4 Collaboration and partnership in
a school-led system
of collaboration in a self-improving system
108. Andreas Schleicher told us that "You can
have great autonomous schools, but that does not necessarily affect
the system as a whole [
] building a strong system around
[local discretion] is where I see the greatest challenges are,
so that knowledge and good experience spreads through the system".[175]
109. In November 2013 we published a report on School
Partnerships and Cooperation, which examined how best to promote
collaboration and ensure that it continued to drive improvement
in the education system.[176]
We also recognised the increasingly important part academies will
play in a self-improving system.[177]
110. In evidence to this inquiry the DfE wrote that:
Collaboration is a defining feature of the academies
programme. As academies have been freed from local authority control
they are leading a developing system of school-to-school support:
sharing expertise, providing challenge and improving standards
across the education sector.
Academies sit at the heart of teaching school
alliances. 185 of the 357 teaching schools are academies (52 primaries,
124 secondary and 9 special academies). Teaching schools provide
outstanding initial training, robust teacher development and strong
leadershipall based around a sound understanding of "what
works". They establish a network of alliances that drive
significant improvement in the quality of professional practice,
improving the attainment of every child. 1,100 academies are part
of these teaching school alliances. [178]
111. In an autonomous system, collaborative partnerships
are seen as essential in order to provide challenge, expertise
and economies of scale. MATs are one form of such partnerships
but a number of witnesses expressed the view that federations
offer the same benefits. Frank Green, the Schools Commissioner,
felt that there was little distinction between an academy MAT
and a hard federation (which exist in the maintained sector),
stating that "The multi academy trust is a hard federation
] by another name. They are the same thing, and that is
the greatest strength you have in getting school to school improvement."[179]
This view was supported by the headteacher of Sleaford Primary,
Helen Fulcher, who was in a federation brokered by the local authority;
she stressed that it was the partnership that is effective, rather
than the structure of the school or trust.[180]
Monitoring collaboration
112. In our report on collaboration, we raised concerns
about the monitoring of the commitment given by converter academies
to assist other schools.[181]
Evidence given to us at the time indicated that converters were
not fulfilling their obligations and that the DfE was not doing
enough to ensure that they should.[182]
Since then, the DfE has surveyed academies asking whether they
support other schools and found that 91 per cent of converters
say they do so.[183]
We note that they have not taken our advice to survey the recipients
of the support rather than those supposed to give it. Of 250 academies
surveyed by Ofsted in the summer of 2014, less than a quarter
(most of whom were in a MAT) mentioned partnerships as a benefit
of conversion. Ofsted inspectors found very few cases where schools
in the requires improvement category had used school-to-school
support, whilst 90% of them had received support from the local
113. The DfE confirmed that because "collaboration
is not a formal part of the funding agreement it is not monitored
through formal academy accountability systems".[185]
In evidence to the PAC, Russell Hobby of the NAHT made the point
that funding agreements do not define "engaging with other
schools, so it can include a wide range of practices, from taking
over another school to offering advice now and again".[186]
There is still therefore no formal monitoring of a converter academy's
collaboration with other schools, nor is it formally set out in
the funding agreement how deep or extensive that engagement should
Incentives to collaborate
114. In February 2014 the DfE told us that "48%
of all academies are in some form of group",[187]
which implies that more incentives may be needed to encourage
all schools to collaborate. One possibility raised with us was
making collaboration obligatory. Sir Michael Wilshaw argued that:
In a school to school improvement system, I think
the future is ensuring that all schools, whether they are academies
or not, join a cluster, a federation, a collaboration of some
kind or another. If they are already in an academy chain, fine.
