Neil Parish
Spoken material by date
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session (most recent first).
12 March 2015
Inshore Fishing Fleet (Discard Ban)
11 March 2015
General Election Television Debates
10 March 2015
4 March 2015
Broadband [Westminster Hall]
24 February 2015
23 February 2015
Animal Welfare (Non-stun Slaughter) [Westminster Hall]
4 February 2015
Dairy Industry [Westminster Hall]
3 February 2015
Rural Phone and Broadband Connectivity
29 January 2015
18 December 2014
11 December 2014
20 November 2014
6 November 2014
5 November 2014
Dairy Industry [Westminster Hall]
4 November 2014
Animal Slaughter (Religious Methods) [Westminster Hall]
Badger Culls (Assessment) [Westminster Hall]
20 October 2014
Maritime Support Delivery Framework
16 October 2014
26 September 2014
8 September 2014
4 September 2014
22 July 2014
21 July 2014
Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Bill
17 July 2014
Individual Electoral Registration
14 July 2014
7 July 2014
3 July 2014
26 June 2014
First World War (Commemoration)
25 June 2014
12 June 2014
Farmers and Food Producers (New Markets)