby
Members and attendance:
Heidi Alexander (8/8)
Mr Julian Brazier (8/8)
James Brokenshire (8/8)
Mike Crockart (8/8)
Graham Evans (8/8)
Mr David Evennett (8/8)
Sheila Gilmore (8/8)
Meg Hillier (8/8)
Dr Julian Huppert (8/8)
Diana Johnson (8/8)
Dr Julian Lewis (8/8)
Paul Murphy (8/8)
Robert Neill (8/8)
Caroline Nokes (8/8)
Ian Paisley (6/8)
Bridget Phillipson (8/8)
Mr Lee Scott (8/8)
Mr Andy Slaughter (8/8)
Jeremy Wright (8/8)
1. Marine Navigation (No. 2) Bill
Committed: 19 October 2012 | Reported (without Amendment): 7 November 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Sir Roger Gale |
Members and attendance:
Sir Peter Bottomley (1/1)
Dr Thérèse Coffey (0/1)
Mr Frank Doran (1/1)
Jackie Doyle-Price (1/1)
Bill Esterson (0/1)
George Eustice (0/1)
Jim Fitzpatrick (1/1)
Andrew George (1/1)
Mrs Mary Glindon (0/1)
Stephen Hammond (1/1)
Stephen Metcalfe (1/1)
Andrew Miller (1/1)
Austin Mitchell (0/1)
Sheryll Murray (1/1)
Dr Matthew Offord (1/1)
Ian Paisley (1/1)
1. Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill
Committed: 5 February 2013 | Reported (without Amendment): 12 March 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 138
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 13
Chairs: Mr Jim Hood and Mr Gary Streeter
Members and attendance:
Stuart Andrew (12/13)
Mr Ben Bradshaw (9/13)
Chris Bryant (12/13)
Mr David Burrowes (13/13)
Stephen Doughty (13/13)
Jane Ellison (11/13)
Stephen Gilbert (11/13)
Mrs Helen Grant (13/13)
Kate Green (13/13)
Simon Kirby (13/13)
Kwasi Kwarteng (11/13)
Tim Loughton (13/13)
Siobhain McDonagh (9/13)
Alison McGovern (13/13)
Jonathan Reynolds (10/13)
Hugh Robertson (13/13)
Jim Shannon (13/13)
Mr Desmond Swayne (13/13)
Stephen Williams (13/13)
1. Mental Health (Discrimination) (No. 2) Bill
Committed: 14 September 2012 | Reported (without Amendment): 31 October 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Peter Bone |
Members and attendance:
Ms Diane Abbott (1/1)
Gavin Barwell (1/1)
Sir Paul Beresford (1/1)
Oliver Colvile (1/1)
Gloria de Piero (1/1)
Jim Dobbin (0/1)
Jane Ellison (1/1)
Damian Hinds (1/1)
Mr Kevan Jones (1/1)
Dr Julian Lewis (1/1)
Kerry McCarthy (0/1)
John Pugh (1/1)
Alison Seabeck (0/1)
Miss Chloe Smith (1/1)
Mr Charles Walker (1/1)
Hywel Williams (1/1)
1. Mobile Homes Bill |
Committed: 19 October 2012 | Reported (with Amendments): 27 November 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: John Robertson |
Members and attendance:
Peter Aldous (1/1)
Nicola Blackwood (0/1)
Paul Blomfield (0/1)
Steve Brine (1/1)
Annette Brooke (1/1)
Mr Robert Buckland (1/1)
Mr Christopher Chope (0/1)
Natascha Engel (0/1)
Mr Don Foster (1/1)
Mrs Eleanor Laing (1/1)
Andrew Miller (0/1)
Albert Owen (1/1)
Chris Ruane (1/1)
David Simpson (0/1)
Heather Wheeler (1/1)
David Wright (1/1)
1. Partnerships (Prosecution) (Scotland) Bill [Lords]
Committed: 12 March 2013 | Reported (without Amendment): 19 March 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairs: Mr James Gray and Mr David Crausby
Members and attendance:
Mr William Bain (1/1)
Fiona Bruce (1/1)
Katy Clark (1/1)
Oliver Colvile (1/1)
Stephen Crabb (1/1)
Mr David Hamilton (1/1)