However, if they are not, I think an element of compulsion is
necessaryto say, "You have got to join a cluster of
schools." The "outstanding" leaders within that
cluster will monitor the performance of those schools. I see the
future for Ofsted as inspecting the cluster rather than individual
institutions. [188]
115. Sir Michael suggested the introduction of a
new grade for outstanding headteachers based on their collaboration
with other schools.[189]
The Academies Commission recommended that evidence of collaboration
in support of other, local schools should form part of the Ofsted
inspection criteria and that schools should provide evidence on
effective partnerships in order to retain an outstanding rating.[190]
This was supported in evidence to us by Warwick Mansell, who argued
that converter academies will only be compelled to collaborate
if they are held accountable for it.[191]
116. There was not universal agreement on this. Jay
Altman warned that prescribing collaboration did not create effective
partnerships, but instead led to "people collaborating for
the sake of collaboration, without it being focused on creating
better schools."[192]
Lucy Heller of Ark agreed that effective collaboration must be
voluntary, and that schools must want to work together if benefits
are to be felt across all schools in the partnership. She told
The problem is that collaboration works and is
important; conscription generally doesn't in these cases. In order
for there to be school improvement, you have to have two willing
partners: a school that has the capacity to help to drive improvement
in another; and a school that is willing to be helped. I see nothing
in the system that stops that from happening, but I am sceptical
about whether enforced powers from the local authority or anybody
to insist that schools collaborate will generate the results that
you want.[193]
117. The Secretary of State was against forced collaboration,
professing that "I would prefer to incentivise, whether through
specific funding mechanisms or just by people seeing that collaboration
absolutely works".[194]
This chimes with the evidence we heard from heads who were in
collaborative structures and who spoke of the importance of "shared
vision" and the head of a primary Multi Academy Trust identified
"shared accountability" as the motivation for all in
the trust to contribute to the collective good of the schools
involved. [195]
Brokering collaboration
118. During the inquiry we heard from a number of
witnesses that effective partnerships were made possible only
through effective brokerage. Dame Sally Coates told us:
I have learned more from visiting schools and
talking to other school heads than anywhere else or any course
I have ever been on. Unfortunately, you need someone to broker
it. If it is a network chain, they will broker that collaboration
and get it going. I am very happy to collaborate with anybody
but, if nobody brokers it, then it does not happen.[196]
119. In our report on collaboration we recognised
the critical role of local authorities in creating an enabling
environment within which collaboration can flourish.[197]
In Hull we heard further support amongst witnesses for the local
authority as an effective broker with knowledge of local educational
needs and provision.[198]
Local authority witnesses agreed that they had "a key role
in being a broker", involving academies as well as maintained
schools, and that they were "doing huge amounts around brokering".[199]
John Clarke from Hampshire County Council explained that it was
the detailed local knowledge that was key: local authorities could
"identify issues that are particular to geographical areas"
in order to "help the schools locally to work together".[200]
Conclusions and recommendations
120. Collaboration is essential in a self-improving
school system in order to provide challenge, support and economies
of scale. Harnessing the effectiveness of partnerships to raise
school performance is particularly important where schools are
autonomous. More needs to be done to encourage collaboration and
ensure that it happens. We recommend that Ofsted include evidence
of collaboration in its inspection criteria and that a school
must demonstrate effective partnership with another school in
order to be judged 'outstanding'.
121. Evidence
to the inquiry suggests that collaboration is much more likely
to occur and be effective if it is brokered by a third party,
such as a trust or local authority. Effective brokering of collaboration
between schools must be planned and considered, to ensure that
the partnership is advantageous to both parties, rather than cumbersome,
and real rather than cosmetic.
122. We have heard evidence that local authorities
can be effective at brokering school partnerships. We recommend
that the Government set out how it will incentivise the spread
of this best practice, including through Ofsted. The codification
we have recommended of the responsibilities of local authorities
with regard to academies should include their role in ensuring
effective collaboration between all schools.
123. We recommend that the DfE strengthen its
monitoring of the collaboration of converter academies with other
schools. We also recommend that the Secretary of State seek to
renegotiate all existing funding agreements to introduce a requirement
for collaboration for school improvement purposes and that all
future agreements include this requirement.
175 Q180 Back
Education Committee, Fourth Report of Session 2013-14, School Partnerships and Cooperation,
HC 269 Back
Ibid, para 101 Back
Department for Education (AFS0066) para 37-8 Back
Q580 [Frank Green] Back
Q800 Back
Education Committee, Fourth Report of Session 2013-14, School Partnerships and Cooperation,
HC 269, para 101, 97 Back
Ibid, paras 95 to 98 Back
Department for Education (AFS0137) page 2 Back
Ofsted Annual Report on Schools 2013/14, p34 Back
Ibid Back
Oral evidence taken before the taken before the Public Accounts
Committee on 17 November 2014, HC (2014-15) 735, Q22 Back
Q9 [Dominic Herrington] Back
Oral evidence taken on 9 July 2014, HC (2014-15) 473, Q30 Back
Ibid, Q32 Back
Academies Commission, Unleashing greatness: getting the best from
an academised system (London, 2013) Back
Q876 Back
Q815 Back
Q446 Back
Q1201 Back
Q743; Q695 Back
Q339 [Dame Sally Coates] Back
Education Committee, Fourth Report of Session 2013-14, School Partnerships and Cooperation,
HC 269, rec 16 Back
Qq756, 757 Back
Q1056 [David Whalley; John Readman] Back
Q440 [John Clarke] Back