Annex 4: Survey results
Below are the consolidated results from the various
surveys that members of the public have responded to as part of
our consultation on voter engagement. In addition to the Committee's
own survey, for which the full data set has been published on
our website,[267] the
data below is taken from surveys that were hosted by Bite the
Ballot, Unlock Democracy and 38 Degrees.
The exact questions asked in each survey were not
identical, but were sufficiently similar to allow the consolidation
of responses, as below. The text of the questions asked in each
survey and the response data are set out in the written evidence
from each organisation.[268]
The results for the first seven questions are based
on data from all four surveys, and the results for the final three
questions are based on the data from the Committee's survey and
38 Degrees' survey, the other two organisations not having asked
comparable questions.
Survey results
| Total responses
| Yes | No
| Don't know |
1. Should 16 and 17 year olds be able to vote in elections?
| 16142 | 6484
| 8228 | 1430
| | 40.2%
| 51.0% | 8.9%
| |
| |
2. Should voters be able to cast their vote online?
| 16095 | 9259
| 5182 | 1654
| | 57.5%
| 32.2% | 10.3%
| |
| |
3. Should registering to vote be a legal obligation?
| 16095 | 10532
| 4301 | 1262
| | 65.4%
| 26.7% | 7.8%
| |
| |
4. Should voting be a legal obligation?
| 16040 | 7342
| 7361 | 1337
| | 45.8%
| 45.9% | 8.3%
| |
| |
5. Should "None of the above" be an option on the ballot paper?
| 15840 | 11379
| 3272 | 1189
| | 71.8%
| 20.7% | 7.5%
| |
| |
6. Should voters be able to register to vote right up to and on Election Day?
| 16061 | 6978
| 6760 | 2323
| | 43.4%
| 42.1% | 14.5%
| |
| |
7. Should local authorities be able to conduct elections on an all postal basis?
| 16043 | 4235
| 8624 | 3184
| | 26.4%
| 53.8% | 19.8%
| |
| |
8. Should elections be held at the weekend?
| 13458 | 6662
| 3080 | 3716
| | 49.5%
| 22.9% | 27.6%
| |
| |
9. Should Election Day be a public holiday?
| 13480 | 3957
| 7836 | 1687
| | 29.4%
| 58.1% | 12.5%
| |
| |
10. Should voting take place over an extended period of time instead of on one day?
| 13483 | 3935
| 7841 | 1707
| | 29.2%
| 58.2% | 12.7%
267 The full dataset is available on the Committee's
website here: PCRC survey results Back
Written evidence from Unlock Democracy [PVE 111], Bite the Ballot
[PVE 115] and 38 Degrees [PVE 126] Back