George Hollingbery (1/1)
Mr Jim Hood (1/1)
Mr Michael McCann (1/1)
Ann McKechin (1/1)
Mark Menzies (1/1)
David Mundell (1/1)
Mr Alan Reid (1/1)
John Stevenson (0/1)
Rory Stewart (0/1)
Mr Mike Weir (1/1)
1. Presumption of Death Bill
Committed: 2 November 2012 | Reported (without Amendment): 21 November 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Dr William McCrea |
Members and attendance:
Sir Alan Beith (0/1)
Fiona Bruce (1/1)
Ann Coffey (1/1)
Jeremy Corbyn (1/1)
Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (0/1)
James Duddridge (1/1)
Chris Evans (0/1)
Robert Flello (1/1)
John Glen (1/1)
Zac Goldsmith (0/1)
Mrs Helen Grant (1/1)
Mr Dai Havard (1/1)
Jeremy Lefroy (1/1)
Stephen Phillips (1/1)
Julian Sturdy (1/1)
Mark Tami (1/1)
1. Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Bill
Committed: 13 July 2012 | Reported (with Amendments): 24 October 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr David Amess |
Members and attendance:
Luciana Berger (0/1)
Jake Berry (1/1)
Karen Bradley (0/1)
Jonathan Edwards (1/1)
Andrew Griffiths (1/1)
Richard Harrington (1/1)
John Healey (1/1)
Mr Marcus Jones (1/1)
Brandon Lewis (1/1)
Stephen Lloyd (0/1)
Mr Michael McCann (1/1)
Seema Malhotra (1/1)
Sarah Newton (1/1)
Stephen Pound (1/1)
Valerie Vaz (1/1)
Heather Wheeler (1/1)
Chris Williamson (1/1)
1. Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) Bill
Committed: 6 July 2012 | Reported (with an Amendment): 17 October 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Mike Weir |
Members and attendance:
Gavin Barwell (1/1)
Sir Paul Beresford (1/1)
Roberta Blackman-Woods (0/1)
Lorely Burt (1/1)
Dr Thérèse Coffey (1/1)
John Cryer (1/1)
Mr Brian H. Donohoe (1/1)
Paul Goggins (0/1)
Rebecca Harris (1/1)
Barbara Keeley (0/1)
Simon Kirby (1/1)
Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil (0/1)
Richard Ottaway (0/1)
David Rutley (1/1)
Mr Andy Slaughter (1/1)
Jeremy Wright (1/1)
1. Prisons (Property) Bill
Committed: 14 September 2012 | Reported (without Amendment): 7 November 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Dr William McCrea |
Members and attendance:
Stuart Andrew (1/1)
Jenny Chapman (1/1)
Stephen Gilbert (1/1)
Jessica Lee (0/1)
Karen Lumley (1/1)
Mr Michael McCann (1/1)
Jessica Morden (0/1)
Grahame M. Morris (1/1)
Eric Ollerenshaw (1/1)
Ian Paisley (1/1)
Andrew Percy (1/1)
Yasmin Qureshi (0/1)
Mr Lee Scott (0/1)
Iain Stewart (1/1)
Karl Turner (1/1)
Jeremy Wright (1/1)
1. Public Service Pensions Bill
Committed: 29 October 2012 | Reported (with Amendments): 22 November 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 | Number of written submissions received: 28
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 9
Chairs: Mr Joe Benton and Annette Brooke
Members and attendance:
Debbie Abrahams (5/9)
Jonathan Ashworth (9/9)
Lorely Burt (6/9)
Jackie Doyle-Price (8/9)
Graham Evans (9/9)
Mike Freer (8/9)
Richard Fuller (8/9)
Mr Nick Gibb (9/9)
Sheila Gilmore (8/9)
Greg Hands (9/9)
Cathy Jamieson (9/9)
Sajid Javid (9/9)
Mr Marcus Jones (9/9)
Andrea Leadsom (8/9)
Chris Leslie (9/9)
Alison McGovern (9/9)
Mr Iain McKenzie (7/9)
Ian Paisley (5/9)
