1 Introduction
while the BBC has a duty
to contribute its ideas to the debate, it also knows that the
question of its future is not one that it itself can or should
decide. That decision rests firmly with its owners, the British
public." - Building public value, June 2004, the BBC's initial
contribution in advance of its Charter expiry in 2006
1. The BBC was founded in 1922, through a union of
leading manufacturers in radio technologies who through a joint
enterprise went on to become among the world pioneers in broadcasting.
The BBC grew quickly into what many claimed, and continue to claim,
to be the world's most respected public service broadcaster. Since
then the BBC has become a shared, everyday part of many people's
lives in the UK but it also touches upon many millions of other
lives through its own international services and content exported
to others. Most people can identify easily those BBC programmes
and services they like, and some those they enjoy less or even
dislike profoundly, but probably many people consume BBC content
without any real conscious appreciation or consideration of what
it might be like without a BBC or availability of high-quality
public service content.
2. By 2017, following the expiry of the BBC's current
10 year Royal Charter,[1]
the BBC will have reached its 95th year and, should
a further Charter be granted, it would most likely cover the BBC's
centenary. An important reason for establishing the BBC by a Royal
Charter is the perceived security of tenure and independence it
affords the Corporation, but a Charter also presents opportunity
for periodic reviews of the strength of the case for having a
publicly-funded national broadcaster such as the BBC, for taking
stock of whether and how much the people who pay for it value
it and of the extent of support for its continuance, and for considering
its functions and structure.
3. More or less every 10 years the government of
the day has led a review of the BBC, towards the end of its Charter
period, to which Committees such as ours, with specific responsibility
for broadcasting, have contributed. This has allowed a comprehensive
review of the BBC's performance and its place in the future.
4. Since the last Charter Review there has been a
significant increase in the range and choice of content via a
variety of communications platforms, services and devices available
to consumers, and analogue TV has been switched off with the complete
move to digital platforms. Nonetheless, one of the most surprising
features of UK broadcasting since the last review has been the
continuing popularity of viewing programmes as they are broadcast
on traditional scheduled television channels. In the lead up to
the 2006 review, many had anticipated that in the decade ahead
people would have been likely to move away from watching "linear",
scheduled broadcasts,[2]
to watching time-shifted programmes and video-on-demand supplied
by many content producers via individual devices. The changes
to traditional viewing have not been as rapid or dramatic as predicted.
According to Ofcom people are still coming together to watch television
in the living room. Nevertheless, habits are changing: younger
people are watching less television than older people[3]
and over a quarter of UK adults now use the internet to watch
catch-up TV.[4]
5. Regrettably, during the current Charter period,
the BBC has on occasions attracted attention for the wrong reasons.
In 2012, the exposure of Jimmy Savile and other ex-BBC celebrities'
legacy of criminal sexual behaviour has revealed a bleak period
where a culture prevailed at the BBC, and more widely in parts
of the broadcasting industry, which allowed a few individuals
to get away with appalling behaviour. The BBC's culture and practices
during this period, and the scale of the abuse that took place
at the BBC whilst Jimmy Savile was there, are subject to an independent
review by Dame Janet Smith. She is expected to report her findings
shortly, which will feed into other investigations looking into
historic cases of sexual abuse.
6. What made these matters even worse for the BBC
was the news of serious editorial failings in its reporting of
the Savile revelations which led to an allegation that there had
been a deliberate attempt by the BBC to axe a Newsnight investigation
exposing Savile's past in favour of a tribute programme on his
life. This was followed by a further serious mistake in a Newsnight
report which led to the late Lord McAlpine being wrongly implicated
in child abuse. These mistakes were compounded by the BBC's handling
of these events. George Entwistle, the newly-appointed Director
General, was widely seen to have dealt with the crisis badly and
was forced to resign from his post after only 54 days in the job.
His severance terms then highlighted a whole raft of excessive
pay-offs to BBC executives, many of which went well beyond contractual
7. Nick Pollard, a former head of Sky News, was asked
to investigate the way the Newsnight programme had dealt with
allegations about Savile and the reasons why the investigation
had been halted. His review cleared the BBC of the main accusation
that there had been a deliberate move to protect the Savile tribute
programme but reported significant managerial and editorial failings
in the BBC's decision to drop the original Newsnight investigation
and in the way the BBC had handled matters. However, even after
the publication of his report, a cloud of uncertainty remains
over what actually happened and who knew what about Savile at
that time.
8. At the same time as the allegations of sexual
misconduct and child abuse became public, there were several costly
blunders which made the BBC's stewardship of the licence fee appear
profligate and inept. The Digital Media Initiative, a major IT
(production) project, was found to have been mismanaged on a large
scale and was dropped having delivered few benefits at a loss
of £100 million. Similarly, BBC Worldwide's move into risky
commercial activities, not in line with the BBC's core public
service remit, led to a similar loss through the acquisition and
sale of the Lonely Planet publishing business.
