Published written evidence
The following written evidence was received and can
be viewed on the Committee's inquiry web page. WFC numbers are
generated by the evidence processing system and so may not run
1 Academy of Social Sciences (WFC0004)
2 British Heart Foundation (WFC0013)
3 Cabinet Office (WFC0012)
4 Chairman, Joint Intelligence Committee (WFC0014)
5 Cipfa (WFC0016)
6 Ian Richardson (WFC0017)
7 Institute for Government (WFC0010)
8 Institute of Risk Management (Irm) (WFC0002)
9 Involve (WFC0007)
10 Mark Foden (WFC0003)
11 Norma Cohen (WFC0015)
12 Project Management Institute (PMI) (WFC0006)
13 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (WFC0005)
14 Royal Statistical Society (WFC0018)
15 Sami Consulting Ltd (WFC0009)
16 School of International Futures (WFC0011)