Stephen Williams (3/9)
1. Scrap Metal Dealers Bill
Committed: 13 July 2012 | Reported (with Amendments): 12 September 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chair: Mr Joe Benton |
Members and attendance:
Mr Graham Allen (2/2)
Sir Tony Baldry (2/2)
Mr Jeremy Browne (2/2)
Mr David Hanson (2/2)
Rebecca Harris (2/2)
Meg Hillier (2/2)
Simon Hughes (2/2)
Graham Jones (2/2)
Chris Kelly (2/2)
Caroline Lucas (2/2)
Caroline Nokes (2/2)
Dr Matthew Offord (2/2)
Richard Ottaway (2/2)
Teresa Pearce (1/2)
Mr Robin Walker (2/2)
Mr David Winnick (2/2)
1. Small Charitable Donations Bill
Committed: 4 September 2012 | Reported (with Amendments): 30 October 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 | Number of written submissions received: 10
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10
Chairs: John Robertson and Mr Andrew Turner
Members and attendance:
Sir Tony Baldry (8/10)
Fiona Bruce (9/10)
Mark Durkan (8/10)
Sheila Gilmore (9/10)
Pat Glass (8/10)
Greg Hands (10/10)
John Hemming (9/10)
Cathy Jamieson (10/10)
Sajid Javid (10/10)
Susan Elan Jones (8/10)
Jeremy Lefroy (10/10)
Mary Macleod (9/10)
Nigel Mills (10/10)
Penny Mordaunt (10/10)
David Mowat (10/10)
Mr George Mudie (5/10)
Fiona O'Donnell (2/10)
Mr Gareth Thomas (10/10)
Stephen Williams (9/10)
1. Trusts (Capital and Income) Bill [Lords]
Committed: 6 November 2012 | Reported (without Amendment): 13 November 2012
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairs: Mr Edward Leigh and Mr David Crausby
Members and attendance:
Heidi Alexander (1/1)
Angie Bray (1/1)
Mr Robert Buckland (1/1)
Rehman Chishti (0/1)
Alex Cunningham (1/1)
Mr David Evennett (1/1)
Robert Flello (1/1)
Mrs Helen Grant (1/1)
Dr Julian Huppert (1/1)
Gareth Johnson (0/1)
Karen Lumley (0/1)
Ian Mearns (1/1)
John Penrose (1/1)
Yasmin Qureshi (0/1)
Mr Adrian Sanders (1/1)
Mr Lee Scott (1/1)
Jim Shannon (1/1)
Mr Virendra Sharma (1/1)
Karl Turner (1/1)
1. Partnerships (Prosecution) (Scotland) Bill [Lords]
Referred (Standing Order No. 59): 27 February 2013
Reported: 11 March 2013 | |
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr James Gray |
Members and attendance: Mr William Bain (1/1), Katy Clark
(1/1), Oliver Colvile (1/1), Stephen Crabb (1/1), George Hollingbery
(1/1), Mr Jim Hood (1/1), Graham Jones (1/1), Jeremy Lefroy (1/1),
Mr Michael McCann (1/1), Ann McKechin (1/1), Mark Menzies (1/1),
David Mundell (1/1), Mr Alan Reid (0/1), John Stevenson (1/1),
Rory Stewart (1/1), Mr Mike Weir (1/1)
2. Trusts (Capital and Income) Bill [Lords]
Referred (Standing Order No. 59): 23 October 2012
Reported: 5 November 2012 |
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Martin Caton |
Members and attendance:
Heidi Alexander (1/1)
Angie Bray (1/1)
Mr Robert Buckland (1/1)
Rehman Chishti (1/1)
Alex Cunningham (1/1)
Mr David Evennett (1/1)
Robert Flello (1/1)
Mrs Helen Grant (1/1)
Meg Hillier (1/1)
Dr Julian Huppert (1/1)
Gareth Johnson (1/1)
Karen Lumley (1/1)
John Penrose (0/1)
Yasmin Qureshi (1/1)
Mr Adrian Sanders (1/1)
Mr Lee Scott (1/1)
Jim Shannon (0/1)
Mr Virendra Sharma (1/1)
Karl Turner (0/1)
5 Of which 5 were carried over to the next Session. Back