9. There was also a growth in the BBC's senior management
cadre and their salaries, and then a spate of excessive severance
payments to a number of BBC executives, which culminated in the
infamous appearance, in front of the Committee of Public Accounts,
of BBC director generals and chairmen, past and present, attempting
to justify the BBC's management culture and executive pay offs,
and publicly arguing over who was to blame. Without doubt public
trust in the BBC dipped as a result of these episodes. They seemed
to demonstrate a mind-set at the top of the Corporation which
was completely out of kilter with public sector principles and
evinced a resounding failure in the BBC's governance mechanisms
and accountability to the licence fee payers.
10. Following these events, in the autumn of 2013,
whilst the BBC's woes were still being publicly felt, and a degree
of ambiguity remained on exactly what had gone wrong, who was
to blame and what the consequences should be, we announced our
inquiry into the Future of the BBC. We could have examined any
one of these events in depth but we agreed then that rather than
dwelling on failures, it would be far more productive to look
forward and to start the debate on the BBC's next Charter Review,
whilst holding in mind what had gone wrong and the changes that
were likely and desirable as a result. Even though the BBC has
been subject to regular scrutiny of its annual report and accounts,
and additional scrutiny by us and other parliamentary committees
of some of the high-profile issues for which it had been subject
to criticism, we believe the future course of the BBC should be
determined in a large part by matters such as the purposes, boundaries
and governance structures set by the next Charter and the equally
important Framework Agreement with the Secretary of State[5]
and so we decided to begin the consideration of the BBC's future
position beyond 2016.
Our inquiry
11. In October 2013 we announced our inquiry into
the future of the BBC[6]
and during 2014, we took evidence from a wide range of witnesses,
and received written submissions from approximately 120 organisations
and individuals in response to our call for evidence. As always
we are extremely grateful to those who engage with our work and
contribute to our inquiries. In addition, we conducted several
visits to help us experience directly aspects of the BBC's work
and to compare broadcasting environments elsewhere. We visited:
· Global
Radio's headquarters in Leicester Square in November 2013;
Broadcasting House in January 2014;
North and ITV's studios in Salford in March 2014;
· Broadcasters
and regulators in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark in May
2014;[7] and
· A
film set during the filming of Woman in Gold in London
in June 2014 (a co-production by the BBC).
We express our appreciation to those who hosted us
on these occasions and took the time to explain their roles, experiences
and views on the BBC with us ahead of Charter Review.
12. Finally, we ran a three-week web consultation
on the Student Room website to hear younger people's opinions
on the BBC and to find out about their media preferences more
generally. We are grateful to the Student Room and its student
community for assisting our inquiry in this way. We have produced
a summary of the responses posted and have cited some of the comments
left throughout this report.[8]
13. We also wish to note our gratitude to Ray Gallagher,
our specialist adviser on broadcasting, who has continued to assist
us throughout this Parliament and especially for his advice during
this inquiry into the BBC.[9]
14. The BBC was initially set up as a private company
to provide radio broadcasts. In its infancy, on 31 December 1926,
the service provided by the British Broadcasting Company passed
over to the British Broadcasting Corporation, which derived its
authority from a Royal Charter. The principle of the licence fee
was established, where a share of the revenue from wireless licences
supported the BBC. Since then BBC Royal Charters have been granted
in the following pattern:
· 1927
Charterfor ten years
· 1937
Charterfor ten years
· 1947
Charterfor five years followed by a Supplemental Charter
extending it for six months
· 1952
Charterfor ten years followed by a Supplemental Charter
extending it for two years
· 1964
Charterfor twelve years, extended by three years in 1976
and a further two years in 1979
· 1981
Charterfor fifteen years
· 1997
Charterfor ten years
· 2007
Charterfor ten years
15. The Charter establishes the BBC and defines its
general objectives and functions, and is supported by a Framework
Agreement with the Secretary of State which sets out how the BBC
will meet its general obligations, the services it will provide,
and the standards it will meet. As can be seen from above, not
all BBC Charters have been granted as 10-year constitutional documents,
and sometimes supplemental Charters were used to extend the duration
of an existing Charter. The current Charter, the eighth, comes
to an end on 31 December 2016.
16. Substantial public funding is involved in the
BBC's activities. In 2013/14 the BBC's income totalled more than
£5 billion, comprising over £3.7 billion from the television
licence fee, and £1.3 billion of commercial income from BBC
Worldwide and grant-in-aid for the World Service.[10]
From April 2014, the following BBC services have been funded through
the licence fee:
· Nine
national television channels (BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, BBC
Four, CBBC, CBeebies, BBC News, BBC Parliament, and BBC Alba[11]);
· 10
national radio stations (Radio 1, 1Xtra, Radio 2, Radio 3, Radio
4, Radio 4 Extra, Radio 5 Live, 5 Live Sports Extra, 6 Music,
and BBC Asian Network);
· National
television and radio services for Scotland, Wales and Northern
Ireland, and over 39 local radio stations and regional TV services
for England;
World Service;
Red Button interactive TV; and
Additionally, the licence fee is used to support
non-BBC services including local television services, broadband,
digital transmission, BBC Monitoring and S4C.
Previous Charter Review
17. In September 2003, more than three years before
the expiry of the last Charter, Dame Tessa Jowell, as Secretary
of State, appointed Lord Burns as her independent adviser on the
BBC Charter Review. She also appointed an Independent Panel on
15 June 2004, to work alongside Lord Burns. The panel held a series
of seminars to debate a number of key issues for Charter Review,
which had been identified through an earlier DCMS public consultation
launched in 2003. The public seminars ran from July to December
2004 and looked at a range of topics such as how the BBC was run
and regulated, what its purposes should be, on television, radio
and online services, and its role in education, citizenship, culture,
representing the nations and regions of the UK and its international
18. The panel produced a report on "Emerging
themes", including views on the BBC's public purposes and
remit and how the BBC should be funded, in advance of a final
seminar in December 2004. These themes were brought together to
allow for a debate on the implications for three broad models
of governance and regulation. The panel's final advice, which
among other things recommended a new governance and regulation
arrangement for the BBC, was presented to the Secretary of State
in January 2005. The Government published a Green paper[12]
on Charter Review in March 2005, and followed this with a White
paper[13] a year later.
Preparation for the next Charter
19. In contrast, this time round, with less than
two years to go before Charter expiry, the Government has yet
to initiate any explicit Charter Review activity, and the Rt Hon.
Sajid Javid, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport,
has announced a postponement of Charter Review until after the
general election. He told us that if the review had started before
the election it might have unnecessarily got too politicised which
would have risked distorting the process.[14]
Despite this decision, we note that some work which has a bearing
on Charter Review is already under way and other, indirectly related
work may be started before the election. For instance, in November
2013, the Secretary of State set up a review into the possible
effects of decriminalising licence fee evasion in response to
Andrew Bridgen MP's call for such action during the Committee
stage of the Deregulation Bill. The Secretary of State said that
he did not want to pre-empt Charter Review but that "I want
to ensure that, when it begins, it has a solid evidence base on
which to draw."[15]
In addition, the Government is planning to launch a consultation
on carriage of Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) channels on cable
and satellite platforms. And earlier, in 2013, the Government
committed to consulting on discoverability of public service content
on broadcasting platforms and the PSB channels' positioning on
electronic programming guides.[16]
Neither of the two latter consultations or reviews has started
but they could, we believe, usefully inform Charter Review.
20. A timely occurrence is Ofcom's five-yearly review
of public service television broadcasting which is under way and
will be completed by the summer of 2015. Its focus will be on
past delivery of public service content, with a view to maintaining
and strengthening the PSB system. Among other things, it is considering
the effects of the changes in broadcasting and wider communications
sector since its previous PSB review in 2008. Ofcom has been clear
that the review will not be seeking to ask or answer questions
concerning the BBC which should be matters for Charter Review.[17]
However, its research, analysis and conclusions will inevitably
inform aspects of Charter Review and issues under consideration.
21. For it to be meaningful, Charter Review must
allow sufficient time for a comprehensive analysis of all aspects
of the BBC and enable members of the public and all other stakeholders
the opportunity to voice their views on the BBC's future. Last
time the DCMS and Lord Burns led a very open and consultative
process. No less thorough and transparent an approach is merited
this time round. The same must happen again. Philip Graf, a former
Deputy Chairman of Ofcom, told us that, as part of the next review,
research needed to be done to look at what people wanted from
public service broadcasting and the BBC and on what they were
willing to pay for BBC services.[18]
22. Leaving Charter Review until after the May 2015
general election is likely, in our view, to allow insufficient
time. It would only give around half the time that was allowed
before the 2007 Charter. Jon Zeff, the Director of the BBC Trust
Unit, having previously been head of broadcasting at the DCMS
during the last Charter Review, was able to draw comparisons with
it. He noted that the 2005 general election had punctuated the
last review, causing "quite a long hiatus" around the
election itself. Yet Mr Zeff considered that it would be "perfectly
possible to run a good process in a shorter period".[19]
Similarly, the Secretary of State thought starting the process
in June 2015 would allow enough time to go through all the key
issues.[20] According
to Lord Burns, even with the general election approaching, there
was no reason why work on Charter Review should not start straightaway.[21]
23. At this stage in the current Charter period,
we are surprised that the Government has not started the Charter
Review process and that the BBC Trust has only just begun to initiate
a debate on the fundamental questions on the BBC, the body which
it oversees.[22] We understand
that Lord Patten's unexpected and sudden departure, as Chairman,
would have interrupted the Trust's scheduled business but with
a new chairman and director in place, the Trust must now ensure
licence fee payers are properly engaged and consulted on the BBC's
24. As the Government's preferred candidate for Chairman
of the BBC Trust, Rona Fairhead told us she planned to approach
Charter Review with a "degree of open-mindedness" and
"without baggage"[23]
She explained that the debate on Charter Review needed to be "guided
above all by the needs and demands of the audience, the licence
fee payerthe BBC funders and users". We hope that
as the BBC Trust's new Chairman Mrs Fairhead will see it as her
prime responsibility to ensure the Trust enters Charter Review
without any preconceptions or judgements on what the licence fee
payers' expectations are and accept that it is her task to initiate
a full and frank discussion on all aspects of the future of the
25. We agree
with Lord Burns, the former Government's adviser on the last Charter
Review, that even with the timing of the general election, preparatory
work for 2017 Charter Review should start as soon as possible.
Consideration of the future of the BBC is too important to rush.
The BBC Trust must demonstrate a readiness and willingness to
ensure that a full and frank debate takes place on all aspects
of the BBC as part of Charter Review including through its own
engagement with licence fee payers on all the fundamental issues
concerning the BBC.
26. The process
for agreeing the future shape, funding and constitution of the
BBC must be as thorough, open and democratic as possible. For
this to happen, we recommend that the Government seek cross-party
support for establishing an independent review panel now on the
2017 Charter, along the same lines as the previous Burns' model,
led by a figure similar to Lord Burns, so that the vital preparatory
work and research to inform Charter Review can begin without further
delay. Our principal conclusions and recommendations in this report
set out a basis for the terms of inquiry for the independent panel.
27. As with
the previous Charter Review, the Government must ensure that the
public and other stakeholders are fully consulted and able to
put across their views on the future of the BBC. We expect sufficient
time to be allocated for this and for the development of, and
consultation on, Green and White Papers, and for parliamentary
scrutiny on these and any draft future Charter and Framework Agreements.
If there is insufficient time to undertake this properly before
the current Charter expires another option would be to grant a
supplementary Charter extending the current Charter for an appropriate
period in which to complete the review process.
1 Broadcasting-Copy of Royal Charter for the continuance
of the British Broadcasting Corporation, Cm 6925 Back
That is, watching programmes at the time they are broadcast,
usually on a television set Back
Ofcom-Public Service Content in a Connected Society: Ofcom's
third review of public service broadcasting-Consultation, 15 December
2014 Back
Ofcom's International Communication Market Report 2013/14 Back
Broadcasting-An Agreement Between Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and the British Broadcasting Corporation,
Cm 6872 Back
The terms of reference for the inquiry are set out in annex B
See annex C for details of the Committee's visit programme Back
See annex D below for a summary of the e-consultation on the
Student Room website Back
The Committee reappointed Ray Gallagher as its specialist adviser
on broadcasting on 7 January 2014. Mr Gallagher's relevant interested
were declared at the Committee's first meeting of this Parliament
on 28 July 2010. Back
The BBC World Service has been financed through the licence fee
since April 2014 Back
BBC Alba is a Scottish Gaelic language digital television channel
jointly owned by the BBC and MG Alba Back
Review of the BBC's Royal Charter - A strong BBC Independent
of Government, March 2005 Back
A public service for all: the BBC in the digital age,
Cm 6763, March 2006 Back
Q750 Back
Sajid Javid's speech at the Royal Television Society conference,
9 September 2014 Back
Electronic programme guides are available for television and
radio programmes and the way viewers and listeners find channels
and their offerings. They display programme scheduling information
on Freeview and on those menus provide by cable, satellite, and
internet protocol television providers. Broadcasters are given
dedicated channels on these guides and in the UK PSB channels
have up to now been given a priority listing as a quid quo pro
for their provision of PSB content. Back
Ofcom's Third Public Service Broadcasting Review-Terms of reference
Q291 (Philip Graf) Back
Q671 Back
Q750 Back
Q292 Back
Speech by Rona Fairhead, Chairman of the BBC Trust, to the Royal
Television Society, 3 February 2015 Back
Pre-Appointment Hearing for Government's Preferred Candidate
for Chair of the BBC Trust, HC 637, Q2 Back